4A - Classification Essay

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Nama : yustina Lia Safitri

Npm : 1811040472

Narrowing topic : nutrition

1. Carbohydrate
2. Proteins
3. Vitamins
4. Mineral

Four healthy foods perfect five needed by the body

Introductory paragraf : food 4 healthy 5 perfect is a complete food menu and

contains nutrients needed by the body such as consumption, protein, vitamins and

Body paragraf : Carbohydrates are sugars, starches and fiber found in fruits, grains,
vegetables and dairy products. Benefits of Carbohydrates for the Body, Carbohydrates
are a source of energy for the body. When you consume carbohydrates, the body will
become part of the body's fuel. Here are some basic foods that are good for
consumption, which contain carbohydrate: Rice, Corn, Sago, Cassava, potatoes, or
tubers, Wheat, Rice is a source of energy for the body, but if you don't like white rice,
you can replace it with brown rice. Brown rice is high in fiber and contains more
energy plus more than 330 calories / day.
Only that, brown rice also contains antioxidants and vitamin B6 which can regulate
levels of the hormone serotonin and produce DNA cells, and is able to control bad
Proteins are essential components of each cell in the body. It is not surprising,
therefore, that there are so many benefits of protein to the body: Examples of side
dishes that must be consumed: Chicken, beef, goat, fish and duck. One example of
side dishes that are consumed by many Indonesian people is fish.
Being delicious, fish also contain lots of protein and omega 3 which is good for
brain development. Some types of fish that are good for consumption are salmon and
tuna. Not only fish, chicken is also included as a type of side dish that is most
consumed by Indonesian people. Chicken contains animal protein and fat. However, it
is not recommended to consume chicken meat every day. Chicken liver and intestines
contain a lot of fat. Eggs contain a high source of protein, especially egg yolks.
However, it is not recommended to consume eggs up to 2 eggs a day. Protein in eggs
is approved for binding to the body because it contains magnesium and can be given
acidity pH in the body.
Tofu and tempe are Indonesian people's favorite foods, in addition to low prices,
how to process food is also quite easy. Tofu and tempeh contain many amino acids
that are good for the body.
Vitamins can be obtained from eating fruits vegetables, and milk. Vegetables are a
good healthy food to prevent various diseases. Some types of vegetables that are
delicious are consumed among others: mustard greens, cabbage, cabbage, broccoli,
spinach, Not only that, eating vegetables every day can also help digestion and
facilitate the removal of impurities in the body. Some types of fruits that are delicious
for consumption include: Oranges, Apples, Mangosteen, Soursop, Grapes, Longan,
Avocados, Just like vegetables, vegetables that contain fruits and minerals.
In addition, fruits contain antidoxidants because fruits contain chlorophyll color
pigments such as kiwi and guava. The more striking the color the greater the
antidioxidant protection of the body. Milk from animal protein sources, its function is
very good for bone growth and energy increase. In addition to milk from animal
protein, there is also milk from vegetable protein, namely soy milk.
Mineral water, works as a mixture of solvents in the body, transporting nutrients
from cells to tissues and operating the body's stability.

Conclution :Carbohydrates are sugars, starches and fiber found in fruits, grains,
vegetables and dairy products. Benefits of Carbohydrates for the Body, Carbohydrates
are a source of energy for the body. When you consume carbohydrates, the body will
become part of the body's fuel. Here are some basic foods that are good for
consumption, which contain carbohydrate: Rice, Corn, Sago, Cassava, potatoes, or
tubers. Proteins are essential components of each cell in the body. It is not surprising,
therefore, that there are so many benefits of protein to the body: Examples of side
dishes that must be consumed: Chicken, beef, goat, fish and duck. vitamins can be
obtained from eating fruits vegetables, and milk. ome types of vegetables that are
delicious are consumed among others: mustard greens, cabbage, cabbage, broccoli,
spinach. ome types of fruits that are delicious for consumption include: Oranges,
Apples, Mangosteen, Soursop, Grapes, Longan, Avocados, Just like vegetables,
vegetables that contain fruits and minerals. In addition to milk from animal protein,
there is also milk from vegetable protein, namely soy milk.

