Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,994,084 B2

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(12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,994,084 B2

Lyoo et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 9, 2011

(54) DIELECTRIC COMPOSITION AND (56) References Cited

CO'FIRED CERAMIC SUBSTRATE USING 7,781,360 B2 * 8/2010 Hasegawa et al. .......... .. 501/138
(75) Inventors: S00 Hyun Lyoo, Gyunggi-do (KR); JP 2005_231962 9 /2005
J ong Myeon Lee, Gyunggl-do (KR); Ho JP 2006093484 4/2006
Sung Choo, Gyunggi-do (KR); Min Ji JP 2007-290940 11/2007
Ko, Gyunggi-do (KR); Beom Joon Cho, JP 2008254935 * 10/2008
Gyunggi_do (KR). Myung Whun KR 10-2005-0091961 A 9/2005
Chang Gyunggiiio (KR) W0 WO 2005/085154 Al 9/2005
(73) Assignee: Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd., OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Gyunggi-do (KR) Hasegawa et al “Dielectric Properties and Microstructures of Low
_ _ _ _ _ Temperature-Sintered BaTiO3 -Based Ceramics With CuBi204
(*) Nonce: sublact to any dlsclalmer: the term Ofthls Sintering Aid”, Japanese Journal ofApplied Physics, vol. 45, No. 9B,
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Sep. 2006, PP 7360-73649
U~S~C- 15403) by 358 day5~ Japanese Of?ce Action, W/ English translation thereof, issued in
Japanese Patent Application Of?ce Action issued in Japanese Patent
(21) APP1- NO-I 12/323,840 Application No. JP 2008-304509 dated Apr. 26, 2011.
(22) Filed: Nov. 26, 2008 * Cited by examiner

(65) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner * Karl E Group

US 2009/0141427 A1 Jun 4, 2009 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * McDermott Will & Emery
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data
Nov. 29, 2007 (KR) ...................... .. 10-2007-0122993 _ _ _ _ _ _
Provlded are a dlelectrlc composltlon and a multl-layer
(51) Int, Cl, ceramic capacitor embedded loW temperature co-?red
(‘043 35/468 (200601) ceramic substrate using the same. The dielectric composition
H01G 4/12 (200601) includes a main component, BaTiO3 of about 80 Wt % or
(52) us. Cl. ................................... .. 501/139; 361/3214 more, and an accessory Component, CuBi2O4 and ZnOi
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 501/139; B2Os*S1O2'baSed glass of about 20 W‘ % or less
See application ?le for complete search history. 12 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets

