Human Nutrition and Metabolism Research Communication: Red Wine Is A Poor Source of Bioavailable Flavonols in Men

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Human Nutrition and Metabolism

Research Communication

Red Wine Is a Poor Source of al. 1990, Frankel et al. 1993, Kanner et al. 1994, Kinsella et al.
1993, Kondo et al. 1994, Lanningham-Foster et al. 1995,
Bioavailable Flavonols in Men1 Rice-Evans et al. 1996). The wine phenolics quercetin, epi-
catechin and resveratrol protected LDL from oxidation in
(Manuscript received 9 August 2000. Initial review completed 13 vitro (Frankel et al. 1993, Kerry and Abbey 1997, Margetts
September 2000. Revision accepted 11 December 2000.) and Nelson 1991). The strongest effects were seen for querce-
tin and epicatechin. However, data from studies investigating
Jeanne H. M. de Vries,*2 Peter C. H. Hollman,† ex vivo effects on protection of LDL oxidation are contradic-
Ingrid van Amersfoort,* Margreet R. Olthof* and tory. Some studies (Fuhrman et al. 1995, Nigdikar et al. 1998)

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Martijn B. Katan* found that LDL oxidation was inhibited after the drinking of
*Division of Human Nutrition and Epidemiology, Wageningen red wine, whereas others (Caccetta et al. 2000, de Rijke et al.
University, 6703 HD Wageningen, the Netherlands and †State 1996) did not find this effect. Thus, it is still not proved that
Institute for Quality Control of Agricultural Products (RIKILT), 6708 phenolics in red wine truly have an effect.
PD Wageningen, the Netherlands To have any direct effect on LDL oxidation, phenolics have
to be absorbed into the blood. However, data on the absorp-
ABSTRACT Red wine is a source of polyphenolic antioxi- tion of phenolics from wine, especially flavonols, are sparse,
dants, of which flavonols such as quercetin are represen- and it is not yet known to what extent these components are
tatives. Red wine might therefore prevent LDL oxidation bioavailable.
and atherosclerosis. However, data on the bioavailability of Hollman et al. (1996) developed a sensitive and accurate
flavonols from wine are lacking. Therefore, we compared method to determine flavonols in plasma and urine. Using this
the bioavailability of flavonols, especially quercetin, from method, we found that quercetin and kaempferol from onions,
red wine with that from the major dietary sources, yellow apples and tea were absorbed (de Vries et al. 1998, Hollman et
onions and black tea. Twelve healthy men consumed 750 al. 1995), but the extent of absorption differed (Hollman et al.
mL red wine, 50 g fried onions or 375 mL of black tea, each 1997 and 1999). To determine whether the bioavailability of
for 4 d in random order. These supplements provided sim- quercetin from wine is similar to that of other sources in the
ilar amounts of quercetin (14 –16 mg). There was a washout diet, we compared quercetin levels in plasma and urine after
period of 3 d between each period of supplementation. The the consumption of equal amounts of quercetin from red wine,
plasma quercetin concentration after the consumption of tea or onions. In addition, we determined the levels of
wine was lower than that after onions (P < 0.05) and not kaempferol and isorhamnetin, two other major flavonols.
different from that after tea. Urinary excretion of quercetin
after wine did not differ from that after onions and was MATERIALS AND METHODS
higher than that after tea (P < 0.05). We conclude that
flavonols from red wine are absorbed. However, because Subjects and study design. The Medical Ethics Committee of
one glass of red wine provides fewer available flavonols the Division of Human Nutrition and Epidemiology approved the
than one portion of onions or one glass of tea, red wine study. We recruited subjects via posters and local newspapers. To
ensure that subjects could tolerate the alcohol in the wine, we only
appears to be a poorer source of flavonols than these other
allowed men with a consumption of at least seven drinks per week to
two sources. J. Nutr. 131: 745–748, 2001. participate.
● humans ● red wine ● quercetin ● flavonols The subjects were thoroughly informed about the study, and all
● flavonoids gave their written informed consent. They were medically evaluated
and considered healthy by a physician. The mean ⫾ SD age of the 12
subjects was 24.8 ⫾ 10.4 y, and their body mass index was 22.1 ⫾ 2.1
kg/m2 .
Red wine contains phenolics such as flavonols, catechins, The subjects were randomly assigned to one of three groups. They
followed three treatment periods of 1 wk each. On d 4 –7 of each
resveratrol (Constant 1997, Goldberg et al. 1996, Hertog et al. treatment period, the subjects consumed red wine, onions or tea. In
1993, Kühnau 1976, Siemann and Creasy 1992), anthocyanins this way there was a washout period of 3 d between the periods. Each
and proanthocyanidins (Mazza 1995). These compounds are of the three groups received the treatments in a different order.
thought to have antioxidative properties that could protect Throughout the study, the subjects consumed a diet low in flavonols.
LDL from oxidation (Abu-Amsha et al. 1996, De Whalley et They were asked not to consume anything from a list with vegetables
and fruits containing ⬎15 mg quercetin/kg, beverages containing ⬎4
mg quercetin/L (Hertog et al. 1992 and 1993) and vegetables con-
taining ⬎5 mg kaempferol/kg.
This work was supported by grants of the Netherlands Heart Foundation
(93.084) and the Foundation for Nutrition and Health Research.
Supplements. During treatment periods, the subjects consumed
To whom correspondence should be addressed at Division of Human Nu- either six 125-mL glasses of red wine, 50 g fried yellow onions or three
trition and Epidemiology, Wageningen University, Bomenweg 2, 6703 HD 125-mL cups of black tea per d. The wine originated from the Médoc
Wageningen, the Netherlands. E-mail: region in France (Chateau Latour St. Bonnet 1993) and was selected

