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Solutions Manual Third Edition THEORY OF VIBRATION WITH APPLICATIONS William T. Thomson, Professor Emeritus Department of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering University of Califorma Santa Barbara, California PRENTICE HALL, Englewood Ciifts, New Jersey 07632 a © 1988 by PRENTICE-HALL, INC. ‘A Division of Simon & Schuster Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632 All rights reserved ISBN: 0139245818 Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Preface 1 Oscillatory Motion 2 Free Vibration 3 Harmonically Exeited Vibration 4 Transient Vibration 5 Introduction to Multi-Degree of Preedom Systems 6 Properties of Vibrating Systems 7 LaGrange's Equation 8 Normal Mode Vibration of Continuous Systems 9 Mode-Summation Procedures for Continuous Systems 10 Introduction to the Finite Element Method 11 Approximate Numerical Methods 12 Numerical Procedures for Lumped Mass Systems 13 Random Vibrations 14 Nonlinear vibrations 44h 24 a 65 94 121 137 146 160 212 243 279 302 PREFACE This teacher's manual was assembled by the author to aid instructors teaching a course in Vibration from tne author's text. There are 517 problems with discussions and solutions presented in this manuel. The author considers problem solving to be a major part of the learning process. It is only tarough involvement with carefully selected problems that the student will acquire a full understanding of the subject. A variety of analytical procedures and computational methods are illustrated through these problems. Tne instructor will find that they emphasize and extend the scope of the text, and discussion of some of these problems in class will greatly aid the student. The manual represents considerable effort on the part of the author, and although there is reasonable assurance of the correctness of the solutions presented, some errors could be expected. It is hoped that the intended use of the Ranual strictly by tne instructor will be adnered to rigidly. ~Dltkiam T. William 7. Thomson = 0A = 8.38 = OA coswt %man & =-3A siwedt Knog = DA = 350.9 omr/s* ak * | Da tMf =20% 925 515.2% eee g 2 90.4 om/s* Yana = Fay [8 = SOX UIA = 0,184 om on, 0.2655 % 10 Aix 10 = 62.83% ag 2010 5 = 4.57 ™%s 0.07274 ™ = 7.278 Cm Kisnag = OA = 2ET/ m/s 2 A (Stu od,t t smelt) = 2A Cas £(a)-O)t “Stok (a, ray, yt O44, = 207402 20 lef 0,209, @, 2 0+ AG) wk ERA s£ Mot. Svat ie to Zo 443 = 5 (esorisng)=5e 62 tong = 36°52 = 0.6435 b AVG? ee = 6.325 : zaAe? = L'2 = 1B'2é! = Sum = O = Tan" Z = 19°26" = 032/7% 2 a e.se5 © ORUTE 6.325 (8% 26! \ . c8 z= A (ce + ¢ sive) = Ae* cz =A (ce —sine) = Z, =Alcar(o+90) + és (9+40)] 230° Ry SE 4 4003 30° 2 SF 43,47 = 8.47 x = 4530" = 2.00 R=7 8477+ 2.0 = 8.70 12° 57° Xt) ts odd Fanction .. 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Sm’ + ---] using Senko = £(1-cm20) | Sm" 2 £4 (9 -20020 + $ O40) Sanliremo se [B)z(r- com) +--- J =RL1+4() ~ 0 —(Benan 27 “Rh tin oly Ratio of 2™harmonie/)#harmenie = 424 = 010A ams = La 1G z=(i-Z) ost =r 2 2 aes) EY ween (% at, 2% Z ef 0-8 +f)e = # ° 1-20 & hat Db = 20 bog (5h) = 0:50 boa. (ZJ= Gh = 0.0250 By yp O02 _ oe (z)* = /.059 = 2.648) %, = 10893 % = 10893 * 2.5 mm Error = 0.0593X 2.5mm = + O/4F mom “LEBL Db = 20 ley, (10) = 20 Db = 20 ley, (50) 33.99 Db = 20 Loy 1g (00) = 40.0 1-22, Db = 20 — ty, (28, ) = $2 = h60 %, hoo ak = /0 x = 39.8 1000 1-23 am) 4.53 ky 45 0.455. 4. (32 Jom, «(24.9 = 883.5 Nm = 0./SG 8 2-4 4. (27f (27 # a(ar 27 ee + 82 7 a ae se (4) some = 0.9028 by ko = 87.4% N/m Z~5 % measure trom static equilibrium pasition of m, & & Eq, of motion after empact ioe” “ 4 ote Cryo Ea Re emg ? + he Gen solution’ bia » my KE) = eo + Asmwt + Beswt Initial conditions ere x)= 0 = BS +B 1Be-B alo) = ™eY2fh = wA Ae om Ygh Tm, 975. Cmt myo 8 am We KE) = it malig Ee Suet — Ts covet = BE(i- cowt) + ae see wt 2-6. or = £ z 40 Qn = 2.0 % = % CBWE + sn wt = aceazte —~£ sev 2 he otsmat -ges2r2t =0 » famata-2 Mth = G87" Se 6.87% BEE eoai/6,57 ==. 4472 Kemag = 2(-, 9472) ~ 402944) = — OT om Bmag * Ohmay = FURAAIE) = ITD cml st = (5.83 ot ze 7a J,2J,- 4h = 15.83 ~ ZB Beno” = 9.39 bb in sec* 332555 7 #2 = S55 %& 2/35 x. = RUBE HADES 2 0.1761 2 wat, = 24.35%. 254" - 0,0; m* 4 add Gi 35 Hy ne = Lo Work done = change in KE 12 aoe a= 38 we Be sgl heglog. | Vertical arspl = Js ie = rad. of gyr. bor ene) = ef 1~(1- fes-)] 3 7 2 ee 2 . RTS ray Me = eto X. 2 fe Been ntry = 203 & aye = 33 ed 2 = 4S50F- om Moment about Shaft = (ASinO) us Sumot (or gee = = (aSu¥6) wr sinag = - (aursinwye : oie iv # ; W parattel Verticle planes 2-t : a Lé =L(06) = 003175 my 2 2d : ° Gaag= (2%) 903178 ds = SE FMT n= 5.826 213 water weighs 7802.N/m> 6 PRU RX IGOR. = U 762, Yo busyant forces TARP 2 mK = wth ta © “J ms 0372 ky ial THe R= .0032 ™ i 10372, s [03 72%, __— = 4, oat Fr x 0032" x 1/762 eae, R14 moment about geom, center -w36@ = 56 =-85,6 BW s pw U3)" 0.3428 W o* (ary —-whe «»J6 = -OU6 ZF «rt = Vo = ee vs ar loa £216 Displ. of cg 4R-7)O Donig = On nae a tee 5* Ths £ RAY On, + £ Seg Oman sgm[(R-ay + (RUAN OOS, Unug = mg (0-008) F gH Boom = — “4 = = OF RRP RABY 2R(R-A) Tea PE a a 1 = ar YRG=D mh (i~ cb) © mk Eg Ro = GO 2 2 =m h(s0> me FE = aoe Bath x bt To £m 06 Lt ot Uamg sb 1 = ser ARH %L = afk ee am lee * (2) 2a1t Z Wha da _ Wabob 2M" J8 =- Dek BEE: wa wb axe aad ‘ 4 Wes + was @ =0 fb +e 4 = 4 wo4 oF (438 ) acaue 1 f whe “ i | laaB ; gab oS ie f= i Wk Y Plan View we, ate 7 = 0 aia 2-20 i J. of wheel about torsionbee = J, * (24) om (ete 24%) F m(Gi sagt) = OST Om Sth ness of torsion bar Kz oe 4 Z (150) = 0. tn 2 polar mom. inertia FD OT oe - A 2 ar modulus of steel C= 2x10" fig = She dials (ann 10) (0497) 0,113 x10 be /rwa, 20 j =0 , 1 |e (O1B AB . 6.60 = Chaetaiiahi fs er BE EST “ps locked wheel, With wheel free SL = ™(za)* = 576m Foe Lb fouss x3 = 10S eps. 38 x $7 2221 oe Op # = —anp B+ Wx =0 = 29 eer . 7-99 came oP hake gn ers ye a0 [= BATS Gf fom (1 BG seat jie Tp )emut ? Tg fmos" ty = £ BY, [Ucn OB oly eott = £18 Foy LSet fsanentp cat) ee \_-— " " 13 Te on (22-0 +0] . iste itis 5 2(F #) og, ort Meg =(Z mb) for each column, where ame = total mass of each column 2-24 Tagua s 2s(Ey where Js moment of inertia of Linkage about Dhow pire, See m (BAL od T(E Am = marek 7a) ae $b OG] Tepnfgtee 2 BE Sai 2 s& @ =f ata (mley+ FJ - 3: sampa(b—or a] «G5 74) 22a = = T = £[8 + mos} = [H+ ms*]6 ie a 6= th, T= $ [LAs +m Jx aug, = TAg +m, = rotation oF ST, = total torque 2227. let 9, T= torque to left of qe " n right wn 4¢a)e 24 AIT a D ° + oh. Te T+ % =(Ere) th Kiks a kik +k.) 2 a2 ees aie at Tetmyi se t(R) +25 (84) = d[o + tret + B/et at eam 5” U-dh by, * ARGS ti[t + Buse] adhg Eu T=4£56 +44 (%4) sa[yir AKG = 4 teh 2 BHR THESE +k (meme + ge 6,2 In, b= % >, 2 Ted [5 ‘nz + (mot m,) + J, Ink | % [2 ite £% (20,)7 + £ & (2, 1)” “£4(E*) + taney £ sua ye A) 2A) RF t & NT np + (mom) + Glad 42-31 _ Weng = m + 3B me (see Fob. 2-25) me aq (Beam vol = (1016 x. 685x 8.89) = S785 om? 4 O wt, of steel = 0.07655 N/em? wt, of beam = S735 x 07655 = 104390 N mass of beam = *22390 =. 