Name : Zainida Amrina Yusuf

Class : 4A
NPM : 1811040469

Narrowing Topic
General Topic : Galaxi
Specific Topic : Solar System
Very Specific Topic : Members of the Solar System

Members of the Solar System

The solar system is a collection of celestial bodies consisting of large stars
namely the sun and all objects that are bound by the gravity of the sun. these celestial
bodies include 8 planets, comets, asteroids and meteroids.
The sun is one type of star, like other stars scattered in the universe. It's just
that the location of the sun is the closest to where we live, namely the earth. That is
why, the sun looks much bigger than other stars in the universe. And the sun's body
consists of two parts, namely in the form of the core and the outer shell of the sun. At
the core of the sun, the shape is a ball of gas that has a very high pressure and
temperature, which is 15 million 0 K. While in the outer shell of the sun, it still
consists of three layers, namely in the form of photospheres, chromosomes, and
Up to now, there are 8 solar escorting planets. The planets are Mercury,
Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Please note, that before
2006, there was Pluto which is still considered a planet, so there are 9 sunny planets.
However, in 2006, Pluto was no longer considered as a planet. Pluto was designated a
non-planet by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), precisely on August 24,
Asteroids are small planets which are numerous in number and circulate in
their orbits. This asteroid orbit is between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids
have a very large volume, with the smallest volume having a diameter of about 1 km,
and most asteroid diameters have a large size of the moon. The largest asteroid, called
ceres, has a diameter of 480 miles and circulates around the sun in about 4.5 years.
Comets are also referred to as caudate stars. Because the planet looks like a
shining star, but there is a tail attached to the star. When the planet is always
circulating in the ecliptic, it is different from the comets that circulate around the sun
with a parabolic or hyperbole trajectory. A comet consists of two main parts, namely
the head and tail. The comet's head section consists of a comet core, which is in the
form of comet material and looks very bright and bright. The second part of the
comet, called a comma in the form of a nuclear envelope.
In this universe there are also objects that are so heavy, namely weighing up
to several milligrams even up to several tons. It is called a meteoroid. This meteoroid
hovers because it is influenced by the attraction of other celestial bodies. If a
meteorite passes near the earth, then this object will be affected by the attraction of
the earth. However, before a meteoroid falls to earth, it will rub against the
atmosphere first, the friction takes place very quickly (10 - 70 km / sec). As a result of
this friction, the meteorite caught fire. Meteoroids that are in a state of burning will
appear brightly lit. Well, this brightly lit meteoroid alias is often called a meteor.and
then Meteors which are burned by the earth's atmosphere are sometimes not
completely burned. Sometimes, there are still remnants of meteors that can reach the
earth. The rest of this meteor is called a meteorite.
We can conclude that The solar system is a collection of celestial bodies
consisting of large stars namely the sun and all objects that are bound by the sun's
gravity. These celestial bodies include 8 planets, comets, asteroids and meteroids.

Name : AlmadaniDurotulLaily
NPM : 1811040441

Narrowing Topic
General Topic: Psychology
Spesific Topic: Kinds of Personality
Very Spesific Topic: 1.) Sanguine, 2.) Choleric, 3.) Melancholic, 4. Phlegmatic

Kinds of Personality in Psychology

According to psychology, human personality types can be divided into sanguine,
choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. All four are included in proto-psychological
theory, which is sanguinis (optimistic, active and social), choleric (angry, quick or
easily offended), then the type of melancholic (analytical, wise and calm), and
plegmatic (relaxed and peaceful).
People with sanguine personality types tend to be lively, optimistic, light, and
cheerful. This type also likes adventure and has a high tolerance for risk. In addition,
the type of sanguin is usually weak in tolerating boredom, and will seek variety and
entertainment. Naturally, this trait is sometimes negative in influencing romantic
relationships and others. Because this personality behaves for pleasure, many people
with sanguist personalities tend to struggle with addictions (want something
constantly). Sanguos are also known to be very creative and can be great artists and
entertainers and will succeed if they choose a career in the entertainment industry. The
natural abilities of sanguinis are very suitable when choosing jobs related to
marketing, travel, fashion, cooking / culinary, or sports.
The second type is choleric, someone with a choleric personality is usually a
person who is very goal-oriented. Choleric people are known to be very intelligent,
analytical, and logical, very practical and direct, but this type does not have to be a
good friend or friendly person. A choleric dislikes short talk and enjoys deep and
meaningful conversations. They prefer to be alone than in a company with people
with weak personalities. Ideally, this type likes to spend time with people who have
similar professional interests. The ideal job for a colleague associated with the
industry is about management, technology, statistics, engineering, and programming.
Then, a person with a phlegmatic personality is usually a person who loves peace.
This type usually looks for interpersonal harmony and close relationships that make
plegmatic people a loyal partner and loving parents. Plegmatic people like to
maintain relationships with old friends, distant family members and neighbors. In
terms of personality, the plegmatic type tends to avoid conflict and always tries to
mediate others to restore peace and harmony. Plegmatis also likes charity and helps
others. Careers that are ideal for plegmatic personality types include nurses,
teachers, psychologists, counseling, or social services.
The last type is melancholic, a person with the type of melancholy are those who
tend to often worry in their lives and those who have a feeling of giving up easily. But
the advantages of Melancholy is someone who is analytical and very creative. Even
so Melancholy sometimes often underestimate themselves who in reality themselves
are not that bad.
We can conclude that according to psychology, personality of human divided
into four types, sanguine, chorelic, phlegmatic, and melancholic. They are plegmatic,
melancholy, sanguinis, and koleris. Plegmatis is the type that loves peace, melancholy
is the perfect type or perfectionist, sanguinis are the popular type, and koleris is the
strong type.
NPM : 1811041314

