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Trainer Name: Mr. Amitabbh Mehrotra

Student Name Student ID

Group Members



Khuram Nabi Leadership and 1. Strategic

management Background/Introduction.

2. Work-plan SMART

Denny Olikarottu Joseph Business administration 3. Key Tasks (Task

Breakdown Structure).

4. work plan risks and

mitigation strategy
Srikar Marketing 5. Key stakeholders and the
Respective Roles and

Ahsan Ali research 6. Key Performance

Indicators (KPIs).

Coles Supermarket

It was ninth of April 1914 when youthful GJ Coles set up the main Coles store in Smith St,
Collingwood, Victoria. Just before the shop was built up, he set down his arrangements about the
assignment ahead. He thought he must have a store he would be fulfilled in wording to procure
benefit and wins the core of the general population with great administrations also. He has intended
to gain the regard of his companion men, and to do this he should likewise set up a business that
would be an effective agent in the general public. This start has given him the stage for his business
thought that is glad to encourage Australian people group and colleagues for a century later. Toward
the beginning of the 1930's was damaged by the savage social effects of the Great Depression.
Regardless of poor budgetary occasions, Coles did not venture down from its guarantees, first made
in 1922, to give a huge offer of benefits to medical clinics, maturity nursing homes and monetarily
help jobless or vagrants in the network.
According to the contemplations of the dad of the Coles, providing for philanthropy was a "business
and a social duty" and a promise to social obligation was made that still remains today. As Coles
advanced in light of the effect of World War II, so too did help to its clients by reducing prices. Many
wedded ladies had progressed toward becoming piece of the work constrain, which implied they had
less time at home to get ready sustenance for the family. Accordingly, they started purchasing
progressively instant foodstuffs and shop things, prompting an expansion in such lines in Coles
stores. In 1946 certainty blasted in post-war Australia and Coles started moving electrical
apparatuses, for example, toasters and irons. There were even reports of clients joining lines without
recognizing what they were lining for. In 1948 Coles propelled is first beautifying agents go and
connected with celebrities Doris Day, Arlene Dahl and Eleanor Parker as the essences of the battle.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

A KPI is a quantifiable esteem that shows how successfully an organization is accomplishing key
business goals.

Coles supermarket use KPIs at different dimensions to follow execution measures. Abnormal state
KPIs may concentrate on the general execution of the venture, while low-level KPIs may concentrate
on procedures or representatives in offices, for example, deals, advertising or a call focus. Coles
supermarket is following below mentioned types of Key Performance Indicators.

Quantitative indicators: Coles supermarket uses quantitative indicators that are easily explainable in

Qualitative indicators: Qualitative indicators are those which Coles supermarket never used to
present a number. It is better used to present the degree of comfortable level of product or stuff
being sold or targets to be achieved.

Leading indicators: Coles supermarket used the leading indicators to predict the outcome of a
process being carried out.

Lagging indicators: Coles supermarket uses the lagging indicators which present the success or
failure of a pot hoc.

Input indicators: Coles supermarket uses the input indicators to measure the amount of the input
resources being used to produce something else.

Process indicators: Process indicators are used to the measure the efficiency of the process being
carried out.

Output indicators: Coles supermarket uses the output indicators to show off the net outcome from
the activities being carried out.
Work Plan Risks and Mitigation Strategy

Coles supermarket hazard moderation is characterized as finding a way to decrease unfriendly

impacts. There are four sorts of hazard alleviation systems that hold one of a kind to Business
Continuity and Disaster Recovery. It's essential to build up a methodology that intently identifies
with and matches your organization's profile.

At Coles supermarket work plan risks is a report that a venture supervisor gets ready to predict risks,
gauge impacts, and characterize reactions to issues. It likewise contains a risk appraisal framework. A
risk is "a dubious occasion or condition that, on the off chance that it happens, has a positive or
negative impact on a venture's destinations. Work plan Risk is natural with any undertaking, and
venture directors ought to evaluate risks persistently and create plans to address them. The risk
management plan contains an examination of likely risks with both high and low effect, just as
alleviation systems to enable the venture to abstain from being wrecked when regular issues
emerge. Risk management designs ought to be intermittently evaluated by the venture group to
abstain from having the examination turned out to be stale and not intelligent of genuine potential
undertaking risks.