0087s ky = mb q.8/ mk = 100/055 beam st finers = TEE = & 32 = 40 a SZ 8 Ts b's Exot = .0000555x/0 1m* E = 200% 107 N/a? 3x200% 109 x SEER IO” 473.46 N/y (-0889)* 473,96 = ff = f- 4 YS ng = NAH OOUES: = Fas * ae ae “M1 0.0289 Ae 2-32_ poe eet (mk = 2) 907x220 = 50.4 MS 35. Flee cz fe 2 252 5 0.4/7 bae v 1620 = 0417 BS, AEN, Lm = Ns 2 = bo 254 ton 7 0 7305 73.03 is =. 20, $-&+ BY spas 2a kt @ 522 By (2.3-1#) A=-8 * gaits Kiln. WO UFet 3.732 wnt Ve ace (e e 2 oe Pe ‘b 2 0.5 —“ = sew @-3-16) &) F 0 a oe OS t)t fy (23-16) : ~ ont ©) grr tae 2 ate Ey, (23-14) % = 35 Stake 2 by hoe SoS = bn l.ORO40K = 0.0202 Cre ‘990 SHEE 5 = 0038s w. -¥£ = [i782 = 27278 F wy iia ™m~ 2,467 RRMA T = 2A 27K ATE * 0032/5 = 405 Ms 42-34. @) os 534 RAs | = 0.0493 2x4,534/ 3500 & §= 27g = 0.3/0) 7-$* § 310} a7) fu = = (2.718) = 1.364 Xn 2237 oe 7o = 0/0 a) AYmK RYILE x 7000 «> 4 = 4 Vest yz = Vino [7222 = 3/67 He ce) S= = 2631S i +63, (4) te Jom = CO = 18TH 2-3E H 3M, =-2claé)—2k(ae) = me's ask 6 7 peti fo, 6+ 8G)6 + & (4) =0 ar one | Sin Hall)" (285 FR ay crit, damp, Sa 7 3fZ Le 2 th fd e+ 1EE) = BEY Cie = 0.7 ' =38 = 24 ‘dent, fom 6 +1508 + wt6=0 ry Oy éZ., 5? tyme eh 17 5 +356 +2k(Be = © 6 +160,6 + we =0 me, GF Ee (HES ORO 4-42 cheer ten 20 Pee 7 ; 7 Boe Usd + Saco a Ge arlas he Square both sides amet _ ary 2 (AABY me) ~ (A) = () 6 = tow Leia aT Ww 3 oe agin % = 23/7 ls a3./7 x4 = 92.66% bme z Fy, (23-19) at eo xo) Li t wat] 7 ent mont, Boe SM alsi~ wt} or ore wt]= 0417 solve by tral mont ‘ ent peuue € fst wt] 4.90 0074s 042 4.4% 1007017 04/92 ~~ = 246 a x, fq ¥ Selve for oF 7 = hub [in .04 J + Lag Tie (4165 )* 6.359 f* = 129 + 2.56057 gis 034) $2847 =o £g,31-17 Hw) = G=-+O/ a | ee | o-ay [age | Gof | De TR Tee 20-9999 | 4998 .c0do 0000/6 ome 1.00008 -00400/| 40: -840 | .1086 .0080 “aces | W086 | 1.19037 \~ 011387 a ‘ 1 j Y i | \ | JO | 1900 | 0367 |-078%0 |-000324 \.o%g24| £.2634-,a94/90 1 | 1164 | 01354q\ 01880 \cap 3.53 |-0SF2 31263 185226 % 12.032 5 |~2.R676| 25 2-6 Cont. “aq t 87470 [0003 [07780 [oon 342 feet ee EES eee \ i i G.a2§ |~ 48,459 9 | | 4.9578 | -49.5535| 1-000} | | o ae Ho | ~9.5061 | 47.998 7 9S | -4 Abed 1,060 1-123 |.016277) 0212 |,ccodeg |oStae |-pasve | 1349 , wl ; ; mk, = ~C#, + R(x. -H,) mi, + om, + Aa, a RX, Set tet fest last Replace excitation by £X, 0°" | theo gn Xe rH ip tet oat b: =X¢ te =Xe - a t ((e- mo) seve] ee & xe y - ke HA aceit PO Bemtjehae (he meg + (c0)® oe BXe i ew i ee BT Ta=z— me = 2(g-%) the mi + ch + hn = ag 26 3-8 : wt gsvet “=x qscwye™ =k e (Be mots toe) x = 6 0 cay Be ns 4 Coe ><} a) e sd 7 [hme Cou poe eee =y-2 cw Yen FFE tay Go (@) P= 90°. resonance = ew) = WoxsT ark, £2 IS ops = G00 cpm ©) F4,(3.2-4) at resonance sere eo = OUR XZ 2MxX RELA KEG KIO? «@) & . (eeo eC At i00npm = FEED 2 1,353 FG, (3.274) X= me 1.333" x [i= 13*}* +[ax.onexisny Mow) , TIT Ste Te. 4 * “7g023 0023 ttm BIA cm (@ £9,08:2-5) yx Tag! 2X +Q85x 332 8 ol. : nen T= 1533" Gin “(-. 0805 ) = /80°- 4.61 = (75.4 ° 27 cee Me +c% + Rx = (med) Smrat toot Let Qnewt) Semest = Fe ito) _ yt ot Xe eit cot then 42 XE (ute + iow + yk et =F pee eee Ae oy TE) = Be s 20 nps (exam radf = oxay Kaa/s, 1 Batel oS th OO, = 8 oPSs = meus Sunlot-¢) F4,3,2-6 seat atts X,o San (CHeop— a) + PE ee transient steady state aH t=0, x(e)=0 ecd-¥) : (meat fe -¥ o = -X/Sag. + Le Sn = on) Fr 5%} att=o %(o) = Kilt) =X/€ orator “Son snFn,t-)) oa der corte) “\oresT Bey" (0) = 0 = X,[anliFeod + ge2,8ing,| yess eign COP @) = (marie) Sime Stent) X,Smd, = Gromit) z, 7 (ne wdjoteary Kean aFF con + Gem PRI ke dividing ; . tind = VF SAP @ 7 AnH Cont. ae at t= 00, transient term 20 cue toe “0 (ree Sein (wt) final aml. 2%?) “en SCE | final amplitade Steady Siete = (en) A ee IL 7 (3-4-8) Wee phase yo can then be Solved “tom Lang = mS S--94ISS ye = 48.A57° Then F, setrad from (3) Ton = -.780, 4, Then solve for X, and sub. inte Ey, (@.2-£) eotsiae “y & paz? hewest Critical speed = findamental trey, of Laterad vibr. £-4)2 where Ra ee reat MZ + 0486 FFG OS, py disk foes Paes 48m = 2286 (283) FE) At) 2 eae ohatt 3% Be = 1029 apm 24 Weslo th = 444g N mn HABE Lg Ss Ag $5 = 4. 534 by 4 = 36 ett = 4) men (= 2000107 N/yge he : 2 \ & = 2x .304¢ = +6076 m A 265K AS4KI* = 1.270 x10 om q=T@ 2 sar. wo? e4 A= rmx sas x ATTA sh ie Nm (60% ) Tr =a) AB My gg = AE x E (20x10 ) Geog) C= 4938 C= 1830 &, = density of steel cS - | Sane ra 5 Fa peeve crys ete nit _ dia = 2.54 om hx EL _ 48 (200% oe maI3.6 +. 486 (Fx. c1s# % -4064)(7830) = 13,64 184 = 1439 hy = TL Hr = 4304 rpm Qos a 7 = 7 2.% Wn peer he fee ame = A87q kyom (gwen) 2, @ = AEM 5.02117 om A = 2060(.02117) = —.04.316 em +027 Varnico) = (273 N Fz m(nve)w = 14,38(~ 043 oD 30 L405 om for liam doom, = 1456 (Ex 101905" .4064)(1g30) = + 4408 ma mye ABS = (4.04 ky Te Zz 405% 100 =. 464% 10” he 8 (as0 x04). 6409 x10 = 0.944) *10° - 4064 £,= AIL] Hz = 2476 apm & = Ge = 24s ns (ORT (2.423)" = 02552 Are = + 00435 1 -(2.423)* Fz 14042, 22085 20835 (27 Sey = 2tn) N 3-15 Perret ees a, + et (see Ex. 34 where % = displ, ofan ~R(x- 9) ensured fam statte epuilie position of m with gre RY sen wt = X Sw wt correspends te = The most untaverable Spork : -~4 2% vo VOR 3 —Sa1T_ (Ref. Prob 3-10) fa.(aa-7) f= 4S:16 = = 1563 by T bm 006 Q, = ark = 7.824%, ha, = SE ee. Gan = 22,87 MZ i ar Y 64,4 by, = i400 = 17.89 %, @ = 27V AT to = 20/28) = 7,683 4 63 (2 "2 (768 _ 6, bh om (B.) EB) soeur ye Pete ia. ga om wF x,+ lo ieee mi amg =~ 79 (2 ~ xe) “e 2 + 4 x 2B, let %o=XoSmewt ZX sat Xo Z oe ore 1-63 2 ys ae when w 2 (Kw, eee mode found at £ 4 - SE Ix! IXoj Pas oy x-] L [de] = ek = BS ~1j sce 2 > 2 «= (8) 32 Aa mack thy a cht hy $= YSmwt H 2X Sm (ty) R= WX Cx (Wt -F) 4 = eYenwt % = -0'x See (ot-#y Sub. into DE. (R-mS)X Sim (WEAF) + COX Cor (wE-H) = ed Cnet + RY Smet Expand Ga(ot-y) F Cor (we-¥) F equate coef of Corwt t+ Smut cock. Feinat >» [ (A-muhleny rwesmP]x = RY WM COE CRemib Say — wen yx = wey Divide + factor cosy Fram num. denom, te get tony 2 Mee es say Kam ea 4. Solve For Suny % Cor} $F Sub, into xX. ® oe e323" (35-8) Y * (eomubjeng #06 Sing ms) “4 cm) ie after much algebroe 3-20 See See,(3.6) F254 H(&7) eae “ee aise (ae) Selve for A = 2.678 mom. For faancocpm the Fy is smaller “eye me ff (gear = RE, ~ 586 . 