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The UPA government and

Opposition should give up their
rigid stand on the JPC/PAC issue
and allow the criminal process to
go forward immediately

Let the
C V Narasimhan
Having regard to the wide sweep of the
criminal activities including the sus-
and in tax havens abroad acquired by this
fraud. Such a scenario will not at all be in
intending powers over the CBI in respect of
other offences and all other administrative
through a three-member panel to be consti-
tuted by the court for this purpose. The panel

HE Supreme Court made a his- pected massive outflow and inflow of national interest. It is therefore most impor- matters. This legal status gives scope for the may be headed by a retired high court judge
toric order on December 16 tak- illegally held money, witnesses will have to tant that the investigations by the three agen- central government to ask the CBI to report of unimpeachable reputation as the chair-
ing over the superintendence of be examined in great detail and all the con- cies are closely coordinated and performed to it periodically the progress of investigation man, and a retired director/ joint director of
the 2G Spectrum scam probe now nected documents with supporting evidence as a team job, with the chief CBI investigator into various other serious economic offences the CBI and a retired public prosecutor from
being conducted by the Central must be identified and quickly secured by as the team leader, with due access to all the arising from the scam. This would bring some a state, known for their impeccable integrity
Bureau of Investigation (CBI), organising searches in the field, along with evidence collected by the other agencies. This details of the connected evidence within the and professional commitment, as members.
and also widening the scope of its investiga- arrest of suspects wherever called for. Such procedural arrangement may be put in place knowledge of the ministry dealing with the This monitoring panel can check the progress
tion to cover the grant of licences from 2001 detailed examination of each witness along- by an appropriate order of the Supreme Court CBI and other agencies. This information may of investigation in detail as indicated supra
itself. Presently this order has to some extent side field work of conducting searches and to be sought by the CBI and obtained at the therefrom reach other interested sources also. and keep the Supreme Court informed of the
softened the edge of the escalating raucous making arrests cannot possibly be done di- next hearing slated on February 10. Detailed This possibility of ‘leakage’ of evidence in status of investigation at intervals. This
confrontation between the government and rectly by a JPC or a commission transacting statements of common witnesses may be re- advance to outside sources carries the obvious ground arrangement may be brought into
the Opposition in Parliament on the question its business more like a court than a field of- corded by the CBI in the first instance and scope for tampering with other supporting place by making appropriate submissions to
whether the probe should be done by a Joint ficer. This is best done by a professional agen- made use of later by the other agencies under evidence which the CBI might be looking for. the Supreme Court at the next hearing in Feb-
Parliamentary Committee (JPC) or the Public cy like the CBI. the existing provisions in law for their respec- This would seriously prejudice the fair course ruary and persuading them to constitute the
Accounts Committee (PAC). While the Su- tive departmental proceedings. The priority of investigation by the CBI. It is most neces- panel for this purpose.
preme Court’s order may be seen as a welcome Two years of investigative journalism in all this exercise will be given to the pros- sary to protect the CBI from such vulnerabil-
relief to the blocked Parliament, this unique
arrangement for the Supreme Court itself to
4 in the media have already brought to
light considerable evidence delineating
ecution of the criminals in court for their
criminal misconduct.
ity. In the present case the protection can be
got by an appropriate order to be sought from 11
The ground arrangement proposed
above will insulate this historic inves-
monitor the CBI investigation, even as it pro- the criminal handling of the Spectrum issue the Supreme Court which would keep the cen- tigation from political and other ex-
ceeds on the ground, raises several basic pro- to benefit private parties at a huge cost to the Detailed examination of each tral government’s superintendence away from traneous interference of any kind, and at the
cedural issues which, if not resolved right national exchequer. The matter is now ripe the CBI in respect of all its investigative work same time ensure its professional thorough-
now, might make the course of investigation for regular investigation under the CrPC to witness alongside field work of in the instant case. ness which can expose the whole truth behind
get lost in the ‘dreary desert sands’ of legal bring the criminals to book. Involving the JPC conducting searches and making the scam.
battles, ultimately prejudicing the successful or PAC in this matter at this stage would need- Stakes in this case are very high. The
prosecution, trial and conviction of the mafia
who had deliberately planned and diaboli-
lessly delay the criminal proceedings which
are overdue. Keeping in view the urgency of
arrests cannot possibly be done 8 accused, when pushed to the wall, may
be expected to retaliate with counter- 12
The Centre for Public Interest Litiga-
tion, which is a party to the proceed-
cally perpetrated this monstrous fraud on the criminal prosecution to protect national in-
directly by the commission action with no holds barred. In this context, ings before the Supreme Court, may
nation. Some of the issues are highlighted terests, I would make a plea to the government transacting its business more the security of crucial documents and im- apprise the court of different aspects of the
here. and the Opposition to give up their rigid stand portant witnesses needs special attention. matter as detailed supra and request the court
on the JPC/PAC issue, and allow the criminal like a court than a field officer. The central government, in consultation to pass appropriate orders to put in place the
The prime objective of the entire exer- process to go forward immediately. This is best done by a with the CBI, should put in place unobtru- necessary working arrangements for effective
1 cise is to prosecute all the conspiring
criminals and get them convicted with Investigation of this mega scam calls professional agency like the CBI sive but effective protective arrangements
for this purpose.
investigation of this important case.

exemplary punishments in criminal courts.

