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Chapter 9

Consumer Bahvior (KIMEP University)

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Consumer Behavior, 11e (Schiffman/Wisenblit)

Chapter 9 Reference Groups and Word-of-Mouth

1) _____________________________ are groups that serve as sources of comparison, influence

and norms for people’s opinions, values and behaviors.
A) Age cohorts
B) Reference groups
C) Norming groups
D) Norming cohorts
E) Social conduct groups
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

2) _________________ is an unpaid form of promotion, oral or written, in which satisfied

customers tell other people how much they like a business, product, service or event.
A) Word-of-mouth
B) Source credibility
C) Comparative influence
D) Normative influence
E) Symbolic influence
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

3) A(n) _______________ is either a person or medium providing consumption-related

information and hired and paid by and organization. A(n) __________________ is person
whom the message receiver knows personally, such as a parent or friend who gives product
information or advice, or an individual met and respected online.
A) informal source; symbolic source
B) informal source; formal source
C) formal source; symbolic source
D) formal source; informal source
E) symbolic source; formal source
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
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Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Analytical thinking

4) When Joe wanted to get a new outboard motor for his sailboat, he consulted a forum for
British Seagull motors and connected with Jim. Jim gave him information about the outboard
motor he was considering. Jim, the individual Joe met and respected online who gave him
product information and advice, is an example of a(n) _________________________.
A) symbolic source
B) formal source
C) informal source
D) normative source
E) comparative source
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

5) The key factor underlying the persuasive impact of a personal or interpersonal message
received from either a formal or informal source is ________.
A) the number of times the message is sent
B) the source's credibility
C) the number of times the message is received
D) the type of broadcast medium used
E) the extent to which the receiver's peers understand the message
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

6) ___________________, or the source’s persuasive impact, stems from its perceived expertise,
trustworthiness, and believability.
A) Source recognition
B) Source encoding
C) Source decoding
D) Source degradation
E) Source credibility
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Answer: E
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

7) The consumer’s earliest and often most influential reference group is __________________.
A) the family
B) their religious organization
C) their classmates
D) their friends
E) their heroes
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

8) ________ are groups that serve as frames of reference for individuals in their consumption
decisions because they are perceived as credible sources.
A) Custom groups
B) Formal groups
C) Interpersonal groups
D) Reference groups
E) Informal groups
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

9) ________ reference groups influence broadly defined values or behavior.

A) Comparative
B) Normative
C) Membership
D) Informal
E) Symbolic
Answer: B
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Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

10) A child's immediate family is a ________ group that plays an important role in molding the
child's general consumer values and behavior.
A) comparative
B) normative
C) membership
D) informal
E) symbolic
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

11) ________ reference groups serve as benchmarks for specific or narrowly defined attitudes or
A) Comparative
B) Normative
C) Membership
D) Informal
E) Symbolic
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

12) Sheila admires her boss, Jerry, so she aspires to live her lifestyle and have similar
possessions. Jerry exerts _________________ influence on Sheila.
A) comparative
B) normative
C) membership
D) informal
E) symbolic
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Answer: A
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

13) A group to which a person either belongs or would qualify to belong to is called a(n)
________ group.
A) comparative
B) normative
C) membership
D) informal
E) symbolic
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

14) Bill is an avid coin collector and belongs to a coin collectors' club, receiving a monthly
magazine and invitations to exclusive events. This coin collectors' club is an example of a(n)
________ group.
A) comparative
B) normative
C) membership
D) informal
E) symbolic
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

15) A(n) ________ group is one in which an individual is not likely to receive membership,
despite acting like a member by adopting the group's values, attitudes, and behavior.
A) comparative
B) normative
C) membership
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D) informal
E) symbolic
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

16) Professional tennis players may constitute a(n) ________ group for an amateur tennis player
who identifies with certain players by imitating their behavior whenever possible despite the fact
that the amateur tennis player does not qualify for membership as a professional tennis player
because he/she has neither the skills nor the opportunity to compete professionally.
A) comparative
B) normative
C) membership
D) informal
E) symbolic
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

17) A(n) ______________________ provides companionship, security, and opportunities to

discuss problems that an individual might be reluctant to discuss with family members.
A) friendship group
B) shopping group
C) virtual community
D) advocacy group
E) aspirational group
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

18) A(n) ______________________ provides offers expertise regarding a particular product

category, reduces uncertainty related to making an incorrect purchase, or increases consumer
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confidence because it provides a collective decision.

