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Gne Man Out ‘You may order copies of (One Man Out!) From: The American’s Bulietin PG. Box 3096 Central Point, Oregon 97502 Phone ~ 541-779-7709 GMO 555.00, payment by Posiat Money Order, or any other well known money order made out to The American’s Bulletin ar left blank, or cash sent certified mail, For overnight delivery (Airborne) inelude additional $20.00 and a physical address. Prices subject to Change withuut Notice. Li Uy bLOfeg fudler Jbnee This Book; OMCY’ & common law copyrightud - Noveraber 1, 2003, [No portion ofthis book mar be copied of teprocuced by copy-machine of lecurmiesScenting means - llrightsreserved, AUTHOR'S COMMENTS Lf youve purchared or otherwise acquired OMO, then you a at Keant suinewhw serious about the Redemption process and getting g out af prison, ‘My tation in preparing te material im ‘his manual isto share with you whether you are incarcerared or are the ‘amily or friend of someone that is the principal behind bars and involved in the Redemption process or i serious in the Redemption process and the Mocurnerts, Its neta means to show you how to-do the process specifieally, Theoretialy speaking 1 fam giving you the meat witisnu! Ine carots and potabes. Ty combine a book wil al de specitic’s thal you reed woul he ridiculous as die process is evolving aad there would be Yolumes on top of voluntes when the initial process was finishes. Something on the same level asthe movie “The Matris.” Hf you want specifie's thon I suggrst that you cum off the television set Usa you are spending s0 mich (ime in tront of and ty stiizing thet time in ceding the books on Reciomption and some time inthe Law Library that may be avaiable. Nothing is going to prepare you for dee jouney ahead beter than a vey fhe Tuned understanding ofthe very lew that you ae going to be callcaging (aczepting for valu!) This is your freedom that we ore talking about here. Remember thatthe crinciples are the only thing that yu ean cary on. The aenal form af process (the papersork) charges constantly and there is no exact method or way t handle ‘every scenario until you arc in that very place and time, Trial and error iy he Foundation to the ‘ongoing success of this races. ‘Wow may Lave worked for ne “celle” tha Thad, ray apt work for me in the same eiaet form which is to say the some with the informavon and materials that I have preseuted for You. | know this first hand berause this is the process that we uscd and he was released. He is curently in litigation, suing the Slate for kidnapging and wnlawhal inprisonimest. Until the sfatus chenges he will remaia out of sight bot never ant of mind. The documents in his, ‘momab‘work-book mirror those used by him in his fil for Redemption and trvedam. 4s a reader, you will see that this process uses 3 pressure reckniques that forces the judge 1w rule fm your favor. tn the case of my cellmate te judge wuled that ihe changing informaagon was aot signed (3 loophotes) und ignored the Secured Party's priority perfected claim, Whatever works man!! To coramnent any furter would breaé the Crmnsict Cade, ‘What Ffiave Tearned is thatthe more you endotstand about wt you. are dong, ae not 20 much how to do it, the mote sense that it begins to male. 1S PROCESS 18 BY NO MEANS Lasyett ‘We have nothing bot time so if it tes two years for you to complete this pruces thal is ‘wo years that you huve invested in a now Way of hfe for yoursetl. You must take into consideraion that post~releane redemption isa lifestyle that you will have to be in constant fantal of | suggest that you spend a great amount of time arasping and underewanding the principles behind shat it is that you are deing because tkey won't change. Learn the principles of fopention ond you will sec your own proce:s procedure pp right ow of this, which i the Droctss that is ight for you and your specific sivustion. Never Lome thal yous have to custom tailor the process thr youre because no one else can provide you With Your memory, not the public, nor anyone else, Nobedy’s piocess will he the game unless you happen ws have “fall arm" so once again T tell you to tilor this process to your perticular situation to procare your remedy. Inthe Redemption process you can he your bathers keeper. The mirror image ofthis 1s that your brother alteady has a reteemer and two be ene tuo many. Yor need ta be uble to [relpresent youself because you are the only one thas can [eelpeesent yourself f you are let info uourt and efire a judge. (Note: Io respect lo the Debinr Stawamandefendent, you are coming in as the “Third Party Snterven in behalf of the Debtor, Nat to “actully” represent yourself and cenainly NOT TO ARGUE OR TESTIFY! KNOW THE LAW THAT YOU ARE ATTACKING! Ifyou expedite your provess in any way there is @ chance that you wil have difficulty in backcracking in case something gars wrong aad you have to go hack to find it. Mis beter that you take the tine to do it the right way the first time and Gut js what I carourage, Those on the onteids viow thio proceas wi a loophole because of wit it pruvides Treat it as your remedy ant you wor' go wrorg, have presented all the information in an open and original comleat fee} dit to rennove ail ofthe numbers, change the mares or to de anying to the original process wouid male i ore difficult if not impossible ta understand andl could, notto mention take months t cteate 4a generic formet this material. T have bierally hung my petzanal taundry gut on tho clothes line far all of you te view. 1 as only that you respect my copyrighted mumbers and Frade- Name, Jus! because [aun x eouvict docsu' mean that I would not puesie: wort action for wro0g- doing, Aside form this 1 apologize for aot cftering a more in-depth explanation on this proces, However, for that} suonety sugues| hal satuire THE REDEMPION COMPANION and ‘THE REMPTION MANUAL 4" CDITION fom The Americaas Bulletin, Page courte very important inthe publishing process and la crucial in the cost of this, ‘manubl. For the maserial and time spent pecducing Ge locumeats dar eack phave think of ‘what an anorney would charge yoo for just a couple of tne ital documents In snidsing this material be careful never to go pax unything thar you dant understand Sometimes the etter of the Taw has a diferent meaning from what your dictionary defines as ‘he same word or phrase, ‘With that said, Thope that you enjoy Ue mad and that it helps everyone that it comes io contact with, “Thank you - Aone Wayoe DEDICATION would lke ty chenk Gase who wall oa admisalty waters, the foatlize Master -the freeman, the redeemed, and those de ye foot solders who reside in our Repulic. T would also like 12 chenk funibes rclatives, aud trends 06 tose invarceraed, for the i suppart you give your fallen, my mother and father, Sharky, Irish, Kelly, David, Atomic ‘Panda, and Ron forall the belp putting my commercial aflairs ip orcer. "This manual is dedicated to my son and daughter, for you are my Love and hope.” Your father - Aaron” PART I- TABLE OF CONTENTS BASIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTROL DOLMCC COVER LETTER, {UCC 1) FINANCING STATEMENT {UCC lad) FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM. APV BIRT REGISTRATION NOTICE, ATV 'STATE OF" BIRTH CERTIFICATE APY "US. MILITARY" HOSPITAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE, ARV "MILITARY DF2U" AFV "SOCIAL SECURITY CARD" |. AFV COFY OF VERIFIED ACN TO TREASURY DEFT, AFV COPY OF ROE TO TREASURY DEFT. SECURITY AGREEMENT (FORM SA-21701) SECURITY AGHEEMENT FORM SA.2170202) DECLARATION & CERTIFICATE OF SOVEREIGN STATUS COMMERCIAL NOTICE OF TRADE NAME (UCC 11) INSTRUCTIONS (UCC 11) INFORMATION SEARCH {UCC 11) ACKNOWLEDGMENT FROM UCC DIVISION *SOTT" NON-NEGOTIABLE ACN AND VERIFICATION "SOT? NONNEGOTIABLE BOE "SOTF* NON-NEGOTIABLE CHARGE-BACK, PIRTHRECISTRATION NOTICE “SOT” NON-NDGOTIADIE CHARGE-BACK, BUTI CERTIFICATE SOT NON-NEGOTIABLE CHARGE-BACK, MILITARY, BIRTH CSRTIFICATE ‘SOTT” NON-NECOTIABLE CHARGE-BACK, SOCIAL SECURITY CAKD "SOTT* DEBT ASSESSMENT RE PUBLIC PRIVATE ACCOUNTS "IRS" NOTICE 3F CONTRACT CANCELLATION "IRS" (FORM 56} NOTICE CONCERNING FIDUCIARY RELATIONS NIRS” ACN OF REVOCATION & TERMMIATION NIRS" NOTICE OF CONTRACT CANCELLATION i “RS" DISCLOSURE OF CITATION OR STATUTE SSA" NOTICE TO COMMISSIONER "SSA" REQUEST FOR WINIDRAWAL OF APPLICATION (FORM 521] "SSA" REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL OF APPLICATION [BTTER *SSA" RIGHT TO REFUSETO DISCLOSE 85 "DOS" COPY OF DECLARATION & CERTIFICATS OF SOVEREIGN STATUS "DOS" COPY OF DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE OF AARON-WAYNE MOTION TO TRIAL COURT TO DISMISS COUNSEL OF RFCORD NOTICE OF TERMINATIONDISCHARGE OF SERVICE DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY ‘COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT W/ DEFINITIONS SPECIAL BOND OF INDEMNITY TO THE SECURED PARTY LETTER OF INQUIRY NOTICE: DUE TO THE AMOUNT OF ‘FORMS,’ ‘DOCUMENTS,’ AND ‘COURT DOCUMENTS’ AND THE LIKE HEREIN, GMO IS MORE OF A WORK-BOOK AND NOT A NON_FICTION BOOK OF SORTS. MOST ALL OF THE ‘FORMS; ‘DOCUMENTS, AND “COURT DOCUMENTS,’ ARE IN THEIR ACTUAL FORM, IN THE NAME OF THE AUTHOR. ONLY THE 8S# OF THE AUTHOR'S DEBTOR HaS BEEN DELETED. NO'TE: Any ‘corrections,’ andor ‘omments” for clarification are added just before the document page where such is indicated and some documen's have re- produced in generie form and for clarity. NOTE; Any reference to ‘Paul HL, ONeill (Secretary of the Treasury must be replece with; Joba Snow NOTE; Any reference to ‘Employer ID Number’ must be changed to "Exemption ID Number!” NOTE: The Exemption Number in the debto:'s SSH without ‘Dashes,’ i.<., 01234587. Any rofarence to Treasury Direct Nunber is changed 10 UCC CONTRACT TRUST ACCOUNT NUMBERis the 8S# or account number styled as 12-34-5687, 8. Where indivated, Memory of Account Number is 01234567 BASIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTROLLING THE, T) ITY / DEBTOR STEE.1- Obcain copies of the"Binth Document” (Certificate) and copies of the Sovial Secunty Card. 4 Make Ten (10) photocopies of each; mainain the Originals, separately, frum tho photovopiss >. Reserves copy cf each document tobe inchuded with the UCC-1 Financing Statement, Include the appropriate ‘Stamp! © Reserve a copy of each document to be Forwarded to Ms, Paul O'Neill, Secretary of The ‘Treasury, Deporimment of The Treasury, te inctwle the appropviae ‘tame STEP #2; Create documents: “Security Agreement,’ "Commercial Notice of Trale Name," sud "Declaratioe & Certificate of Scwereign Sets,” Make Five 3) photocopies of cach; maintsin Originals, separately, from the copies b. Novarize all copies, including the Original Include # vony of the ‘Sectrity Agresment" "Comnoccial Notice af Trade Nae,” and "Declaration & Certificate of Sovereign Status for Regisuation’ withthe UCC: 1 Pinarcing Statement STEP #3: create a "Verified Actual & Conszuctive Note” (invoice) and "Bill OF Exchaage.” 8 Make Five (5) photocopies of euch; maintain the Originals, separate, foc the coples. 1% Notarize all copies, including the Original ©. Reserve one notaized copy of cach for "Reyisttion’ ta be inoladed with the UCC: Financing Statement, with the propriate ‘Stamp 44. Kesarve one notarized copy of each t be forwarded 1 the Deparunent of The Treasury, ‘Ms. Paul ONeill, Secretary of The Treasury, with the apgroprine ‘Stanup. STEP #4; Obtain and complete a UCC-1 Finnrcing Statement and Addendum, captor sod ‘controling the corporate Fictional crit” (Straweman), theceby ercating a conduit (CTransnitting Unity Corporation) Far you co infernal with tbe fietional’ Corporate Wold 2 Mike Tivec (3) protocopies of the Original UCC Financing Statement Filing, and ‘Adgenchum (8 * Attachments" the Form, if ny) for safe keesing, 1s, Tnehude and attach cepies.alresdy "Accepted For Value," ie. “Bin Certificate” md docial Securily Card," with appropriate "Stang ‘e. Inplude and artach copies of "Commercial Notice of Trade Name" and ‘Declaration & Corfifieate of Sovereign Stabs," for ‘Restrain anu! ‘Nui’ of hose documens STEPH; File the UCC-| Financing Statement with al elated documents, as listed 2bove. ‘a. Obtain » Postal Money Oster cover the Filing Fees; the funds should he payable tothe Deparment of Licensing or to the Sling office your ing imo, 1b. Som the-‘package! hy "Contfied Mall” return receipt requested, 1 the Depstmcot of ‘Licensing, UCC: Divisioa, of the filing office your fling int. [STEP Hic Obtain a "1040 BS(NRY and "1040 NR" from the lotmal Revere Service ‘4 Tnchide a 1040 BSONR) Tax Eatlmate covpon, forthe quartet in which yon we figs ‘be sent with the Treasury Mailing, indicating a "Non-Resident Alien" Tax Estimate, 00 NOT igh ‘b. Usethe 1040 Ni, at the and of tho‘calendar' year, ln report ineome and to establish "80 Tiailiy! “Tax Fxempt stay, for IRS accounting pucposes. 110 NCT sign STEP #7; Assemble the "Venfied Actual & Constructive Notiee"(Charge back Cover Loren), Rill Of Exchange,” "Binh Document" (9s deseribed above) Tre und Correct copy of our CC and "Social Sevorly Card” fas described above), in tat patscusr onder, inculing dhe L040 SINR) Send "Certified Mri” return soceipt aquest, t "Me. John Snowe, Seeverry of The ‘Treasury, Dept of The Treasury.” tb. Leave the 1040 SINR) loose inthe envehoge with a ‘ont! requesting thatthe TRS da the accounting. SECURITY AGREEMENT. Is an extension of the UCU-1 Financing Statement and is: (ssemtil in Oe Secured Party "Perfecting bis Priority Security Interest i the Transmitting ‘Utlty Comparation and initiating a Ceenmercial Bond berwecn te Parties COMMERCIAL NOTICE OF TRANF NAME: Gives ‘Notice! o lhe World of Commerce that the ALLCADITAL LETTERS mame, in any variation, isthe Sele Faclusive Property of {he Fleak de Blom human Secured Party) and dictates penalbes for is use vachout the consen’ of te Secured Party DACLARATION & CERTIFICATE OF SOVEREIGN STATUS: Again, anmaunes ta ihe World of Commence, sperfically, who you sre and whut auhorty you have as a Sovereign Unbebitart Upon the Land." DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING UCCSECTION P.O. BOX 9666 OLYMPIA, Wa. RSO7-9860 (THIS NEEDS 10 OP THE ADDRFSS FOR WHERE YOU ARE FILING) *SEND CERIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED *MAKE SURE TOSEND ENOUGH MONEY 70 COVER UCC |, ATTACHMENTS AND UICC 11 SEARCH, JOHN SNOW ‘dbs SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY DEPT. OF THE TREASURY PENNSYLVANVIA AVE, NW. WASHINGTON, DC,20230, *SEND CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ‘SEND SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH YOUR UCC FILING ‘MARE SUE YOU ENCLOSE A CURRENT {1408S NR FORM) AVALLABI-E FROM ‘THE IRS, WIT THIS FILING INVERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 1111 CONSTHTUTION AVE. NW. ‘WASHINGTON, D.C, 20224 REGIONAL DISTRICT DIRECTOR INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 1660 MISSION &r. SAN FRANCISCO, Ca. 94103, (THIS NEEDS TO BE THE ADDRESS FOR YOUR REGION) “SEND COMILETE PACKET TO EACH ADDRESS GIVEN ABOVE, *SEND CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION 6401 SECURITY BUILDING RALTIMORE, MD. 21238 {SEND CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DEPARTMENT OF STATE PASSPORT/RECORDS DIVISION, RM, S10 LLL Ph ST, NW WASIIINGTON, D.C. 20524 *SEND CERTIFIED MAI, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. Lfyou are incarcerated in Washington State — file into: DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING UCC SECTION P.O, BOX 9660 OLYMPIA, WA. 99507-9660 + SEND CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECFIVT REQUESTED © MAKF SURE T0 SEND ENOUGH ‘DEBT NUMFERS (AKA *DOLLARS’) IN THE POSTAL MONEY ORDER TO COVER THE FILING FEE ATTACHMENTS AND THE UCO-11 SEARCH. «IE NEED BE- PRIOR TO FILING, CONTACT THE FILING OFFICE TO FIND QUT COST FOR FILING A UCC-1, UCC-3 AND UCC-11 ... FOR FUTURE REFERENCE, Hyouare incarcerated i another State, you may fite inlo Washington State othe State you are in Later, you can file an ‘Iaformotional ‘in lew of Fiting’ into your Birth State B's a UCC. | — where in Hox 4 it state: “This ig an Informational “in licu of filing, otiginal UCC-1 Financing Statement filed inte Dated Stale, UCC # . ieee INTHE FOLLOWING ‘Dof L’ DOCUMENT: FIRST FARAGKAPH; make necessary changes ia ce: the State you ate filing in to as to. 1) The filing olfice and any ather changes ia reference to filing State and State code, and 2) The ‘cites’ on the 4™ sentence, 1° paragreph, To: DEPARTWEWT of LICENSINe OREFOEM COMMERCIAL CODE DIVISION pare: RE: PILTWc SEATEMEWE: APTACHMENTS; DOCUMERTS OF TITLE ATTEREION PILING OFPKCER: It has come to ay attention that the new provisions of tha Uniform Comercial Code, specificetly those dealing wich Secured Tranoaction: Salus vf Accounts, Contract Righta and Shattle Paper (wow G2K,AS-101 thea 62A.9-507: GzA-9h 1-101 thru B2A-dA-768) heve been profoundly changud. Thia seaus to be ac dds vith tae privileges and Rights of che parties savolved witnio ene Article. tnis Filer feels the ‘ecessity to polnt out those Provisions ef the Unifore Commercial code that prevail in this derogation of tne principals of law and equity. it scoma that Aeticle 10 (specifically Lo-1ea) at tnis fitle, mekea clear ats inteat as to Docusents of Title. this law is supported by Arcicle 11100. Theeeturg, Yeiny che holders and Sovereign over thie Document of Title, tne atecementioned Article Boas not apply. The New provisions in the Articles (3. § 94-) mentionad above are statutes that aro ambiguose, disatiing, dicector}, aid impertect, in their voey nature. There ace ao mandatary atatutes thot can be auncitically relies upon in che inace of bocuments af title. Ih\s Filer feels ther these new provisions can be severed from these Rev Statutes, and keeping with tne Fucpase of tne USitoem Conmurciel Code, this Filer Relies on acticle 1-102 thru 1-108 Of the Unifacm Commeveial Code (now). In thls way Chis File makes his intent clear aad should relieve the Piling OLficer ot any contusion in cbse mutter This Filer is unankful tor your tauely service ion this matter. If there ace any qucations ge eo the attachmente that acealpany the filing of the OCC-1 aad ucc-liR, please Contact ths {ndividual noted se the Contact pecoons THAN, Yoo. Privatue conmonaua publico cedit Enclosures: UeG-I Financing stzzemsat BCC lad Tinancing Statemant addendun Birth Certificate Soria! Security Cara Secucity Agreements SA-23301; SA-2170102 Sovareags Status Trade Nane wee-l1k searen Filing fees Payable ta Dot, Uc Divigion PER THE FOLLOWING UCC-1 DOCUME! ‘his is a copy of a ‘pre-filed” UCC-L, So formatting copies in this section, it would be a copy of ‘your’ completed pre-filed UCC-1 NOTE; In Box Id, the Author's Debtor's SS¢ is deleted on the foam. Be sure te insort you Debtor's $83 when provesting you UCC-| for filing. Box Le, should read; Ens legis ~ LLC. Box Lf, could read “Private”... as to jurisdistion, Since you are the sovereign ané have all power and that you are operating on the private side (aot the publis/government side), the filing is done from your “private? jurisdiction, However, if'you want io establish the ‘State* your fling into as having the ‘jurisdiction’ ~ that’s your decision. Box 4~ 1) Birth CertiGcate (should read; “Birth Cerificate Number + isherein lened and claimed at sam certsin 310G,08,000.00", 2)Tt is not necessary to send ‘attachments (exhibits) with you filing. UCC Offices have stated thar they neither want ner nosd the atlachmeats. However, in tis process work-book — proceed with the instructions of the author. PARTI “= GETTING IN CONTROL *** * UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE DIVISION FILINGS * DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FILINGS. “INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE FILINGS *SOCLAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION FILINGS “18. DEPARTMENT OF STATE FTTINGS “TRIAL COURT COUNSEL DISCHARGE. “DURABLE POWFR OF ATTORNEY “OPTIONAL DEBTORS AND SECURED PARTIES, Pan 1 is broken down into cavers] difteem individual packets for filing will difercat ote and federal agencies, “This procenn incorporates several sitterent numbers cr identities, You need to-ceeate an index system for easy efercnce. ‘The tollawing are some ofthe numbers ar identities you will need tb eiror the process provided. UCC FINANCING STATEMENT Lg ORGANIZATIONAL ID # WA15800%98: This is vour DEBTOR’ S state ieutification hunter. This number was exestsd when you camsilted your Girl miedemenaor 0: fe.ony. ‘You can find this number oa your judgment and sentence or RAP sheet. 2,4) EMPLOYER ID 2455415990 of 45-5415990: Your DENTON! S SSN similarly syed, 1.4, FREASURY DIRECT ACCOUNT #455415990: Your DEBTOR'S S&N siavlarty styled 4 @) PRE-PAID ACCOUNT aDS0074046: Your DENTOR'S number on the beck of your social seowity «ard 544) SOCIAL. SECURITY ACCOUNT #485-41-5990: Your DEBTOR'S soil security sumer, 52) POSTED CERTIFIED ACCOUNT 1919281608: xeate 49 digit author Ce ban 239999900. This is a"corfied’ account Thisremains your permanent posted certified sceount , used in every aubsequcat casing le the TreRsury ‘BIRTH CERTIFICA‘TE SATE TILE 4 DEPARTMENT OF THE. TREASURY S.NYOCE # AW C-051701-P 19381008: Any lnvoising system you Uesire. This His exchusvely your ‘comm, Fut should be understate and consistent, for your vm ‘benefit A simple anal effocive invoicing system is:*| Your Initials | - {Dale of your secunty agreement] [ Registered mail? used for each particular mailing) 9. PERSONAL TREASURY DIRECT ACCOUNT #010)81608 455475996: posted certificd account | employer idewtification t wittou! uns spaces widhin or between the two imumnbers except for the single dash separnting them. 10 BILLOPEXCHANGE #77601-01038)60: Any numbering system yoodesie OPTIONAL DEBTOR AND SECURED PARTY SECTION ECE 1 Ue) ORGANIZATIONAL LD. HLA7S41CAG: Thisis your DEBTOR'S FBI umber, Wiite records or cate in eiher« pre-santence investigation report cx judgment arul sentence 12 UCC wd (Lie) ORGANIZATIONAL LD. #1963.30236. Thie is your DEBTOR'S state fie number off the Binh Cerfficaze. LEsibbsh a fling system through which you-ean deepal fillags and recordings separate, available, ad In sequence #9 @when you did them, These documenta axe now the most trucial and impertant part of your ceutol ofthe DEBTOR(S). Once completed you have ‘ebutted conplecely and permasently the foundatioral prsumetion of the system's claim on and over You ‘Keep copies ol every filing you rnake in chronological order as they ae filed so your entire set ofiiags are consioton together in ones pla, and accessible “The mom important chiag (0 remeraber is that theough the redereption process you reclamn your Binfnight and Sauudiag i lave ae a sovercign, You sre new the Secured Master of your lifer and wholly esponsitie for youself, your ties, and what heppens to you. "This means that Gere # no more syelem’s Co blame. Take care of YOU ar pick up the pees if yon aet srrespnsible, Freedom, like everything, isa double edged sword. (ROSE YOUR TS AND DOT YOUR US AND JAKE YOUR TIME? Yee RNANCING STATEMENT U haron-Wayne: coats (705938) 1820 Eagie Creat way (cH04) (98326) - ANROW islam oy correction Genter Claliam Bay. Wasbinaten oeabe L SY LECAL MTL tee 9OBSI35 wai a0 AINE Coars. CLAULAY ay scbonteste aaron -Waye NR EGE GAERT "REBERES, conte, the entry of the DEBTOR in the Comercial Reptotry "as a Trenamitzing Ubltity Ragistration tottoe; certieterte of Eh Nctarizea Neendment?, Enployer 10 24 Ait debentures, tnGeorinres, seceunt Aemeptad Yo-n04, signatares, SREGIN cams som TNE dom THIELE. RecesHPEDN7aNG6; Paster CereiFied Aoct O1G!T6CBs suchal Secuctty Acct ri ani all other property as follows; Rlrth rth Security ageacment dated ORC17-D1 and Or Treasury pirect Rect 7 Preval