Build up an abnormal state alleviation procedure. This is a general way to deal with diminish the risk
affect seriousness and additionally likelihood of event. It could influence various risks and
incorporate, for instance, expanding staffing or diminishing extension. Recognize activities and steps
expected to actualize the moderation methodology.

Skills Matrix

work plan Objective Name Skill Experience Qualification

Khuram Nabi ● Marketing Over 6 years Master’s in
marketing Business and
Enhancing work ● Promotion
quality and hygiene experience in leadership
● Exporting an Shopping

Denny oj ● Innovation Has been a Bachelor’s

store Degree in
Improving productivity ● management
and dependability Manager in Business
among team members Coles administration
Australia for
8 years.

Increasing Srikar ● Sales Has been a Bachelor’s in

communication and Manager for leadership and
team work ● marketing kmart for 8 management

Khuram Nabi - Employee responsible for enhancing work quality and hygiene
1. key tasks

● To improve the hygiene of the products and store

● To improve the relationship between team members
● To initiate the trainings provided to employee.

2. Required resources with cost calculations

● Gloves and cleaning materials

Estimated cost for gloves per month $50
Cleaning materials per month $400
● vacuum cleaners
Estimated cost for vacuum cleaners plus bags $700
● employees

3. Key performance indicators

● Direct traffic
● Service Level
● customer satisfaction
● Employee Engagement
● Customer Retention Rate

4. Work plan risks

● Poor Quality Work

● Employee violates company policy
● Team issues
● Poor Quality Work
● inability to Settle Conflicts

5 .Mitigation strategy

● individual bonus
● peer recognition
● Consistent Training
● Allow Hands-On Experience
● Put Learning into Practise with Role Play

Denny responsible for Improving productivity and dependability among team members
1.Key tasks

● Improve the product knowledge

● Reduce Absenteeism
● Reduce team issues

2. Required resources

● individual bonus
bonuses on well performed tasks. Estimated bonus $ 50 gift cards.
● peer recognition

3. Key performance indicators

● Reliability
● Employee Engagement

4. Work plan risks

● Excessive Absenteeism
● Constantly missing deadlines
● Team issues
● Poor Quality Work
● Excessive Absenteeism

5. Mitigation strategy

● Provide Incentives and Reward Progress

● Individual bonus
● Peer recognition

Srikar responsible for Increasing communication and team work

1. Key tasks
● To reduce team conflicts
● To improve team coordination
● To improve Proper Communication
● To be able to settle team issues and conflicts

2. Required resources

● Training
Training should be provided internally during job hours.
● effective communication
● Team meetings. Periodic meetings will be held once in the month at work place.

3. Key performance indicators

● Customer Satisfaction Score

● Service Level
● Employee Engagement
● Customer Retention Rate

4. Work plan risks

● Team conflicts
● Ineffective Leadership
● Unwanted promotions

5. Mitigation strategy

● Good communication
● Individual bonus
● Effective leadership

Key Stakeholders and the Respective Roles and Responsibilities

Key stakeholder or Partners can influence or be influenced by the association's activities, targets and
arrangements. A few instances of key partners are lenders, chiefs, workers, government (and its
organizations), proprietors (investors), providers, associations, and the network from which the
business draws its assets.

A supermarket like Coles supermarket the key stakeholders are be like;

Customers: Without clients the organization can't endure so in practically all circumstances the
client needs need to start things out. The client can generally to take his business to a contender so
it is basic that we keep on developing, to offer great items and great incentive for cash.
Employees: The representatives are the ones who make and convey the items or administrations
that the clients expend. In the event that we lose or estrange our best representatives, client
administration will endure so we have to care for them. In the event that we need to pull in and hold
top ability at all dimensions, we bring to the table terms and conditions that are alluring.

