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1 Complete the conversation. 4 Write the phone numbers. ee eee 10 My phone number is oh, one, seven, two, six Dena, ——— to’m_______ you, ~ double two, five, eight double nine; and my Mike. *T__.Irena Larsen. mobile number is oh, double seven, nine, five | Mike ‘N_______ to meet 'y___ too, Irena. | -eight, nine, two, four, double three, Irena What's __ surname? SY Mike My’s__________is Hall. r = 2 Make sentences. Use short forms. \ 1 Lam Irena. =} Ls ra ‘ re : 2 What is your name? 2 {my home number is oh two oh - six, double] fone ~ seven, oh, nine, five: and my mobile is. fecal 7 ch, seven, nine, two, oh ~ five, double six, | 3. My name is Mike. Hla four ght | 3 7 iY 4 Lam Pedro. ee . as Home ) 5 My surname is Hall. | Mobile | 3 Complete the crossword. Use numbers 0-10. 5 Answer the questions. 1. What's your first name? My Fi 2 What’s your surname? 3 What's your phone number? [eek yi 4 What's your mobile number? 6 Complete the sentences about yourself. Hit My name's eae ae ee and my sumame’s cu My home phone number is —_________, and my mobile number is (EU practise anit earn, 1 Complete the crossword. 3 Complete the sentences. Use this or that. O @ 2 7 5 ismy umbrella. 6 's my bag. 4 Complete the conversations. Use the words in the box. English means does say mean do Uma 1A What *_soce this*__? Bit’ __ ‘name’ 2 Complete the table. Use the words in the box. chair apple book pencil eraser table umbrella orange pen computer you say ‘Bienvenido’ in BYou’__ ‘Welcome’, =. Complete the conversations. 1A What does ‘occupation’ mean? B I'm sony. Id____’tk i 2A What's your first name? B I'm sony, c__n your_p___t, that, please? A Yes, What's your first name? B Oh, my name's Ivan. BIms_ T don't 4. [A The meeting - it's in Room 10, B Oh, OK. Thanks! Le 3. A The meeting's in Room 10, | | 4a Don't listen to this. b Listen to this. 7 2 @ Dor’t open the window, please. b Open the window, please, 3 a Don't look at that car! | b Look at that cart | CN | | a 4 a Don't close the door, please. bb Close the door, please. 5 a Don't write your name here. b Write your name here, please. 6 a Read this, please. b Don't read this, please. 1 Write the missing letters and find the hidden word. 3 Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. ECD 2 F t= mn — , sony meet this’ my nice name Ia i 2A GD t_ isu eis Alan John, ‘tis _ is my friend, Karen. su UV WEY SZ John Nice to you, Karen. Pears Karen» to meet you, too, Ym : ees What's your ® again? AE Ft John ¢____ name's John. John Dunn. 2 Shonsertfvesonreesenets: 4 Write the conversation in the correct order. " Here you are Thanks, Ivana. Tea, please, Tea-or-coffer: arco? Jordan What's ‘you/vour last ‘name /sumame, Cindy? Cindy *My name’s/T'm Gaskell. Ivana Tea or coffe | Jordan *How,/ What do you “say /spell that? ses. = = indy It’s G-A-S-K, E “double /repeat L. Wana U Jordan ‘Please / Thank you. Marco - Choose the correct words and rewrite the sentences. I /My name's Sasha. Nice to/two meet you. What does /is'surmame’ mean? ‘Wo/ Don't open the door. What's you /your first name? This is /it my friend, Carlo. That's a/an umbrella. 1/T'm sony. I don't understand, os ae NS a Complete the family words. —— THAT E| ® ci] Hj rie : r Fe * {ead NC i b Find the hidden word. The hidden word is ‘1 *_*__*_*__® 2 Complete the sentences. 3 Complete the sentences. 1. This is eee car. 2 This is — book. | 1 3 This is e 1 | and [Paves vika | phone number. | 2?resacans 5a lr 4 Rewrite the sentences. Use full forms, 4 That's Helen's husband, 2 He's Maria's friend. 