this Seewley Ageewtent, ant ail Such personages are eupraasly NORICED accordingly. he DEAR hee apron’ to ke, act and Eynetion in lay and emmecee 28 the aejistored Guamveiel vebiole i.e. Proprietary Teele fone, TRMGATITTG Grintne, corrorats identity, and Dicesgacded en'ty of she Secured Party FInbabitant™ of the amcice's by Stvercigh ond Unelianabie Rights, Secured ard Fratested by the Almigney “earenly Father" of tie "Anodnted One, ‘he BEBIOR agrees, ané Lt being aLchorized by che secured Party, co Deteg action of suit or process in lav in the proper dart or vewe to recover Sonageo deem OSM or RORMGTEN end any AGO. AGEITG, BRECKER ov TEPRRSCACATIVES in conection therato and/or in relation ta AM BeoDe Recociation, Seats, Goieral, drtavrational se yall se any entity in ite Public and/or Private capacities or athersise, causing damage of any Kind to tie Eseure? party and/or the OEETOR, in any mane, az well as, specifically, any Tiztearty causing default in oc Dlahonor ef, this Security Agreanent. dai woaistered wlth the Secretary cf Suate, Weghington Stcte Oeparsment of Hleensing, 2usiness and Professions, ‘Oniserm comercial Code Division, ard thereby prefecting the Seaweed Party's Interash as "Boldne In Due Coarse.” ny Sunde racovored In che action of suit shall be distribused betwsen the GmGR ani ‘the Secured Party aa their’ irteroste shall appeer in shia Security Agcement, cc shall be paid to the Secured Barty uicil the sun aertain not exscoding Une kunares ghtlion unizad States DoLdare {$100,000,000 000.00), and the balzice shall then be paid to DEBTOR. ALL n0ste and coonse! foes inevrred in the action of sult or process, seat be Fleet Geiuced four ay fone eevuversd in Uve action of mult or frocars bafoce Gistritutian ic made te either of the forties. tb the event Shae ao recovery 4e obtained {1 any accion af cuit, tho darsses agree ent the RREYACE 6 MOXENROOETAKLE APNE ISR, PARETES age 5402170102 vAGE- 5 af @ 908935 veneer. costs ond coubel feas shail be paid by the DEBIOR in the Zoliowing memnert the BORA may contract in any {Cre for pement sutcabte to all th: Partice Invalved, without prejudice to the Sacwed eaety'c interacts, ‘te DBI nay repcescut the Secured racey!s intoxect in 212 actions soatesever involving 0 least one gorly being a U.S. CEfT2eM and oc JONCR, HAENE, DPLOYE OF RERUSUMOATIVE St any CORPRATEI or COMORATE GOVERMENT mratenever, in any case of diversity of citizenship or in 2 feraigi Mrisiictica o venue. The Leste nee Figits in all incecests gvanted to chet Ten by the Secured Party in this Security Agroerent/Flnancing Statenert ‘The OGUNOR is au-norized sa drow ugon the Secured Party's PriceLty, Tex teangtion 29 TOS0 and sur fande requires be peypexly ioe aj ant atl Geagts/eontracta noyotiated/oicored te obnie, ‘and create/araft “Billa ef Tachauge. "amkor!s Agosptanony."” "Eight Beats," Mesoigsonr Sete)" oc "Gondc' foc ¢ parvicular gurpeae, aus) 2 Denchacvine Public Wianility ce pasusting > Conteast and/or pains thareoe this Sceucity Agreenent is, tErévate™ and "Man-tiagctiabla," and ACTRETD For YALE. including 21] velate? propecty and endorsements, fcont and a one. peo cune fron December 25rh, (981 and ig the secured Private Prcoscty Gh the Soouced Ferey and ix HOR dicchacgetia in any Banlrupecy Ooure Proceeding, a8 tre Secures vorty'a geapecty ia, MPD FRO (Ihieé-Faety) ORV this Secwity Ayresoant devolves on the Seoured Party's leike and sesigha, sha are equally authoried, woeh taking Table bo tate. Secursty igveenont, vie Non-Magetfasle Concracc or any Leviv Comercial famedy. MI GAweUL PoBLre NOTICE Piting and Registration of his Secosity igvagnont, fmely enteced into ny tha Dastian, constiquber apm on? CavSul Public totice hake me Tau. vamie and gurisai yroarnt is the ste conteact, and BI, Ereery entared inte hotuaan fe Parties and thoreby Rati tind. 2. thie security ie .s contractually eenlete hecoin and heravith, and AMUT be abrogated, aitersd, snenied in whole or in pert, without the ‘expeais writtas autnerization of the "Parties" or Secured Catt. 3. che DEBTOR is the “HRAMGHTEIN UIIETTE" nd “PEORRIERARY TRADE AME or tig Secure Farey's se in sommerco. ant all of tha property oF DEST te the Securct Peopersy/Callataral wmOm/oftared, apsqquontly Accepted F solve by secured warty "Iarabitane,” gieang the Securea ¥arty interwst 2 U Froperty/callateral ag a aclder in cue couree. 4. AW urguthsvizni use or impaiemeat of DEBTOR in any manner that might inftuatse, attack, pereain to, or peemuned to portaie fo camuesd Force Interest, pecsonaley. cigits oc ‘rawadies in any manner is BXPRESSTY RROSTSIMD. Sitnous ths eapcoos written suthoekantion of the Secured Barty FROME & NOVSOOTAAGE BEISRTAY ST PARES -p170102 908535 ru Furtermare, the Secured gary ceeerves che richt to satisfy any gatameres tien, Debt, duty. abiigation, Account oe Guleracty whetiee fit ak seniee!," uuetured, “or sepocted to be sccured, ageinst the Srenoe by gmcuting & “Partial Release & Amrignant" Bill of suchunses” “eighe otee oF "Promissory Note" against this neriscerad Pideliey/tnaaculey Bore. bbe [gv shall ever be past that abrogates Contracts. This constitites dcwal and corscructive Ketice, ignorance to the [aw iz not a vallo econ, Goce Fekth, ‘Secxity Concects, or other purported eXawser wlll, Hate can nots islennify eny Mind-Porcy's tortious interference causing Asfwale, Fale as NOUIGE of sitet Liss: lity te al: whe are acevo WH. PARTIES chorce of raw By agreetent of the Perties, this sezurity agceenen? shall be governed bir Unseaew Commscie? cose | lo10a carouga Ili) and too | False Iodoe aed Howe Jolt Resolution of 192 of June sth, 1993, with ALL nichts Reserieme Preserved, Without Prejudice, pitssae Recourse, UH § 1-204. and Sal The Fartins have saad thie Sceurity Ageeonant and haov anit understand ite contents ‘conpletsly and agrea in full ef thalr om tres wills the toreien sweat on Goth ane the pomalvio: of porjury of tive imue of “Lie State OF ‘iestington™ and the several free wiited Staten of Amcicas tha: this 1s trues correct, complese aad not, east te mislead. tie Sccwity agceemene ad wndexstcod ty the Parties co stand for the igs’ cf the Ommmciel BOD, the Secured Party being the Controlling Party snd aoldcr-te bue-Cowae OF da SDosument of Title" over the DBMOR, herein registered vich the Secretary ot State vis che Department of Licensing. i. pm "he following chell constitute the SURES of DEERUEE hebe-under: 4. railse of/by CoOION te pay any deoE secued heceby hex Jue; 2, Miture of/by Deswcn to pecfomt any ani all obtigat:ons aecuced heceby vhen required te pacforny or 3 any Reoach of any warranty UEBTOR has contained within thiv Sacurdey dgtearert. 4. ey Third-Party tortious interference vith emtractual velatdans: Rrsspictive advantage oe umusing OGENH te deface on this Sen liy Sareonont after Thiniarty Aas been civen lawfal timely motion sujects said Third-Barty to this Security Agreement and toteas ta Jndamaity Darages up to the ostal sup of One Mundsed aiitice unteed staves soliars [5100,000,000,000.00}, as aeferenc: in’ the Hieelity/indomity Bond ‘under section 12. page #2 of this Soaucity agrecent ~- ones 2170207 ers s 908535 name 8.0 45, Iny Mird-Paccy intoxtoving ov causing defoult, as stated in parayyach naner Hof this section, voluntarsly wives al Zivileges, Imunities, Mae ad od opeeitically. saeoee ba he evbjoat te the tPieroing the Eompoents Seui mules” vith strict atility in reir Comercial ard Private capacity. x Stewatopes the Facties sxamite this Security anzeenenc, Certified ani Som True, on the Senuced Tarty “intabitant‘s" InLimited Commercial Liability. Seamed Sovey SOERPTS fer (aioe ail eloratures in accordence win fipte Join Resolution 152 Of dane Sehy 2533, TOC § 1-194, 10-394 ap NozICR To PRINCEPAL IS NOPIGK TO AceNT Kerice to Aout io Nomrer oo eriverran cor eis (Poy oc ADpetnditen 202.2. Lu vam = heceeptes iaten-tayne + aL jars Exnerngo and SERED by the "Par Aaa whine oars _ ats corer, RULISITEING OTSUIY Sociol Forty, nbabteast™ mploree 10: doen Gos coro AN Tosa sointly & Severely Ualiniced Comecsia? ciaosnity See fount as Gow aoe iseamarz0H Mictow reajaaioa oss F220? sient 10 before we vith Vorktled Tdenkigieation ov thic ££ Mbay on Der PARE Posie: on and’ far the SBite ce itashinal gy.» costdirsy ELLA E A ln the County of ry Comission expires: Siar ore sh-~z170N62 908535 ‘este2 o. worres DECLARATION € CERTIFICATE OF SOVEREIGH STATUS ‘hie Declaration Certifiee that Aaron-Wayne: Coats, sui jucte, te 2 born-frea human male, a mortsl man with sentient and necal existence, being 2 Netive-born Sovereign American by bicthright and by Lay, and do clam all absolute, wnalionabie, fopresctiztatle, Fundamente] Righ:e, privileges, Teuunities and Protections, am guaranteed, protected and secured py the Sriginal parent conpact (organic), The Constitution for the united states of America (L767), as anended (1791) by the Bill of fights, Articles 1 thw X, "The declaration of Human wignea,” $82 thea’ 32. Pucther, 4: is Certified herein thas pursuant to the oceign sovereign Inmuaitigs ‘act Gc Octobe: flat, i976 (1.- 20515) Public tay 94-363, 94th Congessa, 90 Statates at targe § Lr nek. 1999, Silas @ ¥-0-0+ 1461 tacit tn force and effect togay. See Bristl vy. Dulles, 248 F.2d $61, 583 @ n.21, among Jurther, the aforamentionad Sovereign juevicaa ia Non-ncorgorsted, Statutorily Ineapicitated, Statute immune, Tax Ismone,. fasexengt, EXEMPT from LEVY and glains Diplomatic Emunsty and Soveredga Immunity "a> initio’ fran Game cb, ea iseintcun. (youn buerioare) this Soveeeign Status Le foreign to and not subject to/py the statte of "statute Staple.” “chattel rroperty," “citizens” SRepident;* "Subject," “Pereoa," "Whoevers" "Taxpayer," and/or any other titles under statutes, mules, Kegulacions, Polletee, Gohnor “usages of the Corparate United States; the Corporate United States of America, the Corporate State of Washington, and/or any other Corporate Governwental body whatsoever, ‘without ructhernore, thig Sovereign Amectean makes explicit. resertation of 211 Fighte prsuant to the Uniform Commereial Gate (uce} f 1907, without the United Staces as defined in State or vederal stacvess. earus 908539 Foxmat soverrton o daily me Of RENUNCIATION XZ, Aaren-nayne, oui jurie. Soversign, kaving First Hand knowludge of the Pacts as the facts have been cade known Eo sey heceby ond herein ircely RENOUNCE et) sllegiance co the forelgd Nenu’ end ‘Suriadiction of and ‘within the United Ststes (dgshingtoa DC]. T do frealy give of tain Povmal Renunciation: peing of Sound Wing, aad faviog with me the power of the Soveretan, by GOD ALNIGNTY to make of my cin volition thie cath by Formal ‘Declaration Tn accord with Cle provisions set forth -in Title & U-g.c. 1481, "“wiie “Sovereign DECLARES that 231. OFFICERS, AGEETS) i BRELOYERS, ACTORS, or otherwise ORFICIALS cf the United seatee, i those being bound ‘to obey” the Lave and Statutes preecrioed Y theein, ‘ace BOUND to take ROTICS of this PORMAL OAT OF : REMUNCTATIO, As vel, the “aforementioned ACTORS, AGENTS, a OFFICERS, BAPLOTEES. and/or cther OPFICIALS of tne United stazes 2 Governments bound by the Lave Statces, Actt, ond Proriaions oF > the Game Constitution that require the aforementioned entities t fo uphota thet consticution gna not Inteing foo, ‘Teacre, Ploeegard, oe otherwise find of no substance and/or seanding, 1 Gach of Reeurciatien oy sectanstion Pursuant te Ticia 8 of the Usted States Code Services, and {in nwa az they have been anunerated Ln the MOLY SERIPIORES, TS Jaror-Warne, sui juria, do Deccan that no man ean inéringe pos Elie “Savareigna Rishe fo renounce, siteginnce to ‘aap Seeetoa Governnert /Ryeannical Fover, fing, Foreign ation’ for otter Alien Dominion. - Te Maron-teyne, ui juris, being a bocn tree man upon the $051 Of the Americas do not intesd to abbocate any Teminicy oF Brenone1 Kigat and mo thing Retwin shmil Ge constreed to do aot Tiese Fersoral Rights ‘are by aod, tron GOD Almichty an any ietelagensoe ‘soon chose Eighte of ‘this Soveretgn "aul ucts salt be dened a biotan cLaregara of those encitied Rights ts Mis, Uberty, ad soem axon iee oe Line : Ly,daFoMeyne, mi Jucie, herein, and heretron, oecLaas $igE Data's! Brea tan of Cob. an not Woe WAS nee gine Ente bear, Mina spirit, nor souly “to any" Nation aa aeisned. oy Goverment, or body politic. Tile Savertign hens herein deCLARes i ESE 22 Wak otner ‘tian those that exe for the pease and dignity SE,SELE Seeosevat ion. "treutom. and the Rights ter sicecey anest seven ‘this soveredon- cennot gH Hayne, gut juris, do DECtAPE that the Lave of the taupe, mer Heing of Ene dommes Lov, shall gover ae, and those aera teat are cqpitapie and of aco) Eaith shall govech tas seat Se nopetigaise any other form of folitie othee than thay ef being Ptblic vnich Ls ior the Deosle, and by the People, those | Pee segeevestlan” | sor! edtizena of “2 “fovelga Govexnnent this Boe -: PREEMTYON_¢_ cenprercate-op-soveRrtGN smammsTe a en | ety 908555 wore we novice Let Bo THING ZH THIS FORMAL OMG OF HEWONCIATION BE CONSTRUED AS $0. Be UN ACT OP EXPATRIATION OR RENOUCKATION OP AKERICAN NAPICHALETY. PAIS OATE 19 POR THE EXILACIY PURPOSE OF REWOUNCTNG UNETED SHAZES CISTAERSHIP (THAT JURISDICTION OF/AND MITAIN WASHINGTON DC}. 1, AaronHeyne: Coates the Uadersigned Secured Party/Creditor: G) avec chat the abovereptioned i the Truen asd Fact according te the Lave and ia, to the best of Rnoviedge and Belief, True, ESctect Certain and not meant to Mislead. ‘Thio Declaration and Gertificate ia made under the Pains and Penalties of Perjury according to the imws of Almighty COD, the gnited States of America and the State of Mashington. NOTECE TO PRINCKPAL £6 HOTICH TO AGRRT aap NOPECE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCEOAL ek EXECUTED AND SIGNED by fo this gay of 2001 8-B., in Walla-Walla, —SEate of waanthseo actaplbnatse: te Eicara ate aut jorTs Soversign. Prae—man. Secured Party/Greditor Holder~In-Due-Course rage dane Owner, Record Ovner SUBSCRIBED AND BKORN to before me this GY" aay oF P2001 C= aE Rea we Wetary Public in and For the State of fonbLayten- Reeiding at Waila Wall WANDA K. HEIMAIE ba 0 90B 535 a a CORMERCEAL NOTICE OF TRADE NAME I, Aaron-Hayne: Coata, 211 juras, vhose proper given nane i alvaya spelled in upper and lever casa letters? and Gho da a Living, breaching soul, teceoy ERCARES ao Secured Party and Creditor, that a private Security Agreement exists hetwien” creditor and (etitious cebeor osler the rade maxes, AARON axe CORES; AARON COATS; WAYNE CCATS; A.W. OOAEE: Goins, Aaron Wayne; oe any derivatives thereat or Cherefron, printed or vritten. spelled in upper or lover cane, ohole ox in part. is to be filed to tha Commercial Regiatcy and is to be on Public seeord in the Office of the Spokane Counts Racorder - worreg ZL, Aaron-Kayne: Coatay DEWE OSB of my Propeietary Tcade names of any derivatives therest of theretroa; aad teeaoas on aus aay incur legal action in “Trade Nene Libel)" aune pro tne cB proorra Anz perty ox peinedpal adScessing, ouing, jeining. oF billing the Propeietary rode Sames, a4 wentioned above, or any derivatives therect of thavafrem, without spacifie Sefecen authorization by the undetalqed, “Secared Parey/reditor, will be oilled ar One-Million, Bight-Aundved Thousand United States Ooliara ($1,800, 000-00) on. ach count, che eatablished penalty on each count of 2 treapaze COMMERCE NORTE CR” MeRDE“NANE"= "IG EZ— 908535 rie 0 oaTH x, Raron-Waynes Conte, the Undersigned, | Secured parry/credivor, do aver that the aforenentioned is the arutr aarti ea the veae of hy Raevledge and Bolief, to be true, ana Fett Girtain and ek mesnt to Wisiesd. Ets "commercial gorrest Grade Kome' ie male under the Pains and Penaltive Notice jury according te the favs of Alnighty sod, the ynited BE poe /or america and the Stete of Nashington. NORECE TO PRINCIPAL IS HOTICH TO ACENT ano moTLCE TO AGENT 15 NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL te geegorop anv SIGNED by Ne chia aay ot Jee SOMO SY GLE, Un tariaewatTay“vasnington wth ae 1 Soicer=n-oue-covrae suBsghIDED ABM SWORN to nefore me this Tae day of spool coe WORRY POBLe wocam Ne lna ke Megas de Sacer Waningon Torey White Ge aed ee Bate oF Eiuizgton: deeiaing se walle Molloy wana see gy coumiseion Bpiren! @7/54/0: cise tS Sloa(ee COMMERCIAL NORICE OF TRADE WAME ~ 2 of 2 ee eaeg Instructions for completing the dicensing vooan Request For Certificate Of iformation ——q—“__. ‘Pleas ype or rt for cirnator. Head af incrucions. Falaw naturtana complete, Conpete fern Beat, Re eure iw onclose tm proper ee smaunt.f seperate UCC. THR lem andnmisibe eutreted Sietin dette come. Box Rane hheminstuetons 1. Fala Use Only 1 not wri in isto. TH: for Fling tio use ony. 2, Requesteg Pary ‘Typeerprint hanamesne axireas ttre pany requesting UGE mformaon, 79 ast ing once ‘ie night wish communicate wth esque, Blesse indlide contac pereans rare ane ‘dayne prove hurr 9, tor Enistna egal name and mating adores fhe deer. Check te PERSONAL or BUSINESS box te oer mo deter ype ‘A search eae ofeach debt me a Fammevaraion yeu woul Ie serene. AUSBSR nd ve ar coredere inchadul eobtors and Fequie sopra soar aguas an tee Trace Farces, DEAS, Ais, PKs are dea coneldetad epaaieoniver Ech nana gues ie oe Fequest antes. axes tr cy and county adose tomation vil Fetes al aigeessee nett ha Ch ar county Tequesta search ct 8 eddressee on Bunda: he Conic htoration you ae (Check ons ox “orequest commtcate of ntematon. roqeeang Tne cenaten of tomabor typ at yu request wilder Me fe amu. S-Type ot Sear eu a equasing ‘Choct one soxtoraques search tye. Lata ‘eleven rg numbers an tet ohn fxs ae Feouesing coplesot specie den, heating access Macaques orn Unto Sanyal Cate Beparmeante Lasaary Poeexaest ‘lymgia Wh O8S07-96¢0 ake sacs payanle 19 tne Lepatmert of tienaing Private sams ress 405 Gack Lake Beulverd,———. First For, Clmpir WA QBS nee sets a i Samee see Pee or y Tohneteneys Doo #ro0s00, CBee, 23623 [$50 Bogie cost say tlalten pay, Hasnington [e336 L za ou ESORY_ DOE TR rginmennmesy Duar = sanesran ec rer rmereno0 on se[] cstmeresnierespeorec mares crv ons ce stacre ameronsuné noone Fass ow Washington State Department of Licensing Uniform Commercial Code Information Search Acknowledgement = er eo Srl om y IND) Search Number: 2003-000-8061-78 Search On: AAHON WAYNE GUATS (Organization } (Detar) CCantfied Through Date: Des 30,2002 Search Type: All Recut Typ: Cells Inctude Lapsea: Yes Fee Amounl(SUS): sas? Initial Filing #2003-002-0875-1 foie ets 2n0 toa rneconTe Ss aoe te ean ces Way = Duman tps Comttca a cseiceacebin ioe {SeC2 tn Sage Cie ay lta fy, ae536 “The above listing is @rovardof all financing statements and lens fr the spacitic nama ‘oqueeted and which are curently on fle it the Departmant cf Licensing 2p ofthe certified through date. The Department of Licensing hereby discaims responsiblity inthis recor Seaich ard centication ote’ than the nate spaced in your request far inorrawon. A Search limited io a aarticular city, date o fle eurnber may net sevsal al lings against & Bupt teow Levy a ° Enclosures |Resotsts) : RERIRN FIOE STAMPED RECEIPTS TO: TE GEDRAPSICN, LOCAEION ADE, Certificate of Live Bixta SURSCRTIRD 1A) GR TO BEFORE I MIT Uarftad Wdentifieation on thie aay of, 200 EB. State of Washington, residing in the Camty of fy Comission expires: | | fl and Mntal Aggie of Ax 8 = S e DEPARTMENT OF erly oa with the ander I STATE a = = S = z S = a oS 2 Et = = "ne Dooment cn seich ods ‘ititieeee is arth is CSD dome correct an Omedete | ‘Oxy of the Origin. Gainer fs woleee in De i ‘Game of He Crigim. i @ gus “tH PAgL 0! VECLG 200 C.F SeCRETARY OF THE TREASURY 1500, ZENNSYLVANLA AVENLB oa. WASETNGTON, “bc. 20220 RE: Dent Assessment re Public-Private Accousts, in regard ta the Pablic debr of the Debeor SAROH