A) friendship group
B) shopping group
C) virtual community
D) advocacy group
E) aspirational group
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

19) Referral programs, which offer rewards to current members who convince others to join, are
an important element of ______________________.
A) friendship groups
B) shopping groups
C) virtual communities
D) advocacy groups
E) aspirational groups
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

20) Standing in a crowd waiting for a retail shopping experience, shoppers see themselves as
making the right buying decision – a concept known as _______________________.
A) diffusion of responsibility
B) diffusion of innovation
C) social queuing
D) social loafing
E) social proof
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

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21) A group of foodies that Nora has never met and only interacts with through online websites
and a Facebook group, where group members share recipes and recommendations, is an example
of a _______________________.
A) friendship group
B) shopping group
C) virtual community
D) advocacy group
E) aspirational group
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

22) A(n) ______________________ assists consumers in making consumption decisions and

supports consumers’ rights.
A) friendship group
B) shopping group
C) virtual community
D) advocacy group
E) aspirational group
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

23) A group of irate parents who join together to protest the opening of an adult, X-rated book
store across from the elementary school is an example of a(n) ___________________________.
A) friendship group
B) shopping group
C) virtual community
D) advocacy group
E) aspirational group
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
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AACSB: Application of knowledge

24) The degree of _____________________ that a reference group exerts on an individual’s

behavior depends on the individual, product and social factors.
A) personality
B) experience
C) conspicuousness
D) intensity
E) influence
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

25) Marketers of new brands or brands that are not market leaders may argue against
__________________, trying to convince consumers not to follow the crowd.
A) conformity
B) group power
C) individual experience
D) individual personality
E) conspicuousness
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

26) Which of the following is NOT something a reference group must do to influence its
A) Inform or make members aware that the brand or product exists
B) Provide the individual with the means or capital to purchase the product
C) Provide the individual with the opportunity to compare his or her own thinking with the
attitudes and behavior of the group
D) Influence the individual to adopt attitudes and behavior that are consistent with the group’s
E) Legitimize the member’s decision to use the same products as other members
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
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consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Analytical thinking

27) Which of the following is a characteristic of a conformist?

A) They always pay close attention to others’ reactions to their behaviors
B) They often pick up slang expressions from others and start using them
C) They change their mannerisms and approaches if they feel someone they are interacting with
disapproves of them
D) They are guided by others’ behavior if they feel unsure how to behave in a situation
E) All of the above are characteristics of conformists
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

28) Which of the following is a characteristic of a conformist?

A) They prefer wearing stylish clothing and pay attention to what others are wearing
B) They are inner-directed when it comes to ascertaining the right way to behave
C) They are not interested in fitting in during social gatherings
D) They behave the way they feel is right, regardless of what others might think
E) They are unlikely to change their mannerisms and approaches
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Analytical thinking

29) Individuals may be influenced to conform to a group based on the group’s

__________________, but they are unlikely to change their attitudes or internalize their choices
if they conform for this reason.
A) attractiveness
B) power
C) experience
D) personality
E) conspicuousness
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
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Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

30) Consumers with low ____________________ are more likely to seek the advice or example
of others.
A) conformity
B) group power
C) individual experience
D) individual personality
E) conspicuousness
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

31) The degree of reference group influence on purchase decisions varies according to product
_________________, or how much it stands out and is noticed by others.
A) conformity
B) power
C) experience
D) personality
E) conspicuousness
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