3 She's Jim's wife. 4 What's Miguel's number? 5 Sarabrs here, 6 What's Peter’s sumame? | 1A This is Tim’s office, That's —_h desk over there, 8B What's ____name again? A Tim. He’s my bos. 2A What's name? B She's Antonia, A And what's name? B He's Ben. He's __ boyfriend, 3A This is my sister, Carla. And this is name's _— husband, _ rrame's Harry. B Hello Carla, hello Harry, 2 Complete the conversations. Use the cues, 1omy / your A Hello, My name's Roman, What's ee. name's Tania, 2 his / her ‘A What's ___ name? i name's Maria. And that’s ‘A What's name? B___ name's José. 3. my / her / his / your A Is this photo B No, it isn’t. That's _ husband son with —_ 4 its / my / our A This photo is house. _ daughter with name? husband, __ wife? husband Claudio, and that's ___ name is "Monticello! 3 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. her their (x2) its his (x2) our THe lea photo of *__our haley. eel a Mexeo § ime ts Hotel Atl “ths vs the ol name’ Jaan Carlos. This is wife © rane’s Camen and these oe & chleken, Reberto ard Ana 7 dugpter Suna tent the plete. She's eifteen, and he's a sip Ws a geat hotel 2 Theee are my parents My das name is Jao and my mun’ Name is Ewa. Thats my sicter, 4, and my brother He ramets Marek. i !6 a shunt: 2 Choose the correct words. 2 This is my mum /dad, His/Her name's Shekhar. |. 4 This is my wife /husband. is Her name’s Kalpana. eee | This 13 my brothin, Yues, with fs wife. and children, Hrs auife's name. js Sarva. His dasghher's neve (3 VEronique sand fus san's name 03 Philippe. The dog's reone 13 Bravo 4 (SERENE complete the table. Use the words in the box. nine he. are friend wife read ten car father, __, class, 1 These are my parents (fathers fi 3 This is my mum /dad. is /Her name's Satta, 5 This is me, 6 This is my My /Your sister / brother. . name's Vijay. His / Her name's Amul, 7 These are aur sons children, Their/ Our names are Pradeep and Komal. 18 Good marning, 2 a Good evening, Miss Ms Johar. Kovacs. | b Good morning, b Good evening, Miss | Mr Johar. 7 Andtéa Kovacs. 2 Good eventing. / Good night. / Goodbye. / Hi. 2 Number the conversation in the correct order. @ __ OK. See you later, b 1 Hello, Mark | © __T'm fine, thanks. And you? d __Hi, Kathy, How are you? ae 3a That's Miss Taylor 4 Fine, and her husband. Ms Bates. (Retin ertuss, UR ote teers Make conversations. Match the expressions with the responses. 1 Hello, What's your name? a. Good morning. 2 Hi Tm Gina Lear. _ b Its KER, S-FY. Kirsty. 3 What's this? ¢ His name's Pierre, 4 Good morning, _ d Pleased to meet you, Gina, 5 What's your phone number? _ fe My name's Bill May, 6 How do you spell your first name? _ F That's my boss. 7 Who's that? _ g Its 07534 887963. 8 What’s your father's name? h It's my English book. | [ESSN review your progress. 1a Complete the names of the countries. b Label two more countries on the map. 2 Rewrite the sentences with correct capital letters. 1 cairo is the capital of egypt. Cairo is the capital of Eas BAL. 3 Complete the sentences. 2 sytney is in australia, 3. my favourite country is china, 4, my favourite city is new york. 5 is antonio from spain? 6 my home is in potand. 7 rome is the capital of italy. 8 he's from argentina. 1 Tim ftom . (Your country) 2 My home is in - (your city) 3 is the capital of my country. 4 My favourite country is: 5 My favourite city is 4 (RETESET Mark the syllable with the stress. 