L X6.0k 10um
US. Patent Aug. 9, 2011 Sheet 1 0f 2 US 7,994,084 B2


”\/ 135

145 144

FIG. 1
US. Patent Aug. 9, 2011 Sheet 2 of2 US 7,994,084 B2

SEMCO 2007-06-29

FIG. 2
US 7,994,084 B2
1 2
DIELECTRIC COMPOSITION AND BaTiO3 may be sintered at a temperature of about 1400° C. or
MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPACITOR more unless a sintering additive is used. Moreover, although
EMBEDDED LOW TEMPERATURE the sintering additive is used, BaTiO3 is dif?cult to be sintered
CO-FIRED CERAMIC SUBSTRATE USING at a temperature of about 1000° C. or less.
THE SAME In a ceramic substrate embedded With the capacitor, the
dielectric constant and the sinterable temperature are impor
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED tant. In case of the ceramic substrate, an electrode is formed
APPLICATIONS by printing a metal such asAg or Cu, Which is sintered to form
a circuit pattern on the substrate. Accordingly, the ?ring tem
This application claims the priority of Korean Patent perature of the ceramic substrate must be loWer than at least
Application No. 2007-0122993 ?led on Nov. 29, 2007, in the the melting points ofAg and Cu. HoWever, When the capacitor
Korean Intellectual Property Of?ce, the disclosure of Which is
is embedded, the ?ring temperature of the capacitor must be
incorporated herein by reference. loWer than at least the melting points of Ag and Cu because
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION the embedded capacitor must be together sintered. In this
case, as described above, the dielectric layer may not be
1. Field of the Invention completely sintered. Moreover, the dielectric constant may be
The present invention relates to a dielectric composition reduced.
and a multi-layer ceramic capacitor embedded loW tempera Accordingly, the development of a technology capable of
ture co-?red ceramic substrate using the same, and more 20 manufacturing a loW temperature co-?red ceramic substrate
particularly, to a dielectric composition and a multi-layer embedded With a multi-layer ceramic capacitor shoWing a
ceramic capacitor embedded loW temperature co-?red high dielectric constant after even a loW temperature ?ring is
ceramic substrate using the same, Which is sinterable at a loW required.
temperature While showing a high dielectric constant.
2. Description of the Related Art 25 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
Recently, a technology of reducing a total volume of a
product and increasing the degree of integration of a substrate An aspect of the present invention provides to a dielectric
not by mounting a device such as a surface mount device on composition and a multi-layer ceramic capacitor embedded
the surface of the substrate but by embedding the device into loW temperature co-?red ceramic substrate using the same,
a substrate having a circuit pattern is receiving attention 30 Which is sinterable at a loW temperature While shoWing a high
according to the miniaturization and high frequency tendency dielectric constant.
of various electrical products. According to an aspect of the present invention, there is
When a chip-typed device on the substrate is replaced With provided a dielectric composition including: a main compo
a layer-typed device (e.g., a capacitor), an increase of the
nent, BaTiO3 of about 80 Wt % or more; and an accessory
volume caused by the chip may be suppressed. Also, the 35
layer-typed capacitor has more excellent high-frequency component, CuBi2O4 and ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass of
about 20 Wt % or less.
property (e.g., smaller parasitic inductance) than the chip
typed capacitor. Accordingly, various attempts have been The content of CuBi2O4 may be about 4 Wt % to about 10
made to embed the chip into the substrate. Wt % relative to a total Weight of BaTiO3 . Also, the content of
A Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is generally divided into 40 ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass may be about 1 Wt % to
tWo types according to materials forming a dielectric layer. about 5 Wt % relative to the total Weight of BaTiO3.
One PCB applied With a polymeric organic material as a Especially, the content of CuBi2O4 may be about 6 Wt %
dielectric layer is more Widely used. A plating method is used relative to the total Weight of BaTiO3, and the content of
to form a circuit pattern on the PCB. On the other hand, a ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass may be about 4 Wt % relative
screen printing is mainly used to form the circuit pattern on 45 to the total Weight of BaTiO3.
the other PCB, the dielectric layer of Which is formed of a The content of ZnO may be about 50 Wt % to about 90 Wt
ceramic material. In this case, the PCB is manufactured by % relative to a total Weight of the glass.
sintering the dielectric layer and an electrode simultaneously. A mean particle diameter of BaTiO3 may be about 500 nm
The sintering process is generally performed at a temperature or less.
of about 800° C. or more. 50 A sintering temperature may be about 600° C. to about
TWo types of substrates have very different properties in 950° C.
the aspects of a material and a manufacturing process. HoW According to another aspect of the present invention, there
ever, their structures are very similar to each other in that the is provided a multi-layer ceramic capacitor embedded loW
circuit pattern is formed in a laminated body of multilayer. temperature co-?red ceramic substrate including: a ceramic
Accordingly, their applicable ranges overlap each other in 55
laminated body laminated With a plurality of ceramic green