2 bases s we Y, Me spring 3 3=22 mg . 4584%98/ = 97556 Y= 3755.¢ M a +00 5080 a ae 2 BL BTEE OKI _ ons & See = 98 oan Weeas (£0OxAT) @) ia sogsary pie ee +2303 F177 x = B54 OT 29 000877 m ITT 7 Fi = &X = P7SEC! x 000679 = $06.7 N TR 3-23 New M = 453.4 + 1136, = /589,4 By a ISK iat FN New R= BTSSC/ x gee = 3067.295x10 & X= % (8) = ABA yy , 000579 =0, 65K? M(B) 7 1589.4 ae M = 6% +1200 = /269 4. f= 60 opm oO, = G2 war = 14,75 %s n wo pete 7 ou 2 Bie = e7te heaim =35595) % ‘ £0.35: x10 -<é X = Wo 2557 = 0.510 om YE 1875* | +[0.2x/S 7S)" . tu ety + fone 3 = 0,01/05 cm FB = &XYirGse.y = +3559 x10 ‘x 110.510" 14 - oe TR = 42.0 N 34. 3225 & L¥0200 o,f = feferee . é Fe4 44.796 W= A xLO = 125.6 Bos 2.5236 In Accel, = 15,24 = 0° Y WY 2, 000%6ES cue \x x |= Ti+ ax2sany* = 0,20 Wfrme.sts]"s 228 368)" .2587 ‘ ue JX =,20718 x ,00096S =0,0002005¢m FX = 3/66 oma = transmitted accel. Aadh Add mass M1 te instrament , increase aig, X must be reduced * (S66 10002005 = .000/285° ¥ = HE 2.1332 2 ) AEHEL) “ET (ney Salve by trial ; fr g pes, y = 0/327 for Boat yeti = +0F93 beth of these are OK For BD wt = = or 314 Iv rl M:+M, = 284. “My = 171, 43 tobe added, 3-27 Compare £q.(3, 5-8) with £4 (36-2). They are D- Gy y+ bey To calculate ao 4g \TRI, Yarst coleulate varying & - Then fine Db, Suggest computer program, TR with J fixed, = Tie tae ela 2S Wy = TLMX* = . 25 (Bx, Te A 0 -@y y+ ee )* 3-2 a A z z CU wp i De fexX, Wy C09 X ro 1: weoX® cw aT £kX* R Sa payed rota a F smut mm E $2. Con a Xa? gk From Prob 3-29 % = Fis Gt at resonan, o£ es 28 we KA Nag a % + On HE sast Scola eee Peet (lS a 1 et pacino) rrns Yn * ete = circle of radius | #) +o / a= 32_ RETEX Wa EA er & but SE L0S # = 28 OF rein feet 2 CE n 2 Me min 8 2U 2 = 7TeoXx 2233-0 = £(x,0) We wewxX* _ Tew oties ee = of es Pees for viscous damping D ws 4D 25%, = gipine, “Ge ax aH BiB. =, ww = DB Xseyrigay “GE re Square both sides and subst for Sy X{peyy + (aayS = Gay ey - SE for X reat xO ey)" = x. TORE ast a> 2 1 Vi He BY Lg EF 2 3 Qa A= Sh— Rewrite eq. as ota £ SF het 9= Orme at 3-32 Fé, + K(0,-0,) 20 & vate, = ute, = fgscor Gm 8 . 0, = outer whet Gs Sand 8-8 16° 6,)3m ast {e = shaft Rel. ampl on a -§ -_2 6, ean 40 Qrea* 37 to 3738 het pa fon a 2 (SS 2 (F Fs gues for 20.650 , Rp = LEH, = = 402 gy *h for (a) % = 1.010 Write above ey a5 “Ur - Ete <0 For accurary expand In(X J 131 @ a wr hs a : (oe (ree y* ve apereerarceriaer tes Cine = = (1-04 4.0008) = 9.0797 G45") 20,310 2.0197 2* — 0.3102 +} 20 oa na {2s 3.350 v Lowest bay, far |e accuracy = 3.35 x 4.95 = ISG ops. hb) Fir 2% above plot indienter we must use B= 0.98 Bm : 0.0412 n*— 0,310 +) = Oo » ABST LE7x 4G = TAS ers 3-3 , (BYFY 7: fe (ay ys z{(e-1J = 0,052 (£)'~1] = ~0,0488 om Bat Sensitivity = 0,040 rms velts/em par sec, Ovo ems volts measured +. cmpersee vel = :O24 = 0,250 +06 Qs 29x30 = 186,44 M/s. @) vel = 0.250 = WY = 18H GK xe 001326 ams om, ©) ampl= 0.40 om park cannot be used since 0.40cm exceeds clearance of 0,30 om 2-4) sensitivity = do mir/om pers, 1g accet = 9.81 7st = 987 om/s* ace) = OY G@) of 10 > / 4 zeyY Dt Volts genereted by tastrament = wZ = wY 3243 Sensifivity = 30 my fom. pars, Bama = accuracy Limit = 30 (wz) WZ = 0./0 emp 981 A = 010 = Soe = Limiting vel, . P= 2TF “ = ISCI eps = upper Freq, Limit, At $2200 yl = 0, 7907 RIX 200 instr reading 2 30x .780) = 23,42 mw, 3-44. C = 450 ¢F Q=4% Py Qube = TX SO = 250 pF =Q . #8 open Rat = ZR = 0,080 veltefy = 40% pe it With cable E 40x 489) gas omy 450 250 % 39 3-45 Wa, @c@X* _ mew U 4k X* eR e25qQ = 52fem “s saw 2G Em QP = 4TEs eae eee : w, Ei i sargQ 52 =282 3-47 z Wa. Lego 7 ®ET5S) 2568 but 25 =} at resonance M2 AQ = Yat vetenance ae (i= A*) =e eee Gan) (gayy > 4° Clay + Gaye ye ce 8A 8 nage bm + @raye A(xgn) Ge +(agayy £5”) 2asm[o -w)* (asm) ] (agn)* y+ esa) a ony + {eka | [o-neasat}] [aces aS Hen] 2 2 me (gt em ) eee © -4@gR)* 40 A= £4.66) fr semana response - Some % * ane © Law FAS cay For max response x =o &.f_ SO ey SCP + (Face F est . de mes, Ling . We tan Yi=ft wt = ea 4-2 het O= fing u,t flap / . Tu 6 = os from Prob 4-) A 5 Sim 6 = YT=$F Zz ~ 5S. tan’ (-s* F4.-s-6) becomes nent ree Sian : fi Fras Eos Be etsy exp ( ee aS ) 4=5_ From Ex 4.4-) = Sete eo Fe cos (7H at -y) wh Be i tomy = Be Far pes ease AL. (BR) = He TH Fir peak response (24) = 0 ate {-$ eoolOFant 4) TF se (Fant 4) so aratent 4) = ER eral Cont FF at —To . 7 7 + ConliSiut Tomy r= $e Tae TF cmt -*& * ee Nee Tin TH wt | TT Cant FE et ee] 2 Tanyrpi nt 2 0 4 into Fy, Br peak zh Fe dew (w-¥%) t =S z cre rh Or ( EE oy wh cope © (Beck art ep (FS) ES From Ex 4-7 eee FZ (1 - erent) teo For ney.step of 2 apphed at t= ty ,we have a= -ABfi-wen(e-o)J tt ee B { en anlt-te) ~ enent } ta With zero inital cond, Fg, 44-1 giver de) = [Fg einen (Of) ag = pectenter sites) Solution fir homogeneous cy. ts feom Ey, Rnb Kt) = a Suna, t p X(0) be7 Wat Complete sel 1s sum of these solutions 4-7 From 4, F:4-1 response to unt Step Kanctien is t g* | kepap f : Dilterentiate beth sides url. time gue= £(t) WR e 428 go 4ns % 2 [PROD From Prob4-7 GOD = kee-yp) z w(t) [Po geen 4s Loregrate by parts nit) = fogen|! + [fase wag =~ Rego) + es + [berg be SIF tent see Append. B, a oot ly LC mecdriae = Merivative Pabove 2” leon drat Fes, St eRe s rw, sre sent {HOARE snyrpiage + meorenarp ont | vi MERE cee “Aa ge = ROU) —1DE ", Zlt)= 108) — 100 Egotz =-¥ = 100 - 208) “on SE Ae HAD ce Gas = Zee) 2 AGS (1-enent) — BE Senvernt zt) = AD, Sudont —aetnent =o Forman i Tamiyt = Be (see Fe) a w= 10 Zag? EL Gre | > BSE 43 so Fo smwe = Fe sim Ee Kron = osm Ee one 3 GenSe Ult/aASmut +Btout + Mn MnEt 1-(E, )* F04) For mooy=K(0)=0, B=O und A= With, sEFE st Ban GB > Ze “ff ee t + et me) = Gf Ee ae S } G5) ey = oe (samt _ at oi oe Pe Gg EP eae, For t>t, add same solution with t replaced by (t-%,) A-/% The triangular force can be represented by Fi= 3e o “KE = So(aut-sinegt)= FES og ‘) ee car) For Fe additeonel excitetion is -2Ct +04, = -2C(t-t 4, J Thus H,0t) must be supplimented by -2%,(4- tn) %e(t)= H(t) -24,(t-£6) $e poso &- Fah [ Seant — sain wu (t-t)J = ° Seat, ~ Simint Coane, + erent, Smrent, = 0 foc tot, Tam wtp = Se ents C- ap ats.) sf oe 7 os Sin wah I 0 tnbo Swintigty = YzC-en wt) Ce Wnty = Cinta wate) ame Subst inte eq. for tote (%) =YaGaerat,) = 23m fate = 2S Fe 2 mae - < 0,50 aT A-ld For small Je the sine pulse approaches am impulse Pon [oarge = BEE, Repose = x = L sivent 2 i tts ame %, 4 CA) 4h at t= % Rak response must occur at time >> to # << Z het a= get fe tet (#) = (Fs te [se amep + siarag-1)] When ts ~ abeve 49. indeterminate = $ ut diBarentinte nam. % den, wit a + divide (®) 2 ~ Fwrg which 5 mag when fa) 2 £ a