32) Before e-readers, many women avoided reading printed erotica books in public because they
felt the titles and covers of the books would reflect badly on them. The use of e-readers made
the consumption of erotica books in public less __________________.
A) stigmatized
B) conformist
C) conspicuous
D) influential
E) acceptable
Answer: C
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Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

33) Need for affiliation, need to be liked by others and other directedness are examples of
________________________ variables that increase the likelihood an individual is receptive to
group influences.
A) conformity
B) group power
C) individual experience
D) individual personality
E) conspicuousness
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

34) _____________________ is the believability of the endorser, spokesperson, or individual in

an advertisement.
A) Source degradation
B) Source informality
C) Source formality
D) Source credibility
E) Source attractiveness
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

35) Which of the following is not one of the dimensions in measuring the credibility of a person
or organization?
A) Expertise
B) Perseverance
C) Trustworthiness
D) Attractiveness
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E) Likability
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Analytical thinking

36) Past performance and reputation of the brand, and the image and attractiveness of the
spokesperson used are all factors on which ________ is judged.
A) brand appeal
B) advertising creativity
C) source credibility
D) endorser credibility
E) advertisement acceptability
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
AACSB: Application of knowledge

37) __________________ consists of promoting a company’s image without referring to any of

its offerings.
A) Institutional advertising
B) Family branding
C) Umbrella positioning
D) Formal advertising
E) Informal advertising
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

38) _________________ sources generally have more credibility than _______________

A) For-profit; not-for-profit
B) Not-for-profit; for-profit
C) Neutral; for-profit
D) For-profit; neutral
E) Neutral; negative
Answer: B
Diff: 2
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Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Analytical thinking

39) Which of the following is NOT one of the factors that affects the relationship between the
effectiveness of messages and the spokespersons or endorsers they feature?
A) synergy between the endorser and the type of product/service advertised
B) similarity between the endorser’s demographic characteristics and those of the target audience
C) the trust the consumer has in the marketer of the advertised product
D) whether the spokesperson is a member of a symbolic reference group
E) the congruency of the contents of the message with the spokespersons’ qualifications
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Analytical thinking

40) Which of the following statements is true about spokespeople?

A) When message comprehension is low, the expertise of the spokesperson has little impact on
the receiver's attitude.
B) A physically attractive model always enhances message credibility.
C) Consumers with strong ethnic identities are more likely to be persuaded by endorsers with
similar ethnicity than individuals with weaker ethnic identities.
D) The endorser's credibility substitutes for corporate credibility, therefore, companies are sure
to hire highly credible spokespeople to overcome the lacking credibility of the company itself.
E) As long as a celebrity is giving the testimonial, it doesn't matter whether or not the specific
wording of the endorsement lies within the recognized competence of the spokesperson.
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Analytical thinking

41) Celebrity-credibility includes the audience’s perceptions of the celebrity’s

________________ and ______________________.
A) fame; talent
B) charisma; talent
C) expertise; charisma
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D) fame; trustworthiness
E) expertise; trustworthiness
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

42) A celebrity’s credibility is reduced when s/he endorses a variety of products because
A) the economic motivation underlying the celebrity’s endorsements becomes too pronounced
B) the celebrity becomes less famous
C) teens find celebrities more authentic than other customers
D) the celebrity has positive associations with the products
E) almost a quarter of advertisements use a celebrity spokesperson
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

43) A ___________________ involves a celebrity who attests to the product’s quality based on
his/her own personal usage of the product.
A) celebrity testimonial
B) celebrity endorsement
C) celebrity actor
D) celebrity spokesperson
E) celebrity official
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

44) When celebrity/pro golfer Phil Mickelson appears in a commercial to talk about his
experience with a prescription medication for arthritis, he is serving as a
A) celebrity testimonial
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B) celebrity endorsement
C) celebrity actor
D) celebrity spokesperson
E) celebrity official
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

