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Contact: E. Edgar Lin, 414-368-7776,

Drew DeVinney, 414-856-2670,

June 5, 2020

MILWAUKEE—The Attorneys for Cameron Murdoch issued the following statement today:

“Cameron Murdoch was a victim of a violent police assault on June 2, 2020. As the
videos and photographs clearly show, a law enforcement officer planted his knee on Mr.
Murdoch’s neck while forcefully striking him after he was wrongfully detained. He
sustained injuries to his person and property.

“Mr. Murdoch’s constitutional rights were violated and he will be pursuing any available
claims to the full extent of the law.

“Mr. Murdoch was a peaceful demonstrator who was exercising his First Amendment
right to protest and assembly. It was not after curfew, he was not acting violently, and he
did not pose a threat to anyone. The police statement about what happened is inaccurate,
as video and photographic evidence demonstrates.

“We appreciate the Milwaukee Common Council’s joint statement yesterday, indicating
they want answers. We appreciate the Mayor’s statements today. Cameron deserves
answers, our community deserves justice, and Milwaukee deserves better.”

-Drew DeVinney and Edgar Lin, attorneys for Cameron Murdoch

Attached are two photographs of the injuries sustained by Cameron Murdoch during this violent,
unnecessary arrest. Here is a link to the video of the assault as shown on Fox6 News. Here is a
news story from the Journal Sentinel.

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