1 Hiingary 6 Japan 2 Korea 7 Ttaly 3 Australia 8 America 4 Brazil 9 Indonesia 5 Russia 10 Britain 1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Punctuate your sentences with capital letters and full stops. 1am from i france 2 student a fs john 3 in moscow russia is 4 from we china are 5. are my from friends italy 6 she iy is daughter 7 husband my is usa the from 8 am teacher ai 2 Rewrite the sentences. Use full forms. 1 We've students, Weare students. 2. I'm from New York, 3 They're his friends. 4 She's from Greece. 5 Dan's my husband, 6 I'm her sister 7 Manchester's in the UK. 8 You'te in Room 9, 10 3 Make the sentences negative. 41 She's the Managing Director. She: ala 2 Tm at my desk. 3 This is my mobile. 4 They're brother and sister. 5 Welte from Shanghai, 6 Lukas is in his office. 7 Tm married. 8 You're in this photo, 9. My boss is here, 10 Our children are here. 4 Complete the sentences about your life. 1m 2 Tm not 3 My teacher's 4 My teacher isn't 5 My parents are 6 My parents aren't 7 My friends are 8 They aren't Ja Make sentences. Use the cues. 1 1/ student 3 He / doctor 4 My sister / engineer 5 You / student 6 I/ computer engineer b Add more information to your sentences in exercise 1a, Use the cues with and. 1 Russia 2 not / China 3 South Africa 4 the Czech Republic 3a Read the text. Complete the table. Use the words in the box. Haru’s boyfriend Daisuke Jane’s husband Australia Japa ‘an English teacher a doctor an engineer My rmone’s Hares anal Tm From Osaka in Japan. Tm an English teacher. In this picture Tim of party with my boyfriend His name's Darsuke, / He's « shufent at Tokyo i University: He isn't from gpan He's from Sian Francisco in the USA. We've sith my friend, Jane, and her husband. Jane's a doctor Hen husband's ‘rome, 13 Dieter. He's an engineer Jare and Dieter sren't from Uapar. Jane's from Australia and Dieter's fram Germany. | Relationship Haru aisuke's % girlfriend Jane eters wife | (Dieter * b Write two sentences about each person. Use the table. Connect the information with and, 1 Haru & 5 Ttaly 2 Daisuke 6 Brazil 3 Jane and _ | 2 Complete the sentences. Use he’s or his. 4 Dieter — — and 1 ties a doctor 2 __His _ brother is at university, 3 ___ from Argentina, 4 What's 5 A Where's Pedro? name? 8 over there. 6 This is my friend, Tom. in this photo with __ parents. 4 Now write two sentences about yourself and a person in your family, or a friend, th. — (country), and Ym a/an — (job). Tm ____ (relationship). ae | = ut Ja Match the parts of the expressions. 1 Tim very a fine. 2m b OK? 3 Is all __ © right, 4 fre you _ d sory. b Complete the conversation. Use the expressions in exercise 1a to help you. Atm: B Yes. It's* = Twa. thank you. 2 Put the words in the correct order, Write the expressions in the bubbles, hand'my ‘sorry very I'm right all it's you OK are eee Correct the sentences. 1 I'm from russia. 2 She's doctor. © They're from the France. | 2 His in the office, 4 Am not married, 5 He's from USA. 8 We isn't in Room 10, 7. This is Johns phone. 9 This is book. 10 You're desk’s over there. [EERE review your progress. 13 1 Find the numbers in the word snake. 53 42 30 81 98 60 65 19 13 50/77 24 oma. M04, tongs-k" 2a Complete the table, 12 twelve 4 Match the sentences with the pictures. | 1 My bus is number fifty-three, < 2 My English lesson is fn room number 3 Tm size thirty-eight, _ 4 Tm thirty. 