45) A ___________________ is when celebrities appear on behalf of products with which they
may or may not have any direct experience or familiarity, for extended periods of time.
A) celebrity testimonial
B) celebrity endorsement
C) celebrity actor
D) celebrity spokescharacter
E) celebrity official
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

46) Chuck Norris appears in social media for Era detergent, because he is tough on bad guys and
the detergent is tough on stains. If he does not mention his own personal experience with the
product, it is an example of a _________________________.
A) celebrity testimonial
B) celebrity endorsement
C) celebrity actor
D) celebrity spokescharacter
E) celebrity official
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

47) Which of the following does NOT enhance the credibility of a salesperson?
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A) Looking the customer/prospect in the eye

B) Outward signs of success
C) Driving an expensive, late-model car
D) Dressing the part of an expert
E) All of the above enhance the credibility of a salesperson
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

48) ____________________, or the reputation of the retailer who sells the product, has a major
influence on message credibility.
A) Vendor aura
B) Vendor credibility
C) Retail aura
D) Advertiser credibility
E) Advertiser aura
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

49) The key basis for message credibility is ________.

A) the ability of the product, service, or brand, to deliver consistent quality, value, and
satisfaction to consumers
B) the medium in which the message is delivered
C) the time of day at which the message is delivered
D) the synergies between the brand spokesperson and the product itself
E) the rate of repetition of the advertisement
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

50) The image of Vogue magazine adds status to the products advertised within the magazine.
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This is an example of ______________________.

A) message credibility
B) celebrity credibility
C) medium credibility
D) general credibility
E) time credibility
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

51) The phenomenon known as the ________ suggests that both positive and negative credibility
effects external to the message itself tend to disappear after six weeks or so.
A) decay effect
B) advertising wearout effect
C) disassociation effect
D) sleeper effect
E) dissipation effect
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

52) The theory of ________ suggests that the memory of a negative cue, such as a low-
credibility source, simply decays faster than the memory of the message itself, leaving behind the
primary message content.
A) the sleeper effect
B) advertising wearout
C) disassociation
D) differential decay
E) the dissipation effect
Answer: D
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
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53) The process by which one person informally influences the actions or attitudes of others is
known as ________.
A) targeting
B) positioning
C) opinion leadership
D) referencing
E) blogging
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

54) The key characteristic of the influence associated with opinion leadership is that ________.
A) it is interpersonal and formal and takes place between two or more people, none of whom
represents a commercial selling source that would gain directly from the sale of something
B) it is impersonal and informal and takes place between two or more people, none of whom
represents a commercial selling source that would gain directly from the sale of something
C) it is interpersonal and informal and takes place between two or more people, none of whom
represents a commercial selling source that would gain directly from the sale of something
D) it is impersonal and formal and takes place between two or more people, none of whom
represents a commercial selling source that would gain directly from the sale of something
E) it is interpersonal and informal and takes place between two or more people, one of whom
represents a commercial selling source that would gain directly from the sale of something
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

55) Opinion leadership tends to be ________.

A) brand specific
B) price-point specific
C) universal
D) category specific
E) culturally specific
Answer: D
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
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Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

56) In which product category would the role of the opinion leader during the decision making
process likely be most important to the marketer?
A) laundry detergent
B) television sets
C) automobiles
D) doctors
E) computers
Answer: D
Diff: 3
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

57) Which of the following is NOT one of the motivations of opinion leaders?
A) Reduce post-purchase dissonance
B) Reduce search and shopping time
C) Gain attention from others
D) Show off expertise
E) Gain experience converting others
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Analytical thinking

58) Which of the following is a characteristic of an opinion leader?