Shareholder: The investors possess the organization. They may well have advanced the seed capital
which we have to begin so their requirements are vital. At last the board, following up for the
benefit of the investors, can supplant the CEO and the official group. In any case, if we are
comprehensively on plan as far as incomes and benefit the investors are commonly fulfilled and will
disregard us. They will possibly make a move when things are turning out badly so we don't have to
dependably act to satisfy them.

Local Community: We need to be a decent national with sound connects to the neighbourhood
network. We need to be viewed as a capable boss who is giving a decent work environment. This is
imperative however a lower need than those is plainly above.

Reference: (2019). Our History. [online] Available at:

coles/centenary [Accessed 8 Feb. 2019]. (2019). What is key task analysis? definition and meaning. [online] Available
at: [Accessed 8 Feb. 2019]. (2019). Coles Careers. [online] Available at:
we-look-for [Accessed 7 Feb. 2019].

Destination Innovation. (2019). Who are a company's most important stakeholders?. [online]
Available at:
stakeholders/ [Accessed 8 Feb. 2019].


Trainer Name: Mr. Amitabbh Mehrotra

Student Name Student ID
Denny Olikarottu Joseph Tas0060
Khuram Nabi Tas0097
Srikar Tas0125
Ahsan Ali Tas0113
Group Members


1 Denny Olikarottu Joseph Tas0060

2 Khuram Nabi Tas0097

3 Srikar Tas0125

4 Ahsan Ali Tas0113



Denny Olikarottu Joseph Business administration

1. Performance review for
individual team

2. Meeting call

Khuram Nabi Leadership and 3. Key performance issues


Srikar Marketing 4. Solution to overcome

performance issues.

Ahsan Ali research

5. Schedule for next review

Conduct and communicate a performance review

I have consulted with my HR manager and decided to do the performance review of Coles Australia. I
am going to first do the performance review on employees and then evaluate and further give
solutions for employees for their development.

Roleplay for conducting the review

Denny oj Store Manager

KhuramNabi Team member

Srikar Team member

Ahsan Ali Team member

Roleplay questions

Manager: What do you mean by the healthy and safety in retail industry? Describe please?

Employee: I reckon the health and safety issues are to be considered upon priority basis. No
compromises upon them.

We have to follow the rules and regulations according to the law.

Manager: Would you like to describe the term skilled labour in retail industry?
Employee: The term skilled labour means the qualification required to meet the day to day task as
per job requirement.

Manager: How much you weigh the work place ethics?

Employee: Work place ethic means the way you behave at your work place . You have to respect all
the cultures and communities. In multicultural society, we have to accept and respect all traditions
within legal frame work.

Manager: What sort of conflicts have you faced at work?

Employee: It’s been a long time I have been working in retail industry. I have faced heaps of
challenges like, finish the tasks with limited resources.

Manager: I appreciate your way of thinking.

Where do you feel there’s room for you to improve?

I think i have to improve on the team work and quality. I hope that Coles will provide the necessary
training in about a process accurately.

Do you have everything you need to perform your job?

No I don't have proper training or mentor to help me out. Also i prefer some hands on experience
with many products.

Where has management helped and hindered your work?

Management helped me in getting flexible shifts but there is no proper recognition for my work.

What are your strongest motivators to come to work everyday?

Weekly pay and also flexible work.

Name some things that de-motivate you about your position

● low wage
● poor recognition
● poor communication

Do you understand why we use the processes and practices in place

No the management haven’t described about these things.

Employee Performance Review

A performance appraisal, also referred to as a performance review, performance evaluation,
development discussion, or employee appraisal is a method by which the job performance of an
employee is documented and evaluated. Performance appraisals are a part of career development
and consist of regular reviews of employee performance within organizations.

The Benefits of Performance Review

The primary reason you need to conduct a Performance Review is that you need to view the store
through the eyes of your customers.Other reasons to conduct regular store evaluations include:

● Identify areas that are not working as well as you envisioned.

● Pinpointing overlooked problems.
● Learning how your store compares to other similar retail stops.
● Being able to examine consumer buying behaviors.
● Increasing your sales volume and margins.

