Dissertation Assessment Brief

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Module : Dissertation 04 FR DI Date: 24th December, 2011 Signature:

FR ASSESSMENT BRIEF (2009-11 Batch, Semester 4)

Duration Semester Four (02 hours/week) (20 Weeks)

Aim of the Module To guide students to draw upon and integrate the learning of the
modules completed in semester I to III and apply this integrative
learning to identify, analyze and solve a real life problem in the
retail industry.
Module D.P. Log Book: 40%; Report: 40%; Jury: 20%
Learning Outcomes After completing this module, the student should be able to:
a) Demonstrate analytical, critical and evaluation skills
b) Apply research and information gathering skills
c) Conduct research on self-elected briefs
d) Demonstrate ability to plan, schedule and manage time
e) Present and defend analytical findings and
recommendations in front of a jury

I. Assessment Element 1: DP LOG BOOK (100 marks) weight 40%

Dissertation research provides students with hands-on, directed experience in the research
issues of the discipline, and the use of appropriate research methods. It prepares students
for the analytical strengths and intellectual application that will be expected of them after
they graduate with the Post Gradute award and join the world of work.

The process of dissertation is as follows:

Students will:

 Select a research question or area of study

 Develop an appropriate methodology to investigate their research question
 Prepare and analyze secondary data, or undertake a critical analysis of data
 Apply critical skills to interpreting the findings from the research they have carried
 Present a comprehensive write up of the research and its findings (10,000-12,000
words including references, bibliography and appendices)

The mentors will be allocated to each student at the beginning of the semester to give
guidance and facilitate the process of dissertation. A student is expected to get the topic
approved by the research mentor and then meet or interact with his/her dissertation mentor
on weekly basis during the course of the module.

These meetings/ interactions should be used to develop and refine a research question,
discuss the design of the study or dissertation (if theoretical), develop an appropriate
methodology, discuss the analysis and presentation of the findings, in addition to any
trouble shooting that may be required. The timing and duration of these meetings is to be
agreed between the student and their supervisor/s. Records of these meetings should
be kept by the student in the LOG BOOK (the format will be given) and will be signed by
the mentors. Mentors may comment upon each chapter as it is written and once when the
complete draft of the dissertation is ready.

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Module : Dissertation 04 FR DI Date: 24th December, 2011 Signature:

THE LOG BOOK helps in providing a record of progress between you and your mentors. It
also helps you and your mentor in identification of the key skills and knowledge required to
successfully manage your research project and audit the record of your research activities,
skills and training.

Apart from the weekly guidance from the respective mentors, the students are
also required to present the Research Proposal, Methodology, and the data
collection and analysis in Week 7, 11 and 15 consecutively before presenting the
final presentation/Jury in Week 18. These presentation sessions will cover issues
and your progress in the progress of your research.

Assessment Criteria for Assessment Element 1

Students should be able to demonstrate the analytical, critical and evaluation skills. He/she
should also be able to apply research and information gathering skills.

The log book assessment will be based on following criteria’s:

 Demonstration of the ability to present, defend and argue the findings

during the course of the module. The presentation will be made individually in
front of the external mentors, dissertation mentors and the research mentor as per
the Milestones/schedule mentioned below.
 Electronic submission of the presentations as per the milestones provided
 Weekly attendance log for the dissertation guidance from your dissertation

Guideline for time management

Date: Milestones
5-7th January 2011 • Meeting the Research Mentor for proposed DP topics
10th January 2011 • Submission and approval of dissertation topic
12th January 2011 • Submission of Research Proposal
27 th January 2011 Presentation 1 on:
• Introduction to the Topic
• Literature review
• Research Proposal
• Finalization of research objectives
17th February 2011 • Finalization of data collection method(s) and sampling
• Submission of Research Methodology
• Questionnaire Approval
24th February 2011 Presentation 2 on:
• Contents of presentation 1
• Research Methodology
• Questionnaire
3rd March 2011 • Collection of primary data and field research
10th March 2011 • Data Analysis/Initial Findings

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Module : Dissertation 04 FR DI Date: 24th December, 2011 Signature:

• Conclusion and Recommendations

31st March 2011 Presentation 3 and First draft of Report
• Data Analysis
• Conclusion and Findings
7th April 2010 • Final Report Submission (Hard and Soft Copy)
21st April 2011 • Individual Presentations / Jury


It is extremely important that all students avoid, deliberate or accidental, plagiarism. Any
quotations from articles or books should be clearly marked as such with a full reference,
including the page number. Quoting work from elsewhere without attribution, or rewriting a
text in one's own words, can constitute plagiarism. This is a serious offence and any
breaches will be treated rigorously by the Academy. If a student is in any doubt about this
he/she should consult the supervisor.