A) They lack self-confidence
B) They are withdrawn in social situations
C) They belong to different socioeconomic groups than the opinion receivers
D) They follow new products that come into the markets in the product category
E) They are part of the early majority in their area of expertise
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
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Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)

AACSB: Analytical thinking

59) The ________________ method of measuring opinion leadership employs a self-

administered questionnaire that requires respondents to evaluate the extent to which they have
provided others with information about a product category or brand.
A) heuristic
B) key informant
C) self-designated
D) sociometric
E) challenge
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

60) When Damon filled out a survey for the sporting goods store he favors, it asked him to
respond to items that asked for his agreement on items about his influence on his friends. These
items were attempting to measure his opinion leadership using the __________________
A) heuristic
B) key informant
C) self-designated
D) sociometric
E) Klout
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

61) The ________________________ method measures opinion leadership by tracking person-

to-person communications about a product or brand among members of a community where
most people know each other by name.
A) heuristic
B) key informant
C) self-designated
D) sociometric
E) Klout
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Answer: D
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

62) A ___________________, or a person who is knowledgeable about the nature of the social
communications among members of a specific group, can identify individuals in the group who
are opinion leaders.
A) heuristic
B) key informant
C) self-designated
D) sociometric
E) Klout
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

63) A __________________ score increases as the Twitter starts conversations and inspires
social actions.
A) heuristic
B) key informant
C) self-designated
D) sociometric
E) Klout
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

64) ________ are considered expert informal sources of information.

A) Salespeople
B) Consumer Reports
C) Opinion leaders
D) Spokespeople
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E) Buzz agents
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

65) The three dimensions underlying consumers’ engagement in ________ are tie strength,
similarity among group members, and source credibility.
A) e-wom
B) impersonal communication
C) brand credibility
D) opinion leadership
E) publicity
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.4: To understand the strategic applications, advantages and potential perils
of word-of-mouth.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

66) ________ are specialized, non-geographically bound communities formed on the basis of
attachment to a product or brand.
A) Buzz marketers
B) Brand communities
C) Branded marketers
D) Opinion leaders
E) Publicity
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.4: To understand the strategic applications, advantages and potential perils
of word-of-mouth.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

67) The first people to purchase a new product are considered ________.
A) consumer innovators
B) nonadopters
C) laggards
D) trial drivers
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E) test consumers
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

68) Innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards are all ________.
A) adopter categories
B) diffusion stages
C) communications theories
D) marketing strategies
E) innovation strategies
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

69) The ________ category tends to perceive little risk in adopting new products. These
consumers are even willing to pay high prices for newly-introduced products because they enjoy
being the first to own them.
A) innovator
B) early adopter
C) early majority
D) late majority
E) laggard
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

70) The ________ constitutes the first half of the "mass market" of consumers who would
purchase a somewhat-established product.
A) innovator
B) early adopter
C) early majority
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D) late majority
E) laggard
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

71) When a product is first introduced, the ________ consider purchasing it to be risky because
it is new. After a relatively small but not insignificant number of consumers purchased the
product (and probably after the price has gone down), they conclude that purchasing the product
is wise.
A) innovators
B) early adopters
C) early majority
D) late majority
E) laggards
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

72) The members of the ________ category of adopters take a relatively long time to evaluate
whether or not they would benefit from owning a product and, most likely, perceive more risk in
all consumption situations than members of the preceding adopter groups.
A) innovator
B) early adopter
C) early majority
D) late majority
E) laggard
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

73) The members of the ________ category of adopters are the very last consumers to purchase a
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new product. They are generally high risk-perceivers and the last ones to recognize the value of
innovative products.
A) innovator
B) early adopter
C) early majority
D) late majority
E) laggard
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

74) Which of the following is true of the characteristics of risk-averse consumers?

