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‘choo! Operations Specialists “Succeeding together “ June 3, 2020 Richard Schwartz, Schwartz & Shaw, PLLC P.O, BOX 2350 RALEIGH, NC 27602 Dear Richard, We are pleased to submit this proposal services we are willing to provide for Wayne County Board of Education School Operations Specialists, LLC (SOS) will provide WCPS with advisory and consulting services for the district beginning June 1 through July 15, 2020, ‘The objective of this engagement is to provide Wayne County Public Schools eonsultative services for the Finance Department. ‘The engagement will be managed by Aaron Beaulieu and supported by various sub- contractors with school finance experience and the DavenportLawrence team with high level experience in cost reduction and revenue enfiancement experience with governmental agencies. The project will be limited to working with Wayne County Schools on the eurrent 2019-2020 Fiscal Year, and recommendations for fiscal year 2020-21, and will include the following: Scope of Work Provide technical support to the finance staff in year-end close-out procedures for the 2019-2020 fiscal year; Assist finance staff in ensuring all State and Federal Funds year-end requirements are met; Review the current 2019-20 Budget and assist finance staff in providing final budget amendments for the June Board of Education meeting; Assist the finance staff to ensure all year-end adjustments have been submitted to the Department of Public Instruction as required by the June 30, 2020 deadline, Ensure the district is using the State and Federal COVID-19 funding required to be the expended by end of the fiscal year (June 30th) Review of sales tax, waste disposal fees, background checks and energy saving with DavenportLawrence under separate agreement approved by the Board Identify revenue enhancements/cost reductions and budget savings Our work will rely on the cooperation of the finance and human resource management, staff and data quality. We may also need to consult with other personnel within the school district to ascertain information related to the processes and controls related to transportation matters. Consulting Procedures Based on initial findings, additional services may be identified or required. In such event, we will request approval before providing these services, and we will render additional invoices in the event additional time and expenses are incurred. Management Responsibilities ‘You are responsible for management decisions and functions; for designating an individual with suitable skill, knowledge, or experience to oversee the consulting services and any other nonattest services we provide; and for evaluating the adequacy and results of those services and accepting responsibility for them, You are responsible to notify us in advance of your intent to print or reproduce any of our consulting work products, in whole or in part, and to give us the opportunity to review such printed matter before its issuance. With regard to the electronic dissemination of our consulting work product, SOS is not responsible for the accuracy of information posted on your website. Administration, Fee and Other ‘The documentation for this engagement is the property of School Operations Specialists, LLC and ‘constitutes confidential information, However, we may be requested to make certain documentation available to Federal and or State regulators pursuant to authority given to it by law or regulation. If requested, access to such documentation will be provided under the supervision of School Operations Specialists, LLC's personnel, Furthermore, upon request, we may provide copies of sclected documentation to such Federal or State regulators. The regulatory authority may intend, or decide to distribute the copies or information contained therein to others, including other government agencies. Furthemore, we understand this document may be subject to disclosure by law. Consulting Services Fees Based upon the current scope of work and for the services provided our fee will be at rate of $140 per hour not to exceed $41,000 at the State per diem and mileage at the IRS rate. The fee is based upon the estimated time required to complete the scope of work detailed in this engagement, Our billable time will inelude the amount of time required to review materials, or for advanced reparation that may be completed off-site as may be specifically arranged with the Acting/Interim Superintendent or other person designated by the Board to assist in the achievement of our consulting goals, Our billable time will include any time required for SOS staff presence as may be requested at meetings. All meetings and work will be coordinated through the Acting/Interim Superintendent. Should it appear that the length of time for services required extends beyond this amount we will be pleased to discuss an amendment to extend the services. If the scope, or extent of our services is expanded, or if you request additional services, we would be pleased to discuss providing additional services to you under the terms of a separate engagement letter. Our fee is based! on anticipated cooperation of your staff. If we encounter circumstances requiring significant additional time, we will discuss with you before beginning any work. Our invoices for these fees may be rendered monthly as work progresses and are payable upon presentation, All invoices are due and payable upon presentation, but no sooner than July 15, 2020, We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you and believe this letter accurately summarizes the significant terms of our engagement. If you agree with the terms of our engagement, please sign this agreement and email a copy to We look forward to assisting Wayne County Schools. Sincerely, Aaron Bowusina Aaron Beaulieu, President ‘School Operations Specialists, LLC Agreed by Wayne County Board of Education a son ee haa Pite. Dae G+ 3-2

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