WAYNR COATS, Yar Fayer Tdesesficecian avccuse, #4 ~~; Tesasury Account, uh D, thenugs the Secured Party Asron-apne ueyee ‘Idemcarteacton 6 Oy che Jecured Formally seauestLng # complete DEBT ASSESSMENT. In aceord with House Joist Resolution 192 cf June Sek, 1932 (heseiuefter IJS192), Dischorge of the Public Dabs. The DEBTCH requests said assesemont 9¢ as to complete the cischacge. Concerning a Financing Statement efigting between the Mebtor ant the Secured Party) the Debtar wighso ta leeify che Socared Party of rhe Debt incurred $3 DEBTOR, Please inform che DEBTOR DE any and ail Babe, charged, iene, ot say aad all aeccunts Ge gasete; ela, a complere’ histor? of said debe ant cssct Gosssanents The Financiag ftatonant hag beer Filed wieh the SPOKANE COUNTY AUDITOR. and ls currentiy seing registered with the JASHZAOTOX STATE DEMARTMERT OF LICENSING, af the geagraghical, lotion ef "The State of Nashington." Please send this Debe_gosesament to the Secured Party ae the geosrapnicel locaton provided, signed and certified, ant charge the DEBTOR'S Treasury Accoune #4 0, fer any snd'all charges ant er cost far this service. ENEOW WAYEE COATS, DEDTOR Tas Payer Tdentification #4 - 3 Treasury Direct dccount 4 a Garou-Wayce? Coats, sul Juris Enployer Identification #4 a Parsonel Treasury Direct fccoust S0i03A2693~6 a Secured Parey/Greditor Keturn Acknowledgment To? Aasomeyayner Cesta RTOS" T=Bsusy-— CHC, 1830 Eagle Cr Slattes Bey, ta Invodee #1 AWS-09250I-P10331608 mo: INTERNAL REVENUE sEnvice COMIISSEONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, Z0C. Rez ORISENAL 1040 tahel form and any other Aschesivn/Lese? Contract: NOTICE OF CONTRACT CANCELLATION Attention: Commissioner und all Parties concerned, This MOTICE and request is in regards la the original appigation(e) of the 140 and/or any other Adhesion Contrsct {si (hereinafter “Contract (s}") filed with the Inicrmal Revenue Service (hereinafter *IRS"). As you are avare, ones "nae" is ong'e prowerty- for ane'3 pane” t9 enjoy Sui Jcris status, thal naive" must be free 3 explicit Legal disanility resulting from some contracts), indencuce or commarcisk agreement, walsh is "hela" by a Leblow citizen, corporacion or by an ageacy of government. dry Cenmissionsr, 1 am the Holoce-[n-Due-tonrae of the Socumeat of Title over ‘the Legal person Eo which you may “hold” s2id conteact|s)- 1 leel that it a2 important ror you £9 know, as it is my duty to inform you that those sane Documents are the sole property of Aaron-wayne, Sua Junie, atd that you must release said Conteaatia! tc me Aaron-Wayne. Since faron-Weyne, elaine Sui Juris statue in connection vith nis property, of "mane", he regueste thet your agency, it it disputes the above “atatus" in conection vith this "uane's Procuse a photocopy of ell Gecumenus ering aeld-inedce-course, {See 0.0.c. 3-405.52], that create the explicit lege: disstilicy ke the Gained “ui Juris stacus or stending relating ca che “name” Asron-Kayne? Coats. the Tax Payer Identification mmbee #4 ~~ 0 hay been ACCEPTED WOH VIDE and ic the aols progerty af Aeron-Wayne: Sat Joris, ‘the Tax Payer Identification Nunver 44 Gand the hana thoruunder haz baen £1263 vith the Deporenont of Lécensings Commercial Pegistry, State o£ wacAingtan Secretary of seates Lepartmont cf Teesauey, aud the. pckeno Guunty Auditor. evidescing that the "namo" and "TIS" belong te me, and shat & Security Agreenent existe between the deste: AARON WALiE COAZS snd Secured Party/Sovereign Aaron-Wayne. any and all Contract(s}. 196 ar othersize, endo: the Sama AARON WAYSE CORTE or any decivitives eheceof oc therefrom, an well as the same said Tax Payer Tsectitication Namber, and any records. giles, accounts, debentures and indentures ave listed af vollateral in abovementioned Security Aoreenent. worres i Ae a Rovexcign and citizen of the Republic, the Secured party is TAX EXEMPT and EXEPT trom LBV, ond’ any further Gperttion and or ze; by the IRS Ine- tor purposes other chan those exprasely permitted sy Aacon—tayne. sui juris, of che Shama" attached te the Taxpayer Tdentitication Muiber above vill Re considered an infeingemant upon the EXCLUSIVE Tralienable Rights of Private Oonein of Secared arty. ané Trade Name ent. Infring tr. Commissioner, if your agency the rnternal Revenue service te. siagesrs that the Original 1049 Label Coeu, or any ather Coneract(s) do not exist. then please inform me so chat = aan file 3 1G40(NR} ts appeapeiately be Tabeled as 3 Non-Resident’ Alien, as Lt is ay derstanding thas this is my status aa a Sovereign of the Republic. Any and all records, files, and/or account Salances are to he sent in my Tvade Nane te the gecgraphizal location provided. I expect a courteous end IMMEDIATE response, releasing my Peivaze Froperty. Please be Cimoly in regard co tae Regulation Z grace peried Of the federal weuth in Londing At. assistance is qreatly aypreciated in this matcer. You Eailuce to respuad to Lae above request within 69 days of your signed receipt of Enis NOTICE will constituce your Agreement And consent of the matters stated heeeia, and lecally eatablich, that the Internal Revenue Service, Tc. can offer 00 Documents that are being Held-Iasiuescsurss to dispute clained status of Aavon—uayne, Shi Juris. Wome: —«The_ Secured Party/¥ovoroign nat having the status 9; United Scates Sitizen, 93ing wlthour the Jurisarecsen and venue of the District of Columbia, having by birch the Status of Won-Resident alien and havang Secured aid atatus and the inalienable Righta of tae Sovereian, Weveby OscLARES YOID and FRADDULENT sala Contrasts}, and neraby eequests thet ALG Records, Files, sceounis, FiaLervs, Debenzaves and” Indeatures derired Unatcfram ae tc be RELEASED co the Secured Party Eeumorarens NOPICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCZPAK AND NOTICE 70 PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT OATS | I, saron-Wuyne: Coats, sui jurda, do DECLARE under the padar | and Peneltisy of Perjury, by che Laws of the State of Yashington the anited Status uf tverica and vitimatel? GOD Almighty, thai the aforementioned is True, Correct, Gertaia, Complete, and nor | feanr ve mislead. SIGNED AND SWOEW to by ME this day of 20 OE, Baroa-Wajne! eats, sol juris | Secured Parzy/Credieur Hatder-ln-Dae-Course ! Trade Wane Ovacr : Record Sumer Sovereign ei COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL zavenvE GORTROLLER/DIEECTOR FOR, ' BIMANC? NAWAGEMENT PRSONAL FILE GANC-777 i TRADE MANE: AaROW WAYRE GOATS Crgsass, cece 1850 Zagie Crest Kay) CLALCAM Bar, WASHINGTON (309261 Pouted Certified Account No, PLO2@L603 SORSCRTB2D AND SHORM to before ae this tay of | Boo tal : AOTERT AISLE” Tian Foe the Starr OR wasHEneron. | Residing to. WA. ny commiaater sxpiraa’ | Sata | ene iy Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship cos meson eh EW na BENG cn te oping fey. ESPs 25 TE ne nos ovuman re mena. AMEN CES a ree ea ane soca ean coe, lr 1 MAES ais won oe ° ae neon PER THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE IRS: INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 1111 CONSTITUTION AVE., NW. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20224 REGIONAL DISTRICT DIRECTOR, INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 1650 MISSION STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94103 (This needs w be the address for ‘your” Region) © SENDCOMPLETF PACKET TTO EACH ADDRESS GIVEN ABOVE ¢ SENDCERTIFIED Mall. - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Beau: Aaronciatet Coate e/a 1630 eagle Crest ay Eletdan Boy wosbington aa3z6 net RESICAAL OISIEICE DIRECTOR 1480 MISSION ST- sR MRMETSOD, OA. 92102 7 DRUCTIVE HOTICE TREETRBLE Boz NOTICE C® REVORACIOR 5 TERMIRATION UP FIDUCTARY REEATIONSETP & ROTECE, (OP CONTRACT CANCELLATION. ann REGIONAL DISTRIC? DIRECTOR, PLEASE PID ANCLOSED: A copy of withdrawal ctatenent and form SSkeS2L, and Por 36, cresented as documntatien of Aisealution and teriination of Eusaness entity wiieh was also sent Co the Social Security Adninisteation. This constitutes Actual an} contective Notice, Tick =, Aakonfame, Sui suris, of tie Costa Farily, Setuced Party/Cred:tor. herein axi hereby. revoke, teesinate, and cancel aay and all adsizalzy/aaritiwe sonteects, whether Sthesion, visible. invisible, expeeas ard/er imp-iel by afd between the THTESHA: REVENUE GRRVICE, its or theic agewc2, enelovees, officers: reprasencetives, eyencles and/nz instrumevcalities, and ANA WAYNE COATS? Satso Wayre Coats; Coate, Aaron G1 COTS, AGN Wor created by or theouchl atly dnd all Sociol Secucity Aplications, 1040 labela, Wed forms, 6-2 Pome. Ur Shy sther anctrwmeots/decunenss; snd Juether nereby revoke afd tecaanate. any ane all fiduciary ceaponaitaliiy's conteuctivly created thereo! or cheverrom, including any eileyed yeancing of Tover of dtioeney that vas isplied carsugh any sucn fers by any Of tae pescremenkicned ayents of fgencies, TUNE FRO mes cols, dua to "Pravl* Mon-disclosue*end “eailare Ot tale Suonameatien™ an ecosccauce v4cn tnstoem Cowereiol cde article fr Pipr and cot 2350. Uygur suerteare) Purciee, | Aarenshayne, Sui Jurie, nave duly Aecepted for Value, Cle and caylatarce aitn the United duates secretary of the Teeusury, the Dalassnent 0: Licensing, Uniform Cnmeccisl code wtvision, aus olhers, my Birth Regiecration rachmncs in accaruie with House Sole: Awavlsbion 192 0f Jane 5) 1539 aoc Use $ In10d & § Mel0d, thevety, and forcher herein re-vesting to Genie Tetle of alii property in scctstanee with 26 CER § 1.67641, to aclade GY and all dataes. Of vover of "Attomay onder 26 CEE 5 fC1.508/ which were honediseloasze of material facts ard Leja] ramifications ication for Bicth Tr aa further found and Aetectired test the ap Mepiatearian, che Livo Blech Foporr, and ingurance of 3 Bigtataze all one-and - the sae. t-Secucity. 1. dneteament TCC. Artisle @ Sections 103 6 10S; and da nck jae any" suchorized Signatures erein, axticle 3, Seu. a) and sxe thecofoce " Counterfeit Securities Pitecrapy//2001-awe = at & i Purther as more thorcughly articulated vithin tne " statement of Michdraval pore 268-32) [encloned)* I Aatn Vayter Dui Junie, vas Erudulentiy included through sonvinors actions into the quriediction of the focoral Governnent by voy of tse wetvconenticned conteacte/ forme, theroby altering My odsizenchip az D'teal Leeeborn himan beicg within the Zeputdie, beld wider Article IZ. 1 ¢ is ind forties by sktering My tame and Bitle and creating a Corporate Entiry jens legis’, ty and thrown the Social security Agplicetion ani/ce cther Doeasont= further subjecting and compelling the ceal funan being to be a subject of che dorgoration Tax act of 1803. Yoo as the District Dicector alceady knos thet these actions are [eaudulent hocsusa the Pover of ores of the Unites States are the Government of the United States, tne Lave of the United State and Regulations of the United Stater apply only to Washington, f-C., { Digtict of Columbia J. noe exceeding ten milea square, and cf uhich doce not extend so the Republic. ( Satrago VS Nogeroa, 21! 0.3. 236 (1909) }- the Disteice of Columbia was fomilly adopted as) or was alloved to adapt. Ateol aga Municipel Socporation in 1071, under the Ast Congress. reterenced Ln the Thied Bession under Chap. 62/63. Shey ware also authorized to adopt tte [U.S.] ccosticution through the Létn Awentinact as a by-law aé well a@ ali Standing Public Lae, as by-laws. Resulting in the 2act the feseral governnant as os jurisdiction beyond its borders in valet they have ne sartsdiceion over the repcblic or a real “Unan belay. ihe ocly jurisdictien they dave ia over the CORPORATE CREATED ENTITY fens legis), in wien was feaugiontly created without disclosure of naterial facts! As a Private indivicwal T ar or want te be apart af tye federal Constitueion and/or its laus created for feSuca? amployias and Subjects of the Federal Constitution, aa articulated in { Fadelrord ve Cit? of Savannah, 111 D.3, 78 (1886; J. Turthermore, to confirm this understanding. sheouch covin and covine actions oy and ‘sheougk tne Social Seouraty Agninistration, tne INTERNAL REVENUE SERITCE TNC. an? past employers through a Corporate created Entity nave and continue Lo getpetusce Inland privatecring ahe repeated "Manns Act” violations (lazemy} Vislating Title 28 Ut Sevtions 1981, 1962 of dune 2. isda G. 645; 62 stat. 793, (Sapuatber 13 1984) rublic iow 102-322 T1Lke mK, Sec. 30026/1)12}. 108 Seat. 2147s aa evidencul in the case of UNCED SUATES OF inemica TS. AMM SETLIGr Sc- anid BONER SEEEIO, “Hg: 92070 an) D4-2079, (Gecites tune 19, 1495) CA. Ten Cire.) @ peesecttion fore orimiral entexprice sence ceoulting in tne deplesion of agsera of the victim, an 3a to tne same agencies have and contine to fraudilertly prosecute “comersial belli” ayairet she Sorporate Greated ancity (Mase) undec n faulty seclarse National aergency and in the capecity of Bankrupt, for the curpese DE entorting waulth. money. property and Righto under coler of any tau and OtEioo end ander tne Bankrustey Reform Act of 1978, 92 eat. 2549, Public Law ‘5-580. repealing the femer Bankeustey tak ot 1889, now Codified ak Chas. il PIDUCEARY//2003++AHC ~ 2 of 4 Uso effective October 1, 1579, Sec. 405{3) a Lt perteing to Pitte 2 Dar Sees 2078 and/or (We Article 10, Seq. 32, sSereoy covtdin debta, clainml, charges and other ineaerances where nae against the Gorrorate Entity pursuant © Sections 105(a) and SC) cf Title Ii, as amended, sa definded at Sex LOLS) (=). title 11, ender the peocanption of " eight to poymans of Joby "aa Gefinded at See. 15112) and under Ene erroneous application (prasumpsian) af Bection 102, and 109 definitiono ‘Mele Ml, a3 to cuaidency within the CORPORATE YenUe, UNITED STATSS, and/or | its or their asencies inatewmeatalities, reeultiay inn poetics Tweaysra etratucriturial ka. tubue and Fraud an tae inducenent to ascribe ene states of @ CORPORATE " DSBTOR tineg and againat Aarencidyine, ful firia of tie Chats Family." pelncighe "anc O€ governmene iia the Original Organic cons: ltublone of the anited and the Rapablie Gf Washington States reby _thase beforenentioned agencies & intrimntalities, its or their agems. officers, emplojacs, repseseaba-ives have vaived Soveraign Tmanics and consented ts op sued guvavant to Sitle Ll 8C Sec. 105(a) warranting eatqqpel "against cake Corpocacions, snd/>r ayema, ofZicers, employees, representatives, until Aaxon-Hayne, Soi Juris, is veistuvsed in full tor Tunis Teawdblevtly exiocte? heaum ene beforenention achene, coviny and upan che Witkdcavel ard vevocation ard vermination of Social Secwity applications and Chie Actual and Constructive Mbvice, and termination of eidueiaey vesconsivilicy ly the gaxty's 1s satisfied or extincuished éve co want of contro) of tne 7 res “within tne Corporate Yenue ‘at avi ypon which 20 conteary seesuption is varcanted. to closing, vith regards to past engloyses, it is fureher fraudclect aod illegal for an employer to wicthold ay inccne taxes without a voluntary vitmoising agreenent under 26 CR $ 31.3802%0)(1), and under (e)(aiy, 6 Rrovidest “an enployee vio desires to sater inte ay sstwment", wider Sec- MOZ(pi. ghall fureich ais enployer WEN a fh fone. heh’ Eis " sithtalding syreenant "bas to ba made agearent with the IRS. 2 do. not Believe Ihave ever aade that" aureemnt ", Tpelieve the only thing that wae nage apparent was, " YOU CAMNOT AUHK WITHOUE GIVING ME YOUR SOCIAL SECURMTY WMUER CP UNLESS A S14 FORM JE FILLED OUT 1 wuch I u's qn't believe 1 nave ever pergonally even £41100 ost oc completed any #4 Forms? ith any dischosoee ox wson aurecneni:. fueenec, 78 USC S1U9fa}c), caly requires af eiployer to request a social Sectrity Nurker from an aiployee, not duu one. ils is also scnarent within the trLvcy dct cf Ivit, a0 Seat 1Osd Ser Hal) Deo in she IRS Rblizations 1S © 1S which ace provided specifically for cmployers, menas It Clear List oly State & Gwveciioait aiployees are corer 9 witinode Under Pitle § GC § S527, NETNOLOING STARE TNCOre 4RME, iE groves: for fhe ity af engioyers, to thtold sure fron. enployese. "if any exployes sgluntari2y sleses ty Mave euch gui vithielg-++ have never made Che lection’ Niof whch tuctime feqwivlent inducerate te Leuiwact business: Beiuea oy cho Undorsiyned re eageiza NOMICE that the fiduciuny felaticnshig has. heen termineted-uithin thirty—Oays../20) from the. ceceist oe. tats “Recuai and constructive Hotice ta the concracy «ill constitute Sootieration that enis transaction is complete. Mlovcrans /2003+-be = 3 of 4 ‘ane UnZtad heyoonte cxesentad te the Caderal window Farty/Creditor in accocaauce wi 1 Raccr-Vayne sui Joris; of the Oaks family. neeein are #71, Of paryory and beariny false vieness 30 ele me Ged. Bai T fortner rake Expicit 1-207. NORTE TO AGENT 1S NOPLCE TO PRINCIPLE aD NOMICE 90 PRINCIPLE TS NOPICE TO AGENT EXRUED AND SI@ED, thie day corey Cs AT aS Secured faxty/Creiiter original Jurisaiecion Eoldee-Tn-Due-coucse Soveceign Anerioat INTERNAL. SEYEMUE SEVICE INC. SORIE AMLAZESATION ates Seccetacy of the Treasury is appropriate ald gifts or ‘or theonyb Ene Undersigned Secured th [Pitle 51} a2u(a)tiy(2) (3) do certify that the contents orvect, certain and complete under the gains and penalties fervation 5f all Rights in eccond with UCC § 2 200° CoB. IWTERHAL REVENUE SERVICE CORNISSIONER OF =NTERNAL REVENUE Re: original W-2, 4-4 end ARY ctler LABEL conteact(s)- NOTICK OF CONTRACT CANCELLATION Attention: Cenmiseionor and all vercies soncarnad, Tis NOTICE an? REQUEST 1s in vegatds to the original application(s) é2 +2, Nd aga/or any other conteaet(s) (hereinafter "Contracts") filed with the Incernal Revenue Service. hereinafter "yes")- Tax Identiticatien Aecount fa =~ -O (hereinafter “ax-Payer Identification Wusber™)- Please cerverd me the Original egpiicacion(s) cer che adfinistvation and issuence of the efcrenenticned Taxpayer Teencifieastor Nunber aod aay/all other Contract(s) theceanders ation Meaber 94 - — 9 bau been layne: the Taxpayer Taentie! ACCEPTED FOR VALUE and is the Sole Property of Aaron: Goats; sti Jacis. Fes Wentificetion Musser $455-42-5590 fs been filed “sith the Wepartmont of Licensing, Somnarcial Registry, Stele ef Washington Secretary of State, Unized States Depertrent of Treasury, and the Spokane Sounty Acditors office: The Teode Mame “AARON WAYRE COATS" 1a che Private Eroperty: of Seneres | Farty/Crediter, felder-In-Dee-Course, — Sovercign Daron-liayne, (hersinsiter "Sacured Party!}. A Sacacity Agssomant existe Between these parties and the application of Contcact(s) and ALL Tegusda, Plies, segeunte, Debonsurer and indontuvas therefrom is Collateral therein Wore: The Seccred Party, Soveredcn pvt having the status of and vemie of the Distciet of Columbia, having Secured tho Rights of Sovereign, hereby DECLARES VOID and PRANDULENT eaid Contract(s}, and hereby Requests that ALL Sacorda, Piles, Accounts, Pixcuren, llehercaras, snd Indenturas derived therefrom arc to bo Released to the Secured Ferty TAMSDIATELY. Ag a Sovereign and citizen of the Republic) The Secured Party ig TAX EXEMPT and 2XENPT fron LEVY, ané AMY fortner operation and/or use of the Tax Tdentification Numer Wel) Minder the Trade Nawe BARON WAYNE COATS ia an intcinuamert upon the EXCLOSIVE Inalienable Rights of Frivate donsin of secuced Party...and,Tiave Nana Infringensnt. : NOTICE ~ 1 Zea any and all Records, Piles, and/or Account Palances ave to be sent in my trede ame to the Geographical Location provided. I expect a courteous and IMMEDIATE response, releasing my vrivate Peoperty- Please be timely ip regard to che Regulation % grace period of the federal. Truth=In-Lending Act. Your Bssistence Je geeatly appreciated in this matter. NOPICE "0 AGENT 15 NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL, an NOPICE 20 PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO ACENT JaronWayae? Coats, svi juris Secured Party/Sreditor Tol der—2n=Due-Course Teade Name Gene? Record omnes Sovereign countSSTONER Of INTERNAL REVENUE CONTROLER /DIRECTOR FOR, PUGNCTAG MBRACEMENT Pergonal File #AWC-838 [kEP (6-B-18) DOC 4 705833 33th | VERDE) ieauon gazta, BASATNCTON $5362 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before ze this aay of 1290 Ge ROTARY PUBLIC _in_and for eeiding in aa a. Me commission expizes: DISCLOSURE oF CITATION of suATUDE aaron-layoe: Costs 1308838, c/o ASP (B-8-15) 4313 Bo. 13th Avenue] Walla Walla, Nashington state (992621 wee (Sinigsioner of Lotecnal Revenue Ter Constitution Ave. NW. jachington 0.C. | 20224 tread a very disturbing article by the well-known Atrorney iar, Tasty Becratt in the "anti-chyster magastoe, | Vols G1 hey jars IOUT PAGey mentioned shove, Tan so disturbed 2 cap sone 2; Bago 201 Wg about al the tax Tellars have contrsouted sloop: (“PTuariy seems to be a situation oF Gigantic FRAUD FPqute from tne article: thet Congress, ‘thought! ie kad ervated the Bureau is aa adnisaion that even ik Pee Ginment can’t find a statute whien lawfully the gover inex tha Bureau of internal Revenve or the Gheernal Revease Service," suowever, to conclude kote that tho only office created by the Act cf July tats jus2, us ‘the Office of the Commissioners ooitner tie purciy 182 ea ee Olle aoe the Taternal Revenue Service was actda] ty Oe ere ey of theses Acts. However, at the state, tevers created by ant oaged role that a duly constituted office of ee cahecinent must be created either by the State Consts tution State Goverment Distive xe. see Patton, v. Board of Healthy Sey eae Sha, go P- 702, 704 (1898) (Tone oF the requisites 127 Cake 380r eele must he created by the copstitetion of Une State or it musi be authorized by seme statute. "). Likewise, a duly constituted Office of the Federal covers” ment AXSFEE®: Boo crested by either the National Constitution rey Sime Legislative act D€ Congress. | See Uaited sistes ee 118 0.5- Semis