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Muhammad Farid1, a, Lutfi Firdaus2, b, Dwi Alfina S3, c

1) Department of Physics, Mathematical and Natural Science Faculty, University-Indonesian Bengkulu
2) Chemist Department of Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Bengkulu Indonesia University-
3) -Indonesia Department of Education Faculty, Queen Samban University-Indonesia


Abstract.Palm trees including trees very much use of water for survival. If grown in
plantations level it is very likely it will suck the water around the estate that became public
consumption. As a result of continuous water extraction around the estate, is expected to
decline in water quality that had been consumed by the public. Water quality deterioration
will damage the health and intelligence. This study aimed to: (1) the position of groundwater
level in the communities around oil palm plantations; (2) determine the quality of the ground
water. Geoelectric method used to determine the position of the groundwater, while to know
the water quality of the analytical method used. Geolistrik tool used is a type MAE X612-
EM. The results showed the position of the ground water level between 2-3 meters from
surface, while water quality is very poor based on the test pH, turbidity and iron content.
Water pH ranging from 5.7 to 6, turbidity between 19 to 54 NTU, while the iron content Anra
0.0012 to 0.0022 mg / liter.
The results of the study concludes that the position of the groundwater around oil palm
estates are still relatively shallow, but the water quality is already above the threshold in the
size of health standards.

Keywords: palm, groundwater level, water quality


Water is a natural substance that plays an important role for the life of human beings,

animals and plants (Agustiningsih, et al, 2012). Purnama (2007) states, in terms of quantity of

groundwater will decrease the ability of the provision if the amount used exceeds availability.

In terms of quality, the water has a requirement is not felt, odorless and total dissolved solids,

color, turbidity, and temperature does not exceed the threshold. Water quality is also

determined by the quality of the chemical, which means that the content of certain elements

of both organic and inorganic. The content of the elements of these elements should not be

less than the minimum or do not exceed the maximum limit (Lawrence and Ojo, 2012)

The development of oil palm plantations is very rapid and the number of absorbed water

needs, should be a concern as an environmental issue, especially related to the disruption of

the water system. Oil palm plantations that are a monoculture rated as the cause of the

reduced availability of groundwater and can lower the groundwater table (Sandhyavitri,

2014). Based on data obtained from PPKS subunit Kabun Kalianta Riau (2012), the oil palm

plantation area, the pattern of groundwater level decline occurred in the period April-

September. Study of soil water potential can be determined by measuring points with the

alleged use tools resistivitymeter geoelectric method.

The geoelectric method does not damage the medium and the surrounding environment,

but the results can be analyzed to determine the presence of the aquifer. The magnitude of the

potential for ground water can be characterized by the presence of a thick aquifer zone

(Anomohanran, 2011). Resistivitymeter instrument capable of measuring the groundwater to

a depth of 60 meters and is easy to use and high accuracy enough tools. Alile et al (2010),

revealed that the electrical resistivity method is one of the most useful technique in

geophysical exploration of underground water due to the resistivity of the rocks are extremely

sensitive to moisture. According Akintorinwa, OJ (2015) in Ugwu, NU et al (2016), a layer

of rock resistivity ranges from 333 Ohm to 63 Ohm around 85% of which are in the ground

water potential medium (100-250 Ohm) and the potential for groundwater high (> 250 Ohm).

Measurement geoelectric method is performed by injecting an electric current through

two current electrodes and measure the results of the voltage difference at two potential

electrodes are driven into the ground (Loke, 1999). The magnitude of the radial flow can be

measured in terms of the potential difference at a particular place at ground level, so that it

will be obtained information about subsurface rock resistivity (Hartantya, 2000).

Measurement of groundwater levels in the area around the geoelectric method Aguobiri

Southern Nigeria found that ground water can still be consumed and has not been

contaminated by oil (Egai, et al, 2013). In contrast to the results of research Carlson, et al

(2013) which states that the threat of pollution of water sources become public consumption.