A) they tend to be outer-directed
B) they are not dogmatic
C) they have a low need for conformity
D) they are unlikely to be brand loyal
E) when assembled or unassembled products are available, they buy assembled versions of
products, even if they are a bit more expensive
Answer: E
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Analytical thinking

STUMBLEUPON MINI CASE: StumbleUpon calls itself a “discovery engine” because, at one
time, 50.27% of all traffic from a top 10 list of social sites came from StumbleUpon. Their
relatively small group of users (15 million) often out-refers the larger user base from Facebook
(over 1.15 billion). In fact, the influential users of StumbleUpon generate 1 billion page
referrals per month. Their users, called “Stumblers”, introduce other Stumblers and non-users
to web content, providing a “map to an adventure you wouldn’t otherwise have found out
about.” The influence of these Stumblers was deemed valuable by film marketers, who worked
with StumbleUpon to promote films like Jurassic Park 3D and Evil Dead. Stumblers are young
and highly engaged, so studios see the personalized search engine, which “learns” the
preferences of its Stumblers, as a way to reach early influencers.

75) In the STUMBLEUPON MINI CASE, the influencers are expert informal sources of
information, also known as ____________________________.
A) Salespeople
B) Consumer Reports
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C) Opinion leaders
D) Spokespeople
E) Buzz agents
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

76) In the STUMBLEUPON MINI CASE, the Stumblers are engaged in _________ when they
advocate on behalf of products, like films, in social networks, brand communities, and blogs.
A) e-wom
B) impersonal communication
C) brand credibility
D) opinion leadership
E) publicity
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.4: To understand the strategic applications, advantages and potential perils
of word-of-mouth.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

77) In the STUMBLEUPON MINI CASE, if the Stumblers are the first people to go see a new
movie, they are considered ________.
A) consumer innovators
B) nonadopters
C) laggards
D) trial drivers
E) test consumers
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

BZZAGENT MINI CASE: BzzAgent is a word-of-mouth marketing agency that runs brand
advocate programs for global brands. It recently partnered with a company to pair its social
media and word-of-mouth insights with shopper loyalty data. The results indicated that
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consumers who were making repeat purchases were also more engaged and created a higher
volume of advocacy. The information from this study is important to marketers, who are trying
to find ways to engage advocates and influencers, especially via social media. Marketers are
trying to figure out the characteristics of individuals who are most likely to influence others.

78) In the BZZAGENT MINI CASE, marketers are interested in finding individuals who
influence others. The process by which one influential person informally influences the actions
or attitudes of others is known as ________.
A) targeting
B) positioning
C) opinion leadership
D) referencing
E) blogging
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

79) In the BZZAGENT MINI CASE, which of the following is a likely motivation for the
individuals who influence others?
A) Reduce post-purchase dissonance
B) Gain experience converting others
C) Gain attention from others
D) Show off expertise
E) All of the above
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

80) In the BZZAGENT MINI CASE, the desirable brand advocates are engaged in _________
when they advocate on behalf of products in social networks, brand communities, and blogs.
A) brand credibility
B) impersonal communication
C) e-wom
D) adoption
E) publicity
Answer: C
Diff: 1
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Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.4: To understand the strategic applications, advantages and potential perils
of word-of-mouth.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

81) Social norm messages are more persuasive when they are credible and believable.
Answer: True
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

82) Consumers view promotions initiated by marketers as more credible than feedback from
reference groups.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

83) A symbolic group is a reference group to which an individual is unlikely to belong, but
whose values and behaviors that person adopts.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

84) MADD is an example of a shopping group.

Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
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AACSB: Application of knowledge

85) Conformists often pick up slang expressions from others and start using them.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

86) A lawyer wears conservative clothing at work but wears trendy clothing when she goes out
with her friends, which illustrates different reference groups may influence the beliefs, attitudes
and behaviors of individuals under different circumstances.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

87) The degree of reference group influence on purchase decisions is higher for shaving cream
than it is for an expensive watch.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

88) People who are compliant, have a tendency to conform, have a high need for affiliation, are
other-directed and less likely to look for guidance from reference groups.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

89) When the source is well respected and highly thought of by the intended audience, the
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message is much more likely to be believed.

Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)

90) Not-for-profit sources generally have more credibility than for-profit sources.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

91) A clear perceived fit between a message’s sponsor and the entity being sponsored can
strongly enhance the sponsor’s credibility.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

92) Endorsers whose demographic characteristics are similar to the target audiences’ are viewed
as more credible and persuasive than those who do not.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

93) A person’s ethnic identification is the degree to which she identifies herself as a member of
her ethnic group.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
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endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.

Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

94) Consumers perceive celebrities that appear in commercials often as more credible than
celebrities with lesser commercial exposure.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

95) Celebrity credibility includes the audience’s perception of both the celebrity’s expertise and
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

96) When Kaley Cuoco (the actress who plays Penny in the television show Big Bang Theory)
plays the role of a genie who grants wishes in a Toyota commercial, or the role of “The
Negotiator’s” daughter in Priceline commercials, she is characterized as a celebrity actor.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

97) The reputation of the retailer who sells the product has a major influence on message
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
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AACSB: Reflective Thinking

98) The theory of differential decay suggests that one will dissociated the message from its
source over time, remembering only the message content but not its source.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

99) Opinion leaders are knowledgeable and can give advice about all product categories.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
word of word-of-mouth.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

100) Opinion leaders are never opinion receivers.

Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
word of word-of-mouth.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

101) The sociometric method of measuring opinion leadership captures person-to-person

communications about a product or brand among members of a community where most people
know each other by name.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
word of word-of-mouth.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

96) The first set of people who purchase a new product are called early adopters.
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Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

102) The traditional five adopter categories present in diffusion literature include all potential
consumers present in the marketplace.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

103) Consumer innovators are not as interested as late adopters or nonadopters in the product
categories that they are among the first to purchase.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

104) Innovators seem to find new products threatening to the point where they prefer to delay
purchase until the product's success has been clearly established.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

105) Differentiate between normative influence and comparative influence. In your response,
please select an example of each type of influence.
Normative influence consists of learning an adopting a group’s norms, values, and behaviors.
The most pertinent normative influence comes from groups to which people naturally belong,
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such as family, peers, and other members of one’s community. Generally, normative influence
occurs among members of the same socioeconomic group. For example, families have a large
normative influence on children because they mold young children’s initial consumption-related
values (such as which foods to select for good nutrition, appropriate ways to dress for specific
occasions, how and where to shop, or what constitutes “good value”). Comparative influence
takes place when people compare themselves to others, whom they respect and admire, and then
adopt some of their values or imitate their behaviors. For example, when a person who holds a
“start of the ladder” position in a corporation admires his boss and aspires to live her lifestyle
and have similar possessions, the boss exerts comparative influence on the lower-level employee.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

106) What are four things a reference group must do to influence group members?
In order to influence its members, a reference group must:
Inform or make members aware that the brand or product exists.
Provide the individual with the opportunity to compare his or her own thinking with the attitudes
and behavior of the group.
Influence the individual to adopt attitudes and behavior that are consistent with the group’s
Legitimize the member’s decision to use the same products as other members.
Learning Objective 9.1: To understand the credibility of reference groups and their influence on
consumer behavior.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

107) Identify three of the key findings in research investigating the relationship between the
effectiveness of an advertising message and the spokesperson or endorser employed.
Answer: Students may identify any of the following findings:
The effectiveness of the spokesperson is related to the message. When message comprehension
is low, receivers rely on the spokesperson's credibility in forming attitudes toward the product.
The synergy between the endorser and the type of product or service advertised is directly related
to the perceived credibility of the message.
Endorsers who have demographic characteristics that are similar to those of the target audience
are viewed as more credible and persuasive than those that do not.
The endorser's credibility is not a substitute for corporate credibility.
Marketers who use celebrities to give testimonials or endorse products must be sure that the
specific wording of the endorsement lies within the recognized competence of the spokesperson.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
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Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

108) Talk about the sleeper effect in advertising.