a= nen’, t,o Be 2 = 0,80 rom - & From Fie P4-2) (4), eee One ee ar he mus = 04817 (4G) = 6S8S Gon & = ASO Aa Kory SO F220 ts, =4x,40xFe vi Fy 2 10 nag = NSA « ” AM Differentiate ae, Proha-a BBE [2 FACE 08) 00 MCE 19) 04 | = 0 or 2 on SiS ose) en °F ( H -1) ~ en Ate =o which gives t= 8, ae With suypested Subst For Heng and Aad EY seat cop ~ cont sang | = A sin(ant ~6) Mag response occurs when (at-$) = Z ee tt H forces “41 frommasas] {[fAsyenase eg] nae Fon tee ° t>4 " Ey4.2-1 with f= wy 1, Bere ad vt) = A [Esin (-nar= B(E-Sye) k For Eot ae doas nil chanye efter ty HC) * Fs, fi £orw,(t-nag = & B (Leoate-pirsecgles] = F [omy Cente) + gh {smran(erte) secant} ] i 42440 Given vel. 2 Ys W, (ute) — t%,) Accel = @ = 4, (S(t) — YJ = gw Subst into ae eae & fte)- $, J semen, (A-S) aE ot, the solation ts 4 {bie - $ Jama, (tpey = s peated ait, [erence 8) ~ ermal J 5 = 100 ~ 1080) 2B = 0.628 5, choose at cy. os Ss For the impelse response, of . advisable te treat sepamately Its response is - 22. 2 ff Sipsmult-Sdg = — 2s jot Remaining Solution can be computed numericath, from DE ca) Wwe - OZ: } Laitial Cond, 2 2, m2 Ze Zee, z=z, +0 Stert with 2%, = 100 From Ef4.6-8) 2, = ea (0.05)*;00 = 0,/250 From (a) 4, <4) Frem (a) = 100 = 100 (0.1159) Find 2, From Fq. tb) etc. 50 4-27 This problem 13 identical to Ex4.5-2 mm the text. Tt is suggested that the instructor change the triangular impulse duration to 0.805, and ‘fellow the procedure of Ex, 4.5-2, 4G Etats hr Game ® f 7 ~ou0t aiettte Fig Pa-28 3 for g = 60 © aortas Fir oat, ar ante Wate, t=10 For large ate *z, a a rectangular enone (Be) da 8 metyat at Wnt, = 170 Fich-28 gives (3) = 0,02 feng Fir small Wyte (% E he BE nm 4-27 merck +hkn = Swat With zero initial conditions, respease may be evaluated From ) or @) below tn Fo fom EDS EIEN G4 280q + Oe) ay we) = XL apt ant +4)— Leet Bi) @ *) F B famalen z ST ee rap ont 4.424) Result ss” -Fet | é wit) = &,{ ez Sem (AF wt 45am Hinge) ~ ersent = Fer small damping SE arg At time tee » Feyte arg 240 Subst, ints Fy, above x= By { Co sin (wnt +90") ~ eo wnt } ts 18" )( BE event) , ferns } Coy gt where steady state sol. 28. eraumt ) A238. Under harmonic farce of Frey, @,, He steady State oscillation #s = & =f é(0) = KE) = Cos apt (0) Sa, Klo) =O Transsent sot. rs i eens A Altl= XC Sen(Y~Fan.t + fF XE Senleyt+rd) for fosmall fe = & ha and X= Te Then trans, Sol. with above Ital cond. 15 Sent z(t) = Zen <€ C8) Oy -f At gent = 28 210 ate € &. cos ant $e Preb 4-30 a 4-3Z HE DE x = 025 F(t) — S00 % let K = H = 0,02 és Til) = WW &® (I~/) 7 ee « = X(r) X(1) = 0 xz = Dx2(I) Let [ gofrom 1 te 25=N Computer progres folows 52 A-, te Dmewsion Tr), X(28) DX 2 (2), F (28) N= 2s HEF OR TH) = 0 xX) =0 DOL =425 T(t) = H ® (L-1) IF (L.6T.1) GOTOR F(l) = 100 DX2(I) = +25 *#F(L) ~500 #X(1) X(I+1) = +50 & DX2(T) eH *e2 GO To 3 2 IF(I-L7.¢) FUL) = 100 LF(L.GE.6) Flr) = wo —/000 *(T(1)-.10) IF (1.67. 10) Flt)= 0 DX2(I) = -25 *®F(I) — 500% xX (I) X (I+) = 2% X(L) ~ XC) + DXA (1) RH He IF (l= N+/) Go To 3. CONTINUE 4 WRITE (6,5) 5S FORMAT (4 FH1, TIME, FoRCE, Dispr ) WRITE (6,6) (L(t), Fr), X(t) ) 6 FORMAT (3x, F6.3, 3X, F6.3, 3X, F 6,4) STOP END A233 We wilt First aiseuss phe case where the initial Condipiens QTC nol 2670, The discussion on pe then apples, The acceleration from Me DE, 15 = Fahne mapa te olla tt) The two equetins given from the Taylor series are Z Qe Ai it @) Ram tA EOS mane, 1pm d,) 4 mR RK + LOB wow, 25018 ) Since the initial conditions x, &, and& are assumed Le be given, Sy. @) gives Ka, 44.0) ws next Solved for &, whieh 15 PF ase Ke, «) a eet Bw men Xe) eee CA + A 50m) Thus x, and Xe for the Lirst interval can be calculated from Fos, @) and C). Calculations for My B, , qe Hy ete are now made with Lo, @s-7) and Eye) generalized to rider é as folfows. 2 a 2 ~ Keay ARE K, HACE ern 250%) i Kor Fins : »&% = Oe Keo, © Bes, ECG en Bint) (4 + Kg wn) Flow diagram Follows 54 Diagram (3 Similar te Fig.4.5~1 with added boxes for Fate) and £y.(e) for the calculation of velocities. 55 When ;nitias values are zero and force =0 Fo, (4) gives #, =O and hence Calculations cannot be Started, We must then use L£gs4.8~F and 45-10 and substitute K, From DE, The two equations 30 obtained must be solved simulfanteas! for &, and H, , with phese values calculations may proceed with fas. (a) and (@) “(8 ¢ ~2su,, %,) (45-10) Hn aby 7 ay 7 (45-9 Rearrange to . Utsatys, +(Feu)e = £78) (hate, tlirkgfeanday = & (4) Solution; EG) 2 Thea (Be) fy ; £8 = # (ar Ei) (2) Previous Flow diagram can now be used with Fg.(a) replaced by Ey.) and &y.(c) replaced by F909). Right loop vs unaltered, Coleutation of Fis necessary prior to &5.(a). 56 4- DE. for base excitation 15 amt + C(%-g)+ k(x-g) = O hel Ze w-Y , then Zoe -F -whz -250,2 Thus the problem 13 same as that for force excitation with Zz replacing & and -Gets replacing (£). 225 88 Refer to Bob, 4-33 and He given Flow diszram. The exerting force “as 3m now replaced by -| $2 Gotmnwl £2 -g¢= ys Soe wt m The sie pulse terminates at Wt,= 7, The time yncrement & Should 6¢ Chosen smaller than te or (8% ) whichever 1s the Smallest. A pregram similar to be written with He IF statements Prob, 4-32 can mod fred. ST Anse use superpesition of selutieon to each step Function iF etep of Fo results in xGt)= B (1-coen,t) 4 : atte of ah at t= 5 adds — 2Fe[— erw,(t-T)] ahotep of +4F, ot t= EF adds +28 (i—cmmn(t- AB) rain r “ eee eee 7 . st 4 Sum results in amphtades 47 7 tnereacing Linearl 3 j 7 4 : : t 5B “en t t i date Exact value of ges q “7240 1.0 110000 a =38t tt 143310 : 62 17280 *G) = 3.0000 Calculation of & by Limite difkerence using m= (%, -%.,) 2 peated 43310 -, 7290) = 3.010 hz 010 crear ( 2) . os Errors Ol = &k = Ok) 420t0) % ere (4.7280 - 5720) = 2.04 4 2x.20 - 7 v Brrors.0a 2 2 ok = O¢&') 4-3 Refer to Froh 4-39 but use =¢ (%-%,) kz.10 4%, = s (4.0 - 7290) 22.71 Errors 290 = 29k = OA) hero % = (10.5120) = 2.44 Errors S60 2288 = OK) 4-46 DE. 4k +2000% = Fit) ‘foor Wn mat, R= 2000 F(t)= ov ek wo, = JE 222.56 pilsol. due te step Lanction (See Fig 45-4) FE we gC-& et) s a (1- raat) a ost = 0.10 I sel, due to ramp funetion of sore (4-410) se Hee Heap DE K + Svox = 250 t’ where #’= t-.10 Lapl. Trans KS) = 4s? 3 (s*+ 22,56") : ’ y, = 282, farse t! ~ Sem 2r308 J x aase* ; ; ’ a ft ~ ,0n236Sar3ct 60 4-40 “aad to first sol x, the second sol, which : tS We $ (t-s0) - 02236 SL 22,3¢(¢-. 10) atl t2=./0 Similarly the third sol, 13 same 43 Xe with (f-.20) 4-41 DE te be solve 1's B+ nnn = 2 FO) het g=% | Hen go= Flt) = 2F tt) - omy too |-~ ~ where F(t) = ° t Follow Cale, proceedure of Example 4e~/ @.2 47 = 12,56 = 2T bs S00 A ate Saggert R= 102 ef 4-4) Cont. Runge-Kutta Pagram PROBLEM 4-uT THOMSON DIMENSION 7 (50) ,7 1 (50) , 72(80) 9 (50) , 4 (50) , (50) ,X1 (50) ,X2 (50), 1X3 (50), £4 (50) , 259). 