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How to Use

This little compilation is full of a few tables that, with a little time and some dice, can provide a
pretty randomized character for your chronicle's needs. While it might work better for an NPC, this
can be used for a PC if you are willing to test your luck.

The tables can be used either in part (only randomizing the character's clan) or in full to produce
some interesting results. Of course, this doesn't randomize the entire character, so some elements
of choice will still be provided even if all tables are utilized.

Let me show o an example I made step-by-step to give an idea of how this works.
First, clan. I rolled an 8. On the table, an 8 is a Malkavian. So I'll write that down on my sheet so I
don't forget.
Second, we have archetypes. I rolled the required dice twice and got 22 and 9. So my Malkavian's
Nature is going to be Fanatic while their Demeanor is Celebrant. Those are rather tting.
Next up, attributes. I rolled a 2, which means Mental stats are prioritized over Social, and Social
over Physical. I'll make sure to mark that in some way and allot my dots later.
On to Skills. The number I got was a 1, so Talents are more important than Skills, and Skills more
important than Knowledges.
Here's where things get interesting. In the clan entry for Malkavians, their disciplines are listed in
the order of Auspex, Dementation, and Obfuscate, so that's the order I put them on my sheet.
Then I roll the 1d4 to see how many dots I put in each. First roll... a 1, not bad. The second was a 3
so I had to reroll and got another 1. With only one point left and one discipline left, I can put that
last point there. 1 dot in each is great!
Before getting to roll for the other backgrounds my Malkavian has, I need to roll for generation as
its required on every sheet. So I roll and got a 2, meaning they are an 11th generation vampire.
Then I roll again to see the rst background I get. 9, resources. Then I roll to see how many dots of
the 3 I have left are put into this single background. I rolled a 3 so, they all go in there!
Finally, we have virtues. I rolled for them in order and got a 5, 1, and with one left I just put it into
the last virtue, Courage.
There we go! A pretty basic but still randomized character for V20. Just spend a little more time
working out some stats and they're all ready for use.
Step 1: Character Concept
Clan Value Archetype
Roll a 1d12 + 1d4 to get the following value. 16 Curmurdgeon
Value Clan 17 Dabbler
2 Assamite 18 Deviant
3 Brujah 19 Director
4 Followers of Set 20 Enigma
5 Gangrel 21 Eye of the Storm
6 Giovanni 22 Fanatic
7 Lasombra 23 Gallant
8 Malkavian 24 Guru
9 Nosferatu 25 Idealist
10 Ravnos 26 Judge
11 Toreador 27 Loner
12 Tremere 28 Martyr
13 Tzimisce 29 Masochist
14 Ventrue 30 Monster
15 Caitiff 31 Pedagogue
16 Reroll 32 Penitent
33 Perfectionist

34 Rebel
35 Rogue

Roll 2d20 + 1d4 to get the following value. 36 Sadist

Make sure to repeat. First value is nature, 37 Scientist
second is demeanor. 38 Sociopath
Value Archetype 39 Soldier
3 Architect 40 Survivor
4 Autocrat 41 Thrill-Seeker
5 Bon Vivant 42 Traditionalist
6 Bravo 43 Trickster
7 Capitalist 44 Visionary
8 Caregiver
9 Celebrant
10 Chameleon
11 Child
12 Competitor
13 Conformist
14 Conniver
15 Creep Show
Steps 2-4: Character Stats
Attributes Value Background
Roll a 1d6. That will determine how the 1 Allies
attribute categories are prioritized. The 2 Alternate Identity
ranking goes left to right, 7/5/3.
3 Contacts
Value Attributes
4 Domain
1 Physical (7) / Mental (5) / Social (3)
5 Fame
2 Mental (7) / Social (5) / Physical (3)
6 Herd
3 Social (7) / Physical (5) / Mental (3)
7 Influence
4 Physical (7) / Social (5) / Mental (3)
8 Mentor
5 Mental (7) / Physical (5) / Social (3)
9 Resources
6 Social (7) / Mental (5) / Physical (3)
10 Retainers
11 Status

Abilities 12 Reroll

Roll a 1d6. That will determine how the

attribute categories are prioritized. The
ranking goes left to right, 13/9/5. Virtures
Value Abilities In the order listed on the sheet, roll a 1d6 and
put that many dots in the given virtue,
1 Talents(13), Skills(9), Knowledges(5) rerolling on a 6 and any value over remaining
2 Skills(13), Knowledges(9), Talents(5) dots to allot.
3 Knowledges(13), Talents(9), Skills(5)
4 Talents(13), Knowledges(9), Skills(5)
5 Skills(13), Talents(9), Knowledges(5)
6 Knowledges(13), Skills(9), Talents(5)

Go in the order the book lists them and roll a
1d4. Assign the value rolled in number of
dots there. If you run out before reaching the
rest, they don't have any starting dots.
Rereoll on a 4.

Roll a 1d6 for generation, rerolling on a 6.
After allocating those number of dots, use
the chart below to assign dots to
backgrounds. Roll a 1d12 for the background
and a 1d6 for the amount of dots assigned to
it. If the value is greater than the dots you
currently have available, reroll.
Optional Extras
Age Credits
Roll a percentile die mutiplied by the value All information here is taken directly from the
rolled on a 1d12 to get the amount of time V20 sourcebook, pages 80-82, owned by
they've spent undead. White Wolf.

Roll a 1d4 for the following value.
Value Sect
1 Camarilla
2 Anarch
3 Sabbat
4 Independant

Roll a 1d20 for the following value.
Value Path
1 Path of the Beast
2 Path of Harmony
3 Path of Evil Revelations
4 Path of Self-Focus
5 Path of the Scorched Heart
6 Path of Entelechy
7 Sharia El-Sama
8 Path of Asakku
9 Path of Death and the Soul
10 Path of Honorable Accord
11 Path of the Feral Heart
12 Path of Orion
13 Path of the Power and the Inner Voice
14 Path of Lilith
15 Path of Caine
16 Path of Cathari
17 Path of Redemption
18 Path of Nocturnal Redemption
19-20 Reroll

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