Topic: Asian Cuisine.

PO: types of Asian cuisine.
Narrowing Topic: 1). East asian cuisine 2). South asian cuisine 3). Central asian
cuisine 4). West asian cuisine.

Asian cuisine includes several major regional cuisines; East Asian, South Asian,
central asian and (West Asian. A cuisine is a characteristic style of cooking practices
and traditions, usually associated with a specific culture. Asia, being the largest and
most populous continent, is home to many cultures, many of which have their own
characteristic cuisine. Ingredients common to many cultures in asian cuisine include
rice, ginger, garlic, sesame seeds, chilies, dried onions, soy, and tofu. Stir frying,
steaming, and deep frying are common cooking methods. While rice is common to
most Asian cuisines, different varieties are popular in the various regions.
East Asian cuisine includes Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Taiwanese and
Tibetan food. Being one of the most populated regions of the world east Asia has
many regional cuisines. Rice, noodles, soybeans, and seafood are some of the staple
east asian foods.
South Asian cuisine is from the Indian sub-continent. Food in this part is flavored
with spices and herbs. Flavored oil and ghee are stapled element in south asian
cuisine. Yogurt and coconut milk makes the base of south asian curries. Chicken,
mutton, and fish are the common meats used. Beef and pork are available only in
some part of the continent since these meats are forbidden for certain religious
Central Asian cuisine, Most Central Asian nations have similar cuisines to each
other as well as their neighbors, taking many features of the neighboring cuisines of
Western and Eastern Asia, particularly Mongolia. A dish known as "plov", or "osh",
for example, is a widespread variation of pilaf. However, many of the same countries
use horse meat and mutton as the most common meats, similar to beef. This is owing
to Mongolian cuisine. In Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the cuisine has evolved to meet
the needs of a nomad lifestyle. Kumis is a widespread drink among Turkic peoples,
especially in Central Asia.
West Asian cuisine, is the cuisine of the middle east nations excluding Egypt. The
cuisine of this region is unique in its own way. Some commonly used ingridients are
olives and olive oil, pitas, honey, sesame seeds, dates, sumac, chickpeas, mint, and
parsley. Wheat and rice is the base of any meal in West Asian cuisine. Bread is a
major element in every middle east cuisine.
In short, Asian cuisine includes several major regional cuisines; East Asian, South
Asian, central asian and (West Asian. East Asian cuisine includes Chinese, Japanese,
Korean, Mongolian, Taiwanese and Tibetan food, South Asian cuisine is from the
Indian sub-continent. Food in this part is flavored with spices and herbs, Central
Asian cuisine, Most Central Asian nations have similar cuisines to each other as well
as their neighbors, taking many features of the neighboring cuisines of Western and
Eastern Asia, particularly Mongolia, West Asian cuisine, is the cuisine of the middle
east nations excluding Egypt. The cuisine of this region is unique in its own way.and I
advise you to try various Asian cuisine.