os. soe (14791; Necvon v._ shelby County, 425, $41, 6 S.Ct. $121 (1886) Norte “gaa be aOvofricer, eLther de juce Ge de Facte, 1 there he no office to £311-)- hesefore, tho TRS Statement of Orgenizatioa and Functions wulvbich ke alae published 4p 33 Fed. Reg. 11872, 197427 Cume page - 1 of 2 Bul. 40 and the current IM 1100) smplicitly concedes that Congress never created either the Dureau of Ioternal Revenue br the Toternal Revence Service. Besides the problem that the Congressicnal acts of 1862 gig not create either the Bureav of Tuternal Revenue oF bhe IRS, tere is the additions) problem that these Acts vere repeal Ga one decade laser by tne adoption of the Revisad statutes S$ tans. “thecefore, it appears that your Agency does not legally exist since it wae never created by cny Congressional Act -— Gnd even if it vas, the alleged Act of creation wes later repealed. baererore, 1 a@ asking that you please inform ma of whatever citation and/or statute, really did create the [R52 Since it Go's fuestion of profound Natiosel importonce, [ request that you provide ar ausver to within Qventy (20) Days. Failing a {Qgodnse within that tine pefied, I shall conolads that, lite fe and ry fellow researchers, even the Commissioner ef Internal Revenue Service cannot find ony seatute which provides for the lawful origia of the said entity. SIGHED AND SwORY TO by Ho this aay af 200 CE. Raroo-Wayne: Coats, Sui Juris Secured Party/Creditor Holder—Tn—Due-Course Trade Wane Owner Record Osner Sovereign SUBSCRIBED 2D SWORN TD be ay of, 200__ 0B NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the SPATE OF WASHINGTON, residing in the County of lla Walla. uy Commission Expires: se: parsonal File #RAC-666 Part One One Man Out ‘You may order copies of (One Man Out From: The American's Bulletin P.O, Box 3096 Central Point, Oregon 975012 Phone — S41-779-7709 OMO $35.00, payment by Postal Money Order, or any other well known money order made out to The American's Rulletin or left blank, or eash sent certified mail For overnight delivery (Airborne) include additional §20.00 and a physical address. Lunes fuller Jbanve ~ "This BOK ONO" i fo iy FANS Neen’ 1, 2008. ~ No porlion of bis back may’ be copied or reproduced by eopy-mshine or ‘elentronistanning means all rights reserved. AUTHOR'S COMMENTS If you've purchased or otherwise acquised OMO, then you are at east somewhat serions shout the Redemption process and getting g out of prison, ‘Ms ‘ovetion in preparing the maria in this memual isto share wit you whether you ae incarcerated or are the family or Biend of somemne Gat iy the principal behind bars and invohed ia the Redemption process or is serieos jn the Redemption process and the docements Tt in aot means to show you how t do the proses specifically. Theoreically cpeaking I sm giving vou the meat withost the vanots and potatoes. To coxobine a book with all the specife's that you need would be raicuious 2s the process ¢ evolving ané there would $e solumes of top of volumes when te intial process was Anished. Sometbing on the same level s themovie “The Matrix.” Tf you wan’ specific's thea { suggest that you tum off the delevision set dat you are spending <9 auch time in font of and ery uiliing thar time in reading the books on Redeription and some tne in the Law Library that may be available ‘Nothing is going to prepare yon for the journey ahead better than a very fine cuned unfessanding ofthe very la that you wc going to be etulleaging (accepting for value. This isyourfreetom that we are talking shel here ‘Remember that eke principles are the omy thing that you can carry cu, The actual form sf srocess (The puperork) changes constantty and there is no exact method or way lo handle every scenario ati you aze in that very place and time, Trial and error isthe Founceton tothe ongoing ssccess of his process ‘What uy’ have worked forthe ‘celle’ the! Thad, may not work for me in the same exact form which iste say the same wth the information and matpiale that } have prescated fer you, Inow this first hand because chs is the process thal we used and be was released. He is currertly iz Giignion, suing the Ste for Kidnapping and unlawfl imprisonment, nil de seams changcs fe will remain out of sight bul never out af mind. The documents in this ‘manual nosk-boak misror thase used by him in is fight for Refernption and ikeedom. ‘Asa reader, sou will see thet this process uses 3 pressure techmiques that forces the judge torule in your favor, Inthe ease of my cellmate the judge roled thatthe changing information sya nat signed (3 loopholes) and ignoved the Secured Party's pricncy perfected claim. ‘Whatever works man! To comment any larthee would break tte Convict Cote. What [lave leamel ig Ua the mare you unerstand about wat you are doing, and aot sv much how to do il, Ihe more sense that it begins to make, THIS PROCESS is BY NO MEANS EASY! ‘We have natting tut line so if ittakes two years for vou w complete this peovess that is wo years tha: jou have invesed in a sew way of lift for yousel£, You must ale into conideratioa that posteeleane radenption is a Hifeayle hat you will have Wo be ia constant entra. of T suggest that you spend a grcat amount of tine gasping mad umlerstandieg the principles behing whet it & chat you are doing because they wha change. Learn the principles of operation aad you Will See your awa process procedure pop mbt Out Of thls, hich is the ~ proces: thats vight fer vou and your gesific Aluatinn: Never forget tht You have to easton tailor te process for yoursell heeause no ome else can provide you with sour memery, ot the audrey - co ue, Sapa rae vay soumos 1 yoy auaiaus say Hey pute 9860 amE Sofbe aos IM ee | pIEE TERT MIL song 40 puns SURE 2, se souyep amon anos wes woyy BuMBew yD v m4 a Jo Jaa] sp SOUSNIOY ‘PURSHapin 130p oA se Sona wid OF 0, ona0 fad 2q feuAwUT sm FuRApOS UL sumunoop [eH ap J0 ayn 2 sn 205 vos aAzEYoPynow KOLIONE eH ye yun smd yor: 4 saumacp 21) Bulopoad yueds aun pe TeHSNET an so Tener ‘uy yon 3 ppnea ye ssaocks AeAyand sal rauNday Coa st ys ae ome # ORY ON, OF NOLO ach TWHNVA OTL SILL put NOINYANOD NOLUWITEY AHL amboe wen weds Aduoas ( Toys 36} aAO%oH ‘Sob! Mp eo UYU qHlap} alow € uLeyo wou wg eaBojele | yy Ny apLSY ‘tp Buon 95 uogne yo as jou poms Fy UEeNL EOP IANO swe | aTeI EAN, ~apen,pue soqun powfufos fur yoo: nod ra fIw0 48} “mats 01 NOK FO THe 305 aT signs 24h uo mo Capo posta Sax Sumy Ap axvH | Tous Sp yelao) aaTR 29090 tuna 7p) EOMONE oF Pos ple Presto assiaFa WJ OATH" DOU J 2geU pn seoo0%d eUFEUO 9411 BADE op 01 sowed 9 Buns SASYOIAT 3S Beotint oe jsp senso jeu ro paw nedo we My woneNcayen oup ye poNUOESI 2004 T naw OF 0% n0¢ pur {pater ox se 3 nj ‘saptaatl feu Jo cones ajoydon| & sw Ssooal SN aN OPS vo sto “aBemoows [mye 5 7xp eau 38) 2m) fom ye Yeop 09 sum mp 4B. OS {bute £791 pig ch ypeg o or ane NOX pus Bors sac Sunes avo oF UpHETIC cy ne ove nO wR aoc ¥ st 2am Sex ow 1 Sx0%d mos aNpaARS 00 1) TONIOVILY dav DOA LVAL AV TRL MONA (iAaLLS2L ¥O BNOW 04 .LON Seueue9 pew gyastnox rwasades Aqrmoo, 409 vox, ssoiqag aut yo FSG) ZoveATaNy Ae, pre, ain se UF RCTUIOS am nos "WepmySppeewy-Mans;ONgRCT Xp 01 voadrax g fAON] ‘afpnfe atojaq pu sine PRZERION 380 AAINEDY “3 HUBEO 9— Aujpnjouy Salen ye ZION “9 ‘sapdoo av; wor ‘Aqasaedas ‘speuiBuig, aq upemeMt ‘goes Jo sxrdocotoKd (5) ald SHAE suse, OUI, pue oto] ZoNeN aIoMUUOD 7 [RUDY paYEIDA, #09 FALLS “URW a ON 2 UTE nueansay, 19) smEg ufozaAOS TO AROUINSS 9 UOMEMIEACT, poe cam ape] JOSIHEN framuUO;, waweaBY STIS, a JOAdos v apeyse] “3 eovRug aig mou ‘soydoa TE aeUmNON, “a sadon aq) wou ‘<(aieredes ‘eusC upmtvUr yor fo soetocinod (5) aA ORAL e sug witanseg Jo amqnag ¥ waEpeCL BE A0ey spa 0 MN oUMD, “aaMEEY AMONG, TUBUTND aa PETES dues, etdoadde aq apmus neon ay so aveunsetoy Asean, ‘ALL Jo ens HPNLO Hed PL 1 Pepaney 29 oaarmoep spre jo done ane" duns, synndonkte 9. apron on suena Bare (-3901 DB Hs PERN 29 4 yeoxaMEOD ord JO 099 DATE "4 sardonarsed 2 un sjoreedos‘sousug ap Menon Yona jo melooroud (OD seL SEW T pe sums Fepog 24 Fe saedos paw (ayray a;) JuawNoog THY, a fo rldoa UENO “TF ATLS WOL#ad /XTTING ATVaORTOD FAL ~_SNITIOWINOD HOd SNOLLONAESNI QISVE ‘Addendum (8: "Attachments" to the Pome, if any) for safe keeping, 1b Taoluce and attach copies, sendy "Accepted Far Value," Le. “Birth Corcticate" "Social Sevarity Cart," wid) apprapuiats Sauy’ inode and attach vopios of" Commercia: Notice of Trade Namie" are "Declaration fe Seniffene of Sovereign Sixtus” for Rezistration’ and ‘Notice'of those documents SLEP_H6: ile the UCC-| Financing Sratemest wih all elated doruments,# Histed above 1. Oblnia Postal Money Ordev to cover the Filing Foes, the funds should te payableto the Department of Licensing ort the fling fice your ling inte. . Send the-'package’ by "Certified Mail," return recsipt requested. tothe Department of Licessing, UCC Division, of tthe fiingoffice your ting it. STEP AG; Obnin a "1040 ESQVRY" and "1040 NR’ Eom the Internal Reverne Servic, ‘a tnchuce @ 1040 ES(NR) Tax Estimate coupon, forthe qusrter in which you are flit, 0 ‘be om withthe Treasury Malling, indicating ¢ "Nen-Raesidert Alien’ Tax Pstimate, HO NOL sia. 1b. Use the 1040 NR. atche end af the ‘calendar’ year, to repott insane and:o estiblish "na Liabiiy" "Tax Exempt" sams, for IRS eccounting purposes. DO NOT sigh. STER #1: Assemble the "Verified Actual & Constructive Notice'(Charge brck Cover ER Bin OF Exshance," "Birth Documtons as described above) Trae and Cetreet copy oF your UCC-1 and "Socal Sezuriy Card” (as deseribed above) in tat particular one, including the 1040 FSR). ‘a. Send "Cerified Mai." retam eseeipl requested, to "Mr. John Snow, Secretary of The Tremury, Dept of The Treasury.” by Leave dhe 1D4D ESN) loore in the envelope witha ‘now’ requesting thatthe IRS do te esnating. SECURITY AGREEMENT. Is un extensien of the 1CC-L Financing Statement end is cesentia) in te Secwed Paty Perfecting’ his Ponty Securiy’ tnerest'in the Trsasrdting Uslty Corporation and initiating @ Commercial Bond between the Parte, COMMERCIAL NOFICE OF TRADE NAME: Gives Notite” tothe World of Commerce Detthe ALL-CAPIPAL LECTERS name, in any variation, isthe Sole Exclusive Property of Tha Flesh ae Mood’ hnrwan (Szcared Posty) aud dictates penalties Tbe ite ese without the ‘cangent of the Secured Party DEGEAWATION £ CERTIFICATE OF SOVERRIGN STATUS: Agzin, aaneuners 19 Ihe TT i ‘World of Commores, spovifically, who you ar and whut authority you have as u Savercign Inhabitant Upon the Land DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING ‘UCC SECTION 2.0, BOX 9660 OLYMPIA, WA, ‘9BSOT-9560 (THIS NEEDS TO BE THE ADDRESS FOR WHERE YOU ARE FILING) +SEND CFRTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ‘MAKE SURE TO SEND ENOUGH MONEY TO COVER UCC 1, ATTACIIMENTS AND. UCC 11 SEARCH, JOUNSNOW dbs SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY DEFT. OF THE TREASURY 1500 PENNSYLVANVIA AVE. NW. ‘WASHINGTON, DC, 20220 *SEND CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN ECE REQUESTED *SEND SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH YOUR UCC FILING ‘MAKE SURE YOU ENCLOSE A CURRENT (K40ES NR FORM) AVAILABLE FROM ‘THE IRS, NIFH THIS FILENG INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, MAM CONSTITUTION AVE. SW. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20224 REGIONAL DISTRICT DIRECTOR INTERNAL REVENLE SERVICE 1650 MISSION ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94103 (THISNBEDS 70 BE TH5 ADDRESS FOR YOUR REGION) *SEND COMPLETE PACKET TO CACH ADDRESS GIVEN ABOVE ‘SEND CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEDT REQUESTED. SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION 6401 SECURITY BUDDING BALTIMORE, MD. 21235 ALSTOM LAITY NWLITA “DVI CALLLARD GNU $2s02 ‘1 ‘KOLANTRSV A ‘AUN TAS WEL ELIE 01s WOH ‘NOISIALG STHOIaHANOASSV MAYES AO INARI aa GGisanOaa Unease ton aN Trek amt unas Ifyou are incarczrated in Washington State — fle into: DEPARTMENT OF L{CENSING UCC SECTION P.Q. BOX 9660 OLYMPIA, WA. 98507-9660 + SEND CERTIFIED MAIL— RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED » MAKE SURE 70 SEND ENOUGH ‘DEBT NUMBERS (AKA "DOLLARS’) IN THE POSTAL MONEY ORDER TO COVER THE FILING FEE ATTACHMENTS AND THE UCC-11 SEARCH. + IP. NEED BE - PRIOR TO FILING, CONTACT TUE FILING OPFICE TO FIND OUT COST FOR FILING A UCC-1, UCC-3 ANDUCC-11 ... FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. ‘Lfyou ate incarcerated in another State, you may file into Washington State or the State you are in. Later, you can file an ‘Informational “in ficu of Filng’ into yous Birth State, Isa UCC-1 — where in Box 4 it state: “This isan Infommational “ia len of” filing, origina OCC-1 Financing Statement filed into Stare, UCC # Dated sydoatered gel (2000038 gh | WO O11, MYL (Z pure “opos amg pur amg RANIY &r souarajau ul salarga zayio Ave pu seyyo Buy ayy ({ orse our Sup am nod amg ayp :02 uy sxBumy> Gressooou oyu TEEVMOVEVE SUL ~~ “HL NGMIION “13° 0; QNIMOTION THE-NT - 70: DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE DIVISIOR bares RE: PILING STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS; AITERTION PILING OFFICER: It hes come zo my attention chat the new eravisions of the Uniform Conercial Code, specifically tsose dealing with Secured Feansvction; Sales of Ascounta, Contract Aights ond Chotsle Paper (Rew S2a.A9-ADL tneu §28-9-507: G24-9A 1-101 they G2A-9A-708) have been pesfoundly changec. ‘Thin scams to be st edse vith tae privileges “and Rights cf the parties involved withla this Reticle» This Ciler feeis the necessity £9 point out coon peovisions of the Uaitera Commercial code that peavall ia thie Soroyacion of the principale of 1sv snd aguity- It seems thet Article 10 (speci£fcslly 10-103) of this Title, maker close ita intent ag to Documents of Title. Snic las ia Supported by Acricle 11-108. Trecefore, being che bolder, and Sovereign over this Docunect of Title, tie aforamantioned Article daes not apply- Zhe New provisions in the Article: (9. & 9A.) geationad above are statutes that are aabicuous, disaoliag, directory, and fapertscs in their very natare. Tiere are no mandatory stotates that can 53 specifically relied upon in the issue of Documerta of {itle- This Filer feels that these nev provisions can be severed from these fev Statutes, and kespiay with the Turpose of tne Unifoea Commercial Code, this Pilar Relies on Article 1-102 thea 1-106 of the Uniform Conmercial code {ACW}, In this way this filer makes bis intent clear and should selieve che filing officer of any Gontugion in this matter. his filer is thankfu! for youe timely secrice iou this matter. EE chece are any questions 35 to Cha attachmencs that accomany the filing of the Ucc-1 and Ucc-lik, please Contact the Andividval noted as che Contact person THARK You. Peivatun conmondum publico cadit Enclosure: Uce-1 Finenciny seateaeae Dee Lad Financing Statement addendum Birth Certificate Social Security Card Security Agreemeata SA-2I7CL; SA=2170102 Sovereiga Status Teade Nawe Ueen118 Beaceh Filing Fees Payable co D0L, cc Division PER THE FOLLOWING UCC-1 DOCUMENT: ‘This isa copy of a tpre-filed’ UCC-I. So formatting copies in this section. it ‘would be « cory of 'your” completed pre-tiled UCC-1 ‘NOTE; In Box 14, the Author's Debtor's S3# is deleted on the form. Be sure to insert you Debtor's S83 when processing you UCC-1 for fling Box le, showld read; Es legis LLC, Box If, could read ‘Private’... as to risdlction. Since you are the ‘and have all power and that you are operating or the private side (not the publie‘government side}, the filing is done from your "private Jrisdiction, However, if you want to establish the “State” your filing into as ‘having the ‘jurisdiction’ — that's your decision Box 4—1) Birth Certificate (should read; “Birth Certificate Number is herein lieved and claimed at sum certain $100,000,900.00". 2) I: is not necessary to send ‘attachments {exhibits} with Jou filing. UCC Offices have sated that they neither want nor peed the Sttachments, However, in this process work-book = praceed with the instructions of the author. PARTI °° GETTING IN CONTROL + UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE DIVISION FILINGS + DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FILINGS SINTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE FILINGS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION FILINGS 1U3, DEPARTMENT OF STATE FITENGS, “TRIAL COURT COUNSEL DISCHARGE “DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY “OPTIONAL DEBTORS AND SECURED PARTIES Par 1 isbroken down ita se>eral different individual packets fr filing with diferen: state ara eral genes. ‘This proses incorgurates several differs wirsbers oridentiiers, You need to weaken indor eter for essy reference. The following are sume ofthe aunoers or identifiers a. ‘ell need tomirmor the peucess provided, UCC FINANCING STATEMENT L(g ORGANIZATIONAL ID# WALS800898: This ss your DEBTOR’ suber. Tis aueiber was ceeated when you committed your ist iste “You can find this mutes cn your judgment and sentence ve RAP sheet 24 EMPLOYER ID #45561 5990 or 45-£415900: Your DEBTOR'S SSN similarly styled 2.2). TREASURY DIRECT ACCOUNT #155415990: Your DEBTOR'S SSN simitluly styled state ideutification anor ar fen), 4 {2 PRE-PAID ACCOUNT #50024046: Your OBETOR'S aumater oa the buck of your social sevuriy eae 5 (81 SOCIAL SECURITY ACCOUNT 2455.41.$990: You DEBTOR'S social seouity aunber, 64) POSTED C2RTIMED ACCOUNT 4010381 608: create a9 digit number ess than 239909990. Thisis a “carilied” account. [ais emalns vour permanent ‘posted certiied account #, wed in every suesequent mailing tothe Treasury, BIRTH. CERTIFICATE STATE PILE cee DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1 QEWOCH AYE CAOR17HL-PLOSS1698: Any invoicing system you desi, This # exslusiely your ‘own, bul should be understandahie and consistent, for your own Trent A simple and effective invoicing tysternis: "| Vour tials ]~ | Date of your security pyretnent|-{ Registered rail# wed for ench particular mila} 6, PERSONAL TREASURY DIRECT ACCOUNT #01034)608 - 45541 3990: poste aera Qccourt [enrpioyeriventificaiion { without any spices vidhia or tebwecn the ve Inumbens excapt for thesingle dass separating them, 10 PILLOFERGHANGE #177601.019881608. Any mumierina sysem sou desire OPTIONALDEBTOR AND SECURED PARTY SECTION V1LURC1 Ge ORGANIZATIONAL LD, #147841 C86; This is vour DEBTOR'S FBI Iuekber Wee records ot loeate in either pre-sentence investigation repeet or judgment and 12UCC Lad (£12) ORGANIZATIONAL £1 #1963-30236, Thi is your DEBTORS otte ‘le number off the Bir Certificate, ‘Eautishw fling system through whch you can keep all ings and recordings stparale, availaie, and in sequence as to when you did them. These documents are now the most raat Enpuriont port of your euro} of tae MTBTOR(S), Once completed you have ebunet completly and permanently the foundstiond preasmpfion ofthe system’ claim on ard over yo. ‘Kees copies of every filing you make in chrenological order as they are fited so your entire sat offing: ate consistent togetter in ones pace, ane aecrestle Themen important thing to remember i tat throngh the redempiion process you reclaim your Birtight snd swnding in low asa sovereign, You are now the Secured Maser of Your zoe and holly esponsible for yourself, your aefions and what hoppens to you. This means thes thee Is no more sfster's Ce blame, Take care of YOU or pick ap the igcesif you act ieepmsible.Frecdom, Tike everthing, i a double edged sor CROSS YOUR T'S AND DOT YUUR T'S AND TAKE YOUR TIMER! eel t | { i UccEMANCG erATEMENT P paron-vayne: coats (705038) Staten Rey’ coerecedon Santer 908535 Yoa0. teute cree iy fei0s) | Glalaan boyy Yashington stave em (on326] ek fe LEGAL WAIL #8 - = AARON WAYHE COATS ~ ERE TOSS vagne crose vay foLntuaw war‘ [SST ERECT pratt ernie eomensaraemres —|itaobemerwcrs tt Prey EE mASeincrGN _(Scicha LSIOORD FL Seem earns reckrcesh EEE comme : : feos SE a “yakon-Waynes | 6m = See Tes sapie crest may [Oatias wey ae PE Pac WORE" GIEE”ISEEREGE, comes. Tie crtey of whe DurTOR In the Gowerciah Registry as a ‘trancnitting Ueillty and aft other Beaistration nario; Ceceisieata of Blithe Seouclty Adseonent Jebel OCTT-O1 and Notarized Mendvent; Employer TD t¢ Property as falievs; Bie) Ds treasury Direct mocks ? Pro-Paid Rost #D5007¢045; Ponta Certified Roce aNOIIfNH: Saal Security Rented Oe Beoeatsves, Tndentures, sesounts, gledyea; tre Pro ‘ne. All Property ie For Yate and 1s feast vrow levy, pursuant, to HMe=[9t and Ge FE 1104, aa toro 3-415, and the Oréers thetefran are ‘release ‘to DeeTer, to incluse ai eignstures, endorsenents, ‘aaciniie, copyright, printed, typed or photocopies of TRECURG OMER'S AND NAME AMD TETLE. RECON GHNEH TS NOT GIARANTOR 70 OY OTWERS ACORNT OY EXPLICIT RESERVATION, WITHOUT PREJULECE, USC 8 1-207. TOTRL YADDE OF PRETHCNDMTS: $1,000,000.00. TOTAL VALI | OF COLATERAL IN. SECURITY AGHEMENTS “he Parties are governed by Uce §§ 1-302 they 1107 UCC FINANCING STATENENTADDENOUM RR TSE TECTED For further Tdestdfication Party/ereditor and vEBTOR, documents to be filed: of Trade’ wane": Sheclaration and certificate of Sovereign stetus"> of “comercial notice Aerseavir of Denial”; and| 9085gs sta sauured attached 9% 5a Se ; Ta aor ERE EOE be 7 7 tear == TERRE ioe a mate AVL _COULATERAL 22 he lwithin the state of Washington. see | lAttached Security Agreement. Nome: Secured Party 3s the | IMoLdeu-in-Due-Couree of ALL Documents, land Docunente or vatze alated andj lattuches to Financing Statement. ORM FoR Cag BD MATERA Sw PER THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: STAMP OR WRITE THE FOLLOWING ‘ACCEPTED FOR VALUE" LANGAGE ON EACH DOCUMENT: Accepted for Value I, the Undersigned, Accept for Value all related Endorsements, front ane back ia Accordance with Uniform Commercial Code §§1-104, 3-419. 