5 My friend is twenty-five. _ 6 Qur home is number nineteen, | eighty-seven, | a b 3 three 13 30 thirty | 414 fourteen [4 | aaa | 50 fifty | {60 £ 7a i | ____ | 70 seventy Z : i 3 = —S = Gon) 9 nine 19 | s0 ninety 0 = b (ZEQURSEL Find these numbers in the table above, and mark fn tthe stress. W 30 14 40 15 50 1660 47) 70/48 80 19° G0 thirteen thirty 3 Correct the mistakes. 121 twentyone 282 fivety-two 386 cighteen-six 412 twelfe 511 elleven 6 91 ninety-two 7.45 fourty-tive 814 forteen 8 100 an hundred 10 6B sixty eight 1183 thirteen-three 12 79 sixty-nineteen 5 Change the bold words in exercise 4 to make the sentences true for you. 1 My bus is 2 anne 1 Make questions. 1 You're Lucy Scott. A Lucy Seott? 2. He's on holiday. ____ on holiday? 3 That is ABC Computer Services, __ ABC Computer Services? 4 We're in Room 9. in Room 92 5 They're from Indonesia, from Indonesia? 6 You're a doctor, ___a doctor? 2 Choose the correct short answers, 1 Is Mr James an engineer? Yes, he is. /No, isn't, 2 Are you from Slovenia? No, we're aren't. /Yes, you are. 3 Are Sam and Ella married? Yes, we are. /No, they aren't. 4 Is this your office? No, it isn't./Yes, Lam. 5 Are you a doctor? Yes, Tom. /Mo, we arent. 3 Complete the short answers. 1 Is this your mobile? No, it ion’ 2 Is Lucy married? No, she 3 Are you Sergei Ivanov? Yes, I 4 Is the meeting in your office? nth 5 Are we in Mr Marsh’s English class? No, we. 6 Are Mr Leclere and Mts Casson from France? Yes, they. 4 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Use the correct punctuation. 1 is howold Juan ? oud 2 they are where from 2 3 where your office is? 4 your children how old are? 5 what her name is ? 6 is his phone number what 5 Answer the questions. 1 What's your name? Meme 2 Where are you from? I'm 3 How old are you? Tm 4 Ave you a student? 5 Ate you married? 6 What is your teacher's name? ws 6 Write a paragraph about yourself. My name's and I'm from Tm years old and I'm a / an Gob). Tm_______#_#_ (single /married / divarced). 7 a (wife's husband's /teacher’s) 14 ve amguage Savers 1 Choose the correct words. a How old /age are you? b What's your one first name? © Where are you af/ from? What's you /your phone number? e Is/Are you married? ¥ Where's /What’s your sumame? 2 Complete the conversation, Write the questions from exercise 1 in the correct places. Agent © Anita Tr’ Moretti Agent Anita Anita. That's A-N-I ‘Agent. Thank you, Anita I'm from Ttaly. ‘Agent © Ms Anita Tm 24 years old Agent Anita No, Fm not. I'm single. Agent 0K. Anita It’s 0209, 736, 5 double 2 Agent Thank you. Moretti? 3 Match the questions in exercise 1 with the correct parts of the personal inform: ation form. Surname First name County Age Marital status Tel, No 4a Read the conversation in exercise 2 again, Complete the form in exercise 3 for Al b Now complete the form for yourself, ita. 5 Write your own conversation with the agent. Use the form in exercise 3 to help you. Agent * You It's" ‘Agent What's + You It's *__ Agent. Thank you, And where * You I'm from ‘Agent How old You I'm Agent OK. And please? You It’s Agent Thank you very much. 8 years old, what's your i surname? please? married? 1 Match the times with the watches. 