NPM : 1811040249

Topic: Drink
P.O : Kind of Drink
Narrowing Topic: ( Coffee, Tea, Milk, Fruit Juice )

Coffee, Tea, Milk, Fruit Juice

Drinking is something that is important to us, not only important but very
important. many people who need to drink to relieve thirst and fatigue. but most
people not only drink water to relieve thirst and fatigue there are people who prefer to
drink coffee, tea, milk, and fruit juice. various drinks such as coffee, tea, milk and
fruit juices have their respective meanings.
Coffee is a brewed coffee brew that has been roasted and ground into powder.
Coffee is a commodity in the world that is cultivated in more than 50 countries. Two
varieties of coffee trees that are generally known are Robusta Coffee (Coffea
canephora) and Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica). Coffee processing before it can be
drunk through a long process that is from harvesting coffee beans that have been
cooked either by machine or by hand then carried out coffee bean processing and
drying before turning into coffee logs. The next process is roasting with varying
degrees of degree. After roasting the coffee beans are ground or ground into coffee
powder before the coffee can be drunk. many people from around the world who like
coffee, almost 100% coffee into the world's most favorite beverage. coffee can also be
mixed with milk, caramel and vanilla.
Tea is a drink that contains caffeine, which is made by brewing leaves, leaf buds,
or leaf stems dried from the Camellia sinensis plant with hot water. Tea originated
from mainland China (China). tea is also a favorite drink of many people like coffee.
This tea drink is a common daily drink. Because of the fragrant aroma and distinctive
taste that makes this drink widely consumed. Tea is a beverage that is widely known
in the world. tea has many benefits for the human body not only for drinking and
enjoying it. tea has a distinctive aroma from the buds of tea leaves plus tea often
mixed with jasmine flowers that add a very unusual taste to the tea drink.
Milk is a nutritious white liquid produced by mammalian milk glands, one of
which is humans. Milk is the main source of nutrition for babies before they can
digest solid food. milk is a beverage that has many benefits for growth both for
children, adults, old people, and all people can drink milk. because milk is very
important for growth. Milk is also produced by animals such as cats, goats, and cows
but milk that many humans consume is cow's milk. Cow's milk has many important
ingredients for the human body. normal milk to drink in the morning and evening
before bed. milk is also a mandatory drink a day before doing activities.
and the last is fruit juice, fruit juice is a drink that comes from fruit juice. juice or
juice is a liquid found naturally in fruits. Popular for human consumption as a
beverage. Usually made by blending fruits with a little water and the appropriate
amount of sugar. Regular fruit juices come from a variety of fruits such as oranges,
apples, aplukat, watermelons and other fruits. the content contained in ordinary juice
depends on what fruit is made juice. juice is also a favorite drink of many people,
many people who like to drink juice while relaxing and while resting after exercise.
fruit juices are well known in the world, many restaurants that provide a variety of
fruit juices from various types of fruit. fruit juice can also be in your own fruit at
home if we are lazy to buy it outside.
so drinks are very important to us, and also the growth of our body. drinks are not
only water that we can consume but there is coffee, tea, milk, and fruit juices that we
can consume daily to make us more excited to go about our daily activities.

Name : Siti All Wha Qha

Class : 4a
NPM : 1811040281
Fashion Style
Currently the person can choose different types of fashion styles they want.
The emergence of various types of styles is due to the growing fashion industry from
year to year. Style fashion that is currently crowded wearing by people, Both adults
and teenagers are Vintage Style, Casual Style, Classy Style and Chic Style.
Vintage Style is a feminine-style fashion trend adapted from the 1920s - 1960s
fashion, which is now in combination with modern fashion. The characteristics of
vintage style have fashion items such as Floral accent dress, crinkled top, suede skirt,
leather bag, ruffle dress, knitwear shirt and warp coat. Vintage Style can be used as
formal and informal clothing.
Casual Style is a simple-style fashion trend, Casual style is used at a time of
relaxing or daily clothes. The characteristics of Casual Style have fashion items like
T-shirt, Jeans, flat shoes, sneak, outer, cullots, Printed scarf, blouse and long-sleeved.
Casual style is usually used as informal clothing.
Classy style is an elegant or luxurious style. Classy Style is always identical to
expensive items and branded commonly worn by the top. The characteristics of the
Classy Style have a fashion item like High Heels Neutral colored (nude or black),
minimalist dress, Blazer, blouse formal, coat, outer, belt, handbags, clutch bag. Classy
style is generally used as formal clothing.
Chic Style is a style that shows skills and elegance, Chic style is used as a
fashion style that describes someone who is stylish but not bound by the trends being
followed by many people. The characteristics of the Chic Style have a fashion item
like Pleated skirt, short sleeve shirt, pattern dress, blazer, overall skirt and graphic T-
shirt. This style is suitable for informal events.
In conclusion, Various types of styles such as vintage, casual, classy and chic
become a fashion trend that is popular for many people. This style is created due to
the growing fashion developments of each year. In summary, The growing fashion of
the industry makes appears various types of styles, some styles are vintage, casual,
classy, chic style that has different characteristics in the appearance. of the four types
of styles it can be used as formal clothing and also informal.
Personally I think Various types of fashion have different views of each other, and
it makes each type have its own characteristics that make many people like different
fashion styles. I suggest when we want to wear a clothing in the form of a certain style
maybe we can see the usefulness of the style that is suitable used use at the formal or
informal event.