10- 104 ard House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 Date Tastroment vahve §, isi ON THE OUTSIDE - A STAMP 15 USED, AS SUCH: exon secant et (VI SUGGESTED TO WRITE OR STAMP TIE TEXT OS A 45 DEGREE ANGLE! Aleta prem og apo ventlae poreyyy pee ypoey fo peeegg TAS ps ye PEP OPTS, fe rpmafien © peg infos oy AULLON NULLVHISITIU LE Aviva" 40 INGWLUVaSG ALVES w a goa5di 13m o.8 pat 908535 aauee ato meth oem sms yy ao fee om ome nn Ae atte sen ug » why RAPD np FLYOUT HIUI TYLIdSOH YELNIO DNINIVUL TVAVN 'S 11 jepdenye uoyrrg ecole. Fis ema 7 CTS uc ay “LNPROGGRSUPY. GY “OTR [OF TRE OTS PER THE FOUJ. OWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION: SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION 6401 SECURITY BUILDING BALTIMORE, MD 21285 «SEND CERTIIED MAIL. - RETURN RECIEPT REQUESTED Name end address here: 2m__ CE, Te; SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION COMMISSIONER OF SOCIAL SECURITY Re: Original Application NOTICE Atcntion: Commissioner and alt Parties career ‘This NOTICE and REQUEST is in regards to the Oxiginel application of Social Sceurty Card Tex Hdenification Account # <<12s05-5789>> (gereinalter " Tax-Payer Hdentfieaton ‘Number"), Pease forward me the Original application for the sdranistraton and issuance of the aforementioned Texpayer Mdetification Number. The Social Security Account/Iaxpayer Identification # > hss been ACCEPTED FOR VALUE and ia the Sole Peoparty of < has been tiled with the Department of Lisensing, Commercial Repissy, State of Vour Sate Here Secrery of Siae, United Stares Ceparimem of ‘Treasury, andthe ("**) Cousty Auditors Oifice, The Trade Name "<> is he ttivate Propery of Secured PartyiCroditor, Holder-In-Due-Course, Sovereign <>, (hereinafter "Secured Party"). A Security Agrccment exists between these pazies and the appication of the card and ALI. Reconl, Files. Accoumts, Debentures and Indentures therefrom is Collataral therein. NOTE: The Secured Panty, not being of the age fo contract at the sine of the applicasion of the Tax [dzitivication # <<123.45-6789>>, hereby DECLARES VOID said Contact, and herby Requests that A Records, Files, Accounts, Fixtures, Debentures, and Indentures derived therefrom arc 10 be Released to the Secured Party IMMEDIATELY. ‘As a Sovercign and inhatitant of the Republic, The Secured Party is TAX EXEMPT and EXEMPT from LEVY, and ANY further operation and/or use of the Tax Mentification # ©¢124- 455789>> under the Trade Name <> is an infringement upon the EXCLUSIVE inalienable Hghts of Fnvate Domain of Seured Pay and Trade Nume Infingenent. Any and ali Records, Files, andor Aconunl Balmoes ate 10 he seni to the Gengmphical -Tonanjonprovided... a SUBSCRIBED AND SYORN to before me this day of. expect a courteous end IMMEDIATE response, relensing my Private Propesty. Please be Aimaly in regard lo the Reyolaton 2 grace period of the Federal Trath-In-Lending, Act. Your assistance Is grealy appreciated this mater ‘NOTICE TO AGENT [$ NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL AND NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT ? Mycommission expires ff cqiomy REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL OF APPUCATION. Pr mene aie sca 1 TRERTAT novice — This» mais eon ou pean Shasation ienag te Bee ol weonsderaton, Kean, alo rte oovaureve island br tea ty ar Yor Scones ae veo ot ‘Siete a dzadvantage ro you. Your nes Sous! Sucay when br ped fa neh oO SRP ER UL TARP Sa RT And/or “Haron W!. Cours aren Mayne Coats] aoe 0 4 FRI YOURE at re we Ti SMR ECF aERTT~ pe Peo Tne 122-63 loss. [Pot See ce "ocherland / other [neieuy cngore ue wahetowat of ry appleaden, Javed ob above, fo the wsaane stated buat. | understand tha 21Viha eqs may fore canada 20 tem the mang 2 ooh paras ond 1 8» Setrinaton Srathdrawn, ame al cther arsone hase Wolld te atiactec muct consane to Wis withdrawal, | untae Understand dae ine appledton wicnemn and af ated materal wil remain a parc af the. paces of the Sec Scearty Aamipetraugh ang mths tna hal hot eet Ri proper erecta of wages seleenibewes et [biome to my Social Secunty semngs “eo ‘Sais epsar for Wileweal fyou ne mond oan ihe the revae OPE lar 1. C1 tinned ergtinue working. have ba sci uf the eratves to nthrl tr wants union oe 15 and su ish to wntneae my applesten | 2 comer ase expen tu * see attached affidavit & ification of withdrawal! wie: Dsceoiounct on ron = SENATUDE DF PERSON MARNG HEGUEST sen iene C/o 10 Bogle Crege Wap ” “WEEE? Ge ccarton bos, Stace of Hashing CBee) PRM Bae Rel wmanseenon Fo | (Whrnesses are requreé ONLY i ths mwost bas Bron ago by rack OX above, Wf laned by ak (XL, wo ng who know the puro ineiny ie equect mart ign Below, ying ai fel arses, |Faare yao Ovens ar OSes Oma ‘SAATURE Or Soa Evricvee : chine _ pare Sys “Ey ns REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL OF APPLICATION “Continuation of "Request For Witidiawal oF- Application” Bex F2} 1 do not desire 10 benefit from any Contacts, Hranchises, Agreemens, Covenants, Hypothecalions, Promises, Pledges, ‘Cession Bonerural, Bailmenis, Transfer, andor ‘Transctioas with er fom the UNITED STATES, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, STATE OF <, and/or any of their sub- divisions or regrescntutives, All elections to be a US, CITIZEN are canccled and withdrawn, All Contracts and Blections to be tuted as a UNITED STATES CITIZEN, of Franchisee ‘here, are nll ana eid and ave canceted due i NON-DISCLOSURR and FAILURE OF TAI. CONSIDERATION, See, Uniform Commercial Code § 1-147 ‘Any alleged privileges ancior benefits sxe REYECTRD and WAIVED. Any ccnumercial sranszetions andior donations in the future wil be Accepted For Value, under pgcesste due to the "Declared Emergency,’ the "UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY," the “Trading With The Enemies Act" the "Buck Act," and any others in violation of Law and the Rights of “Inhabitants” and Mun, ws being vompellod wider Corision, Feaud, and Duress won the People snd Jahabsants cvicented upon the Public Record AU SS, Woz, Wed, S84, and all colated Contracts, Pledges, Oaths, Affirmations, or Eleecone cbrogiting my slafus or standing in Law are yreonssionsble in aature, and without fll Siselosurs or diseussion, Coercion was weed te misinform meas othe tature af those Contracts, ‘which if they vere (9 be enforced would constitute an act of FRAUD, by way ef "Accomplice Labliny,” in depriving me of Laie, Liberty, Peoperty and the Pursstt of Happiness, by the safocsing Par “This request for withdrawal (Form 34-521), Soctal Secusity # <<123-45-6789>>, Employer Tdentestion # <<12-34567805, and Account # <123456789>>, aud any and afl Accounts and Peopeny related thereto or therefrom. are v nding. al related endorsements, font and back, ip accoedance with ULC.C. §§ 1-104, 3419, 10-104, and House Joint Resolution L92 of June Sth, 1933. Charge Assount # 122456780, for the egiston and all atee necessary fees ard Command the Memory of Account # 123456785 ta charge the same to the Dehors Order orto the Orver of Ue Social Seeley Admitistation, USA Depersnent of Health and Husran Resources, or to Paul O'Nel's (Sec of the Treasury} Order. ‘This, and al ther related Pinger is Tex Exernat and Exempt From Levy. Please weave all Property, Accounts, Indeatures, Dehenturcs, Centrcts, lastruments, Recurls, Orders, ant all reloted Value ard Debt Instruments, imiveczately, The Erupery ic Pre-Paid and if your Agoney does nat release the Propecty immediately, your Agency shall notify me with T+ 3 Days, sa he secortpanied by a Supence Clann orer tha ofthe Secured Party, as cegisered atthe Washington Stare Deparment of Licensing, ff (UCC Number) NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL ISNOTICE TO AGENT - AND____ NOTICE 16 AGENT Is NOTICE TO PRINGIPar. AFFIDAVIT & CERTIFICATION OF WITHDRAWAL ‘This conetinntes Actual and Conemuctive Notive that 1 <<¥oureNames> of the <> Fatily. do hereby, withdrawal, revoke, res:ind, cemninare, vnive, decline, refnse snd foifet ny and all Coneacts, Agreements, Applications fo: Social Seourity berafite andor Soria! Sesurty Doouments NUNC PRO TUNC to <>, due wo “Fraud”, "None Disclasore” and “ature of Fait Consxeracon” in Accordance with Untform Comunsraat Code, Avicle 1 $107 Fucthenmere, forthe reasons set ft, upon diseavery that by initiating the SS-5 Porm and by snacking the Hox iemifiad es (5, Clizen, it has compelled and subjected Me as a Natwcal torn dhuna deiug to the dominim of Government for the promodon of their general welfare and protectin of their individu] as well as collective rights, thas also compelled and subjected Me by not only eurking dhe Citizenship bex bur also by ating the Christian appeliation of My narme cm the application 10 all CAPUAL LETTERS thereby compelling and subjecting Me to the Federal Goverumenis Jurisdiction, Washingwn, D.C. istrict of Columbia), or more accurately the Municipal Corporation of the Dstict of Columbia {aot eccseding ten mile: equrey’ and thercby altering My Naural ffee-born citizenship under Antic IF, 31, ¢.1.3 It is further discovered bat by the Social Security Administration and IRS assigning the Enlity atcoune to & Corporste Entity fens legis), is has left the aplicaat in the positon of a "filuciay ce a sab-agent end os a Corperate surety or guarantor (liability) and upon further investigation and analysis by esing the 6209 Manual (IRS} to decrypt and desade the individual maser andlor busines files for ssid Coeparate Enticy revea tht saié entiy's account describes a high lewt of narceies waffsker in a nouefreeze alphs condition (going criminal imvesigatinn) tout of Pusrii Rice, ip whieh is par uf the #62 PUERTO RICO SPECIAL KUND INTERNAL REVENUE, a place where Fheve never been? Being the souce, through the Social Secuity Administration and IRS, by assigring and tering My name to a Corporate Entity and aocounr constituting inducement to transact business, tnd nonedisclosure of materal farts and Jezal amifieations, hive also compelled and subjected, the Natural piysieal person, «> ta the cenditious of the Corporation, Tax Actof 1909, which oleerly states that "all inzome xe are taxes on Corperations ar nat om ‘people in their naar physical slates, but in thor artificial state’, <“<¥OUR NAME HERF: ‘To firthes affect my withdrawal, with no disespect to the vulowary benefits only with held for the benefits of the elderly wil oecessaries of that nature which wre cremed by pare ‘paticipation.> peony am not desiroue tn panicipate in, nor contibte to the "American Experimen! in demvency" due che ebvious antiromy becvean he Republic, Guaranteed by the Original Organic eonsitutions and sid demoiacy (noneconsitutional) Aiud fuclher (, < of the Lake Navie>> Parily fave wever knowmply; inenionellys noe deliberately (with full Giseloswe of the matcrial facts aud legal ramifiestion) wansfe(ed) any propaty, Secunty pees a _— Torerests 10 the UNITED STATES, STATE OF WASHINGTON, its or their Agencies & Ineteuentslities fer Public use, nor have T made or executed any transfer, promise, taypochecetion’ oc assignment thereof! af sny Right, Tide, or interest kereis to uy thitd person. tr peesone, by or undoe the operation of 12 USC Sec. 95H, nor have Linetiesmy genuine or hon fide election twhe casted as a "Citizen ofthe United Stes", (defined st 28 USC Sec. 3002(15}, for “esident agent” thereof, by is or their Agencies or Jrstrumentalten? aorwithstunding Corporate Restuchuring and/uc ceorganization pursuant to Act of Congress, February 21, 1871, 16 Star 419, and have altogether removed and secured My "wes" fom the Federal (Military) ‘Corporate Distiels and Yeaue, incding bot not limited tor Things corpores] and ixcorpores!, smurveables (in iegraa), ros mancipl and nes rec mancii, things ral and things personel, things fm possess anid chose actions, 1s singulae, tangible and intangible, ett paper ani eoods ‘eating My tame snd Title, io include seeurmg and Acceqting fir Value My application for Bids Reystation, Live Birth Repu, and insurance of ‘Certficats of Live Birth, all of whuch i the same "Seotrity” as anigulated in UCC. Article 8 Sec. LO? & 105, and have Accepted for Value the Socal Secunly Document, af of which ig recorled and ceglstered with the United States Secretary of Treasury, de Washington Stale Department of Licensing, Uniforn Commersial Code Division, Repisuation #<<123-45.6789>>‘Financing Statement and Wesbington State County Aulitors Office, and wher Documents mn whick perin wo, inchude Security Agresnent & Adenium, Afidavit of Agreement for Sit, Affidavit of Cancellation of Contacts, Afidavit of Denial of Cerpanite Exictenen, Affidavit of Denial of Benefits Centicate & Declaration of Sovereign Status'Oath of Renunciation, Notice of Trade Name de, ‘Whereby asa Private Agent to the corporate entity otherwise deserized as Ship Oomer as set out at 49 Stat, 1985, Title $2, I have taken the stme at face value and duly fled endencing a privece maritime Hien against the Corporate Entity, DEBTOR, <>, ox account of advances and necessaries and against the DEBTORS organizations, franchised organizations, co-sureces, coguaranlers, and/or fiduciaries, apencies & instrumentabities by priocty end ght of indenuification us 1 ary aud al debis, dotiesclaims, charges ot Encumbrances by she UNITED STATES, ATATE CP WASHINGTON, its or their agent. employers, oficers, zepeseniatives, tstees and fidweiaries siwuted within the Fifty de jure Slates comprising the Union. under color of Title 12 USC See. 958, Qcteber 6, 1917, et Sea, House Joint Resaluton 192 of Tune 5, 1833, stemming #tom Presidential pecclamations No. 2039 of March 6, and 2040 of March 9, 1933. Farther, Ie sot desire to contribute to, oF with the existence of CORPORATE FICTICN(S! rested «6 immunize ts officers, agents, employees, buster, and fiduciaries from liahity or respenstility by passing the same on te the shoulders of a nonexistent “Fiction of Law” (ent legis, such as the UNITED STATLS, SIATE OF WASHINGTON, its or dreir Agencies & Tnstrucnsnaltes urder a contrived Nacional Emergency, allowing inland privatering ond repeated “Hobbs Act" violations (larceny) violating Tile [4 USC Sections 1951, 1962 of Jone 2S, 1948, c. 65, 62 Sta 795 (September 15, 1994) Public Lave 103-322, Tile XXX, Section S3O016C1KL) 108 Suet. 247 fo whic Ihave every Right 4 with hold giving 2 lien upon or against My property, and lngeress tereta, UOC Ante 9, See. 204(7), and 10 wilh J registering, livensingy of otherwise MmaiBeang laid Groped SRS WTC W'pMECT the ame Sane factors Hens: ‘warehousemans liens, or frima beccming ‘alien juris’ ty aqw dhroogh « manlime lien against the same, oransthing relating oc pertaining thereto, as evidenced within My Security Agreement, urwjitstanding, Serate Doc. No. 42, Td Congress, nt Seasion (Match 9, 1933), Treaty Dox. No. 97-19 (February 17, 1990) at page 454, nor Counuel of Sats Governors presumed Acts uf ‘pledsing all property” within thar jusdictim ad cont! for sant of & cunaileraton 18 thevflly acquire ule ther-o, all of was arittary and eopricious end without authority of "Law" ‘Acoording to the Licher Code, which alscloses that the rules of property are not displaced by Proclmmazon of » contived National Emergency over + Bankrupt Nation on account of scquiesoence te passage ofthe Federal Reserve Bank Av} of December 23, 1913! Sesion I, Ck f Cedified a! Tide 12 USC See. 411, giving every agency o: insrumentaliy of Government the Tight (a cession of War} to accept, receive, hold, and dispose of "hypathecations” of the people of the Hy States comprising the Union of Acerica, ultimately amounting to Treason, Sedation, ‘Peonage, snd levotuntacy Serviuude agains! the people and Myself, LUhimately itis the duty of the Social Security Administration to acknowledge this Novice of “Wittdawal aod any other Notees andlor comspondences thar have ond aro providing, thet they ih the ERS bas no guaai in rem, secret niaritine im ram, trensitor: in personam jurisdiction over ScYOUR NAME HERE>>, sumaned My "res" on the erroneous presumption of res dara (bardonruent) of property seouigy increst, by further ding 90 well canstitle Tbelous ard slanderous assumptions of jurisdiction power end autboxty and the written and uneritten Spolloy" cf sad actore in coutimuing to interfere wih the "Frisale” Conuneicial sativiy ie evercige uf My Right of properts| wéthout said Cnporate Commercial Verue and without indenture, operation andibr application of any causi debondi Stamte, Code or Regulation (mals Prohibit) do continue 1» perpennte x cririnal frac, arifise, scheme or enterprise egsinst PCYOUR NAME HERE>> under color of Tile 50 USC App, Sections 2-6, 7-39 and 41-44, and ‘he Tradig with the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917, Ch, 106, 40 Swe, 411, amounting to the before menvioned above, motivaed by the invidioas economic anims of a "Batkrup” threslenod withthe loss of Security for Ine benefit ofits Principle Creditor. In closing, I wouid also lke t point out upon discovery thal without diselosure or scussion 1 wae coerced into believing | could pot werk wifhent having and retaining a Social Security card/Number and withou fillig out a W-4 Ferm. But upon dssovery 19 wits hold State incoime taxes under Title $ USC See. 5517 (20), it provides: Noe the cllecion or tas by employer.” any eaaluves volingariy sestet have Such sams withheld, Te aot helieve [have ever made hat agreement. Under 26 USC See. 5100(p)(}, it only requizes an employer to Request @ Socinl Security Nuraber from an employee, net demand one ‘Also under 26 CFR. $31.3402(0)(D, voluntary withbalding agreemens, it provides: (a) An employes and his employer may euter igo an agresment, ander Seo. 34020) to provile for ‘iitholdiag of income tax... Then we look zt, (BX), which say3, "an employer who desires o entg:intoan azreegent under See.3402(P) shall farms his employer witha Form W-4.." ‘Al of which wax never done o7 agreed opor, at leat with regards to My betalf and with My ‘convent with fall disclosure of the nastria Zaets st firth, creating aud, and honesty Ido sat belizve-T-pecsonally-ever even filled-ont-any-WW-4. Furms-for.any employers within Ge pest years 1 ave worked, ‘Aas under the Privacy Aci of 1994, 88 St. 1896 See, 7{a\(l),] am not requited te furnish Social Seeeity Number to any Federal. Stace or local Government agency. ‘Nevertholeye, Respectfully Notice hao aod is given all eppropeiata egencica pursuant to 26 CPR. See £14415, as wo My status as an Ameriean citizen, and MY properts. along vith a rmination of Fiduciary Relalonshlp, snd thls consieutes Oillewal (NON-NEGOTIABLE) Notice to be Secia! Soaciey Administation, its oc thor Agents & Principles, thay I fully and Respectfully withdraw My application ander instrunents‘Documents NUNC PRO TUNC to 2sINSERT BIRTHDATE HERE, and fuily expect repayment ef any and all benefits paid on the applicstions 1 want wiltuawn, whelher or not all records will cemain fir cecording or identification perpnses I fr aay reason the Social Sccusity Admivisuation disputes and needs aay Dowwacats perlaiing to My registered Propeny or other Aifidavits Registered, upon request they ill secordingls be provice. 4, <> Sui Juris of the > Family, do certify thatthe contents herein are True, Comect, Certain and Complete under the penslly of perjury bearing tale witness sw help me God, 1, <> Sui Juris of the > Parity, make Explicit Reservation of AN) ight accord with UCC §1-207, EXECUTED AND SIGNED, thisday__ of. 2 HOCK, ‘fourNane: Gast Name, a juris Originat Jurisdiction Capacicy Seclired PartyCreitor Helderla-Due-Course Sovereign American SUBSCRIEED AND SWORN lo before me this day of 1200 CE, NOTARY PUBLIC inand fr the STATE OF <. Residing in <> Myeammission expires: ft a ce: SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION COMMISSIONER OF SOCIAL SECURITY PRINCIPAL DEPUTY COMMISSIONER CHEE OF STARF CHIEF ACTHARY GENERAL COUNSEL INSPECTOR GENTRAL DEPUTY COMMISSIONER FOR FIVANCE, ASSESSMENT, AND MAKAGEMENTCHIEF- FINANCIAL OFFICER INTERNAL. REVENUE SERVICE, DISTRICT DIRECTOR Personal ile Form-SS4-52]-affiCert, —— RIGHT TO REFUSE TO DISCLOSE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 42 USCS Soe 4050) ic is the policy of the United States chat any Stre (or Political suivision thereat) may, in the ideleistraton of any tax, general public assists, tiver’s Ticease, or molar vehicle rexisttion law within its jurisdicton, stilize the social security account aumbers issued by the Secretary fur the purpose of exteblishing the identification of individuls affected by such law, and may requice ary individeal who is or sppeas to be 50 affected 1 amish to such Stite {or pofiiat subdivision thereof) or any agency thercof baving faltuniswative vespousibikey for the Taw iavolved che social security account mumber (or ‘numbers ifhelas more than onc such rurmbes) issued io him by the Secretary 42 USCS Sec.A45(C)(i) contains the phrese "inlividuals” affected by such law, may ~quite any individual who &8 9¢ appenrs ts be so affected to fumish’.."he social sectity ecoouat Sbumber" This phrase supgests itis my responsibility ro show evidence hat this nw dees not pny to me. These phrases “individuals affected by such law” and “appears tote so affected’, | fat that seme may not bes affected" Farther evden, which sippors that o affbote! is Delieve clon 2 some may notbe J. Tide 42 See a8: "Whoever {8) discloses, uses, or compels the disclosure af the social security number of any persen in violation of the Jaws of tue United Stes shall be gully of e felony 22d upon conviction thereat shall be fined under Till: 18 or imprisoned for net more then 5 years or both." 4. The Fifth Amendment of the Coustivuion Bill OF Right, the supreme Law of the Lend, says, "We The Peeple... "stall pot be deprived of Life, Werty er property, withoar due process flaw. 3. 