1 It’s twelve oh two, 2 Itsten ten, 3 Ws three fifteen, 4 It’s twenty-one twenty-five. __ 5 Its three fifty. —_ 6 Is eight thirty, 2 Write the times. @ 3 @ Match the questions with the answers. Is this your mobile? __ How old are you? __ What's the time? _ Where are you from? _ Js Lola a teacher? _ What number is your house? _ What's your surname? _ ‘Ate you married? _ eS mek wo 16 3 Complete the sentences. Write information about your country. Cafés ond bars Offices No, Tm not. It's number fifty-one, Yes, she is. Tim twenty-two. It’s seven o'clock. No, it isn't. Wee from Brazil. It’s Casson. Shops re-open from. © ‘Supermarkets sre pan from to Banks ate open trom to Catéa nd bate are open trom te Normal affze hours ae trom to 3 What's in your bag, briefcase or pockets? Jammy 2 Fire cok Wel 4a [ELA How many syllables? Write the number in the brackets. b Tick (v) the words with an extra syllable in the plural. | Pturat (syllables) er Bruce as (syllables) pencil (2) watch (2) watches ( Z Bi briefcase (2) briefeases(_) | | umbrells (3) umbrellas (_) | apple (2) apples (_) | hairrushes 7 purse (1) purses (_) : iG) tissue (2) tissues (| ui ice Fj licence (2) licences ( saad F orange (2) ‘oranges (__) ipeotie — Bea keys) > 1 Paula is behind her cat. | 2 Gustav is under his car. _ 3 Ella's cat is on her car. 4 Omar's car is next ta the shop, 5 Dave is in front of his car. 6 Nina is in her car. 2 Complete the sentences, 1 The newspaper is _ 2 The books are 2 The umbrella is 4 The bag fs 5 The clock is _ 6 The box is the clock. the box. __ the box. the chair. the chait. _— the chair, 8 3 Complete the phrases and sentences, Use a/an or the, 1 _at_appte the apple és an 3 sandwich sandwich is in bag. book the book. bag 3 ___ umbrella — chair umbrella is under _ chair. | 4 key wallet key is in wallet, 41 Match the labels with the prices. 3a Complete the conversation. Use the questions in the box. b Can I have that one, please? Can I-help-you? $17 How much ate those wallets? Anything else? Assistant Customer Yes. Assistant They're €65 each. Customer ‘___ €4 Assistant Certainly. 22 eS Customer No, thank you. | b Write a new conversation. Use the cues. these hags / £28 / this one =f Ce Assistant Can 1) 2 | { Customer Yes. How ® is l bec | 2 | L —— Assistant Theyre Customer Can I + Please? g h Assistant se else? «Beer ¢20.70 pete 4 Complete the signs. 1 Seventeen dollars Ninety-nine pence Thirty-four pounds thirty Sixty-two cents Four euros Twenty euros seventy cents Five dollars ten cents 8 Nine pounds 2 Complete the sentences. Choose the correct words. How much is this /these briefcase? How much are that /those hairbrushes? Can I have these /that purse, please? Can T have that /these bag please? 1 2 3 4 How much are this /those pens? 5 6 How much are those /this sunglasses? 19 1 Match the parts of the sentences about Episode 3 of tthe story. The meeting is with & The meeting is in _ The meeting is at __ The photographs are at Daniel invites Lucy to _ Lucy goes to the pub for the pub. a few minutes, Cambridge. half past ten tomorrow. The Photo Shop. Mr Linsky from Top Films. 2 Number the conversation in the correct order. Lucy Oh, hi, Daniel. Yd love to, but I can't, b 1 Daniel Hey, Lucy. We're off to the pub. Are you coming? Lucy Oh, OK, but only for a few minutes, d Daniel Great. e __ Daniel Come on. It’s my birthday. a eis pee ears Choose the correct words and re-write the conversation. 1A Hello, Can I have/help you? 2 B Yes. How much are that /those bags, please? 3A The bags front /in front of the window? 4 B No, the bags next to the boxs /boxes. 5 A Its/They‘re £26. 6 B Can I have /help this one, please? 7 A That’s/It's £26, then, please. 8 B Here you ore. /Please. 9A Thank you. That's £4 change /please. 3a Complete the conversations. Use the words in the boxes. 