many cases. There are feW technologies to Which both types
sheets printed With a ceramic sheet internal electrode; a plu
of substrates may be together applied because the material
and the manufacturing process of each type is entirely differ rality of dielectric layers formed in the ceramic laminated
ent from each other as described above. body, the dielectric layers embedded With a multi-layer
In a case Where the capacitor is embedded into the ceramic 60
ceramic capacitor including a dielectric composition includ
substrate, a dielectric layer for a capacitor and an internal ing a main component, BaTiO3 of about 80 Wt % and an
electrode are formed and simultaneously sintered betWeen accessory component, CuBi2O4 and ZnOiB2O3iSiO2 of
ceramic green sheets including a ceramic and a glass. In case based glass of about 20 Wt %; and a plurality of capacitor
of the capacitor, the dielectric constant property is important. internal electrodes formed betWeen the dielectric layers, and
BaTiO3 may be used as a main component of composition 65 electrically connected to the ceramic sheet internal electrode.
used in the dielectric layer instead of Pb because of a high The content of CuBi2O4 may be about 4 Wt % to about 10
dielectric constant and environmental reason. HoWever, Wt % relative to a total Weight of BaTiO3.
US 7,994,084 B2
3 4
The ceramic sheet internal electrode may include one ofAg about 800° C. to about 900° C. CuBi2O4 is a crystalline
and Cu. Also, a ?ring temperature may be about 600° C. to ceramic compound formed by mixing CuO and Bi2O3.
about 950° C. The content of CuBi2O4 is preferably about 4 Wt % to about
10 Wt % relative to the total Weight of BaTiO3. If the content
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS of CuBi2O4 is too loW, the effect on the sintering temperature
of the entire dielectric composition is insigni?cant. If the
The above and other aspects, features and other advantages content of CuBi2O4 is too high, the dielectric constant may be
of the present invention Will be more clearly understood from loWered.
the following detailed description taken in conjunction With Besides CuBi2O4, the ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass
the accompanying draWings, in Which: may be added as an accessory component. The ZnOi
FIG. 1 is a sectional vieW illustrating a multi-layer ceramic B2O3iSiO2-based glass serves to loWer the sintering tem
capacitor according to an embodiment of the present inven perature of the dielectric composition as Well as the dielectric
tion; and loss. The content of the ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass is
FIG. 2 is a scanning electron micrograph illustrating a preferably about 50 Wt % to about 90 Wt % relative to the total
sintered dielectric composition according to an embodiment Weight of the glass.
of the present invention. If the content of the ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass is too
loW similarly to CuBi2O4, the effects on reduction of the
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED sintering temperature and the dielectric loss of the entire
EMBODIMENT composition are too insigni?cant. If the content of ZnOi
20 B2O3iSiO2 is too high, the dielectric constant maybe loW
Hereinafter, exemplary embodiments of the present inven ered. In consideration of this point, the content of ZnOi
tion Will noW be described in detail With reference to the B2O3iSiO2-based glass is preferably about 1 Wt % to 5 Wt %
accompanying draWings. The exemplary embodiments of the relative to the total Weight of BaTiO3.
present invention may be modi?ed into various forms. Also, In order to maximally loWer the dielectric loss While loW
the scope of the present invention should not be construed as 25 ering the sintering temperature to about 950° C. or less, the
limited to the beloW embodiments. It Will be noted that the contents of CuBi2O4 and the ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass
exemplary embodiments of the present invention are pro are preferably about 6 Wt % and about 4 Wt %, respective.
vided for those skilled in the art to more completely under Although BaTiO3 is used as a main component of the
stand the present invention. Therefore, the shape and siZe of dielectric composition including BaTiO3 as a ceramic ?ller
elements shoWn in the draWings may be exaggerated for 30 and CuBi2O4 and the ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass as an
clarity. accessory component, the sintering temperature may be
A dielectric composition according to an embodiment of about 6000 C. to about 9500 C. Even in this temperature
the present invention includes a main component, BaTiO3 of range, the dielectric composition according to the present
about 80 Wt % or more, and an accessory component, invention is sinterable, and shoWs a relatively high dielectric
CuBi2O4 and ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass of about 20 Wt 35 constant.
% or less. In order to manufacture the dielectric composition accord
For the dielectric constant of the dielectric composition ing to the present invention, ?rst, the main component
according to an embodiment of the present invention, BaTiO3 BaTiO3, and the accessory components CuBi2O4 and the
may be used as a ceramic ?ller. As described above, in order ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass may be Weighed to be a pre
to shoW a desired level of the dielectric constant, Pb has been 40 determined content, respectively, and manufactured into a
generally used as a ?ller. HoWever, due to an environmental slurry form using appropriate additive and solvent. The