0022-3166/01 $3.00 © 2001 American Society for Nutritional Sciences.


for its high content of quercetin. All bottles of wine were taken from
one lot, and the concentration of quercetin was 19 ⫾ 0.3 mg/L (n
⫽ 5). The yellow onions were provided in aluminum trays, and the
black instant tea was made by the subjects from 0.5 g extract/cup.
The daily amount of quercetin provided by the three foods was
almost the same. Thus, the wine provided 14.2 ⫾ 0.3 mg (⫾SD)
quercetin, 1.5 ⫾ 0.1 mg kaempferol, 1.6 ⫾ 0.0 mg isorhamnetin and
6.7 ⫾ 0.1 mg myricetin per d. The fried onions provided 15.9 ⫾ 0.5
mg quercetin, 0.1 ⫾ 0.0 mg kaempferol, 0.6 ⫾ 0.0 mg isorhamnetin
and no detectable amounts of myricetin per d. The tea provided 13.7
⫾ 1.6 mg quercetin, 8.7 ⫾ 1.6 mg kaempferol, no isorhamnetin and
2.7 ⫾ 0.3 mg myricetin per d. We told the subjects to consume one
third of the wine or tea at lunch, one third at dinner and one third
between 2200 and 2400 h; the consumption of onions was divided FIGURE 1 Estimated plasma concentrations of quercetin that will
between lunch and dinner. be reached after the consumption of one portion of wine (100 mL), fried

