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The Effect of Smoking to the Teenagers in Malaysia.

The issue of smoking is important topic in Malaysia. According

to the dictionary, smoking is means a hot vapour containing fine
particles of carbon being produce by combustion. According to our
3rd National Health and Morbidity Survey in 2006, there
were almost 3 million smokers in Malaysia (made up roughly of 2.8
million adults and 0.2 million minors below 18 years of age).
Smoking cigarette is a habit some people pick in their lifetime.
Although teenagers are aware of the dangers of smoking the number
of smokers is still increasing. There are many effect of smoking to the
teenagers such as wasting money, health problem and stress.
One effect of smoking is wasting money. Smoking also wasting
money because teenagers spend a lot of money to buy the cigarette.
According to Najihah (2009), the minimum price of cigarette is RM
0.32 per cigarette or RM 6.40 per pack. In one pack have 20
cigarettes. If they buy one packed of cigarette the more money they
will use. There are many brand of cigarette like Dunhill, Winston,
Pall Mall and Salem. The more branded of cigarette the price of
cigarette will be more expensive. According to Grace (2010),
“Teenagers do not have a stable source of income to buy the
cigarette” (p.123).When teenagers do not have a pocket money, they
still depend to their parents to buy cigarette.
The effect of smoking is it can cause many diseases like causing
stroke, heart failure, lung cancer and so on. Stroke is the third largest
cause of death in Malaysia. According to Wikipedia Stroke is means a
brain attack and occurs when the blood supply to the brain is
disrupted. Teenagers do not know how dangers of stroke. Moreover,
the nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke damage the
cardiovascular system in many ways. Teenagers should realize about
this disease when they are smoking. Smoking also can cause heart
failure. Heart failure is a condition in which the heart cannot pump
enough blood to meet the body needs. . In some cases, it is estimated
that everyone in three people around the world dies due to heart
failure. Cigarette or tobacco smoke contains 4000 chemical toxic. For
example, 90% of lung cancer, 75% of chronic bronchitis failure and
emphysema and 25% of heart attack is caused by tobacco inside the
Stress also the effect of smoking to teenagers. Teenagers that
smoking will cannot focus in their life such in study. They also will
have low memory and thinking. Their study also will disturbing and
they cannot think like others when they have problem . They never
think the right way to solve the problem. However, teenagers now
have to realizes smoking is not the right way to solve the problem.
Teenagers always depend to the cigarettes to release their tension. It
is a bad habit to teenagers that smoking. In additions, the people
around the smoker also feel stress by smoke. Teenagers that smoking
will have bad relationship in friendship. This is because their friend
will feel uncomfortable when they are smoking during study group
and discussion.
In conclusion, it is evident that smoking is not good to teenagers
because it have more unbeneficial and it have many effect to
teenagers. So, to overcome this problem the government, parents,
teachers and friends should play their role.

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