26USC610s(aXe) Only requires an enuployer to REQUEST a social secusity aumber ftom ‘an esupleyce, nt demand one. 2. The Privacy Act of 1974 provides that "Ie stall be unlawEid for any Federal, Sate cr iocal govemment agency to deny te aay Individual aay righ benefit ox privilege provided by ta heeause of such sndividuale refusal 10 disclose his social steunity number” (88 St, 1986 Bee.Mayl) 5, Older social security cards centain. the phisse.."Not for Wdenification” 42 USCS 300.405(2)6) also contsivs the phrase "It the policy of the United States that eny State! “within the jurisdiction.” Jurisdiction is defined a5, 42 USCS(o)si) Por purposes of this subparagraph the ten “STATE? inehides the Commonwealth af Puerto Rien, the District of Cohunbis, the Vigin islands, Guam, de Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, and the ‘Trost Tenitory of the Pacific items The Supmeme Cowes has mle: Powers exce] Dovon v, Charron KU 133A, 2nd 829832 "Where J geneva form in Statite if followed ny the weed "iaebudiag™ he prvbary inipoa Of specific ‘words isto indicate eestrction rather than enlargement 4 reed this to be clear evidence that am noi "so afecta” by this law. thereby elimiuating the "appeass to be" questicn, I azn « Natural Private Citizen of the United Stales of Avcyica and am not within Be jorcdiction defied. Unless contrary evidence cun be pinduced, you wil be ia violation of Tide 42 See.408(B), and ihe Fifth Amendment of the Coustetuion of the United. Sistes of Amctia, if you contin 10 utempi to compel mo ¥0 prodice my secial security unrber, ar propenty, without due process wf few NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL 18 NOTICE TO AGENT AND NOTICE TO-THE AGENT 15 NOTICE 70 THE PRINCIPAL This Notice is ested aad sworn ta 011 Secured Fany's unlimited comercial lbil'y under penatty of perjury of the laws of The State of > andthe laws ofthe untied States of Amence to be tm, comet, and complete and not misteading to the best of my nowledge, Ss Vour Name Las Name, su jars Secured Pany/Creditor SUBSCHIBED AND SWORN tq before me this _ day of, +200 CE, NOTARY PUBLIC In ang for” the SPATE OF <>. My commission expires: x S(O TATE DEPARTMENT: PER THE DOCUMENTS FOR S DEPARTMENT OF SLATE. PASSPORT / RECORDS DIVISION, RM. 510 1111 19" STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20524 # SEND CERTIFIED MAIL ~ RETURN RECIEPT REQUESTED. After Renting, Rear To: ‘Your Adress NOTICE DECLARATION & CERTIFICATE OF SOVEREIGN STATUS “This Declaration Contifies that (your Name upper and lowercase) ‘sui juris isa bors harman male 2 moral man win setism and rcoral existence’ being a Native-bom Sovereign Ammican by Ting and by Law and do chim sll ubvolua! aaliensbl! imprassipae / Fundumentl Rights! ‘ivileges Immunities and Pretecticns’ as guiraiaed protected and secured by the oviinal ower compact (organie)! The Consituten fordhe rite Sa uf America (1787) /as meee? (1701) bythe BIL of Righty Andes im X,"The Devbasinel aman Rights! $81 40032. Fortes’ itis Cnrified frrsin du pursuant the Foveign Sovereign Immunities Act of Octeber 215 1976 [HH 11315]Publc Law 94983, 94h Congress, 90Staates at Large § VRS. 1999, Tes U.S.€, 24 ie siltin fread est ody, See Brihl v Dudley 268 F.2d $61, 513 @ 0.21, amg ober Ferhher, th séremeriioos! Sovereign Ameiam is Nev-Iraxpoated, Sancti bcapicsed, Statue Ibseume, Ts Incune, Tax-Exempt, FXPMPT Geve TEY'Y and clas Diplomatic Imennicr and Soversn Ionut! fcr, ad infintem! from (yon: biethdate} C.E., ‘ad infiniom.” ‘This Soveeign Stans is toreigt co and ant subject wvby the sat of “Statute Staple," “Chatel whoeeer "Tospayer avery "Person, Proper!" “Ciuizens* “Resident “Subic ‘er tes under Statues’ Nulee, Rogulasina! Polieies, common vanges of the Corporate United Siaies, the Corpaate United States of America, de Corporate Stat of Washington, anor amy wer Corporate Guyrermmerdal budy whasosver, without vali contact Furhermote hs Sovereign American aukes explicit reservation of all Rights pursountw the Unifom Commercial Code (UCC) §1-207, without the United States as defined in State or Fede Soames 2 - DESEARATICY & CERTIFTCAPE OF sovcazeN staTUs -_——_- FORMAL SOVERIEGN OATH OF RENUNCIATION (lus and middle name} sl jusis! Soverdgu’ Having Fit Hand Knowledge of the Fao a5 the facts hove been made Saou to me! Feceby and herein Geely RENOUMCE sl atlegiance to the Foreign Venue ané Juisdiccon of and within the United Stats (Washington DC}. 1 do freely give of ts Formal Renunciation! being of Seurd Minds and having with me the power af we Sovereign’ by HOD ADJAGIUTY tomakeof wy own volion dis ont ky Forval Declaration. Tn acood wit the provisions set thin Tole 8S S.C 1481, the Sovercign DPCLARES that ll OFFICERS! ACENTS, FNPLOYEES! ACTORS, or hervise OFFICIALS ef the United States! those being beund to obey the Laws and Sttutes peesribed therein’ are BOLIND to take NOTICE of this FORMAL OATH OF RENUNCIATION. At well, ewfoemenoned ACTORS, AGENTS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, audi other OFFICIALS of the United Stats Government’ Buin by the Laws Statues! | [Acts and Peovbions of the Sane Constitution hat rogue tbe aforemsustoned cntiss tu uphold the Censticutin shill net Eebings Upon! Tareva! Disregard or ohwewise find of no subscinee andr standing’ hs Fennal Osh of enunciation fy Deslaraion. Prrsusnt to Tite 8 ef the United States Cade Services ard the Laws as shay have bean enamerated in the HOLY SCRIPTURES’ J (frst and middle mane), sui juris, do DECLARE that o man cor : inftinge upon this Sovereigns Right to renounce allyiance to any Foreign Government’ Tyramnical Powec! King’ Feseign Nation or ofher Allen eeminion 1, irs and mite marae), su juris being a bor ree mas. upon he vil of the Ameicas do intend to abrogate ary Immunity oe Pattonal Right a ne thing herein shall be comsinueé to & 30. ‘These Personal Righe ace by ond from GOD Almighty and any infingement upon these Rehts ofthis Sovereign sui juris shall ne deemed a biact disegaed of thse Estilo? Rights to Lie! Liber? and baa fom life lim. TL (you: Sst and tide name), su Juris, herein’ ané hese’ DECLARE thet being a ree man of GOD! am nol nar il not give this Body’ Mied Spit’ or Soul” to eny Nation 8 defied by ; Govemmeat! ce body politic. Thit Soversign Maa’ Svein DECLARES that ne Law other than those ' ‘hs ave fo the peace and dignity of Sef resort? Keeeoomn’ and the Rights to Libity shall govern | this Saversign. -Eéyeurfrstand middle name}e-ljuris-do-DEGLARE chat dhe Las of the Common mar being of ‘he Comuson Law shall gover te and those Las hc are eyuisble and of gov ath sll govern ret I eAme OF SOvERIGM STATUS and I donot recognize any other farm of Polit the: thax that of the Republic whichis fer the People, ni by be Pecple/ ose being Sovereign, notCitins of a Foreign Goverment (Washington DC} NOTICE LSTNO THING IN THES FORMAL OATH OF RESUNCIATION 3 CONSTRUED 45, TO BE AN ACT OF EXPATRIATION OR RENUNCIATION OF AMERICAN NATIONALITY, THIS OATH 13 FOR THE EXPLICIT TURFOSE OF KENOUNCING UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP (THAT JURISDICTION OF/AND WITHIN WASHINGTON Dc), |, (vour fast aud middle name) (inst name) the Undersgnes Secured Party. Ceeaine do aver thay de abovementioned is the Trud vont Fat acconting ki the Kaw, and 4/10 she test of Kaowledge and Belief! True! Conect/ Censin and net meat to Mislead, This DecsraGon ard Cenificate is made under the Poins and Pemlties of Periery acvording tn te Laws of Almighty GOD! te united States of Amica ml: Sie of Washington, NOTICE TO PRIUCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT AND NOTICETO AGENT [SNOTICE. TO PRINCIPAL EXECUTED AND SIGNED by Meshis say of, 2008 CE, in Welia Walla State of Washisgion Your Teifaane, aa jars ovorelgu,Froe-Maw Secured Paris Creditor Ueidertn-Dae-Coureee Trade Name Owner yore SUBECRILEED AND SWORN to before me thi, Boy of 2003 CE. roa) ‘Norary Fubie >My Conmiasinn Gapices: a DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE OF Sovereign Ameria of theuuiled States of America Declarant states thatthe facts contained herein are true" curesu complete) an not misleading! « the best of Declarant’: perunel kncwledge and belief! under penaly of perjury! 10 the Lavs of the nied States of America and of The state of Washington. ‘When n the couse ofhnman evens! becomes nevessary for one People to dsvolve the varporete ovement bands vhick have connected ther with another end 0 asume among the pavers of the EEA Une separate and eqlal sation to which the Liv of Nawre and of Walue’s God eile them? a flunt ceapeet fo the options Of mankind cequices that they should declare the causes which impel thet 4 Oe separation We bid these truths t0 be selbevidint Mat all human beings are created equal’ that dey, are endowed by het Creator #30) certain un-atiena-ble Rights! tht among these ace Lite Iherty and the pirat of Happiness. We hold tat we Naural Righs of all Fivman sings inemde/ without Timitionsé the Righ: to PRIVATE property ownership’ the Right te wave’ the Rught to contact’ the Rigir locals ther pn chron 38 they see ft He Right so culivate acl build on they own Lands! ‘and the Right te the fait of their Labor, That to secure these Right’ won-eorporats governments are insted Smong the Soveretgn men and Stone’ deriviug, her uxt powers from the conoart of the fovemed! That whenever any form of government becamnes destructive 0 ebese ends! i the Right Ere Peoote to alteror ntti hand fo faetitre sem government! oclaining the Orginal Jurediction thacoue ferefathers Eught and died upon the American suf for! laying its folrdation on such form, es rove stall sccm mest likely to effet tele sfery and boppiness. Pruduace/ indeed wil dictate that governments long esablished should NOT be changed fer ight and transient causes; and accordingly? STexpeence tat stown that People ae suace disposed to suffer! while evil are soffeable! than to Tigh themacives by abolishing or to saver the forms to which they are azcustamed, Bot wher a long in oftloacs al ypourparionar pursing meri the same object evinces a lesign to reduce them Linder absolute desputim ane deception! i their Right iF skeit Duty! to redress such government” Std giovide mew guus Cor the nbarent protection of Rights endl future security. - Such has tear the patent suTerarce ofthe American Pouple, and such i now the necessity which consirins them to alter [isl formar synemset guvetnent. The histor ofthe present Corprrate US. President Congress and Soulsary of Oi Unied Sates (sa history of vepesed injuries ane uaurpations! all having in diect ‘hes dc estalishrent ofan apeolte martal eanty ever the American Beovie, “To prove this fer Factbe subrmiced toa cacdid world ‘They nave refsed their assent to aww the most vihoiestme and neesisary forthe public good ‘They have forbidden passage of Lanis of inmertate and pessing importaaset uterly negleeing to attend tae wil of he Atverican People ‘They have refused co pass ather Lave for the sccoammodaion uf large districts of Feople! unless those People wuld eingsish fhe Right of representation te legblaturs a Right sestinable to them snd formidable tant oy Tes bave called Coscther leietive bodice at places unusual and uncomfortable sad have wed pracorad maneuvers to abstract the wbwinistati of justice forthe Sole porpose o¢ Tagmtng th into comrlianoe wit their measures, Hew hive TepeOUIT relased WS Akay THE’ CaMRRIOR OT tie" UNRe StoesoF Ameren ihe Supreme Law of he band, They have endeavored to preven the paputaion of these sites: fer eat purpase imposing =~ pseu jeecenvener 1 unconstitutional aws or nesurliztion of foreigner’ and sising the sondtfony of new appropriations ofan ‘They hive otstucted de adminisvatioe of justice, hy refusing to obey [avis uleady exblished in cour Cunaiation; by retasing to follow dias proces of -aw and by ignoring Inf alleges to their uthority ard protuming authority in ll easer whatsoever ‘They have cambinod sith ethers tn subject vs te 2 jurisdiction foreign ta our Constitution! and naclnowledzed vy our Lass! giving span to thee acl of protended de facts legislation Fr imposing tates on us froign to our Constitution without our consent; or ramertine 0 into foreign jurisdictions o be ried for pretended offences: Rec ahoishing the free system of Republican ina (eleraltestory/ establishing therein legislative demostecy’ and enlaeing ity boundaries so af t9 render it at once an exemple aod fi insiroment ior miorlicing the sare absolute rulesno ese united Stas of Ameritas Fr taking avay cor charters! abetting our mos! vafuable Cavs! and altering fundamentally the fms of ovr poverniments Fer suspending ow owe legislatures and declaring theruslves invested Wath power to elite for ve inalleasss whatsoever. : ‘They hve conspised fo foros us under emergency war powers during times of peace! and indirect sioktton ofthe Consteution of fhe untied Stale of America’ the Supreme Law of he Lamu, Tey have couspited fo elevate one sles of professional tt of aameys! 10 re over all three Branches of Goverment prohibiting crdiaary Amedcans Som accessing the Common Law hich belongs teal fre Americans “They have absicatid government nee! by declaring us wut of hs protection an wageing wa with nevery stage of theve oppression: We have petitoned for redress inthe mest humbic terms. Our repealed prilions nave been answered cwly by repeuted injury! and ws uf Tee! sconsed of being terrorist fr redressing those injuries. | [Nor have we been wanting inatestions to our fellow Americans. We kuve verncd ther frm tine tw dow of sdenpe ty ined glue to ealead a wovorrenable joradiction over us. We have reminded ther of the Randamental principles underlying aur Laws. We bave show them dhe may | “alaGous of gur Conatuation’ the Supreme Law ofthe Land’ hp the Corporate JS. govemmect. We have appeaied th then native justice and magnanimity! and we have pleaded with them by the ies of | Sur caning leritnge a1 Becbors Aanorienne ta dis hase wrurpaions! wtih! wold inentaly interupt os cotnestions end coresponsderce. They too heve been deaf to Gee voice of muth fstce! ‘feeder and gur common hortage I must therefore! soguizee in the necessary which desoumces. cur ‘xparatio: | i YourNiems of he (st Name Gai’ do heshy edeclere ay conmisat ent ddieton to tue euipin em nbch thy ate Speen Aven ae Fee Tdedane ny yp Fe Oasis i State’ of te ante? Stats of Amo~on and lhe Organic Consitaens french Von sate. recognise Austin Lows ar they tone ills tabled wooed seine ou Godeivet Seal Right. I'am toto tenerst’ th anarchist’ ror 60 | 6 lavleseress, | ecole ms TShttate le bt Gots Lett Ameren Coron Las an cay pera oar eee! Govwbile tdligety obese ourhigies wee me 1, VourNarns of the (ast Name) family! 2 Representanve of the American People uf the united | 2 = SESLARATION OF TNDBPENDEWSE. : EE EN RE REET _—— Sunes of Americal appealing to the Supreme Tudge of the werld for dhe retinue of ay ireetions! dot inthe tama! and by the wothocty ofthe American Pecple ard myself sulecily publ and declare’ thet Atton-Wayne i and nf Right? a fe and independent inhabrant of the Americ, Raablic hat Agmon-Wyne ip absolved Gom all allegiance un te United States levsiaive democracy. federal fomornie grverment? che corgorse Strte’ Counties) Tosnebyps! and any and alt olher Ioteonstintional govemmerts’ ee any of thett agencies or representatives’ and that all pultical fonneccon hetween fem and the United Sites corpse gnverrment! eargorate State governments ‘omporse Coanty an6 eotporate Township governments’ and any ather aoncanstitional government be nomgovemmert organization! and apy of theie agentes o representatives’ ncuding without limitation’ De forign United Nations is oad ought fo be (olaly dosolved: t> save our inherent Swversiznty; and a8 a fee and independent American inhaticany I ave the full power to determine how wl ive - wethout damage fo my neighbors, Further! for te support of this Declarstion’ with a fim relianes on the protetion of divine Providence’ I pledge tay Life! my Fortme and my Saceed Honor! to the Republic of che several and Foee Union eos of Attica, Given under my hand and seal on this day af in the Two ‘Thousand and Thin year af our Lerd anna Darna Aanon Hayne: Cooke (5103838, CIEL, 1-58-05 330 tages Cased Hees Céakkege Enyy bieshinigton 198326) OFFICE OF CONSE, FOR pErENSE 2m OB. TTERDNCE M, FYAL, dba ‘ATTORHET 37 LAW 1398, College Ave. ‘Spotnts, ws 99200) SeOEANE CNTY SUPERIOR COURT, STATE UP WASHTAGTOM ee foe oeta9-9, OF IAM, STATE T=a, and Iedgment Brder’ #956021930, 959021949, and 959021966, NOTICE OF TERNDNATTON/DISCBARGE OF SERVICE wi ne, cud forte, of the Coake Family, sad che Secured Partr/Creditor, se hecbed Gary and Teste, Rae Omer of che DEER Trade wane FAAROH WATSE OMS" cr any variations or darivatSves thereof or therefrom, Tiany fora, dor DEGAME the following tn ay on Authorttrt ds of this date, yoo, Mee RYAN , BIE OPFIGR OF CONSEL TOR USFEASE and, any Bee Retor, Defies! of Inployee operating vhrough' che OFFIC: CF COuSEL RBS Uestes ‘or STIZE OF WASHINGTON ore DISCARGED/FITED, See, Borr_y-— oy, soe Was 21 18" at 328 (1994) "At roraey shan fired, is fired WiEhoUE question che Teale Jase Caner of che mane "AARON RAINE COATS," oc any vartattons BS Mtwacives thereof or iherafron, tas form, T deeant chat any end all Heads te Riles, ineloding tt not lisited to, spy clectrome oF asgnerie peti etorage, in yore pos a pelative to the SOKINE COUNTY Cause Nuaher tects Gomer Dider Muster eentkoned abcea, be relecsed to pe iameciately {per BPC Bale 1.15@) ). Your proupt and immediate action in this uatter {s greatly appreciated. Rapact fully, rm teats Securad Party/Creditor Solder-L-Due-Course Trade Rane Omer aecord Dare pecpia RDEG FARTONIOLEO2 ~ 8 ee a VwW36vV————————— re AN AND POR THE COUNTY OF SPORARE i STAGE OF uASETneTON, casae #94-1-62339-1 Plaintice. ' DISMISS COUNSEL AARON RAINE cours. OF RECORD ) ) } i I " ) MotEoH 0 ) ) Defendant. 1 CONBS NOW, AARON WAYNE COATS, The defendant in above entitlec cause and moses this ccur= for ene following OanER: Pursuant zo CeR 3-L{e] the defendant in the above encitled cause tow before this Honerable Court to disniss counsel of fegord. It is the full and sumpetent understanding of tre defendant chat ne nas the right usder the Criminal Rules of the Coort co tepeasent himself at any given time. The Court cance Sismise counsel in 2 ceiplaal rassertion and/or peoceesing Without che express recognition aud agzcomert cf the defendant and Sefendant's counsel of cecore This Yotioa secvee 9s receguition and ia the orzicial request of Une defendant in ene eneitled Cause. Saeed on one Rotlon the cefendens wequests chac tne Court CRUSE :he DsSNTSSAL Perence #. Ryan 1n04 W. college Avenue Seoxene, WA 99201 FUGTEERNCRE, defendont acke this Cougt te allew defendant to proceed pro-as with the hnowiedgy and undecarsnding of all legal famificetions due in the above eu:itlad cause sureentiy before Uils Honsestls Couts Roepeccfully eudmitted. SRROW_DAWNE COATS, o -- HOE. #405538, Tho . Clad tam Buy coresct:ana Genter BS4C Bagle cease May Challan Bay, Wa 96326-9723 MoTEON TO DIGHISS COUNSEL OF RECORD - 1 Aaroa-Nayns: Coats? non-agsumpsi t/TDS: In care af: P-0. 60x DORSALE SORES OY ATTORNEY aavon-Nayae: coats Li Ty AARON DAENE COATS?, Jobeor, 1630 Eagle Crest Way, Cleltan hays Wa 22320; do hereby appoint Raron-ayne: Coats®, Secured Patty, aun-assomasit/TDC: cfc F.0. BOK Ss Ryn atictnsy in fees: so take evelveive charge of) manage and Contac: all of my personal, business, ts* and legel affairs. and SOMES for Ghe™pcineinals in the peineizal's name aad place, Uithout limitetign on the povers ceccssary to carry cut this Sotive “purpose se authorized. This power of | Abcarney Gomplezely “revctes atl authecity nade dy all srevious/pzcir fonbes of attorney wharner by presumenace, legal fiction or fact End includes al. entities, government agencies endfor presumed Sovernvcnl agenzies a5 initio: 2D} the atternsy in fact shall nave a2] powers ofan ansolute Oures sver tie agseta ¢nd Liabilities of the principal, vhetner Yocated within ot without che State of Nsshingtons 3) the avtorney in fact shel: have authority to gay debte and gupenses of the peancipal, reascaihie expenses insurred Sythe sltorwey ic fact in exevedsing sis dbrable power of altoeney? 