Performance review for individual team members

1. Performance review on Khuram (Team member)

Employee Name Khuram Nabi Date 14-02-2019

Job Title Team Member Manager Denny oj

Performance Metrics 1 = Poor 2 = Fair 3 = Satisfactory 4 = Good 5 = Excellent

Team work 2

Hygiene 1

Work quality 3

Punctuality 1

Productivity 3

Dependability 1

Communication 1

Overall ratings 12/35

Reasons for poor performance for Khuram

Reasons Causes

Poor hygiene ● Poor Quality Work

● Employee violates company policy

Punctuality ● Excessive Absenteeism

● Improper communications

Dependability ● Excessive Absenteeism

● Constantly missing deadlines

Communication ● Lack of Proper Communication

● Team issues

poor Team work ● Team issues

● Poor Quality Work

● inability to Settle Conflicts


Khuram should focus more on;

Additional comments ● Hygiene

● Dependability & communication

● Achieve 5 rating on the above performance within next 6

months from 15-02-2018
Employee goals
Verification of review

By signing this form, you confirm that you have discussed this review in detail with your supervisor.
Signing this form does not necessarily indicate that you agree with this evaluation.

Employee signature Khuram Nabi Date 15-02-2019

Manager signature Denny oj Date 15-02-2019

2.Performance review on Srikar (Team member)

Employee Name Srikar Date 14-02-2019

Job Title Team Member Manager Denny oj

Performance Metrics 1 = Poor 2 = Fair 3 = Satisfactory 4 = Good 5 = Excellent

Team work 1

Hygiene 2

Work quality 1

Punctuality 3

Productivity 2

Dependability 2

Communication 2

Overall ratings 13/35

Reasons for poor performance for Srikar

Reasons Causes
Poor hygiene ● Poor Quality Work

● Employee violates company policy

Productivity ● Team issues

● Poor Quality Work

● Excessive Absenteeism

Dependability ● Excessive Absenteeism

● Constantly missing deadlines

Communication ● Lack of Proper Communication

● Team issues

poor Team work ● Team issues

● Poor Quality Work

● inability to Settle Conflicts


Srikar should focus more on;

Additional comments ● Team work

● Work quality

● Achieve 5 rating on the above performance within next 6 months

from 15-02-2018
Employee goals

Verification of review
By signing this form, you confirm that you have discussed this review in detail with your supervisor.
Signing this form does not necessarily indicate that you agree with this evaluation.

Employee signature Srikar Date 15-02-2019

Manager signature Denny oj Date 15-02-2019

Meeting call for performance review

Key Performance issues

● Excessive Absenteeism– it’s true that some emergency situations are inevitable. But when
you’re talking about casual days off, it’s a problem. Mondays and Fridays are specifically
popular days to “phone in sick” just because the employee wants an extended weekend.
Excessive absenteeism reduces the productivity of the firm.
● Constantly Missing Deadlines – if the deadline that has been originally set isn’t realistic,
team members should say so in advance. When they agree on the deadline, it is their
responsibility to see it through. In some cases, missing the deadline once might be
understandable if the person has a long history of providing high-quality work on time. But if
it occurs constantly, then there is a serious performance issue here. So missing deadlines
decreases punctuality and dependability.
● Poor Quality Work – there are some individuals who simply don’t have what it takes. If the
Quality group has identified that the mistakes comes from one team member in particular,
it might be best to train the employee before he is ready to work. Poor quality work affects
the quality and reputation of the company.
● Affects the Performance of Others – if someone is constantly asking for help from other
team members, he/she is interfering with the productivity of the entire team. This issue
should be managed quickly because it can lead to serious team conflicts. The person asking
for help might feel that he/she is not getting the support he needs while others might feel
that they are being taken advantage of.
● Employee violates company policy- If you have a policy violation, even if they are a top
performer, depending on how serious it is or if it is a repeat issue, you may need to
terminate that employee.All of these situations can lead to low performance. Violation of
company policy lead to poor work quality and reduces customer satisfaction.
● Unwanted promotions - If an employee is promoted too soon, beyond their abilities, or into
an unwanted or unsuitable role, it will impact not only their performance, but the
performance of the employees they are responsible for leading. Unhealthy competition can
lead to employees disengaging from the team and performing poorly on the job.
● Team issue - Workplace harassment, personality conflicts, poor team management,
conflicting cultural values, and unhealthy competition can lead to employees disengaging
from the team and performing poorly on the job.
● Lack of Proper Communication – Many times teams have suffered due to poor
communication. Inefficient communication leads to misunderstanding and repetition along
with many other problems. Over time this issue can generate a lack of trust among people.
This issue, if not properly addressed, can unfurl a bigger problem that will affect the entire
team’s performance.
● Inability to Settle Conflicts – It is human nature to disagree, and conflicts are a very common
issue within the team. If conflicts are not resolved, they can convert into a severe stumbling
block in the goals’ way. Conflicts will lead to reduced team work.
● Ineffective Leadership – Team leaders and sub-leaders need to understand that they have to
convey the roles to their subordinates very clearly. Effective leadership makes sure that
there is a clarity of function, purpose and accountability. It has been remarked that
ineffective leadership directly affects the overall performance of the team.

