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for the U.S. war effort against Japan. Eastern Europe and North Korea into
The secret U.S. atomic bomb project communist domination by conceding
had not yet tested a weapon, and it was too much to Stalin at Yalta. The
estimated that an amphibious attack Soviets never allowed free elections
against Japan could cost hundreds of in postwar Eastern Europe, and
YALTA CONFERENCE ENDS: thousands of American lives. After communist North Korea was sharply
February 11, 1945 being assured of an occupation zone in divided from its southern neighbor.
Korea, and possession of Sakhalin
Island and other territories historically Eastern Europe, liberated and
On February 11, 1945, a week of occupied by the Red Army, would
disputed between Russia and Japan,
intensive bargaining by the leaders of have become Soviet satellites
Stalin agreed to enter the Pacific War
the three major Allied powers ends in regardless of what had happened at
within two to three months of
Yalta, a Soviet resort town on the Yalta. Because of the atomic bomb,
Germany's surrender.
Black Sea. It was the second however, Soviet assistance was not
conference of the "Big Three" Allied Most of the Yalta accords remained needed to defeat the Japanese.
leaders--U.S. President Franklin D. secret until after World War II, and the Without the Soviet invasion of the
Roosevelt, British Prime Minister items that were revealed, such as Allied Japanese Empire in the last days of
Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier plans for Germany and the United World War II, North Korea and
Joseph Stalin--and the war had Nations, were generally applauded. various other Japanese-held
progressed mightily since their last Roosevelt returned to the United States territories that fell under Soviet
meeting, which had taken place in exhausted, and when he went to address control undoubtedly would have
Tehran in late 1943. the U.S. Congress on Yalta he was no come under the sway of the United
longer strong enough to stand with the States. At Yalta, however, Roosevelt
What was then called the Crimea support of braces. In that speech, he had no guarantee that the atomic
conference was held at the old called the conference "a turning point, I bomb would work, and so he sought
summer palace of Czar Nicholas II on hope, in our history, and therefore in the Soviet assistance in what was
the outskirts of Yalta, now a city in the history of the world." He would not live predicted to be the costly task of
independent Ukraine. With victory long enough, however, to see the iron subduing Japan. Stalin, more willing
over Germany three months away, curtain drop along the lines of division than Roosevelt to sacrifice troops in
Churchill and Stalin were more intent laid out at Yalta. In April, he traveled to the hope of territorial gains, happily
on dividing Europe into zones of his cottage in Warm Springs, Georgia, accommodated his American ally,
political influence than in addressing to rest and on April 12 died of a cerebral and by the end of the war had
military considerations. Germany hemorrhage. considerably increased Soviet
would be divided into four zones of influence in East Asia.
occupation administered by the three On July 16, the United States
major powers and France and was to 1858 Virgin Mary appears to
successfully tested an atomic bomb in
be thoroughly demilitarized and its St. Bernadette
the New Mexico desert. On August 6, it
war criminals brought to trial. The dropped one of these deadly weapons on In southern France, Marie-Bernarde
Soviets were to administer those Hiroshima, Japan. Two days later, true Soubirous, a 14-year-old French
European countries they liberated but to its pledge at Yalta, the Soviet Union peasant girl, first claims to have seen
promised to hold free elections. The declared war against Japan. The next the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus
British and Americans would oversee day, the United States dropped another Christ and a central figure in the
the transition to democracy in atomic bomb on Nagasaki, and the Roman Catholic religion. The
countries such as Italy, Austria, and Soviets launched a massive offensive apparitions, which totaled 18 before
Greece. against the Japanese in Manchuria. On the end of the year, occurred in a
August 15, the combination of the U.S. grotto of a rock promontory near
Final plans were made for the Lourdes, France. Marie explained
atomic attacks and the Soviet offensive
establishment of the United Nations, that the Virgin Mary revealed herself
forced a Japanese surrender. At the end
and a charter conference was as the Immaculate Conception, asked
of the month, U.S. troops landed in
scheduled to begin in San Francisco in that a chapel be built on the site of
Japan unopposed.
