Examiners' Sheet 1: Speaking B2

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Speaking B2

Examiners’ sheet 1

Candidate A

Part 1 Talk

1a) 1,5 minutes per Candidate

The Candidate is asked to talk for about 1,5 minutes on:

“The advantages and disadvantages of living in the city or in the country”

1b) Two-three minutes per Candidate

After the talk, the Examiner asks the follow-up questions:

• Do you think it is better to rent or to buy a house or flat?

• What would your ideal home be like?
• If you could, what would you change / alter in your present flat/house?

The Examiner can, if necessary, use standard prompts such as:

# Why is that? Why do you think that?

# Can you give any examples?
# Any other reasons/comments?

Speaking B2

Examiners’ sheet 2

Candidate B

Part 1 Talk

1a) 1,5 minutes per Candidate

The Candidate is asked to talk for about 1,5minutes on:

“The risks and benefits of the internet in our lives”

1b) Two-three minutes per Candidate

After the talk, the Examiner asks the follow-up questions:

• Which jobs do you think will be safe from computers in the future?
• DVDs will be the death of cinemas, what do you think?
• What do you think will be the future of computers/internet?

The Examiner can, if necessary, use standard prompts such as:

# Why is that? Why do you think that?

# Can you give any examples?
# Any other reasons/comments?

Speaking B2

Examiners’ sheet 3

Candidate A

Before the test starts, the Candidate has ten minutes in the preparation room to prepare
himself/ herself to talk about a picture. He/ She may make notes, but not complete sentences.

Part 2 Presentations and discussion

60-90 seconds for the individual talks, 3 minutes for the discussion

a) “In this part of the examination you are asked to talk about your picture
for about 1,5 minutes, give your personal opinion and personal
experience on it as well. Talk to your partner. Your partner will ask you a
question about your picture.”
“Please start.”
Caring owners

b) “Now look at the following tasks together. Remember that you should
have a conversation”.
1. Compare your pictures, talk about the similarities and differences in your pictures.

2. The two pictures show possible pets for a family. Discuss and decide which of the two pets
would be better for a young couple, without children and a family with two young children.

Speaking B2

Examiners’ sheet 4

Candidate B

Before the test starts, the Candidate has ten minutes in the preparation room to prepare
himself/ herself to talk about a picture. He/ She may make notes, but not complete sentences.

Part 2 Presentations and discussion

60-90 seconds for the individual talks, 3 minutes for the discussion

a) “In this part of the examination you are asked to talk about your picture for
about 1,5 minutes, give your personal opinion and personal experience on it
as well. Talk to your partner. Your partner will ask you a question about your
“Please start.”
Caring owners

b) “Now look at the following tasks together. Remember that you should have a
1. Compare your pictures, talk about the similarities and differences in your pictures.

2. The two pictures show possible pets for a family. Discuss and decide which of the two pets
would be better for a young couple, without children and a family with two young children.

End of the oral examination

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