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Developments in science and technology are fundamentally altering the way people live,
connect in terms of technology that helps us connect more deeply which travel is much
more convenient :::: for instance: Before planes and trains and automobiles, the only way
to get home for thanksgiving or any occasion was by riding a horse or carriage or several-
day walk. Without the convenience of the impressive means of transportation we boast
today, it would be much more difficult to reconnect with loved ones at such a crucial
time. Another instance is the carrier pigeon and clandestine love letters, it is just easier to
be with others in our contemporary age than it ever has been before., communicate and
transact, with profound effects on economic development (Since we are constantly
surrounded by technology, the interactions we have almost every second of every day no
longer matter to us as much they once did. Instead, we place far greater value on real,
face-to-face interactions. We truly cherish the connections we form in person).
S&T connect each other

Science and technology are key drivers to development

ECONOMIC ADVANCES - Technological progress does not just affect productivity
directly; it also pulls itself up by the bootstraps by giving science more powerful tools to
work with. For instance: Humans have limited ability to make highly accurate
measurements, to observe extremely small objects, to overcome optical and other sensory
illusions, and to process complex calculations quickly. Technology consists in part in
helping us overcome the limitations that evolution has placed on us and learn of natural
phenomena we were not meant to see or hear like microscope explain!
is one of the areas most affected by emerging technologies. New equipment such
as advanced X-ray screenings and 3D models of teeth, dentures, and implants are making
complex processes and procedures a lot easier on dentists.
EDUCATION - The track of Education in Science and Technology educates students,
for careers as teachers in all scientific and technological areas (Biology, Chemistry,
Physics, Mathematics, Computers and Technology Electronics, Electricity, Mechanics
and other engineering subjects). In the fields of science and technology there is a serious
lack of teachers with such qualifications. High schools, technical colleges, teachers'
colleges and training programs for the high-tech industry are all potential employers. So
in Education not only the science yung papasok dito also we have the technologies that
we are using to study which is more convenient > manageable, organized and very

SPANIARD - Before the coming of the Spaniards Filipinos had a alphabet, methods of
counting, systems of weight, measurements, and their own calendar.
AMERICAN COLONIAL - Philippine science and technology has a long history,
dating back to the early American colonial period during which the Bureau of Science
was created which there is Major shifts in the direction of Philippine S&T took place
right after the proclamation of independence in 1946.
SPANIARD (1565-1898) vs. AMERICAN COLONIAL (1898-1946)

Proclamation of Independence by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo (June 12, 1946) US July 4,


Major shifts in the 1950’s and 1960’s that focused on S&T institutional capacity
building - The term “capacity building" has evolved from past terms such as institutional
building and organizational development. Capacity building is an investment in the
effectiveness and future sustainability of a nonprofit, Such as identifying a
communications strategy, improving volunteer recruitment, ensuring thoughtful
leadership succession. When capacity building is successful, it strengthens a nonprofit’s
ability to fulfill its mission over time, thereby enhancing the nonprofit’s ability to have a
positive impact on lives and communities.

(Make a timeline for this)

In the 1950s and 1960s these terms referred to community development that focused on
enhancing the technological and self-help capacities of individuals in rural areas. In the
1970s, following a series of reports on international development an emphasis was put on
building capacity for technical skills in rural areas, and also in the administrative sectors
of developing countries. In the 1980s the concept of institutional development expanded
even more. Institutional development was viewed as a long-term process of building up a
developing country's government, public and private sector institutions, and NGOs
Though precursors to capacity building existed before the 1990s, they were not powerful
forces in international development like "capacity building" became during the 1990s.The
emergence of capacity building as a leading developmental concept in the 1990s occurred
due to a confluence of factors:

In the 1980’s, research utilization was given stronger emphasis

NSTA - National Science and Technology Authority
NSTA’s mission is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning
for all. Founded in 1944 as the national science teachers association)
PCHRD - Philippine Council for Health Research and Development
The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) is one of the
three sectoral councils of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). It is a
forward-looking, partnership-based national body responsible for coordinating and
monitoring research activities in the country.
Functions: they are the one who Formulate policies, plans, programs, project, and
strategies for health S&T development
 Program and allocate government and external funds for R&D
 Monitor R&D projects
 Generate external funds
PCIERD - Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research and
PCIEERD is tasked to perform the following functions for the development of national
competence in research and development strategic areas of industry, energy and emerging
technology sectors in the country: Formulate national policies, plans, programs and

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in partnership with
the DOST instituted the following major development in science and technology:
 Registered 1.3 million fisherfolk to give them access to GPH basic services and
help in fisheries conservation
 Use of renewable energy and environment-friendly alternative energy realizing its
guiding version of “Energy Access for More.”
 Addressed increasing levels of emissions due to rapid urbanization
 Assisted Batangas City in more effective and suitable local planning
USAID piloted the Rapid Assessment of City Emissions Tool in Batangas City to
address increasing levels of emissions due to rapid urbanization. The tool, which uses
maps and geographic systems, will provide information on estimate energy use, building
needs, transportation, and flood hazard scenarios to assist Batangas City in more
effective and sustainable local planning.

 Promoted Digital Literacy

 Introduce mobile and web-based applications technology
 Helped create an electronic medical record system
 Supported research in tuberculosis (TB) in children and the relationship of
tabacco and TB to children.
Major Personalities in Science and Technologies in the Philippines
 Fe Villanueva del Mundo was a Filipina pediatrician, the founder of the first
pediatric hospital in the Philippines.
 Eduardo Quisumbing was a Filipino biologist, a leading authority of plants in the
 Gavino Cajulao Trono Jr. is a Filipino biologist dubbed as the “Father of
Kappaphycus farming”.
 Maria Orosa Ylagan was a Filipina food technologist, pharmaceutical chemist,
humanitarian and war heroine.

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