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ME -330

Heat and Mass Transfer

Similarity Equations and Reynolds Analogy

Art: 6.9  6.11 (text)

Non- Dimensional Convection Eqns & Similarity
When viscous dissipation is negligible, the continuity,
momentum and energy eqn are formulated respectively as
u v
+ =0
x y
 u u   2u P
  u + v  =  2 −
 x y  y x

 T T    2T  2T 
C p  u +v  = k  2 + 2 
 x y   x y 

These equations with BCs can be non-dimensionalized by dividing

all dependent and independent variables by relevant and
meaningful but constant quantities!
Non- Dimensional Convection Eqns & Similarity

All lengths are divided by characteristic length (length of a plate)

All velocities by reference velocity (V) [free stream velocity]
Pressure by twice the free stream dynamic pressure [V2]
Temperature by suitable temperature difference (T−Ts)

Thus, we get,
Here, * are used to denote
x* = x/L; y* = y/L
non-dimensional variables
u* = u/V ; v* = v/V
p* = p/ V2 ; T* = (T−Ts)/(T−Ts)

Non- Dimensional Convection Eqns & Similarity

Introducing these variables into all three, continuity,

momentum and energy equations:

Here ReL=V L/ = Ve L/ and Pr = /α =  Cp/k

Non- Dimensional Convection Eqns & Similarity
Boundary Conditions
u*(0,y*)=1; T*(0,y*)=1 Note that, the two physical
u*(x*,0)=0; T*(x*,0)=0 phenomena are similar if they
have same dimensionless forms
u*(x*,)=1; T*(x*,)=1 of governing differential eqn and

For the given type of geometry, the solution of problem with

the same Re and Nu are similar.
Thus, Re and Nu serve as similarity parameters!
Similarity parameters enable us to group results of a large
number of experiments and to repeat them conveniently in terms
of such parameters.
Functional Form of Friction and Convection Coefficient

• The three non-dimensional BL eqns involve:

• 03 unknown functions, u*, v* and T*,
• 02 independent variables x* and y*, and
• 02 parameters ReL and Pr.

• The pressure p*(x*) depends upon the geometry involved

(constant for flat plate) so:
• It has same value inside and outside BL at specified x*
• Hence can be treated as a known function of x*.
• Thus, for a given geometry, solution for u* is expressed as :
u*= f(x*,y*,ReL)
Functional Form of Friction and Convection Coefficient

Now the shear stress at surface is expressed as:

Substituting into its definition gives the local friction


Thus we conclude that the friction coefficient for a given geometry

can be expressed in terms of:
• Reynolds number (Re) and
• The dimensionless space variable x* alone
Functional Form of Friction and Convection Coefficient
Similarly, solution of energy eqn for T* for given geometry is:

Using the definition of T *, the convection heat transfer coefficient


Substituting this into the Nusselt number relation gives:

The average friction and heat transfer coefficients are

determined by integrating Cf,x and Nux over the surface of the
given body with respect to x* from 0 to 1.
Functional Form of Friction and Convection Coefficient
Integration will remove the dependence on x*, and the average
friction coefficient and Nusselt number can be expressed as

• These relations state that for a given geometry:

• The friction coefficient can be expressed as a function of Reynolds
number alone
• The Nusselt number as a function of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers
The experimental data for heat transfer is often represented with
reasonable accuracy by a simple power-law relation of the form:
Nu = C Re mL Pr n
where m and n are constant exponents (usually between 0 and
1), and the value of the constant C depends on geometry.
Analogies Between Momentum and Heat Transfer
• In forced convection analysis, we are primarily interested in
determination of:
• Cf --- to calculate wall shear stresses
• Nu--- to calculate heat transfer rates

• It is desirable to establish a relation between the two.

• Such relations are established on the basis of similarity b/w
momentum and heat transfer in B L.
• These relations are known as:-
• Reynolds analogy, and
• Chilton-Colburn analogy

Reynolds Analogy

• Consider steady, incompressible, laminar flow with constant

properties and negligible viscous dissipation
• Focus is onto the non-dimensional momentum and energy
eqns shown below:

• Also assume conditions for which:

• Pr =1 (approximate case of gases)
• p*/x*= 0 i.e. (U=U) = Ve = constant (e.g. flow over a flat

Reynolds Analogy
Then the two equations become:

Note that:
• Both Eqns are of exactly the same form for dimensionless velocity
u* and temperature T*
• The BC for u* and T* are also identical
• Thus functions u* and T* are identical
• Their 1st derivative at the surface must be equal to each other, i.e.
u*/y* |y*=0 = T*/y* |y*=0
Reynolds Analogy
Then from such eqns, the following is obtained by realizing
that the friction and heat transfer coefficient relations for a
particular geometry are interchangeable:
Cf,x (ReL/2) = Nux (for Pr = 1)

This is known as Reynolds analogy

It allows us to determine heat transfer coefficient for fluids
with Pr =1 from the knowledge of friction coefficient that is
relatively easier to measure.
Alternate form: Cf,x /2 = Stx (for Pr = 1)
Where St = h/(CpVe ) = Nu/(ReL Pr)
St  Stanton number → a dimensionless heat transfer coefficient
Modified Reynolds Analogy or
Chilton-Colburn Analogy
Reynolds analogy is of limited use because of restrictions
such as Pr = 1 and p*/x*= 0 on it!
To have an analogy of wider range of Pr, we add a Prandtl
number correction.
It is termed as the modified Reynolds analogy or Chilton–
Colburn analogy that is of the form:

for 0.6 < Pr < 60.

Here jH is called the Colburn j – factor.

Modified Reynolds Analogy or
Chilton-Colburn Analogy

• This relation is developed using relations for laminar

flow over a flat plate (for which P*/x* = 0)
• However, experimental studies show that it is also
applicable approximately for turbulent flow over a
surface, even in the presence of pressure gradients.
• For laminar flow, however, the analogy is not applicable
unless P*/x*  0
• Therefore, it does not apply to laminar flow in a pipe.
• Note that these analogies can be used for both local and
average quantities.
Example: A 2-m 3-m flat plate is suspended in a room, and is
subjected to air flow parallel to its surfaces along its 3-m-long side.
The free stream temperature and velocity of air are 20° C and 7 m/s.
The total drag force acting on the plate is measured to be 0. 86 N.
Determine the average convection heat transfer coefficient for the

Since both sides of the plate are exposed to air flow, thus:

For flat plates, the drag force is equivalent to friction force. The average friction
coefficient Cf can be determined from:

Solving for Cf and substituting,

From the modified Reynolds analogy


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