71 (50) ,¥2 (50) , 73 (50) ,24(50) ,P(50) ,P1(50) , 172 (59), F3 (50) ¢ Pa (30 5 FORMAT (206,154, 5X, "TIME, 9X, tOESPL®, 3K, ! ACCELERATION", 11X,"F (3) %y, 119K, "FORCR) dO 10 J=1,¥ P (I) = PET CR (I) » £63) .Y (3) DP) PRINTA, 3y7 (J) oX(3) oY (1) PCS) DP R FORMAT (1AX,13, 2K, °7. 3, 2,012.3, 50, 21243, 3,212.3, 7%, PE 3) 31 (9) = (3) X10) =¥ (3) ¥1(3)5¥ (3) FACS) PAE (TA (3) 6 £1 (1) 61 G3) DEY 72 (a) =7 (J) 40H 2. x2) =X (3) +41 (9) S942. ¥2 (J) =¥ (J) #P4 (a) *DH7 2. F2 (3) SFX¥ (72 (3) ¢X2(0) ,¥2 (3) , DP) T3(3) =7 (3) +DH/2- X3(J) =X(J} #¥2 (3) #98 /2. ¥3(J) 2¥ (3) #F2 (J) *DH72. PA(S)SETE (73 (J) ,X3 (0) -¥3 (1), DP) Ta (J) =P (I) 8D XW (J) =X (3) #3 (a) #DH ¥4 (J) =¥ (3) #73 (3) DH F4 (J) =FXY (TH (4) -L4 (J) ¥4 (I) «DPD X (Jet) = (J) 94/5. # (11 (I) +2, #42 (3) 62. #3 (3) #44 (3) ) ¥ (G69) =¥ (I) #DH/66 * (FTC) #2, #P2 (5) #2, #3 (J) +PY(S)) (11) =T(1) eDT 10 CoNTINaE, sae END FUNCTION PXY(T,#,¥, DP) IF(P.GT.0.8) GO TA'50 IP(T.GT.9.2) 30 TO 4@ DF=500.*T 30 TO 54 49 DP=200.-509. #7 eateatai 50 51 PYY=2, #DF-16, #3. 1015%8 28x 4-41 Ont, TIKE 0.000 9.020 9,040 9.060 0.080 0.100 0.120 9.140 9.160 9.180 9,200 9.220 9.240 9.260 0.280 9.300 9.320 0.340 9,369 9.380 0. 400 9.420 0.440 0.860 9,489 9.500 0.520 0.540 0.560 9.580 0,600 9.620 0,640 0.660 9.680 0.700 9.720 0.749 9.760 0.780 0,309 9.320 0.840 0.360, 0.8389 0.900 9,920 9.940 0.960 DISPL 9.0008 00 0.1332-02 0.105R-01 0.350R-01 0. 8118-04 0.1542 00 0.2578 90 0.392% 00 0.5572 00 0.7522 00 0.970R 90 0.1208 01 0. 144K 95 0.1642 94 0, 180% 04 0.1898 04 0.1908 01 0,183 01 9, 166R 04 0.1412 OF 0.1078 94 0.6712 00 0.2298 00 -0.228E 00 =0,6718 00 -0.107E 01 -0.140R 01 70.1658 01 -0.179E 01 -0.7828 01 -0.1738 04 -0.1542 OF 70.125 91 -0.8798 00 -0.4592 09 -0.7128-03 9.4532 90 0.8788 90 0.125% 04 9.154% 04 949738 04 9.132% OF 9.179% 31 9.1658 04 0.1018 94 0.1078 94 09,6728 00 0.239E 00 <0, 227% 00 ACCELERATION 0.0095 0.1998 9,783 0.1728 22908 0.438 0.5938 0.7528 90,9032 70.185 90 00 00 04 o1 o1 o1 o1 01 oz 02 02 02 01 01 01 o1 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 04 02 0.757z 0.794R 0.7828 0.7202 0,613 0.468R, -0.103F. -0. 6672 -0.1192 -0.164R -0.1988 0.2208 -0.228R -0,2228 -0.2028 -0.1698 -9.1968 -0.361E 0.3608 0.1068 0.1692 0.2228 0.2608 0.2838 09,2878 0.2748 0.2432 0..197F 0.1398 0.7178 0.2128 -0.7158 -0.1392 -9.1978 0.2438 -04 2748 0.2872 70.2838 -0. 2618 -0.2228 -0.1698 -0, 1062 0.3628 0.3598 4242 The stiffness of te crane boom is represented by b,, measured rom the extended Straight dine. PE = Romy) -w G+ (fs)y = (BB) -¢ ha (AB + ‘ Snene Oy jssass Gr wy oVt -§F » #2 VE 8, 4.7, a avy g¢ S56 ~5 yo) - gO) +a Hs) . 37S gor = 540,» AO fy og s(s*+ 0%) 4 oot Stra* " $3(s*403%) Inverse LT. 4) = yoxnat + £2 sat wo Sete +¥ (ut sat) —£ (-cowt) 64 Fmt me, = €K, +® (%,-%)) mit, = -&(%- %,) origin 0h Ao, a a equilib pesitiin (a EDK) = Xa ed x, 2 C- "BX characteristre €, nM-3rXt/ = O . (Aa), IAA, = 061% aa fears = yr 2.07 =m ape OK fades [Aa = TI8E eee ee bat je mde ‘ Qtm-ry me | Ro ACibmyy + fae cea =” (em r)]> Ne Geeew, “Ks ter For mal. Vas 5 mga, Qua), = Deed = BE (XA) =m s=4 = a bard a r= me (2-20) oh oe oe erat ae geared (een ee ¥ =(4-d) (3), = 3.43 @) = 0,096 =e he) e (rary mt oe 2(I-Ay Ap =O =1 tay} G-a) = t YE ase Ke 2930 = ae = on 8). 6,207 Dye { 1.707 = ht ) = 9-17 3) 65 =e Qe: fork 20 ar SF te (Iman) =i A(rzr-3) 20 ate Py “x, m “Aso Aan Be ree cotation Jn genereel a % FO, ~ Ky (8-81) =O Let p= t(&-6,) Lb, +k. (9, -0,) = (8-8) + (# + $)@-0)=0 Erk wt g=0 on= Yh (FF ) = Ww = Sue) we Eh 20,0941 x10* e Vs “ ro k gaat = eoseexio! 7 3 Kigg = “ike = 0.03658 vo‘ Krk Tate re ons Vk, a)» 72x O8lSx0t = 139.4 “Ys characterstie &. 7 st) - @ s . hy =o (5 s}et- 2 2 )es-isga jo a) NE9TG =O. SITF 3 10365 x10* Ton'st jn ench shatt a te %, FT eae Shape SB Totus sti Mnes between cars 2 1b,000 Yn System has node at middle of Spring .% oscillates as two Single dey. Freed, System with each spring of ER 33 000 Yo, and mass m 2x 16, CVO x 38 wo, - JE fe muse) =} AAA ere OPE ig. 72 66 For Utes amplitudes angles are # and mare i Tensions are approx tmy and ~y. lise ZF, mdi, = ~Amg (BR) + mg (78521) oni, = = mg (4852) pet = 02 - " (3-d)X, Xn 2 -X, + U-A)X =O 0, S¥e AsRtE = {oata Va4adt 220 ‘ 0, = Le R)y = [07 Ve part 1,850 \E (%), = I-A, = 0.4/8 Be 2 Motel 34 $ | lode 2 * a x LA me |hO Ce" ia ~ amg 8, + mg & & 2) = —mgo, (A-r)G, — OL =0 AG, tU- AAO a Ae Bo 4r 42 20 Same as Prob &~' 7 } 7 1107 ~ {2} . {coat > > : [00 . -0- she te 67 . Sau mp me 5 My OF ty mj 8TH TOG nh 7D) TE fr SME FS HRS ele} he pray het \s oO me in Prob St Go» =" |. P-4y +5 = 0 ke ot jo} —e AFI 0, =) Ame ®), aH Ret ele Geo eee errr <> Mode t Mode & ea anor +s = 0 (2-2 = |= S -! (2-A) A= B42 (Hraus Ay 0.634 cw, = 0,796 | Vane fh, = tery at 2S = 1,538 Ye A 1.00 7 eee ee a) Sait J, 8) =-k,6, + K.(82-8,) = 4h, R* g Lb = —K.(%-6,) Pehl of spring = Taryutn RFs ARG Rees) Piece resin -& (B-9) |e 4 ky Ki kK, x & [Na Key & Ky Ken 7 (G+ Hs Elo + F a iy 6a amtl6, = ~mg C8, + kK (6,-8,) K ' me'B, = — mglO, — k (8-8) ‘ . 7 ssl) Be (3 -{.| : “& Galle -1E +o +P(Er AB) 20 ore $4 H(i 21) ge A+ ah -+) © K/ma™ a)ef} fay = a a be iaa” -fE- For ie | w,» E+ 44721 22.0 burlrad ey, » Pe. a froriony = 4.5906 For 0,00)= 0, O(0) = 6, 6,02) = 600) = 8, = Qrcosa,t — Yo cma,t = O,Sind (rw )tSind (w,hah rt 6, = tout + Peat = Qeadleru best (u, rare 6, = % rmenruevesane Bet period We Te (0593 6, = 0, 3 O0595L + Cox 4.5314 E = R918 see. He From Prob. S-# af S6F! (K:Aea)a3-4509 For %0)=h, %lo) =o HOWL (KX, fe), 00972 K(0) = #s(0) =O Y, = B.4309C, tsayt — 00972 Cr Crart HK = 1.0000 C, Cut + 1,0000C, ta ,t 46 Mode 11s mudtiplied by C, and modeR by Ce Att=o A = 3.4309 C, — 0.097% Cy O= C eee 6 Span oF f=16 Cont, A 2-3.4309 6, - 0-:0972C, = —F528I Cy Cg = ~ 0.2894 A | C, = 2834 A %F 0.9724 A tout + G.oRTLA C3 a,t %, = O.283h A conent ~ 0.28344 cose, Aad A times model and Btimes modeZ H, = OFA Cow, t rh AFB Cos 0,8 % = 100A eaw,t + /,00 B Cos aye At tec H,(e) = *s(0) 2 K XH0.414- A -244B xX=/A + 7B AR KOB X = 0,44 (X-B) -2-414B “ B= -0,1072 x Am 12072 X% x, 2X {04998 Com,t + 0.5002 c0u,t } %=X { p2072 eneyt — 9.2072 Corey s S=E From Prob 5-1 (Xi/ks)=0.0/4, O&/Ms)=-1.018 (ey = Ko) = Xo) 20, k(oymV The & faitiad conditions reguire 4 arbitrary constants, We choose A times model Btimes mode2 and phase angles gand % {zr} 2 Af Sl enbery) +f 5M feataes 2) 4%, (de Ik z ie } =-9Al, 5 smtuit ny — ne LH hamdgt et) For t=o ° 0.614 hte [oh sft feon + efron} orm 18 ° 0.64). = bE 7 fe { = -W,A { ocr 7 oof ie | sme, From 18 tue ags. 8, = 8 = 10° 2 From 3 ag. oes 614) = W BU. ) From 49 ay. THEE WB - 0B = ~5.6350,B Vv Be Tere, ~ RII As Aue 2 ( “2761 ) = -0,7249% o, % V (0.6 1618) a = t i onAat Yeo se tl (ie sea,t whee! coc Yh, anne 92% 7 ao Using same gen. eqs. of Prob. 5-12 ° Cele “hee {a} -Afrowben +8 fret ber fo} nu AT sue, = a a {- Lee ip 0 The second set of €75. require YR =O “a Oe4 A = 4 b18B B=.3795A 10 =A + .3795A A 7249 B= 2757) Subst, mto sen. €99, x, no nah ae uf 7 YL o.Tes9 i + ) 0.2757 O. aw 5-22. 