American Inside Out Evolution Elementary Unit 12 Test: Name Humberto Bryan Quispe Vasquez Score - /50

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American Inside Out Evolution Elementary Unit 12


Prepositions of movement

1 Underline the correct words.

My new house is in Niagara Street. To get there from downtown, go (1) through / across the river, and
(2) through / down the park. There are some stores there. Go (3) down / past the stores and (4) up / into
the hill. Go (5) over / along the bridge at the top of the hill and walk (6) into / along the road to number
33. That’s my house!

Places and things in a city / the country

2 Add the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u) to complete the words.

a) tree
b) beach
c) field
d) desert
e) clif f
f) mountai n
g) grass
h) waterfall

American Inside Out Evolution Elementary Unit 12 Test 1

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2017
Questions with prepositions

3 Complete with the prepositions in the box.

about from to with

a) Where do you come FROM?

b) What kind of music do you like to listen TO?
c) What would you like to talk about today?
d) Who are you going to travel WITH on your vacation?

Tense review

4 Underline the correct verb form.

a) Every day I am driving / drive to work.

b) Hurry up! We go / ’re going now.
c) When are you finishing / going to finish that book?
d) We have visited / visited my sister in Spain last year.
e) How many countries did you visit / have you visited in your life?

5 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs.

My Aunt Ruth is sixty-eight, and she (1) HAS (have) a very interesting life. She
(2) LOVES (love) traveling, and (3) GOES (go) to many different countries. Last year she (4) VISIT
(visit) Poland, India, and Japan. She always (5) TRAVELED (travel) alone. At the moment she (6)
PLANNING (plan) a trip to Egypt. Where is she (7) WENT (go) after Egypt? I don’t know!

American Inside Out Evolution Elementary Unit 12 Test 2

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2017
Language for life
6 Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

down on the across from straight turn

Bob: How do I get to your apartment?

Dan: Go (1) DOWN Hollow Road.
Bob: OK.
Dan: At the park, go (2) STRAIGHT. There’s a church (3) TURN_ left.
Bob: Yes.
Dan: Then ON THE right.
Bob: Right.
Dan: My apartment is ACROSS FROM the pub.
Bob: Great.

9 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

a) The writer drove from the mountains. T

b) Santa Fe is a modern city. F
c) Santa Fe is famous for its restaurants. F
d) Georgia O’Keeffe lived in Santa Fe. T
e) Tomorrow they’re going to see the desert. T

Today we arrived in Santa Fe. It’s a small city in New Mexico, in the US. We drove here from the mountains in
Colorado. Santa Fe is a really beautiful old city. In fact, I think it’s the nicest city I’ve visited in the US. There are lots
of interesting buildings, and nice cafés and restaurants. Santa Fe is famous for its old buildings, silver jewelry and art.
The painter, Georgia O’Keeffe, lived near here, and there’s a museum in the city where you can see her paintings.
She loved the desert and painted flowers, trees, and things that she saw there. Tomorrow we’re going to leave Santa
Fe and drive through the desert. It’s going to be great!

American Inside Out Evolution Elementary Unit 12 Test 3

Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2017

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