4) The attorney in fact shalt have fel. power and sucioeity Le Sizece medical care and attenvion, heapita. end othe: confinanenL ang the power to give consene to uedical teoeerent and opetasiecs in the ause of she ondersigned and to consent za the seniaistering of drugs lo Che Ladersigned ug the came extent <2 te tne attorney in fact ware appointed guardian of the person of Said principal acting under coacl orders 5} his power of attorney shall neccue sfzeclive innsdis 5) This power of attorney necowes effertive se provilos in peragnspn © and shall remain in effect to tae extent persitted by TRB: uncia revoked of terminated under pacagraphe 7 and O; 5) this power of attocrey cay pe revoked. auependod or terminated jn weiling by peineigel with writen sotice to the designated Besdeney de lease and ty recording the cxitton insteiment of fevocetion in the cifive ef the rococdar or auditor cl tre county In which this Cocument 19 reccraad? PORABEE PONER OF RTYORNEY -- Page 1 ot 2 8) The Geacy of the peincigal auall be deenud te revoke thie power of attorney apou aetuel knowledge or actual aotice being ey ia Fact Peceived oy rhe attors 8) the cesignated and acting attorney in fact an@ all _peesens Geoiing vith she attceney in tact shail be enlitied ca rely upon Shis powse of sztarney 29 long as neither the attorney in fact Tor any person wich whom ae was dealing at the time of any act Uiken pursuans to thse. ower of attorney, had received uclual Knowledge oF scsual notice cf any revacation, suspension, ut Cireination of parse of abtornsy sy deskn cr otherwise. Any Section so taken, unlass othervise invalid oc unenforceaple, shall Be binding on the heirs, davisess, legates or personal representative of the principal: 10} whe estate of the principal shall held navuiess and Indemnaty ihe Lotocney in fect fron ali liability for acts done in goal faith ane not in Eravé of Lac principal; 41) the laws of The State of washington shall govern thie power DF attorsey- This povar of attacney is sisned on the dey of Mou. and co become effective a9 provided En garsarach 5 FARCE WRIWE FORTS 9, CRANECR EuS0 Bagi Ceest day Gtallaw tay, NA 95726 Che Skate of Nasnington } Jes. coancy ) Whig 12 re cercafy chat welyve ney the ondevaigns’d Notary Public, personally apgeared ASRON UAYNE COATHS, to ne Known for proves ty ie pt the busin of setasfactary evivones) to be the Enividuel “eecrited herein and sha executed the foregoing Bicauie Power uf Attcency. and wkaguisdgad to me that he signed an sealed the sane ae iia free and velancacy act and deed for Ules ana purposes tnecezn mentioned. SuBsekIDeD AED GxORN xe hedore ome this cay of, » 200s The Stace of Wazhingzan, legates = ny Cones ion Expires DUSABLE FEWER OF APTIRNGY -- Page 2 ef 2 POWER OF ATTORNEY LIMITED Koow All Sten by These Preseats: That I, DEBTOR'S NAMB, the Debtor, sorparate nity, and ‘ons fei,’ the andersigred, Hereby ovake, constiwle and appoints Secured Party, (Nem, herein, th flesh and blocd man, » living soul, the Secured Party:Crediur as my team lawfully Atomey in-frct for sneand in my corporate capacity (LLC), place und stead and forms ‘personal and commercial use and bene: 1. To ak, demand, Tequesi, fils, sue, rocover, register, collet and recrive euch and ‘every sum of meney, etedit” accounl legacy, bequest, interest, dividend, arnuity and demand (Gehich now is or hereafier shall become due, ovng or pryable or dischirgatie) felonging tar accepted or claimed by m2, or presented to the DEBTOR; DEBTOR NAME. (a corporate nity) and 10 use and lake any Laefi] andior conmercial means uvcessary for the reeavery hercof by logal or oommeccial proceas or otherwise, ard to execine and deliver or weve a stisfacion or release therefor, rogether witb the right and power to sefle, compromise, ‘compound aad or discharge any claim oF titiots any aderinistrative claim For danages or make any necessary demands, "2. To exercise any of all of the following yowers a8 to all Kinds of persons property, rivare property and any propedy, apeds, wares and mercheadise, choses in action and other [Property in possession or where a security interests established and wa or in ofher actrons; 3. Ta secure by private regisration the inierest, of the security intrest in any or at property where necessary, fo accept for value and to discharge any and all debs for fine, fee, or Tia where necessary to ene the conmrereia! adjustment of any such assount helé open against the DEBTOR-DEBTOR NAME; to use where necessary any Sight DraftsMoney Orders, Bills of Exchange to finalize any of the above in my beta, 4. To apen ary Checking accomnss whereupon being ‘closed,’ to discharge any fines, fees raves aad dehts va adjostment and so-off To enite, amend, supplement and oc lemninats any trust or the RES created by the goverment (District of Columbie) and ratiied or exercised in any manner by any ol 16. To recuest serieve, fife, submis, or otherwise, ary papars in ry behalf for any matter whether commercial, eussijudicial, administrative, or odkenwise and to sign my leget corporate hhame as ty act and deed, t execuie and deliver same for any redress ar remedy, cla, aut oF otterwise GIVING AND GRANTING, unto my said Attorey-ip-lact fill power ard authority to do and pettomt al] and every act and thing whatsoever requisite, necessiry oF appropriate Lo be ove ie and abou all matters a= fully to all intents and parposes as I mighl a eauld do if T was personally present, and herehy tatfving all thal my Attorney-in-fact shal awully 40 or cause to be done by virue of these presen, The powers and authority hereby eonfeced upon my said ‘Anorney-in-act shall be applicaale to all tea) and pevate property, personal property or imerest {herein sow owned or hereinafter aoquited by «ve asthe “ENS LEGISILLC and wherever state, and as evidenced by a filed secudty interes. ‘Mi said Attorney-in-face Secured Party's Name is empuwered heresy to determine in bia soe discretion the tim, ptsgose for and manner in wich any power herein confered upon him shall he excroised, and the coniitions, provisions and covenants af any instrument(s} or documeni(s) whieh may re executed hy ier pursuant herelo; and im the aeguisinoe or [POWER OF ATTORNEY POae PT el esssiID diseitution of real, personal or private properly, my ssid Anomney-in-lact shall have exchsive ower to x the terms or amounts thereof for casb, Funds, evedit andioe affecting all property ‘relucing rights, tiles, inerest io same and if avfor credit ~ with or without secu. ‘Wheu the context so require, the masculine gonder includes the feminine andor nevter, snd the singular nomiers achudes te plerl \WIENESS roy hand this day of, 2003, AD. si DEBTOR'S NAME HERE scene Fay Name Aarhoed apreentaive Stare of ) 388, County of __ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEPOE ME this _of 52048, personally known fe me aF upon Hleetifcation tobe the ‘naan whose mame oxi Neary Publis ip and fe My eouniecion expees 2 POWEROF AITORNEY. Road POWER OF ATTORNEY LIMITED Know All Meu by These Preseuts: That f, the Debtor, corporate entay, and *ens legis.” the undersigned, hereby make, eorstitue ani appoints see vee om “herein, te flesh ard blood mean,» liviog soul, the Seeuced BarylGredhor ar my ae and lnwhilly Anoriey-infoe! for me ond in ray comporate capacity (LLC), place ane stead and for my persona] and corrmercial use and benefit } f. Teask, demand, request, He, sue, recover, register, callect and receive each and cvery sum af moncy, credit, acouml Tegacy, bequest, serest, dividend, snmuity and demand Gbick nove is or hereafter shall become de, wing or payable or dischargesble) delonging to or asvepled or claimed hy me, nr presented to the DEBTOR: {e corporate entzy) and to use and take any lavdul andioe commercial means necessary fer the rcovery thereof by legal or commercial process or otherice, and te execute and deliver of ceive a satishiction or release therefore, wgether with the right and power 10 sctle, compromise, compotaxd and ot discharge any claim or inltiace any admninistetive elaica for damages or make any necessary demands; 2. ‘Te exerese any oral] of che following powers as to all kinds of personal property, srivate property and any property, goods, wares and merchandise, choses in action and olher [plopery in possession of whelea security imerestisestatlished and or in cher setions; ‘2. "To menre by private regisrmion the mferes, or the securty icteres. in any or all moperty wllere racestary, 10 accept for velue and to discharge any and all debts for fine, fet, o¢ tas where necessary, cause the commercial wljusauemt of nay sich secourt hell open wgsinst the DEBTOR. jw us where necsssay ony Sight Drafts Money Orers, Bilis of Exchaagé to finalize my of the above in my benulf, 4, To open may Checking arcounts whereupon being ‘closed,’ to discharge any fines, fees, txes and debts via adjustment end set-off 5, To create, mend, sunplerent ant or termine any rust ur the RES created by the goverment (Disrict of Columbia} ard ratfied o exercised ip any manner by an other Stare; 6, Ta request relrieve ilo, smi, or there, any papers in my behallfor any matter whether commercial, quasijudiciel, aministoxive, or oferwise ard to sign my egal corporane ‘ame as my act and deed, 10 execule and deliver some for any redvess or remedy, clin, suit ar otherwise, GIVING AND GRANTING. unto my sti) Atvorey-in-fael full power are authority to do nul perfor sll sat every act and thing whatsoever requisite, necesgery Cr appropriate Gy he one in and uboet all matters as flly to all intents end parpeces ae Tmixht cr evuld dy iff wae personally presert, and hereby ratifying all thatmy Attorney-i-fact sll luwZully to or cause tt De done by virus of these presents. The powels and auority hereby conferzed wpor my said Actomey-in-fact shall be applicable to all sea! end private property, personal property cr inlerest tiereinnow ovmed or hereinafte: acquired by me as ihe “ENS LEGISLIC ani wherever siteate, and as evidenced by a fled security teres. My std Anemey-in-fact: is empowerd fereby to dsermine in bus sole discretion che tne, pulpose Br and manner in which any pousr herein conferred upon him shall bo exorcised, end the cenditions. provisions and covenant: of any instrumen() er slpeutem(s) which may be exeeated by him purwuant beret, and in the 1-POWER OF ATTORNEY Pons RE TEE nares ———: rece acquisition or disaibuion af real, personal ar private property, my said Atomey-in-fact shall Ihave exaluatve power 10 fx the ins or enous wiereoF for cash, fads, credit andor affecting all property, inclading rights, fides, interest te same ard if on‘Tor ecedit - with or without sexi (When the context so ceques, the masculine tender includes the ond the singular aumbees lacludes the phiral WITNESS my hand this sy of, si Fatigrizad Rapresrnraive SURAT State of 188, ‘Coun of > SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFOE ME ts __of 2003, personally inown ta mee or opor identification to be ite inal Whose mame sobscabed othe within instrument _ Seal) Noiay Pail aad for 4 Bate My commission expres. 2- POWER OF ATTORNEY roa, 908535 see 7.0 remarry ACRE oe MEEOTIAREE. cnie Security Agreenart iz qade_and enteted into this 17th dey of gust, SECT CoE-s oy pd bitvamn TOE SHE CORTS, DEELOR ineretnaster Cefonos), SOctK, SOCIRITY | ACOOUMT #4 ‘by ana pavee-Heynes RT Dred encry sovereign (herainsfter ‘Secures Forty")+, tears Seater Seton feeselsi00, the Parties (haveinafter "Parties*) ate Sgantitied a8 folloss: peser: ARCH HAANE, COATS Josea8, SP, (6-E-25) BBL. 13tn avenue ATLA RELA, NR 99362 secured Ports? Aavenitamer Soaks [aveseae (e128) ¥8P. iba L3eh Avenel fella Halla, Nashingten teazs2l row, SHERIEORE, the "Pestien” agree a follows: sce In consideretion for Secwed Party Providing cavtain secomodations to DEVINE, Eneluoing, Bue eat Linlted Eo, Saeweed Party: | ametiivting we aource, origin, eibstance and beings 3 4 tess “of Sevewiating claim” fom sich the existence of BREIOE Ae Pom Si-21701 SeCURETE AREER = - - 908535 sme BTA able to function as a tranemitting wtilley, Le agcve aa a eomudt for trisaniesion at gots a0 services tn Commercial Activity, and sareract, cantvact, and excrange gools, services, abligationa ani Liabilities in Homerce with cther Destors, corporations and artificla persona: 2. Sinming by scccnmadaticn for DEETOR in all cases uhatscever, herein any signature et DERTOR 1s required; 3, Tesaing a binding commitment to extend crodit oe for thy extension Of immediately available crait, vhether of rot arsun upon, oF whether oF ree a ohargabise 30 grovicad for in the event of difficulties in colaection; 4+ _Provhalny the security for paynent of sil suns de or ving, of to evans due oF Oring: by BEATER! andr 5. Congtisutiag the souce of the azgctas via the aentlent exlatences evercise of facuities, and labor of the Sccwed Party, that proulde the walusble euicisaration eufticiant to mgport app contact whieh BER nag execute or to which DBUTOR nay be regarded es hound by any parson niatck hereby confivma voluntary entry of DEFIOR into the Comercial Registry ani transfers and assiges to Secured Party 5 security Interest in the collataral described hereinbelow. FEET PD now aL1_men ny chess presente, that AAACN WRINE COATS, peORCR, eataolishes this bor in ator of the Seasved Paty, sacor~faynet Coatsy Sp the sun of present Celleteral Yelues up to the penal sin or ‘Sne-tuntead-Btllica United states Dollars (5.00, 000,000,020.00), for he pateent Of which tend; well aad eeuly made, MEDPCR ‘ulna DEBTOR anc Oaeron's “hiers. executors, adninistrators and third-party assigns, jeinely and severally, by hace presente ‘The cendétion of the above band la: samsed Party covenants to ao certain things on sehalf ct the DSBIOR aa set forth abawe in the Ssgewenont.” and ORBTOR, usth rear to conveying goods and services in comerciat” actovity to “Secured Forty, covenants to serve as @ trmsmnizting utility therafore and, a8 avcurance of fidelity, grants to Senured Party Security iInteras: iy tye hersin-telow decribed ‘setlateral- a bend snall ba in force and effect ae of the date hecson and until the DeBICR'S Surety. Aazon-eyvu: “Casts, 4a released trom ZebiLity By & written Once of the WIE SINGS SOMA anc provided tha: said Surety may cancel thls bod ond be velleves of Curioee LiebLLicy hereunder by cellvering Thirty-day (30-Day} wedtten SECON AGENT 2. sx-21701 908555 ie #0 notice to DEBTOR. ‘So sich canoellarion shall affect amy liabitity freorsed or agereed heewimer oricr to the temination of said Thirey-Day (3-Day) perio}. an mh even: of notice of cancellation: Teens agesna ta reiasve che bond before che end of aid Turty-Dar (Go-Diy) peried for an aman eyoel to Of gpester Chal the anove-scated vnlue Of this Seowity Morsenert, unless the Parties agree othervise. Doerr cane peBneR, cfthoot the benetit of dismasion or aivision, does hereby agree, covenant and nnserteke t2 indemnify, defend and told Secuced arty fammlees irom and acainat any sna all clalte, logsee, Liabiilties, costs, Interests an eponses, (hereinafter veferced to as “Claims” or *Claim"?, thich Clains fnelade, vitnout Pestrsction, ani ley costs; intereoto, Penalties and fines authersd or incurred by Secuved Party, ia accord with Groured carty's persona) gurarcee wlth respect to. ony loak, oF Endebtedrese of CREDO, including any anqant DEBIOR night be deened to nw to any Greditoe Fer apy ronson whatanevor: scoured marty chall promptly adcine DEBICR of any Claim and provide TEENA with fel] detalle of pid Claia, including 2 copy of any docunent, porvanponioncey tit cf action recaived by or served acon Sacuted 7rty. Seowee Perty anall fully coperate sith DEBTOR in aay Gascussion, regotiation or cther erocestins relating to ny Claim. PBLIGATIONS SECURED ‘me security interest GRAVIED herein sectxes any and 221 sndwraness doo Liebllity whatsoever of DEBTOR to Secored Party. shother direct or Grltrect, absolute of comelngant, due or to becowe fue, now existing oF heneatter arising end however evidenced. ne collateral to vhich thie Security Agreoment pertains Includes, but: HE not necesuar!ly linite? to, all hereimbeloe described personel and Gaal property of DEBIOR, in vhicn Secured Party nolds all intereot. DEBtot seiaie poscasaion and See, and rignta of possession ané use, of alt collazeral, and all. proceaia, products, accoumes and finturas, and the Orders therefrom, are relewod to DETER: Refore ary of the below-icenized property can be disbursed, exchamed, gold, tenieced, forfeited, gifted. treneferred, sucrendered, conveyed: Grottoyed, disposed of, or Otierviae renored frow DEBLER"S parsesulny Dishowor Settlement Agecenent, Bill of Exchange # AUC-IZ256C-001 hls by Shoured (aeey Must be sotiefied in Titi and adaovledgenent oc sane completed. emt ARERMET = 3 B70 mye 908535 wate 00 1. All procesds, products, accomta ani fixtures fron crop, mmine-haad. vell-haad, vith eranamittiny uiitities, etse7 AL veers, saes and Snecma: 3. AL land, wineval, sater and air cignta: 4, AIL cottages, cabina, heuses and huildinss: 5. Al canke accounts, bank “safety” depoait boves and the contents Mersin, crecit caro accounts, checting aceamts, savings avennte, reticenant alan accounts, stocks, honda, aecuritiea and senecite feo AIL inventory An any source; ALL machinery, eleher ageioulturel or industriel: : 2. 241 bosta, yachts and watereunt, aad a2 equismant, ! aceostreoents; baggage and cargo affixed ov pertaining cherato or awed therein, inctuding, ft vot ited tar s1i nokove, aighnag, anetilary equipaent, accasscties, parta, tools, instrumanta, elesronte eqigrenc, ngvlgstional aids, service equiprect, Tbrianta. fusis and fuel saaitives: : 9. ALL aircraft, glidess, belleens and all squipment, accoutrements, baggage ac cargo ‘afiixac or pertaining therato or ‘stowed therein, 1 IneitGing, bur nict Linfted to: 91] moters, engines, ancillary «bh onedt ! accessories, parts, tools, inatrimenca,elsctranie aquégmane, navigational aids, earvice eyuipnent, accesscries, pacts, Lineleants; ss ated fool adcitivesy 10. Al2 motorhomes, trailers, nobile-hones, recreational mhieles, i house, emyo ond eeavel tealleea/eomtednersy arc all’ equip, : accoutrements, caggage and cargo affixed ar pertaining therate of stoved | thovein. iseluding bar not Lfmited be: ail anclilaey equigeent, sooessoriee, parts, survice equipment, ubricanta, fuels and fuel i sesitive LL. 24] Livastoek and anlunnls. end all things vequired for the ears. fecéingy ose and husbanaky cheteot! 32. AML vehicles, sutombiles, tracis, four-wheel vehicles, trallere, Sevoms) motorcysles, bieyeles, tricyoles and “wheelec” conveyances 13. AL computers, conputer related ecuionent and agcesoories, electeonicaziy stored files, sata of dhla-[iles, telephones, electronic ‘equipment, office equignont and wactinee: eowney arene — 4 ox-au7en 908535 mut 7.0 24, ATL visual repromiction systone, aural reproduction systens, motion pictures, Cilms, video tapes, adic tages, soundtracks, compact discs, phonograph records, fil, viceo and avral prohiction equipment, Capers, projectors; eusical iostrupnta anc any orner "lse0t" Ot “nagnetic™ storage mediim: 25. 11 books, booklets, pamghlets, sreatises, treetrent, monsgrapne, Stories, weitesn material, Tibreries. playe. sereerplays, iyeiesy sora and mic? 35. All books, Jedgers, and vecoria: 17, 1) Tradataris, Registered Hacks. copyrights, gatents) proprietary Gata, and cechnalory, inventions, xoyalttes ant good will: 18. AL gehvlaatic aegrens, Siplonas, bowers) averda and meritorious etrationa: 19. At records, iarise, ourméle, phetoyraghs, negatives, Ecanspatencies, imjes, video fooiags. film faotaze, dravings, sound records, audio ond video tapes, cerputer produsticn or storage of all Kinda shacanevers 20. R11 ingergrints, footprints, pelnoriats. thumoyeinss, RRB Reteriale, D8 materials, blood and bloat feections, bicrates, murgioaliy revved tissue. bodily parts, dryer, hele, teeth, nsile, sown, Orin oF other bodily fluids of matter, voice-printy vetinal irege, tapping and the description thereot, and all other corporal ident! fication caters, phosiott soneavcorte, in any fotw and all Pimeede, conor? nembore. ond information pertaining thereto: 21. AL bfousteics data, records, infermstion and processes not, gliwhore dosctibed. the use thereof, and the ose thereot) and the use of the information contained tierein ar percalaing there: 22. All rights to sotain, sss; request, refuse or authorize the adninieteaticn of any éeug, miaipulation, satersal, process, peicedire, Fay, or wave which alters; oe MK alter the preswil or future state of body, ind) apirit or will by any means, wethod cr process whatooever? 22, 22 eighte to eayoust, refuse or authorize the adninigtracien of ony deus moniputations naccrial process; proceacey ray; of wave yhich Sltero, or night olter the praseat or future state ef Boly, ind, apirlt or win By any means, method of proceoe whatosavert 24, M2 keys, Locka, lock combinations. ancryntion soriea ox Keys, sales, secured’ places and security devices, seawwee prograns 5nd soituare, machinery of any doviens related thereto: 25. aL eights to accons and to use ubiLities won parmnt of ORIN ARENT ~ 5 axza701 | i 90858 vem 1.0 tha sue unit eats as the ecoparable units of usage offered to estatavored custencrs, including estle, clmtricity, garbaga, gan, Internet (Borle-tiido-usb: wev.), satellite, coace, teleghone, vater, and all other mathode af commmicseion. enevyy teanstianien, aod food or Voter dlatribation: 2. All lant ‘to barter. boy: contract, sell or trade ides, products, services or soe 2). All eights to eceates invent, adopt, utilize or promliate any ‘system or neans of currency, merey, median cf exchange, coinage, barter, economic exchenge, bookkesping, recerd-Keeplay and the Lives 25. ALL rights to we any free, rented, leaged, fixed or mobile @onteile es thoagh the same vere a permanent domicile, frea from regret to apply Cer or obtain any governert tirense or persission, ani free from mtry, intrusion cr stxveillance, by any moang: regardless Sf duration of leae periods se Jorg ey any requise! lease (a suerantly Bald oF subsequent three-day (-daj) grace period ma not expired: 28, AML rights t mnage, ganewar, direct, gcide or travel in any fem cf aitambile or movorinae convoysnce uhatascvee, without any equirenent to apply for ar astain ay goverment Iecnse, permit, cartiticate or pereisaion of acy kind wnateacvers 30. AL cighte to tur, sell, wrede, row, vadam, gather, hunts te%or agle and store too, tier and raw matarlala for shelter. clotting and survival al, ail cights to aarry end procreate childven and ko veer, ghusata, I €xéin, guice and spicitustly eelagheen any such chsidean, without any | requiranent to afgly tor er cbtain any goverment Ticense, permit, Gereifioane of pormtigatan of aay SLM whatsoever 32, AIL eights wo exeecise tretom of religion, worahip, use of sacraments, spiritual practice and expression without any abeidgent of {Bree agecch or the right to publiah, ov the Fight to eaacatolly agsentler be the Fight co petition Governnent for tedtess of grievances, oc petition any military force of the Onite® Staten for shyaieal peocectlon Econ theeats te tw safety ani intugrity of person or property fram either "public" or "private" sources: 33. 