Strategies to overcome performance issues

1. Consistent Training
To start with, it is preferable that all members of staff within the company or branch take the same
training. This way, everyone will be working from the same knowledge base, and the team will work
collectively to retrieve information. Product knowledge training must also be consistent, engaging
and customised. There is no point in re-using the same material twice or giving unnecessary
information to those who do not need it. Once initial training has been completed, employees
should be tested using fresh new content, and this content can be tailored later on to fit particular
job roles.

2. Allow Hands-On Experience

One of the fastest ways to improve employee knowledge is to allow employees lots of opportunities
to become familiar with the products and services they will be selling. Whether it’s holding seminars
to expose employees to new products or offering employee discounts on the items you sell, it’s
crucial that employees gain exposure to the products they work with regularly. Be sure to get
feedback from staff on the products they use, such as their favourites and least favourites, as well as
feedback on what can be improved.

3. Put Learning into Practise with Role Play

Use role play to encourage your employees to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise on the
spot by getting other members of staff to pose as customers. And not just any old customers either,
but educated customers that ask challenging, intelligent questions.This type of training is invaluable
for helping employees use their product knowledge in simulated real- world situations.Not only does
role play give your employees a chance to put their training into practise; it also encourages fluency
– a sign the knowledge has been internalised and understood.

4. Provide Incentives and Reward Progress

Training can be integrated into your company’s existing incentive program using something such as a
points system to incentivise customers. Points could be awarded when employees do well in
knowledge tests and training exercises, and bonus perks could be ‘unlocked’ when he or she
completes another section of the training.These points could then be exchanged for prizes or perks
at the end of each month or quarter. Rewards are a sure-fire way to keep training fun, relaxed and
engaging for your employees.

5. Good communication

Good communication always leads to better cooperation. Communication that is honest and
assertive tells the listener what you need. It does not expect the listener to read between the lines.
When appropriate, it also expresses feelings about the situation. When problems arise, honest
communication allows them to be resolved in a mature way. When you deal with problems in an
aggressive manner, the situation may appear to be resolved in your favour initially, but the other
person will likely have hard feelings and resentments. If you deal with problems by giving in to
others even though you feel your position has some validity, or when you complain to others but not
to the persons involved, you may also begin to feel resentments. Over time, hard feelings and
resentments may continue to build over a series of small incidents. So good communication always
improve the performance of team members.

6. Individual bonus

The individual bonus factor other ways known as process of growth factor it is very transparent and
flexible towards the performance of employees, this process is used to promote the efficiency in
employee performance. This process aims the organisational objectives through the employee
performance. As the Result of this process, the employee survey conducted shows the individual
bonus process will be a great success through the high level of employee commitments and
improvements through the self-motivation.