Answer: The persuasive effects of high-credibility sources do not endure over time. Although a
high-credibility source is initially more influential than a low-credibility source, research
suggests that both positive and negative credibility effects tend to disappear after six weeks or so.
This phenomenon is termed sleeper effect. Consumers will forget the source of the message
faster than they forget the message itself.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.2: To understand the persuasive power and credibility of spokespersons,
endorsers, celebrities, salespersons, vendors and media.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

109) What does a Klout score measure?

Answer: The Klout score measures people’s influence online based on their abilities to generate
engagement and feedback to what they post. Klout measures influence on a scale of 1-100 (the
average Klout Score is 40) and the greater one’s ability to drive conversations and inspire social
actions such as likes, shares, and re-tweets, the higher her score will be. The Klout score focuses
on the amount of conversation and interactions that people generate, rather than the volume of
their posts; that is, the score is designed to determine one’s degree of influence and not merely
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
word of word-of-mouth.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Information technology

110) Identify and discuss some of the defining characteristics of opinion leaders.
Answer: Opinion leaders reveal a keen sense of knowledge and interest in the particular product
or service area, and they are likely to be consumer innovators. They also demonstrate a greater
willingness to talk about the product, service, or topic; they are more self-confident; and they are
more outgoing and gregarious than nonleaders. Within the context of a specific subject area,
opinion leaders receive more information via nonpersonal sources than nonleaders and are
considered to have expertise in their area of influence. They also usually belong to the same
socioeconomic and age groups as their opinion receivers.
Diff: 3
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.3: To understand the dynamics and measurement of opinion leadership and
word of word-of-mouth.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
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AACSB: Reflective Thinking

111) Identify the three dimensions underlying consumers’ engagement in e-wom.

Answer: (1) tie strength—the degree of intimacy and frequency of contacts between the
information seeker and the source; (2) similarity among the group’s members in terms of
demographics and lifestyles; and (3) source credibility—the information seeker’s perceptions of
the source’s expertise.
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.4: To understand the strategic applications, advantages and potential perils
of word-of-mouth.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

112) Explain what viral marketing is and provide an example of how it is used.
Answer: Viral marketing includes marketing techniques that utilize pre-existing social networks
and other technologies to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing
objectives by encouraging individuals to pass along email messages or other messages.
Examples may vary. One example from the text noted a hair gel company that posted humorous
a/v clips on the web and encouraged viewers to pass along the clips’ location to others.
Diff: 2
Skill: Application
Learning Objective 9.4: To understand the strategic applications, advantages and potential perils
of word-of-mouth.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Application of knowledge

113) Identify and describe each of the five adopter categories.

Innovators (2.5%): very eager to try new ideas; acceptable if risk is daring; more cosmopolite
social relationships; communicate with other innovators
Early Adopters (13.5%): more integrated into the local social system; the persons to check with
before adopting a new idea; category contains greatest number of opinion leaders; are role
Early Majority (34%): adopt new ideas just prior to the average time; seldom hold leadership
positions; deliberate for some time before adopting
Late Majority (34%): adopt new ideas just after the average time; adopting may be both an
economic necessity and a reaction to peer pressures; innovations approached cautiously
Laggards (16%): the last people to adopt an innovation; most "localite" in outlook; oriented to
the past; suspicious of the new
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
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Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

114) What are the activities which characterize fashion innovators?

They are the first in their circles of friends to know who the latest “hot” designers are and the
emerging fashion trends
They shop much more for new fashions than their friends
They are among the first in their circles to buy new outfits and fashions
The know about fashions more than most people
If they find out that new clothing is available in department or local stores, they go and check
them out
They like to touch clothing and even other products in stores and think it is fun, but also touch
clothing even if they do not intend to buy it
They are reluctant to buy clothes that they cannot touch
They feel more confident about buying clothing and other products after touching them and
examining them physically
Diff: 2
Skill: Concept
Learning Objective 9.5: To understand the diffusion of innovations process, and adopter
categories as distinct market segments.
Learning Outcome 11 Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM)
AACSB: Reflective Thinking

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