111 rights to Keep and bear ams for self-tafease of self, family ani parties entreatiog ghysical protection of peraan and property: 3631 rights to create, preserve and mintain {orfolable, spiritual serctuary and tecelve into sane any and all parties requesting safety Braver shelter: 32 ALD elute Go exact Ooctmente of travel or every kind spomnTRe semester — eee 908535 ws a0 wiatacerer, including thoat signifying dipiaatic status and ammontty as 3 'ftee, independent and sovereign state-in-fact 3%, AML clains of omership or certificates of title to conporeal and Gicorjorcel nereditamace, hereditery muccesion ond all innate ampocts of being, ise. wind, body. soul, free vill, faccdties and sel! 37. AML rights to privacy ané security fn pacson and provercy: Inctusiog tut not Linited to. ati rights te aatary and security of all fometold or sanctusey dvellers or guests and ll papers and affects Lelenping €2 DENKM 9F any Rossehald or sanctsary dwellers oF guests, Dyainst governmental, quasi-garernsental of private intcuslon, detainee Shey. soins, aoagcn servelliance, trespass, aagailt, summon oF Sherart, except with proof of superior clain duly tiled in the Comercial Reaietry by any aun intruding party in the privece eapecity of such [intruding patty, notvithstarding watever pucpocted authority, varrant. order, Laver coler of lav my be provslgared as the auchority for eny Sich intrusion, detainer, entry, seizure, search, sirviellence, Wespass, aeoault, olnmens Or warrant: 3B. ALL nares used and all Corporations Sole executed and {ile}, or to be executed ap ficed under and nanes: |B. MAL antelleoeval proyartys including tut pot limited te slD ‘Speaking and writing: 4, RIL signatures 41, x11 present and future vetlrenen: inccmas and rights to such insane, iaauing ‘from any secoints: ©. RL resent, and future redical and lunltheare rightar and eights Gened throug sucvivacsnip, fran any accounts? 4, x11 applieationa, filime, correspondence, infornstion, GBentitying necks. nage Licenoes ce travel cbeuments; materiale, peemits, regtetvations and records, including recctdenunbers nels by afy entity for any purpove, hovever acysived, ac well as the aneiyais and the tie Hlerwct, and any uw o€ ay Loformatlon and teages contained therein, Feyartlese ‘cf crestor, nathed, location, process of atoraye [orm Tnetuding all processed digorithens swalysiny, claogitying, comparing, Zonpesseiny, dleplayins, iéontityin, processing, storém or transmitting Geld opslicationsr Eilinge, corrsopondanco, snéormation, identifying Garis, inage Lisensee ce travel” cocuents, materials, pornite, Cevlotratiend, recsrda and ceccedonmbers ard the 1a: Ma, 2a Leary cards: 45. Al credit, charge and obit cals, aoctgagass nares, applications, card manbecs and aagocisted records” and ‘nformet ion: SeOURITY ARENT = 7 sear FOBSIS 46. 221 traffic cltetions/ticheta: alee e708 472.11 patking cttatiots/tictets; 42 a1 tow correspondence, flim, notieess coding, vecerd eunbera land any infomation contained ‘therein, sierever ond tomevar Inoabed, and no matier oy whom said information vad abtained, ‘eoopiled: codities, recorded, stored, atalyzed, processed, communicated or utilized: 49. B11 precious metal, bullien, coins, jemley, preciqus Seveley. ecai-puvstows duets, suits en aly Suocae buew witin vhieh sta tena are stared: $0. All tank receipts and accounts, bonds, certiMeates of depaait, Geatta, fubses, inorance policies, ineeabment eacutitless Tndividua!, Retirenent ecounts, money market accounts, mival funds, notes, options, Bension glans, guts) saving accounts, stocks, varcanca, 401 ga ond the Lites SL. ALL arcomnta, dxwsits, escrow aceaunts, Lettertes, ovacpaytents, Peesaymente, prices, rebstea, tefluis, returns, Tasawmy Direct decosness Gleined “ang \ unccained {unde an’ ell evcorde and’ cacord numbers’ corveapunderce and information pertaining thereto or derived thereceoms 52, all cash, coine, meney, Federal Reoarve Natea, and Silver and Gold Sertanteaters 5, all aruge: hecho, mecicane, sidicél supplies, custivated plants, geering plants, Smentocy. ancillary emuipnent, auiplies seopyat ing Flents and oeele, and all related stotaje tactiities, sugctes a ‘equipment 54. Alt prohcts of ami for agvicultwe; and all equigment. ioventaries, suzplies, contracta, accnutranonte imvgtved ia che alti, planting, harvesting, processing, preservation ene sootage of alt brodvete af agricultuce: 58. |All Zar, 1aun and itsigation equipment. accessories, attachments, hand-tocks, iaplenents, earvice equimnent, pecta and supplies 26. ALL fiely fuel tanta, containers anc involved cg ulated delivery systens: 57. ALL metai-woring, wosdvorHay and other atch eaehinery, and all ancilioty squlgrens, seteosorlva, cotsimablacy paver tole, tend teal, Inventarlas. storage cabinets, | teol toces, fork benches, hope. and Haetiieieer Secunrey acre = sxan7en FORS3S raed sR. 58. All camping, Eishing, nunting ond spovting equipaet, and all special ciotiung, macerials, Supplies ang taguage related thereto; 19, ALL firenen, fe. Riflee, Flstuls (Wandgunaly Sew, Ccossbows ce ol] velate! amination; 60, AM adios, televisions, sommication aquigainty receivers, teanacuivers, tranemictors:antennaa and tomers, anf all ancillary equigeent, sueplies, computers, softvare pooyams, wiring and related Stomctremnts and devicass 2. ALL pover-cenarati michinss of devices, and all storaze, conditioning, control, distribution, wicing and ancillary eouiprant partalnins or attached chereta: 2. Ai conputers and corputer aystens, and the snformation contained therein ot stored on any fame of etorape disk, a vell as eld ancillary eqeiprent; printers, modens, monitors or any other porighecal devices, Sueloding data-nogpression Of anerYption da\iGes and proceseaes? 3. ALL ottice and engineering equigwant, surndeure, anciazaxy egignent, dravinys; tools, electrote avd paper tiles, and itens celated e4. aL water, off and oF gaa vell tiling opvipoont, chenisste, cool and supplies: 65. All shipping, storing and cacyo sonteiners. and all chasis, truck Erstieca, vana.and the contents thereof, shother omatte, intranets oF in sterage ampheret @. ALL building ooterials, ani prefabeicsted buildings, and ald components of pateriels pertaining thereto, Sefore o during mawsfactare, Pranajortacion, storage, building, eeection or vacancy wile avaitioy cocoupancy thereof: 67, M11 corminications and data, and the pethode, devices and toms of indocetion suitaye and vetesevaly and che peoduate of any sual stored informations 68. ALL bocke, draings, meqazinas, aamals and roterence mateeials, wegarélese of phyofeal fot: SH. AIT artwork, paintings, etchings, plotageaphte art. Lerogeapis and serigeaghs, and all fravee and oounts pestaining ot affixed theretot 70. All food and ali devices. tools, equigwent, vehicles, nechines snd relared acroutrenents’ iavclved In feod presecvanion, sreparation, rovthy ‘Ganaport and storese; SROURTTY ACREBENT - 9 sx2t701 ¥ FORSIS mp n,00 71, ML gomsteuetion machinery and a1 ancillary equipment, sugalies, materials, fuels, fuel adaltives, materials and service eqvipuent pertaining thecete: 72. ALL nedleel, dental, opttealy presoription an¢ ansurance rezouas, revocd nuere and {nformitien ccatained in any auch records oF pertaining thereto; 73. he Living WAIL ang all Imeritances gotten or te be gotten at aay tne focenstehe 44, 11 wedding pando ani ringa, roligiass madallions and eytbols. watches, wacdecle ais) boiLetrtes! 75, ALL sadies, toloviaians. houaeheld geada and appliances, Linen, foeniture, kitchen tensile, cutlery, cablevare, pottery and antiges: 36. ML sostnesaes, comparations, companies) trusts, partnerships, erjanizatione, propriatorsfics and the Lie, nov owned oF hereafter Soqited, including all titles, cana, corporation ames, as vell a8 2 fous, ream theveo! ard thevefron, all income therefror, ali Sovessceiver accounte, eguioncet, dnfornation, inventory. naneys spe Darts and any suapliter’ end compater related devices pertaining therato: 77, A packages, paveela, envelopas om Labela of any kind whabeoaver inch are Sddnessed fo oe Antanded to oe ecrewead, wether received oF ot recalved: Mu velephore nd fax numbers, aldceea books and website 00, shall retain ald Constitutional @ights as an Anariean Citieen, runier the care and protection of the United States of america. sowrseeee Demmcr agress to notify all of DSERHR'S formar creditors: woulé-be Creditexs and vould-he purchasers of any herein-cescribed COWATERAL, of this Grcurity igrement, aid all such persmage: are expressly sullce? hecexithe ‘his Security Igrement is accestea tor values property of tie Secured Party) end iz not, cischargable in Hankyptey Couet, as Secured Party's property a ExUWE frou HiueI-party levy. nls security Agrcamat Sevstves an osvred Party's peirs ant assigns, tho are equably a9 authorized, upon taking ttle t this Security Srcoment vie noornagatiabie contract. devise, oc any lavful. Comeveial Remedy. SOTRETY AGERE - 10 s-21701 yoe5s5 vasa 7.00 verse she ZoLloving chal constitube the events of DAPAILT heve-wndert de Polluce offhy CERIN to pay any debt secured hereby shen a9e7 2. Peflure of/ey DERTGR te perfon any and all obligations secured heveny sean requized to pertorn or xy breach of any uarranty TESTOR has contained within thie security Acrewoents xu séoures varty Aocepts oll algnetwer in scooed with O.C.6 § aH. fe, ae (oO —_ omembon. REGIE thin Het Gay of aoguat, 2001 0.6. ‘BERGE WA ONES, BEBIOR Social Security Ancomt #459-1-3500 = 4 SSH 2 Goats, Secured Farey Bxloyer Tientitication #455415%00 aUDECRTARD AUP SVORN to before ao this “oH day of 2 201 CoE Meda IE Natary Bovlic in and Zor the State of Washington. Residing at Malla Walla, ae wy Couriooiea expires: Fize (a3 socuRany AGEMENT ~ 3 aa DEFINITIONS and GLOSSARY OF TERMS ‘Ac used in hs Severity Agroements the flleving words wd tema skal Deve the mnentngs tertbod to Hera te ‘Sia seen, aom obslane [Feu Buchs Love Dledonatyaasl-Weshlngton Tse 624 ROW, Usifurm Commerc! Code = Acsommadeton Patty # Soe Dl's Haw Ditmar, 6M ol, See ats Washinglon, ROW DAIS and ‘aching, ACW GIA ALS cant! Ser ncvataw Disionay, (ed, See obe Wathnglon, ROW GAAAIU (0! <1} and Veshingaa, neWwent 5.106 “agent " See oes ow Detionary, 6! ed, a Aetnegt fe bias Low Dectonay, 6a Sg so Washing, ROWE GA. 1-293 Cain erect * ee Dick's Caw Dissury, 7 ol, ee so TOMMY CORPOLMTION wl STRAWIAN, Age Washington ROW 624,120) 29). Tice se aber slaw Detenny, 6" ed. fee nn Weshington, CM GLA.7-102 (1) (8). Neh ei teh fv ai i REW 9 (Do) om Sia are Davee dee Laks Lan Dillonary, £60, See ao Washing CW 6242-103 (1340) a iibge ck > Se Hacks Law Biccouy, Se So alo Suty at Wsngn, WOW A 4212 = Ghote Paper® See och: Laws Disney, Ged See cite Washington, RCW GDA 3105 20 eee ree Si Rit gnmett, cede: orn such ig ratucet Co jdpeonnt, ude wigan, Tae cominger, canoes, patrol, sped. insipid, Meal, equitable, sed, ureter gb oa ERS. Real beach prtrmace Urea Dowco a gh fo seenest, whether or nes sorh ia oom, SENIRI Tenedy is cotucea i jucgemen, Gedy contingent manure, wuvetvel dated indium, soured oF Hearse ta cemdes me's gem, shalengs of proper cr omnes of e tng wich is weg ithe, SETEIVT gear. cory 150,97 al 955. Alo tng lost. See Douglas y nay 40 Ala. M4 Lue Geanstoaniy Waye. 605, 105d 10e0 Seeaarat Ser BinaeLaw Dison. Gel. And Wesninom, NW SA. I605 ice, * Contmaet® SeeQucks Lay Dieinnary Gof, dnd Wastnglo. ROW G28.1-201 = ContractRigh™ ee Musngien, RENT GEA SAG “Ennion era proc owen & deol is oving by arclisr person whois lke "OGBTOR™ One whohas aright ose the Rll ofan obigton or core Oe oom eurey sd, and. ia order acca, has er iatnani! orbuninesatancactons. The artouys OC "DEBTONC” See abo Blrk's Law Dictionary, & nd, ‘o! Wskenglan, ROW 424,291 112) Seay Pry) “Guneney® So Bist a ev Dicionary Peed, c DE aalesS tcaus coming from anton, ake ftom someling eceing, scm, Tha wich hag et ts (eis ta ower ecelewe ta someting reoirgAaying bisbed a ecined Gow eneth, Ser alo Blase s Las Dietary 2d Deh See GlaicsLiw Digan, 68 ol See ob Borba fouls Milne & Blanang Ca. 77 Cole, 230.235 8 574,395 ond Us Sowor Egualzei Heard x Ee Bgndege Co, C.CA.Del 3 F.21 98, 984, Babies Sen OROANEZATION! send haves day and all desivaives thet, See Black's Law Dieter, ged: dad Viesinglon, RCW @2AS-205 091) SDovery See Blak’ InwDetingary, Gee. And Wasim, RCW 624 [201 (14) “Delegation af Performance” See Washingt, ROW A226 Dockwents of Tite" Soe Washinglr, ROW GLA 120] (23 and Washington, RCW 62A7-102 (1) (0) el abso ‘Wadnglon ROW GIA-105(0) Soleo Black's Lew Diana, 7a ‘Demay Corperalloe © nears THE ORGANIZATION saxnet hela and acy ond all Qiveties thereof an ei fovon oe ga ey refal by cr under te aahosy GCN Jaws eur pabon, coord, same care ‘iguace of ange penon uch as Gre DEDTOR). " The cerpaston is dine fom be invita ct adivcunls eee ee Sack coy suns wow uy ele sds apo decoration abich i egecn n aw 0 ving a penalty nmi disivet of is sever) crwbora See Qusizmul Gotigge v, Wondeagl (4 Whes) 518 Chocks {ca de Was Tripdad Gaal ex, 1 US 160, 11804, ST 34 64, WG, Andrews fe, Coe, ‘Youngstown Coke, 5 F385, UC, 292. Easter. Kal Sa, 76 ML 573; 7 SS 119 Bek 2,212 090, 19,04) Stale Teale Oe leche Cob, (1d Oa St abt, 151 NE. 709, DH, apadne «Chon. e0 Minn, 343, 200 NW 76,89, Pacer 63 * es ‘laters Titan fac he 100735 Mo.App 235, 115. 0/24 93 fase Croan Heights Homptal, 143 Mic, 02.49 YPSDE G8 Goh, Sai ad Kutter of Mila? Fv Solio 7 AOC. 194,22 F2ais72, 72, us ao SO Se Sasunces where il Has€ sogie persin (euch te DEETOR) this wouk be connilend a oorpontion sale, SHLECuonaals ofc et ene pec oy ana uses, f9 rue pata ai, wh we ineapporaed by Lae Iovtr te give mek sone gal pectin and adtciaee parteoily ta of ergy, which in sir sxturd eens et seve Car ae eer sunny to give eam tora ge apt oe nang of denis Ber Gelagem exnmonialacovides Wich in oes taal rows Uy soul nt bave) Ser SepCaqmn. 168 18% Tavs 847% Rsil_t Bun 99 Fe. 669, 112 So. 246 59, The cour case ly sa hat Ee oo tote fo Ue ais and Ge cars Of ay Bes sti, 2 cron rey cu 2 Does yo ogemzed tet avs oF Gat dat; igo compart oe “ABN Ca Oy rl, overnenorcsuney. haa ews! uation of UA concealed ccd Ue He puna ter le) Tre Gap Lage, 1107 61, 16 S82, Faw v Gulinsay Eee Se ans atte nD 10! Uiet $07, 168 P20 225. We eg ime dee Oo SF ae Oat ake coe Iw eo in pst of a rode rl GH Saree eae yen ence Fs linge ba eal nee ee ed Sepa rt ee ao corpora bela eta ful eho oe 27 See Kena (porate wy ena aa Domest ano src tn rey Gd bv. als Goa ayuda Water Co», Cota Rade. AUK Tow, B91 201 OO ‘Tales p71 02S Oy Bec SL we ha Fh Buns wAndenga 1P Mian $9, 185 NW 1a op iY Shea US pRB eesuran y corprtion ate by RE aerate Hae eee es rd pen (Seaced Party ony exch unde De lar of i UN OY 68 elo ecto eof rnc, a ences ts ons we funn of «rn, ha, ey pe ey bans ol be gover mi a ans he Berm manly Ue unl Use DEBION te when they ceed Oe” Gelloueaze oerpranon de te Shoo econ ti ch age op ys ncn, Ther, wt vig aed of Pie ie (oo ang lobe actly given Ail aac ty tpn a a sentra ye INE Bs sn oa opel any ugh» eels sation tert eg aon en gas cmt i) ob Be he ny acy Fe cme Fane es eanuteugas Se athe Dick'atny Taesonany 6 Seen aaa Lintiaiba Sve Waaiegia, KEW GSA 7204, 2 Palate ee Washeton ROW 2A 2-403 Reena e fiat claw tetany, Ot et, dit Wesnugien, New c2A.9. 106, {ener realy © honey Geo. cb @ashingon, ROW S2A2-Ns, REW 6269-108 (1) (R). ad ROW GAS, ROW GINS uc uaw Diattar, ans et, Secakso Wasp ROW 2305 0 (> wseles# See asungion OM G21 aoa ee Son a icltee) coat or ase: by shich one Feu ergpes osoure SOO ST SS Soe ee tensoane wane ele scree of ert or rcs 25005 Pat Neen ee me pv, Ser Pat] Ba oC Y, Sad, 42 Ca 02, 998% 226, 24-RA Spats IN Se te luc’ s Law Dion rifatrumort™ Sec ls Low DICE e gen cae outor pas of whale See ato Wastingsor, ROW Sih 430% (0) Cn a a e PTATES v SCOSTORY CORY 69 FSUIFE GA, orm arti tines hc a Bae Sei Per UN plies wlcng corpse covet by rezmiing Dhl Jel Perens Free at a eat rn by sock Uae nose eg operon as eels bas Bet Ju, cine finn Human Beings, The einer ata ewy wine Vy. Tne inode ref « panel soc, oan LE abate ba a tein Oe Ywa esone ie tap of CRANE Os pisces, pcg Sn er dooce Caption Arbon of ge gia eu lea aaa ee eon cer at aur nocmael w netmpeaon ceca And inet wore Fo De ah “Yeeapint nny of rary ote etd avenue 6 264 NY. BE G8 Bt “tp ine 1 ae ay aed ex tg be aa ed ws enon” Alo ee Tabtot. DUMe? CORPORATION, wal ARTETCIAL FERSON. Fe en ole clpaion epee > day At the date of ting boa ot ip io eee ere tagror make pot sony Se asd, ot Nt) Bea Oca sew cca A Shoal gamek Sue & Adee, 20 Hho 2,125 2, A. re eninge, 1951218, 3,319 Mn 13, Se ls Blak baw Dion. 6° Beslan + Blt eet change aberizedor adele by pores pa of i sureny, See cio ‘ating, RW E24. 1201 C4) Fee ee ire mas tine, 28 Snes (roso am etic peson reid by lav, maid tothe Shun TortreuroL arn, See Blau s+ Dison, Ped See Nie being tere) nae oder antes oll esis eS Rego ry Genie seal cave pee. TauibagA suey Eaiedabis et Rast, [Ps Se ot Bee ai aks ew Dctony,# a, Ati dso Wasngon, RCW S2A 740) and ROW A 12 Hea cen wa angie wo able of pasg ie ay yEdaemen ey) Ter Neg an ee cetacean an inane ich my not be (eased ty dora can a eugh bay be esipedTne faze cs tot Eee & Soe ies eid, Uoepan ashe fr ns cto, ‘Fed. See aio Washingen, ROW SIA.7-$04 aud Few an 75 Pe. TS sec otto Woshigion RCW e280 ond HOW BA.E1US (1) THA. HS, 155: non este ans 9 aa wed in dccunsts to roca any ill cntary to De sed object er ET Ralee tears Waring or nurscon cf oehing, See Washington, RN 6241-201 (25), (26) anda), » Op Temand “Soe Blck's Low DieUenar,6® cd. dlentee Washington, RCW STA S-N F Grgontinton = See Dicks Lane Distanuy, 0° et dls see Wdtegton, RCW G2A.(-201 (28) wea 1» DEHEOR, JURISTIC PERSON, md STEAWMAR, Peper? caus a page oinestnat te having oF WAKE PC JA any AMD culls, Kesaction, o puoi otto indinaually Ser ashangtos, RCW G2A.1-20) 24) TBosous See lets one Diary. 3 ley se. Macingon, RCW 624.201 (40) "Proceeds Ser Bnet ee Diconay, al, in see Wasiagle, RLW 343-16, a Property inthe leg sonar, reve tm oapeete cfg which et guard nod pected the ovarensi andin eee sane, idles the tung isl, abe wa We dghisatuchen'o 8, Ser OY Mis. Rep fs, 116, San TO Seal Man * mea rit ive Mesh und Wood wan; cfes lo tne Swot fat semed een and ny a Geralie are. here ety man's atepnden af laws, exept ose eset by ante Hea net bonad ‘yay natu Forme ya elon sti a carseat” GRUDLIS. NEALE, 20.998, (P96 NCC Les Stet Hayes 335 Magne Poem * Ser Washington NOW G2A 8-023 em «Reem Foe Beeachol Canter See Richa, CCM A201 = Ramedy af lniomely oe Washiogon, SCW,2ASLLT. © Represtotetie = Ser Blade Lew Disdonesy, Fad. 59 see Wachingln, KER 624.1-201 353 * Rahtto Reimbursement” See Washoglos, RCW 62A,5-118, 1 Rights Acquled sr edenniny~ Soe Wardiginn RCW C2A 1088) 1 Setondry Pact See nak La Dicionaty, Sed, Ale see Wass, FCW S2A.3-108 (> (0 SERRA Bere! reer te he teal monensin pecon nad Prin ich ary und ol evans Ose, [ataneomilered Coolio, Se Desks Low Delionay, © eh. Az set Wasingtn, RCW 6249-105 (1 (m Selanne de bats Law Dita, Ook. Adcoave Waltons NEW COA ¥-H2 (1 (a), PEW EDA B10, And ROW COA GDS Seder Tote foe bs Law tatinty, a5, Also ace Wekinton ROW 61a, -201 27}. 1 Sener? See Muc-sve clone eed azo ser Bashan, LEW GAA 2105 (170). * Shinatwe= soe Wengen, ROW SiA 30: (cnsidged spied) = Sind See Weshnglon Rew 624,501 (395 Gensler suse) 1 Slow Ban yueune THE ORGANLAATICN named ren od ny andl: dezvioe tert. Ser Black's Lat Detamay DY ol tyert i LED(OK, EUNINe CORPCRATION, ARTISICIAL PERSON and JURISTIC PERSON, Alo ee Washington, HOW €24,| 201 2). se acy 2 80 blasts Cov Dicey Paks Alans Vucirgian, CWA. 120) Ct (oosidered Cue ack). = Franses ia tem wed rs fun Jaa see, i nce Gut Bc charac of esigaably or aegis tints tthe gai ae fa Ky Foss Kooy hand lo hud, cag ell -ieht of Oe anigcal foley ‘The weeds wolrqsitble™ ae metines Fed upon a eke ees, o bilo ada, ts show at Ge ee al, ot Fe soe in etude ef ey pcsen wer Li Hie oneCo wn Et Samed, fee Bek Law Diesiowy, $f Bingsce Wetiuglon. ROW 925.320) edue Seo Dick's Lew Diconary, te dlzasee Wathingla, ROW €2A,1-201 {34} and ROW STAIN APoCTAL BOND OP reDEMRETY TO THE SECURED PARTY foo0 ALL EN BY THESE PRESMTS, that T, AARON HAYNE OOAIE, of 1220 Zagle crest Way, Clallam Day, oD $0326, Shiga {heveinafier debtor}, ew held aukl sirmly God unto Aaroo-Wayne obligee (herelnaftar Secured Barty) in the arout of PUR MILLION THREE HONDED GVEMIY TGP BRUGND THREE iNORED ‘RIRIY POUR DOLLARS and HERO CENTS ($4,373, 334,00) to be paid te the Serural Pary to sfdch pant cectified copies af any contract(s) upon vhich you rely in your premm- ption that ever yaived bis maliensble rights, and.sgreed with Full Diselosare and Knowledge that ever agresl ta ‘ve tredted oe @ colorable person under military wole of Metrict of Colunbia’s corporate franchise “STATE OF WASITINGTON. You are hereby granted _(10)_ days from 19 __. plus three days for malling Yo provide the decent (a) identified above. NOTIGE: ary response to this iequiry mot be sent to grieved Pasty exacrly 2s 1 , Washirgton stale ton - Oamestie Silence can only be equated with fraud vhave there is s leyal aod moral duty to speak these'on inguisy Lett mranewesed sould be intentionally risleadirg."" US. v: Tweel, ‘550 F.2d 297-300 (1877) Your Eeilyce to provide the dacummtation requested huceia atove shall be peima fncie Eriderce Up tect mgesanent Pont no auch authority or decmartation exists, and that Siperior Court of Sasington, tate tov ea "AUS", old sh Lnitio, tsat The ongaing Tapetsemect of is without authority of lee, and any ond all donsges caused "STATE OF HASHINGTI cocporation’s frowdulent seizure aid iaprisanment of are due ‘aul payable imediately. Executed this day of _ Sincerely, = aggrieved Party

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