reason of Pb, BaTiO3 instead of Pb is used as a ceramic ?ller, dielectric slurry is formed into dielectric sheets, Which are
Which is the main component of the composition used in the laminated on each other. This dielectric composition is
dielectric layer. embedded into a loW temperature co-?red ceramic substrate
A particle diameter of the ?ller affects the dielectric con 45 as a multi-layer ceramic capacitor as described beloW.
stant and the loW temperature sintering. If the particle diam According to another embodiment of the present invention,
eter is smaller, the sintering is easier. If the particle diameter a multi-layer ceramic capacitor embedded loW temperature
is greater, the sintering is more dif?cult. Accordingly, a mean co-?red ceramic substrate is provided. The substrate includes
particle diameter of the main component BaTiO3 is prefer a ceramic laminated body laminated With a plurality of
ably about 500 nm or less. 50 ceramic green sheets printed With a ceramic sheet internal
BaTiO3 may be sintered at a temperature of about 1400° C. electrode, and a plurality of dielectric layers formed in the
or more unless a sintering additive inducing a loW tempera ceramic laminated body. The dielectric layer is embedded
ture ?ring is used. Moreover, although the sintering additive With a multi-layer ceramic capacitor including a dielectric
is used, BaTiO3 is dif?cult to be sintered at a temperature of composition having a main component BaTiO3 of about 80 Wt
about 1000° C. or less. Accordingly, the CuBi2O4 and ZnOi 55 % and accessory components, CuBi2O4 and ZnOiB2O3i
B2O3iSiO2-based glass are together used in order to form SiO2-based glass of about 20 Wt %. The plurality of capacitor
the dielectric composition. internal electrodes are formed betWeen the dielectric layers,
In the dielectric composition, the content increase of the and electrically connected to the ceramic sheet internal elec
?ller is one Way of increasing the dielectric constant. HoW trode.
ever, When the content of the ?ller is high, there is a limitation 60 FIG. 1 is a sectional vieW illustrating a multi-layer ceramic
in the loW temperature sintering. Accordingly, besides capacitor (MLCC) embedded loW temperature co-?red
BaTiO3, a component capable of reducing the sintering tem ceramic (LTCC) substrate 100 according to an embodiment
perature must be included. of the present invention. Hereinafter, the MLCC embedded
According to an embodiment of the present invention, LTCC Will be described With reference to FIG. 1. HoWever,
besides the main component BaTiO3, CuBi2O4 and ZnOi 65 description of the dielectric composition Will be omitted
B2O3iSiO2 are used as an accessory component. CuBi2O4 because the dielectric composition has been already
serves to loWer the sintering temperature to a temperature of described above.
US 7,994,084 B2
5 6
A MLCC embedded LTCC substrate 100 according to the The ceramic green sheets 111, 112, 113 and 114 is formed
present invention includes a ceramic laminated body 110, into a sheet form by mixing the ?ller, the glass and a bonding
ceramic internal electrodes 121 and 122, and a multi-layer agent for bonding the glass and the ?ller in the solvent.
ceramic capacitor 130. The ceramic laminated body 110 is Besides, additives such as a dispersing agent for the improve
laminated With a plurality of ceramic green sheets 111, 112, ment of physical properties may be added to the ceramic
113 and 114. The ceramic sheet internal electrodes 121 and
green sheets 111, 112, 113 and 114.
The multi-layer ceramic capacitor 130 includes a plurality
122 are printed in the plurality of ceramic green sheets 111, of dielectric layers 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 and 136, and a
112, 113 and 114. The multi-layer ceramic capacitor 130 is plurality of capacitor internal electrodes 141, 142, 143, 144
embedded into the ceramic laminated body 110. and 145, Which are formed betWeen a plurality of dielectric
The ceramic sheet internal electrodes 121 and 122 are layers 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 and 136, and electrically
electrodes for an electrical connection betWeen the ceramic connected to the ceramic sheet internal electrodes 121 and
green sheets 111, 112, 113 and 114, an electrical connection 122.
betWeen the ceramic green sheets 111, 112, 113 and 114 and The dielectric layers 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 and 136 may
the multi-layer ceramic capacitor 130, and an electrical con include a main component BaTiO3 of about 80 Wt %, and
nection betWeen the MLCC embedded LTCC substrate 100 accessory components CuBi2O4 and ZnOiB2O3iSiO2
and an external poWer source. The MLCC embedded LTCC based glass of about Wt %. The MLCC embedded LTCC
substrate 100 may be connected to the external poWer source substrate 100 sinterable at a low temperature as Well as rep
by forming an external electrode at the ceramic sheet internal resenting the high dielectric constant may be obtained by
electrode 121 exposed to the outside. suppressing the property of BaTiO3 sintered at a high tem
Referring to FIG. 1, the ceramic sheet internal electrodes perature. The ?ring temperature of the MLCC embedded
121 and 122 include a via-typed electrode 121 and a pad LTCC substrates 100 according to the present invention may
typed electrode 122. The MLCC embedded LTCC substrate be about 6000 C. to about 9500 C. like a general loW tempera
100 includes capacitor external connection electrodes 151 ture co-?red ceramic substrate.
and 152 for connecting capacitor internal electrodes 141, 142, The capacitor internal electrodes 141, 142, 143, 144 and