260-% oe 2 Karke) -heaehe) — h(x $0) 4 ye Jb = -kxegons + keer~ $ope m ol({% tk RL 4 - o J {5 *lag ageflos ~ if om, ami, = haya) & 05,~x,) J = on(E 0) + 2m(§)" = Fmt t Rex -%.) Moment e4, gre (ust) m &faen a8 [i AIR} deh pep aaet aN =A +4 =e ce d, 2068 oy 2 on lS de = 6.842 won 2un (E oe ee ey =. ~ 14 Raxpay (i-ay 2d) (ra-2n) ~(18-2d) SaRL gm (K-08) a mk, = ~ he (%,+l8) He (x, - 200) L,8 = &(m-2t0)th — A(n, Ho) Both stetic + dynamic caupling present, Sta From Pro 5-4 Pee From Prob 5-10 + olfol amie} ig. dtatie + dynamse WRAL Teh ones ak het ae (rhs) = b= & (AL-46) With eal z 5 6h (BGG) ae rad. of gyr, abou em, Rrax +bOB =0 B+co +hx =0 iS ~ (areyo*4 (ac- 3) = 0 Fir date given ete =e as4.5 b2408 C2656 9 - F20.962 oF - , ES we 236.57 ® =~ 10.9 Yona Erceeeepaeeeee me x - 4% ah = 69.53 (Ft 147 Yaa. === Ratu os m(k-e5) + &a =0 =m = Jo + ke +hex =0 & 2+ me* (f-me)6 +e + hex =0 aR [> ME) «epee fo eee [a self (ce is fa} [E fosne 73 Sa 2 Cut. (Ce x {5} -10 (10 -0,005aF) |} xX, = ot - 50000" + 4x 10° = 0 w= 2500 YRS 4x = 2500 TY 2.25% 08 = 346 “Y% 2) ai aey we, ned xX; Bee 4, x) = ho SF a -kx tonne tut = (mrenyi® me re, =-§e'o + mts ble toa Tb Reet 7 naa pangs % Sa mk, + &(%-%) = 0 xa |* my, — RK nH) +h, = 0 % m, e al Bia ket A, mney, ha 2k, Gelaaeee | Aerie —%, +(3-ad)e,=° xe ft wo, = VE 2 u w= { mr S Satishes , Ho = Ho) 20 5-30 From Prob 5-29 z a, = Feat +f eow,t w, = (24 = 24, Hw, 2 & enyt- gmat a eo 7 shear 1h I story = AX, = Ah He 24, mag nd Ratig = 2 On ew Baw = &, (%,-%) OH nox Om, 4 7 J %rSrw,t =O * a - $a,smut+ gd 22 = ow) i Asn ewt b= Hf eshet , } ° = fascayt = treet caw,t Y= © J Cowts} and at = 0, 360° 3% 4ed yo = — $e, Some,t - $e, Seaw,t =o or Buia, t (s+ Reorw,t Jao , contend wt = 120° Ong = ECE) ECE OF Rate of shears = se 22 a3) See Pook. 5-29 Oe ae Arz, B-$ tn} = fa howt fh fern = 32, See Prob. 5-28 with d= gu xy | F% ce Anta eed. nk Aaae | Deneminater = (x- t)(a-2) use Cramers rule G-a) @ X= 12 Gals xX 2 “Pg | 1 (ard) 0-2) BO (an k)(a-2) Response = %, = X,Stmut w= X,Smwt Be , esi oe Be. ALE) Seat Xs (A- £) (ara) Xs, (a-4) 0-2) x x x, % = a 0b tsa et ole le a 5-3. “ a - Mje- 28) = KC ye~ ge) MBE =k. (4.~qo)bo ~Kkyo + glee B= ret. of gyration of bldy about its Som, Pe ae = Ke or = Ke, i fe Bye F. (Ryt= 4 7 Sharacternstis @9, -) M VEY LL atu 5 Cc yoo Leas fie {; Mare = 0 » 2 fost weary = {3% Ampl. ratro at a, Ye « ASF apis = W@W, [0.734 Limede £5, z 7 Ae Be 4r Let Y= %-24% = oe of top, then Be « & ad SAL SeRa BIS 2% mede = elf de 173 % oe a te fe 4 mode e F=35_ From Pook 5-34 Det oats 4 4 For Det 20, ase 2 f 73 1Stmode +732 2% mode Unig Cramer rule a* Z % l; 1 $4. | 4 C-a) Y > Wears seas Plot for various ry? Ines of te ae, . (03° Ha) Z rakes of % MAEM + Check Fre P35 2x3 Un favorable oe vs found (aiiteg pera — fram v= v2 4 = i From Frob 5-24 ¥ ; 4 = 0.962 predominately bouncing f=1327 4 pitching Ww, = 45% 0.962 = 43,29 %% 29.5 mph U, = 45x 4327 = 54.72% = 40,7 mph 58h. mi, + ht, + K(x) = Mme smut YZ - ay mi + hy l%y-%)) =O ne it : & should aqual exciting frey he Sima (AEB) (2. g-) = agoe Uy. $e The abserber will then make &, 20 ank the absorber force will be aqued and opposite ty He exciting firce, kX, = mew” x. mew" Mee = 2 = 0.04” . 5 7m, Braman: ; 2, ewe om, hy + OCB, ~%) +h ts + Rm - my) = Med (e 7) mh, eh e) + him-%)) 20 Let %, = Ke wa Xe MY where K,4K, are Complex a ee ve ie (Aifs ~o8 +o Se yy (4 Hae), = Oren ~ (et “98 x, + (Be -o's 98 )x, 2 0 Gmgey@* (4x ~ 2,0" + 1 we) 1 Cath.) ~ mate dee I hmm, oe coc] = (Bree) ae C= eve) X, © (hk, ~ m0 +0we ) Sg + 4 hal (6,-6,) = Meat L& +4866) = 2 het 2 OE and ma (4-0) = fs} = { Wel scoot =) (4-md) JL & ° 6, = Lead Meso t £20 when Kae my — ACiam)rat IS Rint of contact ¢ of U with small circle moves on circle of radius a= a,-a, 78 From bo. 66-5 the natured trey. is = A(rot.zpeed) = 4 ¥ 1 Bh & = 400 cpm. Beet, = he 20m dy Nat. frey, of absorber must egua/ the excitation freq. Re . 386k» 2 = Qos m = 142 (20%) a hy = 1278, Fin Wal, trey, of system is Sound from’ the denominator of ky 55-/ whith can be reduced lo (BY-D+ Bynes + Gey te f= (4B gh dete 2.25, 4 & L a NAGS NK + Fee ce 2 Ms BE 2025 * on, * 500 , te ots A N= (GZ) = 0.8868 14 S- 43 Refer te Fig $5-3 With trial weight of 2 tb tuned to 232 apm, the two nar. fregs. are Wy. = 0.86% (E)s HE > 0.5% and (Se These numbers estebhsh fhe mass ratio fLromfie s15~S to be yw FZ o0.J0 22 ss) 7 a Te move nat. fregs. outside specified freys, of 2 322 2 J Mo a0er ant (8) BE = tae Fre 58-3 shows fe 0.57 9 5-43 Conf. sace y= Cah 2 4 = ovo vy = 20 my 7 Pee Cte 2 0.57 (m= 87x20 nt Lb, ay , , ce 2 2 The stiffness should be hm mw = HEE) 2/79 Hy SES4 Assume Linear velocity distribution of Flurd between disk and case, The torgue +s Tl = p(velocity gradient) (radius (area) Pilerocity gradient) v8 fare (ap dee arp (BIR Re 3 = Am ABR £(R- By +b] A=4S Optimum damping given by &o. &.7-6 i a tS so os4. ° Peo latn) — Yalnasyia.2s) The Seay. at which the damper is most eetive (vit peak ampl,) is given by EG, 59-7 a lam “Ee = 0.943 —SEAG The peak amplitude Br any ju and & can be found from Fig 5-1-4, ‘Itis seen that the optimum (lowest point on curve ) far Maas 8 SEE as comprted wn Preb. & 45, Thus nm f2:20 2 Oo Gmax y= 105 80 A=4d_ hb Fe 597-3 ae curves pass Through a common point p. This pent fs at He Feguency for optim um damping. Thus by equating | S87 for zo and $= 00 Eo, 5.7-7 & obtarned (an) 7 a Peery aerate AGS Sax) 4 B= Bey)” L ce 1 ae 1nd” Oy~1 2 ATM Thus Ya, = Fy, 6.9-6 is found by a Herentiating [2 f° | wets y equating 1 fo xero and Subst tating £5, $:7-7 hee pt +t =@) (nae he = ina) =| 9 e Rewrite Eq. 6.7-5 f _ aie 4 eee Oh Bre 9g [toons 1 = 0-0 y Bl Crp) -iT —hegrh LAs =n) trot Jory) } 20 = Ml-nY +g Cw ~(abeg) same jo «BEI La nt) y(n i ne Oth) <0 and a = asf a ae pee 5G THR Bt K Mit arn) Sone * Yacap are) a ki ID 35 2 ant i I M¥, = - RK, ~6 (di -&,) + Fe fot any = ¢ (BK) te ack weke le GR ]x, ; ‘ielx. = & [ese (ieee) a Teele ($2)x, elininate Xq “ Ae. {ra -3)r4(8)) -2(9) EF #3) x,-5 ‘ es t 2 ~ map® + CW EG erceect en (dm - Lc a) Paoli mud (K-~ Mon) 4 hee[ must (4m e04)] 82 > 4 An +thae E w, = 0,751 (YE x 48 y ae 204 JE Let kame), then Y= BGS see Y= 8.07 see, het At = 0.20 a ga Kg, = Ke ot 4 aK — Hw, ar = Feat 4050 — eo, Initial Cond. (L=1) wads gt) = Fu)yao, KC) = Be From Eq, (45-8) Kaya (0,20) (1g8 ) = 0,666 From Fa (4.5-10) and DE for gy $a) ¢ 8° Ga) = Ewa) -4 yc] gO[s +d atl = £ at*x 0.666 + ya) = 0.00832 Flow diagram, computer program and plot of results follow, 5-49 Cont —— oat = 0.20 K0)2 Yom Fas = 0 Fu) = 100 HO) = Fu /; Pen? ¥PLOT| x¥Y¥ ws 7 XG) = Krad? + 2X(E~1) (0-2) Yi = Farr) ar* | AY (I=1)-¥(E2) Xir)= ana) virye Fin) [Fons 4 Vir)s Xx) -4 Yin) Flan Diagean Pah 5-49. 