Grading Criteria for Assessment Element 1:

Distinction (70% and above)–The log shows an evidence of rigorous interactions and
regular meetings with your supervisors or mentors. The student demonstrates the ability to
demonstrate the analytical, critical skills, evaluation skills and apply research and
information gathering skills in the presentations.

First Class (60- below 69%) - The log shows a satisfactory evidence of interaction and
meeting with the mentors. The student demonstrates ability to demonstrate an immature
analytical, critical, evaluation skills and some application of research and information
gathering skills in the presentations.

Second Class (50-below 59%) – The log shows limited evidence of interaction and
meeting with the mentors. The student demonstrates ability to demonstrate an immature
and limited analytical, critical, evaluation skills and very limited application of research and
information gathering skills in the presentations.

Fail (Below 50%) - The work shows no evidence of interactions and/or meeting with the
mentors. The student does not demonstrate any ability to analyze, evaluate and select
appropriate information to put forward even a basic interpretation of the research in the

II. Assessment Element 2: Report: (100 marks) weight 40%

The assessment of the report will be based on the entire research done by an individual in
the dissertation project areas of integrated learning. The topic chosen must be related to the
discipline the student has taken admission in. It must have theoretical support of modules
the student has learnt in past three semesters of the PG Fashion Retail programme. The
topic must address an opportunity or problem related to the industry. It must be
manageable within the time period of the module.

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Module : Dissertation 04 FR DI Date: 24th December, 2011 Signature:

The Dissertation Report should contain:

Preliminary pages

The first five preliminary pages of dissertations must be:

Title Page, Acknowledgements, Declaration, Executive summary, Table of Contents

Report Structure
Literature Review, Research Objectives, Research Methodology, Significance and
Limitations of Research, Findings, Analysis and interpretations, Recommendations,
Further research, Annexure

Format and submission

All dissertations should follow the presentation and style guidance outlined
below with referencing in accordance with the Harvard system. Both paper
and electronic copies of the dissertation must be submitted on time. Earlier
handing-in is possible but no dissertation will be examined until after the
submission date. Late submission will be subject to penalties.

Paper and Text

The dissertation must be printed or typed on A4 size white bond paper

within 70 g/m2 to 100 g/m2) Dot matrix printers should not be used for the
final reproduction of the dissertation. Paper of a larger size up to A3 may
be used for maps, plans, diagrams and illustrative material forming part of
the dissertation. The pages should be numbered consecutively. The
preferred position for the page number is typed at the bottom centre of the
page. The text should be in double or 1.5 line spacing in a font size
between 10 and 12 inclusive. Headings should be in a font size no larger
than 14. Quotations and footnotes can be in single spacing in a font size
between 8 and 10 inclusive. Pages to be single-sided.

Margins at the binding left hand side should be not less than 40mm. Top,
bottom and side margins should be not less than 15mm.

The Report submission (both hard as well as soft copy) will be in Week 17, 30th April,
2010. The submission will be marked by external mentors, dissertation mentors and
research mentor.

Assessment Criteria for Assessment Element 2:

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Module : Dissertation 04 FR DI Date: 24th December, 2011 Signature:

Students will need to demonstrate an ability to completely answer the aims and
requirements of the report as per the guidelines mentioned above.

He/she should be able to demonstrate:

 Critical Literature Review

 Research Methodology
 Collection and Analysis of Data
 Interpretation of Findings and Recommendations
 Structure and written communication

Grading Criteria for Assessment Element 2:

Distinction (70% and above) – The report shows evidence of an in-depth research. The
student demonstrates the ability to assemble, evaluate and select appropriate information;
puts forward an exceptionally advanced presentation; shows a thorough understanding of
relevant parameters; puts forward a coherent, structured and sustainable report.