7. Peer recognition
Peer recognition is the modern performance appraisal process also includes in the 360 degree
process. This process is to award and acknowledge an individual for their outstanding performance
in the company. An Important factor include in this process is not only just applause them for their
achievement but also for keeping the company core values.

8. Customer surveys

Undertake regular surveys, perhaps six monthly, to know what people are thinking and doing as part
of shopping at the supermarket. Identify the days of the week, and the peak times of day where they
will be visiting the centre most regularly and conduct survey based on the performance of the

9. Follow Up

Set a time to meet with the employee to assess progress. If he’s doing well, praise his
improvement and express appreciation for his efforts. But if no significant change occurs, then
enforce the consequences. For this process to work, you must follow through. If you don’t, you
send the message that it doesn’t really matter. And you’ll be right back where you started. With
serious performance issues, you need to change the terms of your “rental agreement” as quickly
as possible. Poor performers not only drain their manager’s energy, but also hurt the morale of
good employees. Resolving these problems requires some time and attention, but in the long
run, it’s definitely worth the effort.

Plan for next review


15-08-2019 ● Meet with the employee, discuss the evaluation process, and
give the employee the self-evaluation form. Advise the
employee of the due date for this form. Reserve a conference
room if you don’t have a private office.

22-08-2019 ● Assemble all your performance data, notes, and

documentation for the employee.

29-08-2019 ● The employee returns his/her self-evaluation form to you.

12-09-2019 ● Complete the review of your documentation, self-evaluation

19-09-2019 ● Complete the first draft of the employee’s evaluation. Review

the recommended raise, if any.

22-09-2019 ● Finalize the raise, if any.

23-09-2019 ● Finish the final draft of the employee’s evaluation. Plan the
agenda for the meeting.


1. (2019). Coles Supermarkets. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Feb. 2019].
2. Anon, (2019). [online] Available at:
performance-issues-in-the-team/ [Accessed 10 Feb. 2019].
3. (2019). Dealing With Poor PerformanceIs it Lack of Ability or Low
Motivation?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Feb. 2019].
4. Nicasio, F. (2019). 7 Ways to Increase Staff Happiness, Drive Performance, and Improve Sales
- Vend Retail Blog. [online] Vend Retail Blog. Available at:
ways-increase-staff-happiness-drive-performance-improve-sales/ [Accessed 10 Feb. 2019].
5. (2019). Performance appraisal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Feb. 2019].
6. Smartsheet. (2019). Free Employee Performance Review Templates. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10
Feb. 2019].



Trainer Name: Mr. Amitabbh Mehrotra

Student Name Student ID
Khuram Nabi Tas0097
Denny olikarottu joseph Tas0060
Srikar Tas0125
Ahsan Ali Tas0113

Group Members


1 Denny olikarottu joseph Tas0060

2 Khuram Nabi Tas0097

3 Srikar Tas0125

4 Ahsan Ali Tas0113



Khuram Nabi Leadership and ● Enhancing ability

● employee aspiration

● Schedule for

Denny olikarottu joseph Business administration ● Consequences of poor


● termination letter
Srikar Marketing ● Interview and gap issues

Ahsan Ali research ● Performance

improvement plan

Summary of previous performance review

Khuram should focus more on :

● Hygiene
● Punctuality
● Dependability
● Communication
● Team work

Srikar should focus more on :

● Hygiene
● Productivity
● Dependability
● Communication
● Team work


An interview has been arranged with Khuram & Srikar. As per the observation and discussion
Khuram has been lacking on the hygiene on food handling and failing to report with in time. He has
been advised to read the standards briefly before starting the shift, such that he will be complying
with the rules. In addition, after the shift end as part of the job he is now required to check the
relevant company mails and respond to them as soon as possible.

After the interview with Srikar, it can be observed that he requires series of face to face briefing as
he is been incompatible in communicating with other people and work mates. Companies work
standards list has been provided to Srikar, since he is unable to cope with work quality. This list will
enhance in developing his Work quality as well as Communication skills.

Both the employees have been provided with relevant documentation and regular guidance will be
in place to ensure progression in place. In addition, failure to comply with these standards will result
in suspension for 4 weeks.