143, 144 and 145 of the multi-layer ceramic capacitor 130 to 145 may include a highly electrically conductive metal, eg
the pad-typed ceramic sheet internal electrode 122. one ofAg, Cu and Ni.
The ceramic sheet internal electrodes 121 and 122, and the
capacitor external connection electrodes 151 and 152 may Embodiment
include one of Ag and Cu. Ag or Cu is a metal representing a
most excellent performance in the aspect of the electrical Hereinafter, the exemplary embodiment of the present
conductivity. Accordingly, Ag or Cu may be used as a desir invention Will be more fully described, but not limited thereto.
able metallic electrode Without any disadvantage While shoW The ?ring temperature, the dielectric constant and the dielec
ing an excellent electrical conductivity at a low temperature tric loss (dissipation factor: DF) of the dielectric composition
sintering of about 600° C. to about 950° C. according to the embodiments of the present invention Were
The ceramic green sheets 111, 112, 113 and 114 include a measured.
ceramic ?ller and a glass component. The ceramic ?ller First, the ?ring temperature, the dielectric constant and the
usable in the ceramic green sheets 111, 112, 113 and 114 may dielectric loss of the dielectric composition including only
be a ?ller sinterable at a low temperature in consideration of one of CuBi2O4 and ZnOiB2O3iSiO2 Were measured in
the loW temperature ?ring, even if not, may be densi?ed due comparative examples 1 to 5. The result of the measurement
to a viscous ?oW caused by the sintering of the glass compo is shoWn in Table 1 beloW. The measurement Was tWice per
nent. Alumina or Titania may be used as a ceramic ?ller. The formed With respect to the dielectric composition in each
glass may include B203, SiO2, A1203, and CaO. comparative example.
temperature Linear
CuBi2O4 ZnOiB2O3iSiO2 BaTiO3 size (0 C.) shrinkage Dielectric Df
(Content) (Proportion) (nm) (hour) rate (%) constant (%)
Comparative CuBi2O4 i 150 975 26.7 2617 7.50
example 1 6 Wt % 150 925 28.4 1205 9.50
Comparative CuBi2O4 i 50 870 13.8 506 275.00
example 2 6 Wt % 50 (4 hour) 13.8 226 6.80
Comparative CuBi2O4 i 50 910 19.1 1066 90.00
example 3 6 Wt % 50 (4 hour) 19.1 471 5.90
Comparative CuBi2O4 i 150 890 13.8 1294 63.60
example4 10 Wt% 150 13.8 732 5.90
Comparative CuBi2O4 i 150 925 23 .8 1914 16.70
example 5 10 Wt % 150 23.8 1303 8.50
Comparative i ZnOiB2O3iSiO2 (7 :2: 1) 150 890 10.9 314 0.77
example 6 5 Wt % 150 10.9 291 1.00
Comparative i ZnOiB2O3iSiO2 (7 :2: 1) 150 925 17.5 604 0.83
example 7 5 Wt % 150 17.5 550 0.96
Comparative i ZnOiB2O3iSiO2 (6:2:2) 150 870 17.3 356 65.70
example 8 6 Wt % 150 (4 hour) 17.3 178 1.70
Comparative i ZnOiB2O3iSiO2 (6 :2:2) 150 890 18.3 413 52. 60
example 9 6 Wt % 150 (4 hour) 18.3 260 2.00
Comparative i ZnOiB2O3iSiO2 (6 :2:2) 150 910 20.2 395 29.00
example 10 6 Wt % 150 (4 hour) 20.2 308 1.30
US 7,994,084 B2
in these comparative examples, the dielectric constant Was What is claimed is:
measured to be about 500 or less, or the dielectric loss Was 1. A dielectric composition comprising:
measured to be about 10% or more. Accordingly, the dielec a main component, BaTiO3 of about 80 Wt % or more; and
tric constant Was shoWn not to be good When only one addi an accessory component, CuBi2O4 and ZnOiB2O3i
tive Was used. SiOZ-based glass of about 20 Wt % or less.
2. The dielectric composition of claim 1, Wherein the con
On the other hand, both CuBi2O4 and ZnOiB2O3iSiO2 tent of CuBi2O4 is about 4 Wt % to about 10 Wt % relative to
Were used in the examples 1 to 32. As described in table 2, the the total Weight of BaTiO3.
sintering temperature Was measured to be a relatively loW 3. The dielectric composition of claim 1, Wherein the con
temperature of about 950° C. or less. Also, the dielectric tent of ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass is about 1 Wt % to
constant Was about 500 or more. The dielectric loss Was about about 5 Wt % relative to the total Weight of BaTiO3.
10 % on average. A dielectric composition having an excel 4. The dielectric composition of claim 1, Wherein the con
lent property capable of increasing the dielectric constant and tent of CuBi2O4 is about 6 Wt % relative to a total Weight of
reducing the dielectric loss While loWering the sintering tem BaTiO3, and the content of ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass
is about 4 Wt % relative to the total Weight of BaTiO3.
perature of the dielectric composition Was found to be manu 5. The dielectric composition of claim 1, Wherein the con
factured When both additives Were used. tent of ZnO is about 50 Wt % to about 90 Wt % relative to the
FIG. 2 is a scanning electron micrograph illustrating a total Weight of the glass.
sintered dielectric composition according to an embodiment 6. The dielectric composition of claim 1, Wherein the mean
of the present invention. In order to manufacture the dielectric particle diameter of BaTiO3 is about 500 nm or less.
composition, CuBi2O4 and ZnOiB2O3iSiO3 are added to 20 7. The dielectric composition of claim 1, Wherein a sinter
BaTiO3 poWder so as to be about 6 Wt % and about 4 Wt %, ing temperature is about 600° C. to about 950° C.
respectively. There is a micro structure generated by a sinter 8. A multi-layer ceramic capacitor embedded loW tempera
ture co-?red ceramic substrate comprising:
ing at a temperature of about 925° C. It Was veri?ed that a
a ceramic laminated body laminated With a plurality of
densi?cation occurred together With a change of a particle ceramic green sheets printed With a ceramic sheet inter
shape. Accordingly, the dielectric composition according to 25