First Class (60-below 69%) - The report shows evidence of fully answering the aims and
requirements of the brief and use of research skills. The student demonstrates the ability to
assemble, evaluate and select appropriate information for an enhanced presentation of
report; shows a mature understanding of relevant parameters; puts forward a coherent and
structured report.

Second Class (50-below 59%) - The work shows evidence of satisfactorily answering the
aims and requirements of the brief and limited use of resources and research skills. The
student demonstrates limited ability to assemble, evaluate and select appropriate
information for a presentation; shows only satisfactory understanding of relevant
parameters; puts forward a partially structured report.

Fail (below 50%) - The work shows no evidence of answering the aims and requirements
of the brief, or any use of various resources and research skills. The student does not
demonstrate any ability to assemble, evaluate and select appropriate information for a
presentation; shows no understanding of relevant parameters; and cannot put forward a
even a basic report.

III. Assessment Element 3: JURY / Presentation of the Final Project (100 marks)
weight 20%

Each student has to make an individual presentation based on the research work.
Dissertation presentation will contain:

1. A clear indication, at appropriate stages, of original and creative elements. The level
of originality expected is likely to include the application of existing techniques to
new environments, the use of original materials, the re-working of existing materials,
and the use of comparative approaches to the provision of information;

2. A discussion of its scope and aims, and its theoretical and professional significance,
including a discussion of the context in which the problem is seen as important;

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Module : Dissertation 04 FR DI Date: 24th December, 2011 Signature:

3. An analysis of the topic within a critical review of the relevant literature;

4. An evaluation of methods used in the dissertation, their reliability, validity, and a

comparison with alternative methods;

5. Any of the following data collection method :

a. qualitative methods (video recording, photographs, observations)

b. at least fifteen in-depth interviews with experts in industries

c. at least three focus group discussions, video recorded

d. survey method with structured questionnaire ( minimum sample size being


6. An account of the process of obtaining the data required for the dissertation and the
results obtained;

7. An analysis of the results of the dissertation to include a discussion of their

significance, their relationship to other research, and any methodological or
theoretical implications; and

8. The relationship of the findings to existing professional understanding and, where

appropriate, potential implementation difficulties.

The jury will be in Week 18th, 6th and 7th May, 2010. The submission will be marked by
external mentors, dissertation mentors and research mentor.

Assessment Criteria for Assessment Element 3:

Students will need to demonstrate:

 Identification of Research Objectives and Research Methodology
 Data collection and analysis method
 Recommendations
 Well structured, defensive presentation
Grading Criteria for Assessment Element 2:

Distinction (70% and above) – The presentation shows an evidence of an in-depth

research. The student demonstrates the ability to assemble, evaluate and select appropriate
information; puts forward an exceptionally advanced presentation; shows a thorough
understanding of relevant parameters; puts forward a coherent, structured and sustainable

First Class (60-below 69%) - The presentation shows an evidence of fully answering the
aims and requirements of the brief. The student demonstrates the ability to assemble,
evaluate and select appropriate information for an enhanced presentation; shows a mature
understanding of relevant parameters; puts forward a coherent and structured presentation.

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Module : Dissertation 04 FR DI Date: 24th December, 2011 Signature:

Second Class (50-below 59%) – The presentation shows evidence of satisfactorily

answering the aims and requirements of the brief and limited use of resources and research
skills. The student demonstrates limited ability to assemble, evaluate and select appropriate
information for a presentation; shows only satisfactory understanding of relevant
parameters; puts forward a partially structured presentation.

Fail (below 50%) - The work shows no evidence of answering the aims and requirements
of the brief, or any use of various resources and research skills. The student does not
demonstrate any ability to assemble, evaluate and select appropriate information for a
presentation; shows no understanding of relevant parameters; and cannot put forward a
even a basic presentation.




7th April, 2011 Log Book 40% The student should be able to :

a) Demonstrate analytical,
critical and evaluation skills
b) Apply research and
information gathering skills
c) Conduct research on self-
elected briefs
d) Demonstrate ability to plan,
schedule and manage time

21st April, 2011 Report 40% T The student should be able to :
a) Demonstrate analytical,
critical and evaluation skills
b) Apply research and
information gathering skills
c) Conduct research on self-
elected briefs
d) Demonstrate ability to plan,
schedule and manage time

21st April, 2011 Jury 20% e) Present and defend

analytical findings and
recommendations in front
of a jury

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