Name : Devhia Suci Ardhana

NPM : 1811040473
Class : 4.A
Various orchid flowers from the leaves

Orchid flowers are one type of ornamental plant that has a very beautiful charm.
No wonder if this beautiful flower is used as one of the Indonesian national interest.
There's have many various orchid flowers from the leaves. orchids are beautiful
plants and growing in our country there are more than ten thousand types of orchids
that we have, among them are the types of orchids as below.
Moon Orchid, This orchid has a width, large or elongated characteristics to the
side and measure an average of 5 to 10 cm. Usually moon orchid leaves are up to
each other or lined up in two lines that are tight and faced. Moon orchid leaves of
green orchid moon leaves with thick and fleshy textures. This is because the leaves of
the moon orchid contain a lot of chlorophyll or green leaf substances and contain lots
of water. Dendrobium orchids, The orchid leaves of dendrobium orchids are suitable
for beginners who want to learn to plant orchids. Because of the nature of this orchid
which is easy to adapt in any area. The characteristics of leaves from dendrobium
orchids are generally in one tree or orchid stem, leaves from the dendrobium orchid
consist of several sheets or many leaves. Besides that the leaves on this orchid are
rather long but the texture is not as thick as leaves on the orchid the moon in the
sense of the leaves slim. Orchid Vanda, Some Vanda orchids are also suitable to be
planted and treated by beginners. The characteristics of Vanda orchid leaves in
general are leaves growing intermittently and face to face between one leaf with the
other leaves. Vanda orchid stems are not large and grow straight vertically. Cattleya
orchid, cattleya orchid leaves Characteristics of Cattleya orchid leaves, namely the
shape of tapered jorong or round jorong lengthwise. Leaves are green and grow up
or to the side with thick / fleshy leaf characteristics, slippery leaf surfaces and flat it.
Orchid Oncidium, The orchid leaves are oncidium orchid leaves are shaped like
pencils, cylindrical and thick. The colors of leaves are pale green but sometimes also
decorated with reddish or gray colors. The width of the oncidium orchid leaves
measuring around 30-40 cm. Cymbidium orchid, Cymbidium orchid leaves have a flat,
small, thin but long-length leaving leaf with a long-estimate of leaves around 40 cm
or it can also be less.
In short, orchid flowers have many various of their leaf. There are moon orchid,
Dendrobium orchids, Vanda orchid, Cattleya orchid, Oncidium orchid and Cymbidium
orchid. Actually there are still a lot of other types of orchids but all the above orchids
are the orchids that I recommend for you to care.

Name: Nindira Ika Hawana

Npm: 1811040410

Topic: Popular Music

P.O: Genre music
Narrowing Topic: Music Jazz, RnB, Hip-hop, and Pop.

Music has become a part of our lives. One type of music that we know is popular
music. Popular music itself has many types or commonly referred to as genres. Like:
Jazz, RnB, hip-hop, and pop. Okay, let's discuss one by one what is music jazz, RnB,
Hip-hop and pop.
The first is jazz music. The first jazz music emerged from the United States where
combining various musical instruments that produce new sounds. Jazz music is
usually preferred by certain circles. This type of music is full of elegant and classy
The second is RnB which has the abbreviation of Rhythm and Blues is a type of
music that results from the merger of jazz, blues, gospel, and pop. This type of music
was first introduced by the Africa community in the 1940s.
Next is Hip Hop. Hip-hop was born in eastern America and is a development of
RnB music. Modern hip hop music is usually dominated by rap or rapcore.
And finally, there is pop music. Pop music is one type of popular music art that
reflects modernity. Besides being modern, pop music is also easier to listen to for all
people. In Indonesia, this type of music dominates and is timeless.
And that is a brief explanation of some of the genres contained in popular music.
In short, because music has become part of our lives, music can also be a solution to
various problems. Music is a blend of tone and sound that produces rhythm, rhythm,
melody, tempo, and harmony. Which can make the listener feel relaxed, sad, happy,
etc. Therefore, music can also be an inspiration, which accompanies us every day.