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All empty wine bottles, onion trays and tea bags were returned to yellow onions (15 g) or black tea (125 mL), all with average quercetin
the division. We checked dietary compliance by 24-h recalls once a concentration as found in commercially available foods (Hertog et al.
week. Energy and nutrient intakes were calculated using the Dutch 1992 and 1993). The differences in bioavailability among the three
nutrient database (Stichting Nederlands Voedingsstoffenbestand foods are based on plasma concentrations of 12 men who consumed
1993), and intakes of quercetin and kaempferol were calculated using 750 mL red wine, 50 g fried onions or 375 mL strong black tea.
our published values for contents in vegetables, fruit and beverages
(Hertog et al. 1992 and 1993). Medications were not allowed except
for contraceptives and acetaminophen (paracetamol). We provided
ing the study. The only differences in intake from the diet without
all subjects with a diary and asked them to record all deviations from
the supplements between the treatments were the intake of energy,
the guidelines.
which was lower in the tea period than in the wine period, and the
Blood sampling. Venous blood samples were taken in each
intake of alcohol, which was significantly higher in the tea period.
period as previously described (Hollman et al. 1996). All subjects
Statistical analysis. To analyze the effects of red wine, onions
provided a baseline blood sample on the morning of d 4 of the 2nd and tea in plasma, the mean flavonol concentrations of the two
wk, after they had followed the dietary guidelines for 3 d and before afternoon blood samples were used. To achieve normality, the
they had started to consume the second series of supplements. On d amounts of quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin analyzed in
7 of each period, the subjects provided two blood samples: one plasma and urine were converted to log10 values. The effects of red
between 1400 and 1500 h and one between 1700 and 1800 h. wine, onions and tea were analyzed by using the General Linear
Urine sampling. Five of 12 subjects collected urine for a baseline Model procedure (analysis of variance, fixed effect) of the Statistical
value on d 3 of wk 3 after they had consumed the low flavonol diet Analysis System (SAS Institute 1989) with subject and treatment as
for 2 d and before they consumed the third series of supplements. All class variables. We found no treatment order effect. The significance
12 subjects collected their urine during 24 h on d 7, the last day of of differences was determined by paired t tests (least significant
each treatment period. difference procedure). A P-value of ⬍0.05 was considered to be
We provided each subject with ten 500-mL bottles with 2.5 mL significant.
thymol dissolved in isopropanol as a preservative and one 1000-mL We used Pearson correlation coefficients to determine the rela-
bottle with 5 mL thymol. Subjects collected all urine samples until tionship between plasma concentrations and urinary excretions of
the next morning, including the first urine after getting up. The urine flavonols and that between the first and second times that blood was
samples were immediately put into polystyrene boxes containing dry sampled, and 95% confidence intervals (CI)3 were calculated using
ice. Within 1–5 d, the urine samples were thawed at 40°C. Urine Fisher’s Z transformation. We calculated within- and between-person
samples were pooled for each subject per day and stored at ⫺40°C variations for quercetin levels in plasma and urine using the SAS
until analyses. procedure VARCOMP.
To check the completeness of urine sampling, we used lithium as To compare the bioavailability of quercetin from one common
a marker. Each morning for 21 d the subjects consumed 235 ␮mol portion of red wine with that of onions and tea (Fig. 1), we first
lithium (2 mg) as lithium chloride dissolved in 10 mL water as a calculated the relative bioavailability from each food as the rise in
marker. The dose is 1% of that used for patients with bipolar disorder plasma quercetin divided by the amount of quercetin consumed in
(anonymous 1980). The recovery of orally ingested lithium over a this study. We then multiplied this figure by the amount of quercetin
period of 6 d is ⬃95% (Sanchez-Castillo et al. 1987a and 1987b). provided by one average portion (Donders-Engelen et al. 1997, Her-
Analytical methods. Quercetin, kaempferol and their conjugates tog et al. 1992 and 1993). Thus, for red wine, one glass contains 100
were simultaneously extracted from plasma or urine and hydrolyzed to mL, which provides 0.8 mg (average concentration 8 mg/L). This was
the aglycone with 2 mol HCl/L in aqueous methanol (Hollman et al. then multiplied by the concentration of 26 nmol/L found in plasma
1997) and determined by HPLC with fluorescence detection (Holl- and divided by the14.2 mg quercetin/d given in this study.
man et al. 1996). The limit of detection was 0.003 ␮mol/L for
quercetin and 0.002 ␮mol/L for kaempferol and isorhamnetin in RESULTS
plasma and urine.
A separate undiluted urine sample was acidified and analyzed for After the three treatments, flavonol concentrations in
lithium through atomic absorption spectrophotometry (anonymous plasma were up to five times and excretions in urine were up
1976). to nine times higher than values during baseline (Tables 1 and
Lithium recovery. Recoveries of lithium in urine were 96 ⫾ 12% 2). Plasma concentrations of quercetin and of the sum of the
after wine, 100 ⫾ 6% after onions and 98 ⫾ 9% after tea. The
recovery of 12 of the 36 urine samples was ⬍85% or ⬎105%. This
flavonols quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin were lower
could mean that subjects did not take their lithium or sampled too after treatment with wine than after onions (P ⬍ 0.05) and
much or too little urine, and urinary excretion could be considered not different from those after black tea (Table 1).
mistakenly too high or too low. However, reanalysis of our data with Urinary excretions suggested that the absorption of quer-
correction for lithium recovery did not change the differences we cetin from wine was between absorptions from onions and tea.
found among treatments. The absolute urinary excretion of quercetin after red wine
The diets. According to diaries, the number of empty packages
and 24-h recalls, the subjects complied well with the dietary guide-
lines. They consumed negligible amounts of flavonol-rich foods dur- 3
Abbreviation used: CI, confidence interval.

TABLE 1 concentrations in plasma and urine. It is possible that fla-

vonols from red wine are metabolized differently than those
Baseline concentrations and effects of daily consumption from onions or tea. For example, the alcohol in the wine could
of 750 mL red wine (14 mg quercetin), 50 g fried onions have influenced the rate of metabolism. However, the urinary
(16 mg quercetin) and 375 mL black tea (14 mg quercetin) on excretion of quercetin after wine and onion consumption was
concentrations of flavonols in plasma of healthy men1 similar, which argues against such an effect of alcohol. In
addition, the extent to which plasma total (⫹)-catechin,
Treatment another polyphenol, increased after the consumption of red
wine was not affected by the coingestion of alcohol (Bell et al.
Flavonol Baseline Wine Onions Tea 2000). Plasma quercetin after wine consumption indicates that
the bioavailability of quercetin from red wine is only half of
that from onions. However, urinary excretion suggests that
Quercetin* 10 ⫾ 3 26 ⫾ 10a 53 ⫾ 17b 26 ⫾ 13a these differences in bioavailability are smaller. In our previous
Kaempferol* 3⫾3 3 ⫾ 3a 3 ⫾ 0a 14 ⫾ 7b studies (de Vries et al. 1998, Hollman et al. 1997), the bio-

