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Poetic Devices

1. A repeated subject in the poem is the object/concept of “Mirrorland”. In dissecting the
word, “Mirror” in the literal sense, is normally used to describe a reflective surface or
material, or a reflection in a metaphorical way. In terms of this poem, the fact that they
attached “land” to the end of Mirror, gives a sense of a place or area beyond a mirror.
Its used in a harsh way as well, with passages like: “Mirrorland oppresses me”, this
makes it seem like mirrorland reflects the world around us, just in a negative
2. Which leads us to the Tone of this poem. To support the negative atmosphere, the poem
tends to describe the feeling of the person, or the mirrorland itself with these words and
passages: Tormented, self-loathing, hostile, Mirrorland is never kind, Mirrorland
oppresses me, pathetic. The poem also has a sense of addiction with this line being
implemented twice: “You’ll be back tomorrow”.
3. When it comes down to imagery, there are plenty of passages in the poem that create
picture for the reader. Most of the imagery comes to the senses, for example, the author
brings attention to hearing when she talks about her bed by saying “You creak and heave
at the weight of me”. The text also gives us scenes and scenarios that we can visualize
like: “Like the sun bowing down gracefully Making way for the moon.” The imagery in
the poem is what gives the conclusion that the author is being affected by social media on
their phone, which is supported with passages such as: “Presenting myself to the one-
sided pane, gazing wistfully at the luminous rectangular mirror” and “Wish we could all
be hashtag ‘blessed’”.

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