Organizational goals

➢ Coles will provide a working and shopping environment where team members and
customers are safe. Coles do not accept behaviour that risks the safety of team members,
customers, suppliers, contractors or anyone we interact with in our work.

Expectation of team member and KPI of team member

● Coles expect his employees to concentrate more quality, hygiene, productivity, punctuality,
● KPI of team member are:
● Customer Satisfaction Score
● First Response Time
● Customer Retention Rate
● Reliability
● Assurance
● Responsiveness
● Employee Engagement
● Service Level
● Net Promoter Score
● Marketing campaign effectiveness
● Direct traffic
● Pages per visit
● Customer Acquisition Rate
● Conversion rate
Employee aspiration

Team member

Department manager

Assistant manager

Store manager

Area manager

Skill gaps, issues and career goals

Target Area Performance Expected Agreed Support Review Date to

standards improvement date achieve
(specific area Concern
where (what is (what actions
(specific dates
performance expected of need to be
and examples of
standards have the taken to meet
where the
not been met) employee in expected
standards have
terms of standard of
not been met)
their performance)
i.e. what
does ‘good’
look like)

Khuram: Hygiene Not wearing Need to Carry on job list Provide Ongoing Standard
and gloves while priorities for the day and OHS expected
communication handling food. while read OHS guide and to be
handling briefly before relevant achieved
food. starting work to do list within 8
formats. weeks.

Previously didn’t
Carry on
respond to key
issues even after
check list/ to
giving a personal
do list to
keep on track
(Will be more

Srikar: Team Not being active By Manager/super Training Reviewe Standard

work and Work in team activities, interacting visor needs to in d in 6 expected
quality for instance while with work keep on communi weeks. to be
stocktaking didn’t mates helps tracking and cation achieved
respond or co- to learn guide where and other within 10
operated with more and required. skills. weeks.
team mates. improves
Which has harmony
resulted in lack within

Consequences of poor performance

Potential negative consequences of retaining a poor performer after you've exhausted all the
options available:

● You'll annoy other members of your team, who may have to work harder to "carry" the
poor performer.
● You may promote a belief in others that you're prepared to accept mediocrity – or,
worse, underperformance.
● You may waste precious time and resources that could be better used elsewhere.
● You may signal that some employees deserve preferential treatment.
● You may undermine the whole idea of finding the best person for the job.

Termination letter

Denny oj, Coles Rosny park

February 15 , 2019

Mr. KhuramNabi,

Coles supermarket,

Rosny park

Dear Khuram,

This letter confirms your dismissal from Coles Rosny park for poor performance, effective
immediately.You are dismissed because, despite repeated feedback and performance coaching from
your manager, your work performance has not improved. Your performance has been documented
in three letters of reprimand which you read and signed. Additionally, the performance
improvement plan (PIP) you were participating in put forth specific goals and targets that you agreed
to meet by their due date.

You failed to meet the target dates in any of the areas specified within the plan that you and your
manager wrote and agreed to together. You were offered resources and additional support that you
refused. As a consequence, your dismissal is the result of your refusal to meet the core requirements
of your job.Payment for your accrued vacation days and sick days will be included in your final
paycheck* which you will receive on your regular payday, Friday. We can mail your final paycheck to
your home or you can make arrangements with your manager to pick it up.

You will also receive a letter that outlines the status of your benefits upon your dismissal. You should
turn in your company badge and smartphone at the time of your dismissal so we have accounted for
all company-owned items.You will need to keep the company informed of your contact information
so that we are able to provide the information you may need in the future.


Denny Oj

Store manager,Coles,Rosny park

Schedule for performance improvement

Strategies Duration

Job training 6 months

6 months
Put Learning into Practise with
Role Play

3% hike every year

Provide Incentives and Reward

Individual bonus every 6 months

Peer recognition every month during meetings

Customer surveys Every 6 months

Agreeing on remedies by employee

I, Khuram Nabi, team member in coles, hereby agree on the remedies including training,external or
internal counselling, and on-going review and professional development.Ifi am not improving even
after the training, i am ready to face the consequences mentioned.