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Isorhamnetin 3⫾3 9 ⫾ 6b 6 ⫾ 3a 3 ⫾ 3a availability of flavonols as determined by the area under the
Sum 16 38 62 43 plasma concentration time curve correlated well with urinary
excretion. The higher plasma concentration of quercetin due
1 Values are means ⫾ SD, n ⫽ 12; average of two blood samples per
to onion consumption might be caused by the fact that the
subject. Values in a row with different superscript letters differ signifi-
cantly, P ⬍ 0.05.
daily quercetin intake was provided by only two portions of
onions, whereas it was provided by three portions of wine or
tea. Also, excretions of quercetin relative to intake after the
consumption of onions or tea in this study were similar to
tended to be lower than that after onions (P ⫽ 0.09), but it those we found previously (de Vries et al. 1998, Hollman et al.
was significantly higher (P ⬍ 0.05) than that after black tea 1995). Thus, urinary excretions appear to be suitable to com-
(Table 2). The amount of quercetin excreted in urine relative pare the bioavailability of quercetin in different foods.
to intake was on average 0.8% after red wine, 1.0% after The absorption of flavonols from foods depends on the form
onions and 0.6% after tea. The excretion of the sum of all in which quercetin is present (Hollman et al. 1997 and 1999).
determined flavonols, i.e., quercetin plus kaempferol plus Quercetin is linked with rutinoside or glucoside. The bioavail-
isorhamnetin, was lowest after wine. ability of quercetin from the rutinoside is only 20% of that
Plasma concentrations of flavonols agreed well between the from glucoside (Hollman et al. 1999). The two components
blood samples taken between 1400 and 1500 h and between are likely absorbed differently; quercetin rutinoside is absorbed
1700 and 1800 h This was shown by high Pearson correlation from the colon (Hollman et al. 1999), whereas quercetin
coefficients between the quercetin concentrations of flavonols glucoside is actively absorbed from the small intestine (Holl-
of all treatment periods (n ⫽ 36): 0.93 (95% CI 0.76 – 0.98) man et al. 1999). The rutinosides are major flavonoids in tea
for quercetin, 0.70 (95% CI 0.48 – 0.84) for kaempferol and and wine, whereas onions contain only glucosides (Goldberg
0.85 (95% CI 0.72– 0.92) for isorhamnetin. et al. 1996). Thus, the results from our study, especially with
The variation in plasma quercetin within persons between tea, are consistent with former findings that quercetin conju-
the first and second blood samples on the same day was 9% gated with rutinoside as present in red wine and tea is not as
after all supplements, and the variation between subjects was well absorbed as is quercetin glucoside in onions.
14% after wine, 11% after onions and 20% after tea. We found variations of plasma quercetin within persons of
10% and between persons of 10 –20%. Variations within per-
DISCUSSION sons were rather high, but there was a good agreement be-
tween the quercetin concentrations of the first and second
We investigated whether the bioavailability of quercetin blood samples. This confirms that quercetin concentrations
from red wine is higher than that from other sources from the
diet. We found that plasma concentrations of quercetin after
the intake of similar amounts of quercetin from red wine were TABLE 2
lower than those after the consumption of onions and not
different from those after the consumption of tea. Urinary Baseline levels and effects of daily consumption of 750 mL
excretions of quercetin were between those of tea and onions. red wine (14 mg quercetin), 50 g fried onions (16 mg
These results suggest that the bioavailability of quercetin from quercetin) and 375 mL black tea (14 mg quercetin) on
red wine is less than that from onions and only slightly better concentrations of flavonols excreted in 24-h urine samples of
than that from tea. In addition, the sum of the three flavonols,
quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin, was lowest after red healthy men1
wine consumption in both plasma and urine. Treatment
To increase the precision of the measurements, we selected
wine for its high quercetin concentration and used tea that was Flavonol Baseline Wine Onions Tea
about twice as strong as tea usually consumed in our country
(Hertog et al. 1993). We estimate that the consumption of one nmol/24 h
glass (100 mL) of average red wine with a concentration of
quercetin of 8 mg/L (Hertog 1994) would produce plasma Quercetin* 53 ⫾ 33 371 ⫾ 109b 507 ⫾ 219b 252 ⫾ 149a
quercetin levels much lower than those after the consumption Kaempferol* 80 ⫾ 35 252 ⫾ 87a 332 ⫾ 486a 706 ⫾ 405b
Isorhamnetin* 89 ⫾ 47 335 ⫾ 184b 174 ⫾ 82a 92 ⫾ 85a
of 1 cup (125 mL) of average tea or 1 spoonful (15 g) of fried Sum 222 958 1013 1050
onions (Fig. 1).
We did not directly measure the absorption of flavonols but 1 Values are means ⫾ SD, n ⫽ 12; those in a row with different
rather measured it indirectly through an assessment of their superscript letters differ, P ⬍ 0.05.

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