Nama : Tina Agustina MW

NPM : (1811040280)
Kelas : 4 A/ PBI

Topic : Flower
P.O : The benefit of flowers
( Rose, Jasmine, Orchid, Sunflower )

Flowers are the means of sexual reproduction in flowering plants. The reproductive
organs of statements and tyres are found in flowers. Flowers can appear both in
single and together in a single sequence . The flower that appears together is reffered
to as a compound flower or an inflorescence. There are a lot of flowers in Indonesia
such as rose, jasmine, orchid, and sunflowersand hese flowers also have many
benefits one which is to maintain good health of the body.
Rose is a type of shrub of genus rosa as well as the name of the flower produced by
this plant. Here are some of the benefits of roses to health, include : Healthy the
digestive tract, healthful airway, healthy eye, healing wounds, compounding
headache, and preventing dementia and alzheimer’s.
Jasmine is a flowering plant of long-lasting upright stem. Jasmine is a genus of shrubs
and vines in the olive family (oleaceae). Jasmine blossom are useful for overflowery,
industrial cosmetic, parfume, pharmaceutical, decorative flower arrangements and a
mixture of tea, such as jasmine tea that is popular in indonesia.
The orchid is (orchudaceae) is one of many types of flowers that thrive in a tropical
climate. It normally lives where water is scarce. As for benefits of an orchid plant, it
can be used as a stress tonic, can treat such diseases as tuberculosis, bloating
abdomen, night sweats, anorexia, fever, and dympania effectively.
Sunflowers is one of the plants known for the beuty of its sunlike petals. With the
flowers characteristic color of light yellow, the sunflower has several benefits as well
as improving the texture of the skin moisturizing, the skin itself against pimples and
natural inflammation, of anti aging-slows down pores to flatten the skin color .
Flowers are the means of sexual reproduction in flowering plants. The
reproductive organs of statements and tyres are found in flowers. There are a lot of
flowers in Indonesia such as rose, has benefits to maintain healthy the digestive tract.
Jasmine blossom for overflowery, As for benefits of an orchid plant, it can be used as
a stress tonic, and the sunflower has benefits as well as improving the texture of the

Name : Mayang Dwi Safitri

NPM : 1811040474

Topic : Animlas
Priciple of Organization : The most dangerous animlas in the world
Narrowing Topic : 1. Black Mamba 2. Box Jellyfish 3. Pufferfish 4. Salwater
In life on earth, there are some of the most dangerous animals in the world such as
the Black Mamba, is a snake is very dangerous because its speed can crawl to death
12.5 miles per hour. The Box jellyfish is the most venomous marine animal species in
the world, because it has a stinging cell tentanc containing toxins that can attack the
heart, nervous system and skin cells. Pufferfish Fish Species of fish, if presented
incorrectly, can cause paralysis and death. Salwater Crocodile is one of the strongest
animals on earth, which has the most powerful animal bite in the world.
Black Mamba is one of the most dangerous animals in the world. Animals that
reach 14 feet in length, have speeds reaching 12.5 miles per hour. In addition, animals
that live in sub-Saharan Africa, can be very deadly. With just two drops, it can kill
some humans who attack the nervous system and heart. Black Mamba will bite if he
feels himself threatened, this snake will continue to bite repeatedly which produces
poison in one bite to kill ten people. Nonetheless, the Black Mamba is a shy and
nervous snake which makes the extraordinary speed used to hunt its prey.
Box Jellyfish is one of the deadliest marine animals in the world. Many marine
animals that live in coastal waters of Northern Australia and throughout the Indo-
Pacific, have a box-shaped medusa, making a name that is often used on these
animals. Box Jellyfish have tentacles from every angle that can reach up to 10 feet in
length, each of which has about 5,000 stinging cells. Toxins that are owned by these
animals can attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells. Many divers are stung by
these animals, have shock and drown or even die of heart failure before reaching the
Pufferfih is one type of fish that is quite deadly in the world. Unlike ordinary fish
in consumption, this fish has its own way that must be done when you want to eat. In
Japan, this type of fish is considered the most delicious and most expensive fish
served in restaurants, but the processing must be correct and not everyone can do it. It
is said that the type of poison that is possessed 1,200 times more toxic than cyanide. If
there is a wrong processing can cause fatal for people who eat it, which can cause
death of the tongue and lips, dizziness, vomiting, arrhythmia, difficulty breathing,
muscle paralysis and even death can cause death.
Salwater Crocodile is one of the animals considered to be the strongest on Earth.
Salwater Crocodile can grow up to 23 feet long and weigh more than a ton, and can
kill more humans than sharks. Salwater Crocodile has a jaw with the strongest animal
bite in the world, which is able to provide a bite pressure of 3,700 pounds per square
inch, which is able to rival the T-rex bite. The length of the teeth they have reaches 13
centimeters. In addition, Salwater Crocodile animals are very fast in speed, both when
swimming in water or when on land, so as to make the prey being targeted cannot be
released. Salwater Crocodile can be found in the Indo-Pacific region from parts of
India and Vietnm to North Australia
We can conclude, some of the most dangerous animals in the world are Black
Mamba, which are animals that have speeds reaching 12.5 miles per hour and have
the ability to kill some humans who attack the nervous system and heart. Box
Jellyfish, sea animals that have dangerous stings that can attack the heart, nervous
system, and skin cells. Pufferfish, sea fish which if you want to be consumed by
humans must be processed properly, which if wrong can cause death. Salwater
Crocodile, the animal that has the strongest bite in the world that is able to exceed the
bite of a T-Rex animal.
Nama : Putri Qurota Ayuni.
Class : 4 A.
Npm : 1811040252.