84. Computer Frogram ~ Prob 5~49 c PROSLEA 5-49 THOMSON DIMBNSION K (155). ¥ (155) -DK (155) ,9¥ (155) oT (155) TUN =0.9 1=2 S IF (1.6T.2) GoTo 10 0. S#X (2-1) SDTERZ y (1) #9 T #827 (6. 04. #DTHRD) GO 20 30 10 X(E)=D¥ (L= 1) aDPHS 262, #x (I~ 1) -K (1-2) ¥ (E)=D¥ (1-1) #0T##2+2. #¥ (1-4) -¥ 1-2) LF (1.67.95) GOTO 20 F=100, 30 TO 30 20 P=0.9 2. #X (I) +¥ (1) F) 73. (1) 3-4, #¥ (1) (2-1) 407 IF(ILLE.151) 3070 5 Do 59 1=1,150 50 PRINT," (1) ,X(L) -¥ (I) stop END S250 jog hk = 4 x107"(x- 100 § = 4x6 (ary) tr 10(y -Z) ve KR 40K + 4o¥ § = 40x -1oy r 60g prose Use Ey, 4.5-10 te start computation : ‘ HG) = 4 Bayh = 2 (go xeyrsoyts] gay 2k B iiy = = Fhoxey oye +60 ges] wale BES = ya) ae k . gafir S 2 & J=1ls) $0 Kalo £30) a f = fh —. “2 10 he, Ka) = Ee ee [eee hte 1044329] + x) = ta00 4% 9@)/ (36 +840 8 + too K ) storing ge) vt 2 RO )KA)DS 42 Rt equations Z(z) =10 sin TH oye $800 FEO Yueh ¥r-y4aN(l-d-Y(T-2) Z(t)x lOsmmt(t-1) Yea) = 40X62)-weves}reoz00)] YO) = 40Xt)-00¥(Ty [ad=soxtt)-worirrcoae] oe: 86 69 ro Computer Pager m PROSL®4 5-50 THOMSON DLMENSION K(220) ,¥ (220) , DX (220) ,DY (220) ,T (220) ¢% (220) at=1.05 90. (LST (1-9) +0 LF(T(I).GT.a,) GO TO 10 2(T) =10.*STN (3, 14T(Z)) 50 To 15 (1) =0.0 IF (T.G7.2) GOTO 20 £(L) = (400, #6, #DTEHG HD (I) ) / (36, +849, 4D 74242400, *DT#H) ¥(T) = (1440. 6. #9T##2) 4X (T) / (49. /6, #DT#H2) 60 To 50 X(T) =DX (L= 9) MD THHIZ, #K(T9) -K (1-2) ¥(L)=DY (I-14) #DT #4242. #Y (I-1) -¥ (1-2) 9X (T) 40. #4 (I) +406 #¥ (L) DY (1) =49, €X (1) 109, *¥ (1) #60. #2 (I) Istet IP(1. 42.202) GOTO 5 D070 I=1,202 BRENTOO, T(T) o2(L) X (I) pT UL) FORMAT (1OX,4P12. 4) CONTINAR CALL RZPLOT(T, X, 202) CALL RZPLOT(™, ¥,-202) CALL FINISH sToP BND 87 S=5L. If $ = (6-61) 58 = 54-8) # = Ga) Be = -KE-8)*KG-O) the DEs can be FO, =—Ki(Os-% ) written as 4 ERR BE RP Des a te SH a k, 2 ¢ ~er'pie | coordinates Freq, Fa, trom erther set of eguations cs Ky ke (it Tat @ ok, k, ky, 2 yo" [i+ & KL Ki ke (ta o [Ht BUR + Bor es 3 5-52 48, =- Zk, (0, -0, 28 KO, = $64, (0,-4)26-Jehg Le el ie aE ae | ge fe (2 MEY + TR has He te} Ta met Js mek +b) I~ $3. (nue SR] ¢ ‘ =4o 7K SB (K.( 1+ #)-35]J ¥ é e = 0, - 9, &-1 ee eee ¥ KrF)” G8, * ey 6, é, Astiga numerical values for Ki ¥5, and prove I aA W) ea (0 Gi) 8 LEE * SEQ = 0 8g 5-54 : fe ax +t ~ % Dispt.of © ote, %,) tr tn eta thx = Athan air hy T: gm (Biche gt (Bae) atte Bre U = ERA HER Drnamid compling enrite S255 Eqyatiing to b¢ solved are: = - Woe + oY (see p1sz) Gz 1440 (k—4) +160 (ste m0) HG) — 360 G(s) =O 1440 KS) + (S*+ 1440) Gls) = EE at Me 360 es trom (# eq, 4G) = (4S oF? a 360) 2, * Tis) < Sabst. into Dy, 14to (360-) Gts) + (S*+ 440) 965) = x by (Sa) [- 518,400 +8* + 21605" + 1, 036,800) Zis) = “eps x70) [s* + 21408 * 4 519,400) Gi) = 642 (s+ 120) 160 a *4 720) yea 4 s(s* + 2160 S*+ 518-400) Roots : = 1080 + YONG too ~Fi400 6 1080 & (648,000 = -/0f0 + 804, 9845" alos 20 18 areot, 90 5 = + £ 16.5856 = 275. 01S i = — 1984, FEAST Sy = 4 €43,4/6% Rewrite Gis) as gs) = 160 (s*+ 720) S(s*+ 115.0155)(s* +1894, 9845) 100 (s"+ 720) S(s+i 16. 5K¢)(S~c 16 saz )(s+ ¢ 434164)[5 ~ (43-4104) = cr be mee Ce eee (sei mse%) — (S—11b.5B3L) (G41 43.4164) Pee eee eee tees (s- (¢ 43404) +o a too (5*+ 7120) (site sl) apa | fee S45, = -,0804007 133.412) (275. 018s + 864.1845) chin (2 (Setnofsa eu sere) : Ge ea [firestlbsesecietse a) = —, 0804007 760 (S720) (54143. 108) CG, = Gm eels nao l eran ==.03807/ S9S_|s (s*-2I6,01ps)(s thas 4/04) (5-6 43.4164) ©. 2222 a Bis) = 2222. .0Bot007 Of #007 4 Ss (St 16. 5) (5 ~2 hss) 103077 is 103071 CS rh 43,4164) (s-645, 44) Inverse ~ 6h, Sse 16 S956 Yt) =0-2222 — .og0a0c7(€ + © ) —£43,4105 L484 164 ~ 0507 (e WEF ew ? = AARAL — O8 Ces 1b. 58L —.06/42 Cos F341 = +1608 (1—Cat.sSet) + .06 142 (1 Ce343,4)£) meters ci Inove dec, pr. T places to lefthr consi nieters Solution for x (t) ft ap 200 Fes) - 360 Mo fse MEY AO) ea) * aay S(s* aT 01S", wos. 980s) “4 roots are same. Solve as above with partial Fractions, He equation = a $7600 fee S ("+ 21SOISSNS *+ 1884. 984S) Abs, Hit) = +1301(1 ~ Cos 6.884) — 0/90 (1~ Cs 43,41L) meter 256 Examine fer example the subsidiary Sol, for Fayb 5-55 GO) = S. where 5, are roots * Results are sums of norma/ modes 9 5-57 m[l Hed + ef LHR) = (E}see Few me{! ° ke + oe - Fo Feat + OMSK (a)-+ mH, (0) o 1 RS -t K)} )omsxco) + mx, Ce) (mst) —& me] -~k comstyah) |LRusy{ i‘ Det, of matrix (mstraey-& so) 8:28 + 3 (s*+ & Gs 9) ™ [A + msKco) + m0) — & > (9) = Lows se) + mice) J (ms 13k) (Se )(sts Bm constr Rh) (a ES + MS H,C0)+ mH C0] | —k [mentor + mC) ] % 5) = HE By™ For Steady state vibration mio), Kl) =O ant Sz do e ~ (.£- ot) Asm wt %(t) = &- Gk Fy Gk so) ran ney = pp BR Set Ee aya 93 eat x, Seas 2 2 Fy = ex, he(u-m) E = 8 Fi =-€%, AG-%,) { Ie Fe wf} (harks) keV a Te) ate S” alte Fe het © mew tec’ with & smal) Then Fs Shoo eT ot = §& co (to-6) B= 8 cor(oo+ 9) force alsny § 13 | Fs Fee +R xxlgo-0) + FG Coleor®) = as coe + Ce'(o-8) +ea'Gore)] = ASKS WL & by and sndependent of © Seep P Po. 7 eat af = Pee (et iat—e wea a 4 Bee) Tek . wae hen ® = oritien@ = SE eet Pos: © =0.25k pos @ =o. ieee S o, j= EKLO, asnIs) = 0.014 & 2 Oe Os Casi, — 40" nas')=0.0130 £ 3 2 a gw 6) — 0-40.) 0.0192 ET SET p foot 6.0180 aoe £ €r 0.0130 0.0142 96 “19285 = sh = Seer 2 tt +O, A igady 7 aver rine atta 9, * Gut ager = azer aa +t = ssot a, * 4&7 ager net Ly? 2 ; -& : : Place unit oad at a" Zep wet ® and repeat ’ ét 2 s5 oA 20,0 ‘ z ay 40.5 ae # zB + SS 200 gos AO 95 6-4 Cont: NOMEN RUSAECHISs Computer Program foe Matrix Inversion c proghn4 s-4 THOMSON EAL ACH, 4), ATNV (0,4) , WEARBA (4) po 19 r=4,4 AAD, (NET, a), 321, 4) 42 CONTINUE 90 16 T2148 PRIETID, (ACE eT) eTe1, 9) 15 Snegar (11%, WET. My 1) CONTENTS N=4 zZa=u roat=t CALL LINVIE (Ay%,TA,A1NY, LOST, IKAPEA, TBR) DO Qn T=1,4 PRINTIS, (AINY (1,3) ,T=1,4) Q8 PORKATG(N ©, 10%, 4P 12. 4) 36 conttas STOP BND Original Mater 10580 5yaa #0009 5.5000 2.5000 away 14.9099 29,0000 46009 18.0099 27.9909 49.5000 Ss. Si 20,9090 4), 099 64,0000 nverted Matrix 5.2090 -3,9338 1.4945, 9.2874 3.9397 4. 7835 3.1959 0. 