Agreeing on remedies by Employer

I, Denny oj, Coles manager, hereby agree to provide the remedies including training,external or
internal counselling, and on-going review and professional development to Khuram.IfKhuram is not
performing even after all this remedies, he will be terminated with immediate effect.


Employee name Khuram Nabi

Employee position Team member

and level

Manager name Denny oj

Manager position Store Manager

Date of plan 15-02-2019

Period of plan
15-02-2019 to 15-08-2019

Interim review date


Final review date 15-08-2019

Performance improvement objective:

Required outcomes
● Punctuality: To maintain work quality. Punctuality is an integral part.

To finish tasks on time it is compulsory to start it on time. Punctuality is one of the

basic rules to be obeyed.

● Clean Environment: Working in a clean environment is compulsory thing to follow.

A clean environment assures the safety.

● Teamwork is important. Need to cooperate with team members. In teamwork we

learn the skills to finish the task on time and learn something new.

Strategies ● Provide Incentives and Reward Progress.Incentives could be in monetary terms as

well as verbal appreciation. If someone has performed well and you want to do
him continue this thing then it’s better to appreciate as much as you can.

Support ● Training courses: In this era of technology, an employer should provide some
internal as well as external training to its employees.

● Weekly meetings to discuss the issues: Periodical meetings should be conducted to

discuss all the issues.

● Direct communication among the employees and senior management: To bridge

the gap between the managers and employees, there should be a direct
communication system.

Responsibilities Employee:

● Responsible to complete the assigned task on time.

● Responsible to take courses offered by the management.

● Take responsibility of tasks assigned and left incomplete.


● Responsible of providing training.

● Provide a reasonable environment to enhance productivity of the employees.

● Responsible to take feedback to enhance performance.

Consequences According to the policy If an employee has failed to meet the required outcomes by the
review date, without a reasonable excuse, he will be given three verbal warnings. In case if
the things are not sorted out then employee will be terminated after three written

Legislative, WHS and Legislative: Coles authoritative and regulatory requirements are tracks which a corporate
Organisational business runs himself. All individuals and associations are required to consent to pertinent
requirements enactment to which they are subject. Coles has been recommended laws, directions and
by-laws. It is compulsory for all in Coles to decide and obey their administrative

WHS: Coles as an entrepreneur, should meet the WHS necessities set out in the
demonstrations and controls in your state or domain. Controls set out the models you have
to meet for explicit perils and dangers, for example, hardware, and manual dealing with.

Organisational Requirements: A few instances of authoritative necessities are: the

association's vision, objectives, goals and needs. business and execution designs. Frame
works, procedures and necessities for quality confirmation.

Next Review Next review will happen on 15th of August 2019.

Manager signature: Employee signature:

Print name: Denny oj Print name: Khuram Nabi

Date: 15-02-2018 Date: 15-02-2018

Employee self-assessment
Employee to complete before the interim and final review meeting.

How do you think you have performed against each of your performance improvement objectives?

I reckon I have done well against each of my performance improvement objectives. All of the tasks due date was
met. For example, quality of work has been maintained, and work environment was neat and clean.

Other comments:

I have updated my skills to meet the day to day tasks. I have taken internal and external courses being offered by
the management.
Employee signature:

Print name: Khuram Nabi


Manager assessment

Manager to complete before the interim and final review meeting.

How do you think the employee has performed against each of their performance improvement

I reckon employee has done well but still needs to improve himself to compete the rapid change in technology.

Although he has attended the internal and external trainings.

Other comments:

We have some skills improvement plans and I hope employee will up to date himself.

Manager signature: Employee signature:

Print name: Denny oj Print name: Khuram Nabi

Date: 15-02-2018 Date: 15-02-2018


The Cusp. (2019). How To Deal With An Underperforming Colleague. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Feb. 2019].

LawPath. (2019). Legal Documents Single - LawPath. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 13 Feb. 2019].

Betterteam. (2019). 4 Sample Termination Letters + Easy Template. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Feb. 2019].

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