April. the vision, and told the girl to drink
When the full text of the Yalta from a fountain in the grotto, which
A frail President Roosevelt, two agreements were released in the years Marie subsequently discovered by
months from his death, concentrated following World War II, many criticized digging into the earth.
his efforts on gaining Soviet support Roosevelt and Churchill for delivering
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The concept of the Immaculate apartheid, is released from prison after Mandela subsequently led the ANC
Conception, in which the Virgin Mary 27 years on February 11, 1990. in its negotiations with the minority
is regarded free from original sin from government for an end to apartheid
the moment of her conception, had In 1944, Mandela, a lawyer, joined the and the establishment of a multiracial
been accepted just four years previous African National Congress (ANC), the government. In 1993, Mandela and
by Pope Pius IX. Marie's claims oldest black political organization in de Klerk were jointly awarded the
garnered widespread attention, but South Africa, where he became a leader Nobel Peace Prize. One year later,
skeptical church authorities subjected of Johannesburg's youth wing of the the ANC won an electoral majority in
her to severe examinations and refused ANC. In 1952, he became deputy the country's first free elections, and
to accept her visions. After years of national president of the ANC, Mandela was elected South African
mistreatment at the hands of the advocating nonviolent resistance to president.
authorities and the curious public, she apartheid--South Africa's
Born On This Day
was finally allowed to enter the institutionalized system of white
convent of Notre-Dame de Nevers, supremacy and racial segregation.
Thomas A. Edison
where she spent her remaining years However, after the massacre of peaceful 1847-1931
in prayer and seclusion. She died of ill black demonstrators at Sharpeville in Inventor; born in Milan, OH; developed
1960, Nelson helped organize a the first commercially practical telephone,
heath at the age of 35. phonograph, light bulb, and many other
paramilitary branch of the ANC to devices.
The sight of her manifestations engage in guerrilla warfare against the
subsequently became the most famous white minority government. Sidney Sheldon (1917 - )
modern shrine of the Virgin Mary, and
in 1933 Marie-Bernarde Soubirous In 1961, he was arrested for treason, and
was canonized as St. Bernadette by the although acquitted he was arrested again Leslie Nielsen (1926 - )
Roman Catholic Church. Today, in 1962 for illegally leaving the country.
millions travel to Lourdes every year Convicted and sentenced to five years at Brandy (Norwood) (1979 - )
to visit St. Bernadette's grotto, whose Robben Island Prison, he was put on
waters supposedly have curative trial again in 1964 on charges of Jennifer Aniston (1969 - )
powers. sabotage. In June 1964, he was
convicted along with several other ANC Burt Reynolds (1936 - )
1970 The world's fourth space
leaders and sentenced to life in prison.
William Henry Fox Talbot
From the Kagoshima Space Center on Mandela spent the first 18 of his 27 (1800 - 1877)
the east coast of Japan's Ohsumi years in jail at the brutal Robben Island
Peninsula, Ohsumi, Japan's first Prison. Confined to a small cell without Sheryl Crowe (1962 - )
satellite, is successfully launched into a bed or plumbing, he was forced to do
an orbit around Earth. The hard labor in a quarry. He could write Eva Gabor (1921 - 1995)
achievement made Japan the world's and receive a letter once every six
fourth space power, after the Soviet months, and once a year he was allowed
Union in 1957, the United States in to meet with a visitor for 30 minutes.
1958, and France in 1965. However, Mandela's resolve remained
unbroken, and while remaining the
Two months after Japan's launching of symbolic leader of the anti-apartheid
Ohsumi, China became the world's movement, he led a movement of civil
fifth space power when it successfully disobedience at the prison that coerced
launched Mao 1 into space. The South African officials into drastically
satellite, named after Mao Zedong, the improving conditions on Robben Island.
leader of communist China, orbited He was later moved to another location,
Earth broadcasting the Chinese where he lived under house arrest.
patriotic song The East Is Red once a
minute. In 1989, F.W. de Klerk became South
African president and set about
1990 Mandela freed
dismantling apartheid. De Klerk lifted
Nelson Mandela, leader of the the ban on the ANC, suspended
movement to end South African executions, and in February 1990
ordered the release of Nelson Mandela.

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