8560 4945S 361959 3.2790 ~1,2165 seren Massa < 102185 %6 Elms yg > Fai 4, § lontomas yg. | corm) g a | il be as Fremtad ede | 4, = Gy) (Sahoo a es gear See gee om ip Shy F TT, SF = a5; Give each disk a unit rotation holding EOSO"O other disks with xero rotation, Torgue required ix then: 8210 T=(K+k) , Toz-k, The-ki, Tso 8210 ack, Ta = (Kt Ks) , Tl = Ks Qn Tso, he-k, T= ks (kirk) — Ke ° key, [A]* | ee Gems) As] fot =| Oeit h) Ch * He) ° wk; ky p Heal Ke ht ROKK) For Elexibility apply unit torque te each disk 14 tarn and measure Totation. 7 27 Deft, at R =O fe é 1 7 4 PQRUAL)$e 4 (renege = 0 ate ee o R REP 1 R Res £ Pl are £ Pe Delt, atl) n moment of area absut (ry —Pt| Ely, (EPL + (EPC BE 4 (Pe 5E em Ew nd) ae BS pe aw 8 PE tag $d) =~ BE Pe «, 232 2. 2 . ae ET Fe ET Delt, at (2) = moment of aren bout fly, = £[ grease] ze -£ [Pe lhe = re73s-£) = Cagy Peli at R~O ecg - ap (APH) L +h (APE ane) $C ~JGRuFE = 0 ee Plc.+ by) = ROE). Ra BP Me + 1 o hat. For Ons Pee al -Eop Aspens ak —£( EPC Es Bl) = ET H. Pet 9- ahs) = (Et 39 )Pe zee). 2 C d= (Gt s0)re =r 428 woes Rune o8 [4] =(o]” D= det.[a} =|si2|-|2 2 f+ 4433 234 134 122 42 le = 2 (14) ~i(ina) 44 (8-6) 10) —2(4-3) + Oo + -o° wun ~2(¢-6) #2(4-3) + 0-0 a ~! © 0 ee oO o-l t ~B=L Give each mass a umt displ. Keeping atl others at zero, Then measure Force required. 32 Lor a, aho ky > ks ef rp displ rip ° ° ete, (Kitky) ~&y 0 0 0 ~R, (Rrks) Ry O 0 -- - {4] 0 ky (tyrhee 0 > ° 0 Re (Rar hey he o> 7 “ 9g Fo on taal a, as @) hoax BET (h oe ge () w= Gre ~ 6 636] a . ae 7990 4+2Q¢)=0 (see Feb 6-1) 6 +10 GL =0 oa. 4 ee: Ell as- Axe] 168 EE 5 @ . & Ratio o ates est A Gis superposition of & + 0, + |+ [an S mode ‘F NE eS aot 62 pia eh e As MEL ae Fe MGS aye age CES Mate “Ep! Gta « wheTy 3 : eh G2 a cote cB ‘Ely Get " & & > i ee is é Cf FBD of corners Rata 6 aa z +75 M, AEhio 100 thie) ao Same as mode 6, GL but chfted be right corner { Sum results for €, 0, +O f] -c8l —¢ED, 6 ref “ 7 au 5 = . » St, ~egh (48448) +e ®, » -¢el, 26T, gh, 48le Te ee (Ae Bai M, a’ ro = 4 8, ™ ad aE + S$ §- mode =) 7 5 — gt >t a Ms @ ~¢ DR) se we en, a7 Fe $s m =-#EL § $rom corners : M, = -#&§ 10f 8,- mode BEE ay =P = nm ese i. i ts SS SA ET TA 3. Ge corner sep : 7 a c 2eD E ED 9 Pte : Fla? Fs Be fe 4er = (380 480 pietice lt n= (TAY 0) uy, * 2kt ; mm, <2 ( 6,) @- mode this mode (5 same as above moved to a right corner with 6, replaced by +§, Aad results cep 28k -3eF 5 F e rd i 360,487) ay m,\ = ee () a 8, -3ET ET ae, 460 mM, D = (i *#) a Sisce no moments were apphed at corners M2M=o o =-78E See er a, - ast 6, ou we ea 0 =738l Agr 6, + THe, | as wepected by 4 Symmetry mM -38l 5 +4 589 =o Vv = 32£ f 2 z sé 102 Moment Diagram EIQ, = E19, =", = Me, M2 My Lo By Work done m, 1% followed by My We ime,+iM.6.. 1M, 62 iat My, how mM, Weg. rime, + 6, Diterence im slope GMB) -(Ba) + ° th (2 3A) =I a =0 w- En, +t ao a Ts, -) >>) S2iiea ; e ; | = 019533 + Yc944 ~3933 Reaiiiana 7 =O. o.goro = $0°%393 1 (e-3a) 0.8834 0-G0/0 Hi eae Subst. dy inte esther column Gor J mede . [0777 1.200 ao leee . and Subst hy thts 4 ” mode = { 103 3 ofS] , fae -6 78, ff) [o alh-Ee Wy t+} a) G (ana) 1 | <0 tresnye) e ic (=a) Te. (fon = +f -E= { 2.2508 Adj. matriys [Of 8, 1.000 ieiec ss 5 (ArAY 6, {7 17 {-{ | 2 & -, 250i x- Sho mig =~ Rabe) kar ho) = 2h + Hho (EB 4 o 1m -k 2 eee He (a-d) Ith) oe a Ae d(aa2 9844) 2 J hee te_ oy fae f ) 4.10% Baaga-a)s ° 1 4RA/e \ 6 ~8.424/e i: |: Loo x J, = (teas 7 co | To show that P/K P= diagonal eee toon J [-8406% ho l[nes 4.126 19217 0,003 na baaT ray | 0.0013 28.388] ° 29.385 104, Pace unt load at t. & = G&G, 5 Ge = Ge Fuce and load af 2 RR) = aay x wi me ky Pace umd load at 3 E+E wo =(&* Ey, of motion: Gu %. % fm 0 © T(x, B/a dsr a Ilo mo ee %, Ge GejlLo o ms} lx Ce ee es ™ ae -e l(a, \ > = {0 whe ae mE , EB ay 4 Hone ee ca P34 h 20 -1 Grea) 34\a7 a Vaegee AaZa\s-2 SLSt 086 = L2.se6 Ye ead _ [0.732 © Pa [0-732 4.732 x 7 422.7320 Fy eo ovo PMP % + RKP 4s O (ede ices aaa Le . fo a yf (ah -(o} 1,00 6.) =) 100 2 105 O12 Cont. Gen. mass mmedel (207 0) [* ‘| ta rmode Z (~707 1.0)[ +707 —.707 os ROT L208 ws [ ] a [ 1o oo +293 1.707 Bmp after 28 i ' fee hor] fous ° *[a1207 pto7 JL! jitas utotJ > L 0 1.207 Pee fo Us «1-03 a] Normahzed ©9, of motion pucemes (PAE C0 Sly ted e~-4 See Prob, 6-11 (msm) 0 Of % meh 48h 6 ° Jo & + ~tEE (AE + 48D) ee 8; +o} ° o We, 8, 28h (0G + By o Assign numbers befere solving - = 22 See Prob Gin (mim) 0 0 V(x P(e ° 3 oO Lb, ~3E a28 8} =4o TS shh te oe ely te a ie 2 7a a Assign numbers before solving 106 The problem is He superpositisn of the three modes belew. Uso Table ©3-I and examine My, a " £ SMe Free -hiady-dragrams of members and a 4, corners. zoho eo mede O,- mode 8 mode 107 = 24. 1 Onf%, 2 =I We) LR la [esl Tbe EJ 8 we Damping 13 not proper tional 4225 : oe fbb} let X= By in eq. Prob, 6-24 e and premult by P Buby +PCRG + PREG HPF (2 Webs LYS) ale s]tte teh 1, Coupled onty by ate f+ Giro) + a = Ee tewt hat Be Ch 550 + Skye FR Steady Stete Solution (A-S+ Body, -igeyy =~ & HBA + (GR ent ey = a |! io SS ye #! (3R - ot +h 8S) | rm (Bret So) (28 -s+i0 Ss) +(95y 2b 2k ok - & ee ae a a The equations are rewritten a re +£ %, go- ak, ferleiel 2, Hoe OI \(z, ° #4 fen 1z,b=| 0 © Mhz tye % a2, : : cE ‘i : Zz, -6 -# olf z F #2572, ‘3 e=-27 % x = te sai aie | F aha th (u-%,) «@ & Ra, =2(% -%,) Es Assume F ty be harmonse ; then trom (b) ye ERS ye = ELPA) 7 kre we 7? < (ip, ) Subst, ito @) ; 6S, Fs hx eiwefs 7 Sth) ie [ee Byeve] =), OIE oe ae C + “as ) C- ¢ ue) =| &+ bhi), wc |x = —_— 14 (48) = (#) iT {4 eae ea bx 109 G-28 Reler to Prob. 6-lo . er ~ fo] _fhee X= { \= {isd X= le Ls 7 i 1.00 XK Xa = (vee sare) 4 [# WEs22,44 = (we ve) ter Jr aefor~ 2.28 ~1. FOF =-0,0003 50 E227 - Pa normal mode, kb, sled x by KM kM'k ¢ =O KM Img = wf Kos $e (kMkle, = Kd] 20 Sr nds 2 iH Repeat kwi'k d= wkd x by km aus : m1 KM Km'k¢, = of [KMkK] 4, x by Of EURM YK = OF BKM KA 20 ngs ee pa Repeat to obtain bea Tg =O 2230 z aes KR = ahmed — mK'Kg = 2'uK Mh wKe'kK= 7 ee 7 ~ ; Amd, = d'iMKMI¢ = oe dugoo rss aes i 2 mK mg = oi mK' lng, A mem g = Oo! [meng MU Repeat 4h times . HO o- 3 Refer to Ex. 69-4 far fF we 7 é For second mode ve MGs thn Ge +h g, =- Le) mdcx: ade t Made t4 YG, fas) a7 2 mis 2 glee) a SS 23S e.5 25 Lm, = 26, (0.45/]E)on, = 0.99025, JE m, hag = Qi, =(0: 1981 4) m, 2 tow = ~24470 m a 3 2447 Gf “9, +080 y, Eh + 0191 Bg = At aw = 0.4068 act) For 34 mode Msg = 8 S9S7 am | 6g Rl0Sxaas ~ 13x na) TR | (om OP prem 2 IE X= Ate erer COSnineT AAR 0. 00370/E 1357 For 3% mode a aw B= xt Bw, 250, = K4 B 100370 + +206/ x 3.247 Ax 1.802 ow uy

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