Review 5 - Book 3: 1-Say The Date of The Month

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1- Say the date of the month:

Yesterday was __________________________________________________________
Today is _______________________________________________________________
Tomorrow will be _______________________________________________________

2- Answer these questions:

a) Until what age would you like to live? ____________________________________
b) How can you relax in this fast paced world? _______________________________
c) What are the benefits of practicing sports? ________________________________
d) What actions can be taken to protect the environment? _____________________
e) What is one thing you would like to do still this year? ________________________
f) Do/Did you have good or bad experiences with sports at school? ______________
g) What kind of TV programs appeal to you? _________________________________
h) Would you have the guts to go parachuting? _______________________________
i) Have you ever had a crush on someone? __________________________________
j) What do you think is the most beautiful thing in nature? _____________________
k) Do you worry about getting old? Why/Why not? ___________________________
l) What fond memories do you have from Christmas? _________________________
m) Can money buy happiness? Why/Why not? ________________________________

3- Translate the words in bold:

a) I didn’t take part in the argument. _______________________________________
b) Don’t get me wrong. __________________________________________________
c) They cuddled on the sofa. ______________________________________________
d) I feel like having a drink. _______________________________________________
e) I will have my wrinkles removed. ________________________________________
f) His voice was somewhat clumsy. ________________________________________
g) Mary’s having a crush on you. __________________________________________
h) Don’t be such a chicken. ______________________________________________
i) Will you water the garden? ____________________________________________
j) Moisten your lips. ____________________________________________________
4- Relate:


( ) nails ( ) famine

( ) warm bath ( ) back rub

( ) potter ( ) wreath

( ) mosquitoes ( ) poverty

( ) torch ( ) handle

5- Fill in the gaps with the following expressions:

exploited meet expenditure smooth out of blue

a) The farm road was __________________.

b) Try to avoid reckless _________________.
c) It’s hard for me to make ends __________.
d) She came into the room _______________.
e) Water power must be better ____________.

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