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DIRECTIONS: Create an action plan for incorporating Blended Learning into your classroom.

Include in your action plan your goals for fostering a blended learning environment, action steps,
resources, timeline, progress monitoring, evaluation methods, and implications for professional
development.  An action plan template has been provided below.

Elaborate/Evaluate: Progress Monitoring

How will you monitor progress with blended learning? 

What strategies will be considered to monitor blended learning progress in the district. 
What challenges might exist with this process? 
What is the importance of monitoring blended learning progress?

Elaborate: Blended Lesson Barriers and Solutions

In the “Barriers to Blended Learning Discussion" please share 2-3 barriers that you are facing
with blended learning implementation.

Resources and Strategies to Support Remote Instruction

Due to recent school closures, providing quality instruction via remote methods will be very
important.  Please share strategies on integrating blended learning for remote instruction.  

Blended Learning Action Plan

Goals for Blended Learning
Tasks / Action Steps Resources Timeline
What will be done? Tools/Apps/Technology/Materials By when?



Implications for Professional Development
What professional development resources will strengthen my blended learning classroom?

Progress Monitoring
How will you know that you are making progress? What are your benchmarks?

How will you determine that your goal has been reached? What are your measures?

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