the present invention Was found to be sinterable at a loW

nal electrode;
a plurality of dielectric layers formed in the ceramic lami
temperature of about 950° C. or less. nated body, the dielectric layers embedded With a multi
The dielectric composition according to the embodiments layer ceramic capacitor comprising a dielectric compo
of the present invention can be sintered at a temperature of 30
sition comprising a main component, BaTiO3 of about
about 1,100° C. or less. Moreover, the dielectric having an 80 Wt % or more and an accessory component, CuBi2O4
excellent high temperature insulation resistance as Well as and ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass of about 20 Wt % or
satisfying X5R characteristics can be obtained. less; and
a plurality of capacitor internal electrodes formed betWeen
If the multi-layer ceramic capacitor is manufactured using the dielectric layers, and electrically connected to the
the dielectric composition, the BaTiO3 dielectric layer can be 35 ceramic sheet internal electrode.
uniformly sintered. As a result, a conglomeration of the inter 9. The multi-layer ceramic capacitor embedded loW tem
nal electrodes can be suppressed by reducing a sintering perature co-?red ceramic substrate of claim 8, Wherein the
shrinkage difference betWeen the internal electrode and the content of CuBi2O4 is about 4 Wt % to about 10 Wt % relative
dielectric layer. Accordingly, the short circuit rate can be to the total Weight of BaTiO3.
minimized. At the same time, the electrostatic capacity can be 40 10. The multi-layer ceramic capacitor embedded loW tem
maximized. perature co-?red ceramic substrate of claim 8, Wherein the
In addition, due to the improvement of the electrical prop content of ZnOiB2O3iSiO2-based glass is about 1 Wt % to
erties and high-temperature insulation resistance, it is pos about 5 Wt % relative to the total Weight of BaTiO3.
sible to manufacture a multi-layer ceramic capacitor having 11. The multi-layer ceramic capacitor embedded loW tem
high reliability capable of satisfying X5R characteristics. 45 perature co-?red ceramic substrate of claim 8, Wherein the
ceramic sheet internal electrode comprises one ofAg and Cu.
While the present invention has been shoWn and described
12. The multi-layer ceramic capacitor embedded loW tem
in connection With the exemplary embodiments, it Will be
perature co-?red ceramic substrate of claim 8, Wherein a
apparent to those skilled in the art that modi?cations and
?ring temperature is about 600° C. to about 950° C.
variations can be made Without departing from the spirit and
scope of the invention as de?ned by the appended claims. * * * * *

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