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Direction: Choose the letter of the BEST answer.

1. It is a cleaning implement for sweeping made of bundle of straws or twigs attached to a long handle.
a. broom b. dustpan c. water hoses d. bucket
2. It is a device that uses an air pump to create a partial vacuum to suck up dust and dirt .
a. vacuum cleaner b. floor buffer c. water hoses d. bucket
3. It is a hollow tubes designated to carry water from one place to another.
a. broom b. dustpan c. water hoses d. bucket
4. It is an electrical appliance that is used to clean and maintained non-carpeted floors.
a. vacuum cleaner b. floor buffer c. water hoses d. bucket
5. It is a detergent in liquid form use for cleaning tools and equipment.
a. cleaning detergent b. liquid detergent c. scrubbing foam d. paper towel
6. It is otherwise known as sodium bicarbonate .
a. baking powder b. baking soda c. flour d. wax
7. A garment that covers the whole hand of a person that performs household services
a. waste container b. gloves c. solvent d. scrubbing foam
8. The provision of initial care for an illness or injury
a. fire safety b. first aid c. OSH d. Clean Air Act
9. It is a cross disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety , health and welfare of people
engaged in work.
a. hazard b. first aid c. OSH d. Clean Air Act
10. It is a situation that poses a level of threat to life , health, property, or environment.
a. hazard b. first aid c. OSH d. Clean Air Act
11. Food with virus , fungi and bacteria: biological hazard
Pesticides: ____________
a. mechanical b. chemical c. physical d. ergonomic
12. Insecticides: chemical
Flood: _____________
a. mechanical b. chemical c. physical d. ergonomic
13. The following are example of mode of hazards EXCEPT:
a. dormant b. armed c. active d. chemical
14. Hazard: pesticide
Risk: __________
a. insecticide b. backpain c. flood d. earthquake
15. It is a constitutional law designed to make sure that all Filipinos have safe air to breath
a. RA 8749 b. RA 307 c. RA 205 d. RA 123
16. It is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste materials.
a. Waste b. waste management c. Clean Air act d. safety
17. It is defined as any waste that is dry in form and discarded as unwanted.
a. solid waste b. liquid waste c. gas waste d. hazardous waste
18. pesticide: hazardous
________: non-hazardous
a. motor oil b. insecticide c. paper d. air freshner
19. Which is proper sequence of process flow of waste management?
a. reduce, recycle, reuse c. recycle, reuse, reduce
b. reduce, reuse , recycle d. recycle, reduce, reuse
20. To buy less and use less.
a. reduce b. recycle c.reuse d. recover
21. Discards are separated into materials that may be incorporated into new products.
a. reduce b. recycle c. reuse d. recover
22. It aims to reduce , or avoid the potential losses from hazards, assure prompt and appropriate
assistance to victims of disaster and achieve rapid and effective recovery.
a. disaster preparedness management c. hazards
b. disaster d. risk
23. In disaster management cycle it is planning how to respond.
a. mitigation b. preparedness c. recovery d. response
24. In disaster management cycle it is returning the community to normal.
a. mitigation b. preparedness c. recovery d. response
25. In process flow of waste management it is element of the discarded item are used again.
a. reduce b. recycle c.reuse d. recover
26. It refers to protective clothing like helmets, goggles, or other garment.
a. PPI b. PPE c. PPO d. PPA
27. Which of the following PPE use to allow better vision in bright daylight , and may protect against
damage from high levels of ultra violet light?
a. sturdy work shoes b. sunglasses c. cold weather gear d. long pants
28. What is a flexible pad held over the nose and mouth by rubber straps to protect against dust?
a. logging boots b. mask c. long pants d. sunglasses
29. There are other several causes of fire EXCEPT from one.
a. overheated appliances c. worn-out electrical connections
b. lighted candles d. Overheated Christmas light
30.This refers to precautions that are taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of a fire that may result
in death, injury or property damage.
a. Fire safety b. Fire Drill c. Earthquake d. Earthquake drill
31. It is the shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement
along a fault plane or from volcanic activity.
a. shaking b. vibration c. earthquake d. eruption
32. It is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury . It is usually performed by non-expert , but
trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed.
a. sudden aid b. First Aid c. Emergency Aid d. Urgent aid
33. A good first aider must possess the following characteristics EXCEPT from one.
a. gladsome b. handsome c. gentle d. watchful
34. During the Earthquake observed the following EXCEPT from one.
a. run b. drop c. hold on d. cover
35. When does Fire Prevention Month observed?
a. January b. February c. March d. April
36. Where does the fire mostly start ?
a. kitchen b. dining room c. living room d. bathroom
37. After earthquake at home observed the following EXCEPT from one.
a. Inspect your home for damage c. Look for electrical damage
b. Check for gas leak d. Inspect your neighbors home
38. It involves daily chores involve removing dirt from floors, furniture, windows and room.
a. cooking b. cleaning c. skirting d. caring
39. It is a recipient of good service , product or idea obtained from seller for a monetary consideration
a. workers b. customer c. helpers d. laundry
40. The following are desirable traits of household workers EXCEPT:
a. loyal b. honest c. respectful d. late
26. It refers to protective clothing like helmets, goggles, or other garment.
a. PPI b. PPE c. PPO d. PPA
27. Which of the following PPE use to allow better vision in bright daylight , and may protect against
damage from high levels of ultra violet light?
a. sturdy work shoes b. sunglasses c. cold weather gear d. long pants
28. What is a flexible pad held over the nose and mouth by rubber straps to protect against dust?
a. logging boots b. mask c. long pants d. sunglasses
29. There are other several causes of fire EXCEPT from one.
a. overheated appliances c. worn-out electrical connections
b. lighted candles d. Overheated Christmas light
30.This refers to precautions that are taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of a fire that may result
in death, injury or property damage.
a. Fire safety b. Fire Drill c. Earthquake d. Earthquake drill
31. It is the shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement
along a fault plane or from volcanic activity.
a. shaking b. vibration c. earthquake d. eruption
32. It is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury . It is usually performed by non-expert , but
trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed.
a. sudden aid b. First Aid c. Emergency Aid d. Urgent aid
33. A good first aider must possess the following characteristics EXCEPT from one.
a. gladsome b. handsome c. gentle d. watchful
34. During the Earthquake observed the following EXCEPT from one.
a. run b. drop c. hold on d. cover
35. When does Fire Prevention Month observed?
a. January b. February c. March d. April
36. Where does the fire mostly start ?
a. kitchen b. dining room c. living room d. bathroom
37. After earthquake at home observed the following EXCEPT from one.
a. Inspect your home for damage c. Look for electrical damage
b. Check for gas leak d. Inspect your neighbors home
38. It involves daily chores involve removing dirt from floors, furniture, windows and room.
a. cooking b. cleaning c. skirting d. caring
39. It is a recipient of good service , product or idea obtained from seller for a monetary consideration
a. workers b. customer c. helpers d. laundry
40. The following are desirable traits of household workers EXCEPT:
a. loyal b. honest c. respectful d. late

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