It is not just to examine the rightness or
5 for professional competence and com-
mitment of the highest order. The From the press reports about the pro- 13
The monstrosity and magnitude of
crimes committed in this case by per-
wrongness of policies adopted by the govern-
ment at different times. Policy determination
criminal misconduct involved in the scam has
linkages with several forms of crime covered 6
A lot of benami transactions in money
and other property are most likely to be
9 ceedings in Supreme Court on Decem-
ber 16 it appears that the court would
sons holding public office call for spe-
cial statutory arrangements for investigation/
is the prerogative of the government, but if by different laws like Prevention of Corrup- exposed by the unfolding evidence in be ‘monitoring’ the investigation of this case prosecution/trial to achieve the desired deter-
gross criminal acts get committed while im- tion Act, Indian Penal Code, Foreign Exchange this case as the investigation proceeds. In 1988 by obtaining ‘status reports’ from the CBI, ment on future offenders across the nation.
plementing the policy, the personnel con- Regulations and Income Tax Acts. Presently the central government had enacted The Be- Enforcement Directorate and Income Tax De- The criminal justice process for this purpose
cerned have to be hauled up before the court the CBI, Enforcement Directorate and Income nami Transactions (Prohibition) Act as a ma- partment about their respective investiga- has to be specially crafted, moving away from
and got punished. Tax Department are separately investigating jor anti-corruption measure to put down all tions from time to time. Such submission of the archaic confines and concepts of the pres-
the offences relating to their respective do- such dealings linked with corruption and ill- mere status reports in the open court would ent system which is a legacy of the old British
Inquiry bodies like the Chagla Com- main. It is most likely that some important gotten money. It is distressing and frustrating hardly serve the purpose of monitoring re- regime. Some states like Maharashtra have
2 mission, Sarkaria Commission, JPCs,
PACs which had gone into some scan-
witnesses and documents come up as common
to all the three agencies. While the CBI, as a
to note now that this law practically remains
a dead letter even after 22 years of enactment,
quired in this case. The status reports would
only indicate the quantum of investigation
enacted special procedural laws to deal with
locally organised crimes which seriously im-
dals in the past could only make a basic fact- police agency, is precluded from recording since the rules under the Act have not yet been done and not its quality. It is the quality that pinge on public order. It is opportune for the
finding survey of the scenario of the alleged signed statements of witnesses, and the con- framed and notified! It is horrendous indiffer- has to be effectively assessed even as the in- central government to legislate a special law
misconduct and give a report which had to fessions made to the CBI may only aid the ence on the part of the Union ministry con- vestigation proceeds in the field. titled ‘The Criminal Misconduct of Public Men
be followed up by a regular investigation by investigation but will not be admissible as cerned to have made this important anti-cor- (Prevention, Investigation, Prosecution and
the CBI or other authorised agencies to take evidence, the Enforcement Directorate and ruption measure ineffective right from the The monitoring work envisaged by the Trial) Act’ which will spell out the punishable
the matter ultimately to court. The commis-
sions and JPCs did not, and could not, di-
the Income Tax Department have no such le-
gal restraint. They can record signed state-
start. This should be set right immediately by
framing and notifying the rules for the afore-
10 Supreme Court actually requires dis-
cussion meetings of the monitoring
offences on the lines in the Prevention of Cor-
ruption Act, the procedure for investigation,
rectly take the matter to court. Our criminal ments which can be used as evidence in their said Act so that the CBI may in the instant body with the investigating team leader across the admissibility of confessional statements,
justice system does not provide for it. All ma- proceedings. Multiplicity of statements from case freeze all the benami holdings of the ac- the table when details of oral and documen- and the recording of signed statements of wit-
jor criminal acts require a full-fledged inves- common witnesses recorded by the three cused and proceed further for their confisca- tary evidence could be scrutinised to ensure nesses and so on. ‘Public Men’ may be defined
tigation under the Criminal Procedure Code agencies with different rules of evidentiary tion or disposal otherwise under the law. that all the leads emanating from the evidence to include the central and state ministers and
(CrPC) for the accused to be tried in a court. admissibility will throw up numerous legal have been effectively followed up by field ac- the MPs/MLAs. Legislation of this new law
Further, a JPC or PAC is a multi-member points for debate in courts. It will be a para- Under the provisions of the Delhi Spe- tion. Such discussion meetings cannot pos- in Parliament may be taken up straightaway
body and cannot possibly interrogate indi-
vidual witnesses in detail as envisaged in the
dise for defence lawyers to protract proceed-
ings on these issues and interminably delay
7 cial Police Establishment Act, 1946 su-
perintendence over investigations done
sibly be visualised in the solemn, judicial and
majestic ambience of the Supreme Court Hall
and completed quickly so that the present
scam case on completion of its detailed inves-
CrPC. Their record of examination of wit- the trial. During this long period the accused by the CBI in respect of offences under the itself. Having regard to the practical require- tigation, hopefully in the next nine months or
nesses will be insufficient to put the matter are most likely to be on bail and free all the Prevention of Corruption Act vests with the ments of this important and unique case, I so, may be tried under the new law.
before court, without a further regular inves- time to draw all the pecuniary benefits from Central Vigilance Commission, but the cen- would humbly suggest that this monitoring (The writer is a former director of the
tigation by an authorised agency. their vast benami holdings within the country tral government continues to have its super- work may be got done by the Supreme Court Central Bureau of Investigation)