Topic : vegetebles.
P.O. Kind
Norrowing Topic : Spinach, Kale, Broccoli, Mantang leaves.

Many nutritious food needed by human one which is

vegetables.vegetables are a general designation for foodstuffs of
plant origin which usually contain high water content and can be
consumed in a fresh condition od after being minimally processed.
There are a lot of vegetables in indonesia such as
spinach,kale,broccoli and mantang leaves and these vegetables also
have many benefits one which is to maintain the metabolism of the
human body.
Spinach is a vegetable plant that has the scientific name
Amaranthus, the word”amaranth” which in greek means”everlasting”
(eternal). Spinach are vegetables that contain lost of mineral,
vitamin c, vitamin A. Many benefits of spinach that we dont know like
spinach can prevent cancer because spinach contain a substance called
monogalactosyl diaclylglycerol (MGDG) and sulfoquinovosyl
diaclylglycerol (SQDG), both of these substances can prevent the
growth of cancer cells and spinach can control diabetes because it
contains an antioxidant called alpha-lipoic acid which is proven to
reduce glucose levels which increases insulis sensitivity.
Kale is a plant that includes vegetables that have green leaves
and is grow as food, besides kale is a vegetbales that has many
content such as vitamin A,C ,calcium, selenium,zinc and vitamin B1.
The usefulness of this vegetables is to maintain kidney health
because water spinach can maintai immunity and improve immunity
because it contains vitamin B1,B2,B3 and B6 which can improve the
immune system and improve body cells to be regenerated properly.
Broccoli is a vegetable plant that belongs to the cabbage tribe
or Brassicaceae. Broccoli originates from the miditerranean region
and has been cultivated since ancient greece. Brocooli is one of the
green vegetables and contains protein,mineral,calcium, vitamin K, and
broccoli has the following benefits brocooli is suitable for weight
loss because it contains fiber and broccoli can prevent and treat
heart disease because it contains glucoraphanin which is very high
and good to trear skin health because they contain vitamins C and E.
Mantang leaves are tropical plants that contain strong
nutrieents and mantanf leaves come from mantang fruit. Mantang leaves
is a source of antioxidant, riboflavin,niacin,vitamins A,B,C,E and K,
thiamine,calcium,carotene,folic accid and protein. Not many people
know the benefits of the mantang leaves as follows : can overcome the
pain during menstruation because mantang leaves contain vitamin K
which is very high besides it can mantain heart health because they
contain fiber that can overcome anxiety, strees and regulate blood
flow, can helps maintain eye health because it contains carotene
needs for eye health.
In conclusion, there are a lot of vegetables in indonesia that have many benefits such as
spinach has a lot of vitamin A,C, that can prevent cancer . Kale has a lot of vitamin A,C ,calcium
which can increas endurance. Broccoli which contains a lot of protein,minerals that can prevent
cancer. Mantang leaves containing vitamins (A,B,C,E,K), calcium, antioxidant proteins that can
overcome skin problems.

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