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General Guidelines for High School Students

Take attendance every day

 Buses arrive between 6:50-7:05; Mark students tardy for anything after 7:10am (11:10)
 If a student is absent, it will show as unexcused; Parents must call the school
office/email Nicole Alexander to excuse absences
 Do not use ALL PRESENT
Rules & Expectations

 No student driving to campus

 No breaks, breakfast, or lunch for part-time students
 Uniforms everyday (includes IDs)
 NO CELL PHONES during class - Give one warning, then you can take the phone away
from the student
 Day to day rules should be set and enforced by teacher

 Quizzes, tests, projects, homework, participation, professionalism

 You should have 2-3 grades per week
 Assignments/tests/projects should be graded and put into Focus within 48 hours
Parent Contact

 If you want to celebrate the student’s success, contact the parents IMMEDIATELY
 If you have concerns, contact the parents IMMEDIATELY
 Students CANNOT be withdrawn for failing grades/poor attendance if the parent hasn’t
been notified
 Andie Segal is the STHS counselor for all 12th grade; Ken Rolle is the STHS counselor for
all 11th grade
 Contact Nicole Alexander if you need counselor names for other schools

 Students should be dismissed at 9:45 (1:15) – the bus will leave at approximately 9:50
 If a student needs to leave early, the parent should report to Office of Student Affairs to
sign out the student
o Sharetime drivers: parents must email Nicole Alexander to give permission to
leave, student then signs out in Office of Student Affairs

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