Ambassador to Libya returns to US following leaked cable

Warren P Strobel Tripoli, which the mercurial Gadhafi has they say. In a leaked September 2009 cable, entitled the leader had hypertension and was a bor-
ruled since a 1969 military coup. Already, there are anecdotal reports that “A Glimpse Into Libyan Leader Gadhafi’s Ec- derline diabetic.
IN what appears to be the first diplomatic ca- A senior State Department official said that foreign leaders have circumscribed meetings centricities,” the ambassador wrote that “Gadhafi was described as ‘a hypochon-
sualty from the latest WikiLeaks revelations, the WikiLeaks revelations were not the only with United States envoys, insisting in some “Gadhafi relies heavily on his longtime Ukrai- driac,’ who insisted that all examinations and
the US ambassador to Libya has returned to reason for Cretz’s return, noting the frustra- cases that note-takers or other American staff nian nurse, Galyna ... who has been described procedures be filmed and then spent hours
Washington and is likely to leave his post, US tions of US-Libyan ties. be excluded. as a ‘voluptuous blonde.’” reviewing them with physicians whom he
officials said recently. “It’s a complicated relationship, and “Obviously, this has been a difficult period “He also appears to have an intense dislike trusted,” the ambassador reported.
Ambassador Gene Cretz, a veteran Amer- WikiLeaks just added to that complication,” for a lot of US diplomats,” said David Mack, or fear of staying on upper floors, reportedly A series of cables from the US embassy in
ican diplomat, authored several secret cables said the official, who requested anonymity a retired State Department official who served prefers not to fly over water, and seems to en- Tripoli described a dramatic standoff over
to Washington that speculated on longtime because no announcement has been made on in Libya and traveled there recently, where he joy horse racing and flamenco dancing,” re- the fate of Libya’s 11.4 pounds of highly en-
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s health, Cretz’s status. was told the storm from Cretz’s leaked reports ported the cable, written as the Libyan leader riched uranium, which can be used to fuel
and described his personal proclivities, in- State Department spokesman P J Crowley would blow over. prepared to travel to New York for the annual nuclear weapons. Shipment of the material
cluding his reliance on a “voluptuous” told reporters that Cretz had returned to US ambassadors and other diplomats are UN General Assembly. out of Libya for disposal in Russia was halted
Ukrainian nurse. Washington for consultations. “One of the is- expected to report frankly on political and Gadhafi “has been described as both mercu- at the last minute.
The documents are among about 2,000 that sues to be discussed will be, you know, when social conditions in the countries where they rial and eccentric, and our recent firsthand Cretz, a native of Albany, New York, served
have been publicly released from a cache of he goes back,” Crowley said. are posted, including on such sensitive mat- experiences with him and his office, primar- in numerous Middle East and South Asia post-
more than 2,50,000 State Department cables Current and former American officials have ters as the health and personal habits of lead- ily in preparation for his UNGA trip, demon- ings, including India, Pakistan, Syria, Egypt
obtained by WikiLeaks. bemoaned the WikiLeaks disclosures’ poten- ers. But until WikiLeaks, those cables didn’t strated the truth of both characterisations,” and Israel, where he was the deputy chief of
While the Libyan government has not com- tial impact on Washington’s foreign policy. become public until decades later, if at all. Cretz wrote. mission from 2004 to 2007, according to his
mented publicly on them, the leaked cables Sources are less likely to approach American Cretz, who in November 2008 became the Another cable, written three months ear- State Department biography. He speaks Dari,
can only have complicated Cretz’s task in deal- diplomats with sensitive information if there first US ambassador to Libya since 1972, did lier, reported that rumours of Gadhafi’s suf- Urdu, Arabic and Chinese.
ing with the notoriously prickly regime in is a risk it will end up in the public domain, just that. fering from cancer were “unreliable,” but that © McClatchy-Tribune

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