1 you can't to: A We're off B No, sony. I ‘A Oh, OK. See 2 for you off Atm B Yes, OK, but only __a few minutes. A Great the pub. Are you coming? later. __ to the café. Are coming? b Write new conversations, Use the cues. 1 We / café / No ab resi Up AY Are | - Bing As A 0h, ¢ - See? 2 1/ The Coffee Shop / Yes AY We 2 B Yes, * At Ey 1 Complete the table, Use the words in the box. meat tes apples fish coffee orange juice wine — milk cheese beer 3 Complete the sentences about yourself. noodles vegetables 1 My two favourite kinds of food are bread water eggs ay 2 My two favourite drinks are i and | 3. Popular foods in my country are = Lae and 4 Popular drinks in my country are and | (CORSE practise‘and tearm, 4 [PESTETTML Are the consonants in bold voiced or voiceless? Complete the table. Use the words in the box. bread butter fruit eggs vegetables chocolate cheese chips juice beer lemonade water a 1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. | 1 Uke chocolate 1 5 rice they eat 6 cheese we like don't 7 like fruit B tea don't they drink 1. They drink milk, | 2 Make the sentences negative, 2 like this restaurant. 3 We eat apples and oranges. 4 You drink wine, 5 We like cheese sandwiches, 6 They drink tea in the morning. 7 Tike sport. 8 They eat meat, 3 Make sentences. Use the cues. a x ~ 3 We i but we — ‘ ___. (like) 4 They = but they __ en SR) 5 We — but we SSS Pe ad Ot « but 1 ‘ orleans EST: =a 4 Write about your family, In my family, we like but we don’t tike We eat __ and but we don't eat __ fy | ‘At home, we drink and but we don’t drink 2 Ja Solve the anagrams and write the words in the grid. aberd soptotae merca | tebrut knechic puso hescee hsfi tame fiz} ye} EL EL eLe | u by | | a , K-4 a a ° Pt | ‘s fe c ed 4 F E | | Me 's | [ol ca oh |b Find the hidden word. The hidden word is | 2 Make sentences. Use the cues with but. 1 eat fruit / not eat apples | I 2 not drink coffee / drink tea | We 3 eat bananas / not eat oranges They 4 not drink milk / drink water | 5 ike meat / not like Fish 3 Read the text. Label the pictur the box. . Use the words in For breakfast I have two eggs with bread and butter. [ drink tea T have my lunch at quarter past one, but I don’t ‘eat 2 lot ~ just soup and a sandwich. 1 drink orange juice with that, Dinner in the evening is my big meal. have meat ‘with potatoes and vegetables. T drink wine with my dinner. For dessert 1 have fruit and cream. breakfast lunch dinner dessert 4 Write about your meals. Complete the sentences. 2 They = ae - TReap ineneR Fl 6 eat lunch / not eat breakfast and I drink tans sl le | 1 Teat Bil for lunch, and T drink For dinner, eat and T drink: seu ‘ [ESE practise and tearm, Choose the correct sentences. <} 2 3 We eat coffee. We drink coffee. T no like meat, T don't like meat. We eat fruit. We fruit eat. Coffee they don’t drink. They don't drink coffee. 2 2 Match the responses with the questions, 1 Tee and lemon? © se a Just milk, please. Sugar? _ 2 b Lemon, please 3 Mill and sugar? 4 € Just one, please Would you like mitk or lemon in your tea? _ 5 Here's your coffee, Milk or © “ust lemon, cream? please. No ice. d Cream, please, 3a Complete the conversation, Use the words in the box. please welcome like” are thank ‘A Would you "likes a cup of coffee? iB Yen A Sugar? B No, * ‘you. ‘A Here you B Thank you. A Youte® : b Make a new conversation, a —____ cup of tea? B Yes, A Milk B Yes, * A Here * Be you. ae Would you like a glass of wine? Would you like a glass wine? We have coffee on breakfast. We have coffee for breakfast. For lunch I have a sandwich. For lunch I have sandwich. You like a cup of coffee? Would you like a cup of coffee?

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