To find out kualiats contaminated water or not to be tested.

Water quality testing is required to determine water quality. Water has the nature of the

physics, chemistry and biology. According Suripin (2002) physical characteristics that affect

water quality is determined by the color, temperature, turbidity, while water covers the

chemical characteristics of pH, alkalinity and hardness; and biological characteristics such as

a wide range of living organisms. Data measuring groundwater levels and water quality

testing further correlated to the relationship between the two variables.

Theoretical Framework

Geolistrik is a method in geophysics that studies the nature of the flow of electricity in the

earth and how to detect them in the earth's surface. This detection includes measuring the

potential difference, currents, and electromagnetic occur naturally or as a result of current

into the earth pengijeksian (Kanata, and Zubaidah., 2008).

Step geoelectric method works written as follows:

Figure 1. Two pairs of current and potential electrodes on the surface of a homogeneous

isotropic medium with resistivity ρ (Bahri, 2005)

The potential difference at the point P1 as a result of the current electrode C1 is

ΔV (1)
ρa =K

In equation (1) is the resistivity, is a geometric factor, is the potential difference between the

points and, is the electric current that flows through and. ρa KΔV P 1 P2 I P1 P2

Values defined as set forth in equation (2).K

K=2 πa (2)

In equation (2) is the distance between the electrodes.a


Measurement of water quality and groundwater levels do in Dusun Desa Simpang

Beliben Pondok Kelapa Central Bengkulu. Water sampling wells around the point measured

is determined nuka depth of groundwater. There are four measurement locations that have

been determined through a survey. Well water quality testing conducted in the laboratory,

University of Bengkulu. Variables tested in physics and chemistry is pH, levels of iron (Fe)

and turbidity samples. PH testing is done by using a pH meter, testing the iron content using a

spectrophotometer, and turbidity testing using a turbidimeter. The test results of samples

subsequently analyzed with reference padadaftar water quality for each allotment according

to the Indonesian government regulation No.20 of 1990.

Ground water level measurements in this study using a GE type Resistivity Meter GL-

4200, geoelectric method with Wenner electrode configuration. Geoelectric appliance parts

consist of Current transmitter, voltmeter, ammeter, Connection test, ADC, and PC controller

Current Transmitter. Support tools in the ground water level measurements compass, two-

way communication tool, GPS, camera, cable 4 rolls, electrodes 4 pieces and stick 20 pieces.

The data required for the measurement of soil water quality include: the distance between the

two current electrodes AB, the distance between the two MN potential electrode, electric

current (I), potential difference (ΔV) which is guided by the stacking chart, then the price

obtained geometry correction factor (K ) and the value of resistivity (ρ).

Groundwater level measurements performed by injecting electric current flow using two

electrodes A and B are inserted into the ground with electric tertentu.Tegangan distance

occurring at ground level was measured using a multimeter connected through two pieces of

"electrode voltage" M and N the distance is shorter than the electrode spacing AB. When the

position of the electrode distance AB is greater then converted into electrical voltages that

occur at the electrodes MN also change according to the type of rock that participate

information injected electric current at a greater depth (Broto and Afifah, 2008).

The final result of the calculation is inserted into softwere RES2DINV to describe the

value of the resistivity in the surface of the earth in the form of a contour map layers

contained therein.


Results of water quality testing in physics and chemistry laboratory samples of well

water is shown in Table 2 below.

Table 1. Results of the analysis of the sample test

samples parameter Analysis

pH Iron (mg / Turbidity (NTU)

sample 1 6.0 0.0021 54.16
sample 2 6.0 0.0022 37.12
sample 3 5.8 0.0021 35.65
sample 4 5.7 0.0011 19.02

Analysis of the pH value of the test sample water quality in Table 1, shows that the

acidic water samples with a pH of 5.7 to 6. According to the government regulations of the

Republic of Indonesia No.20 of 1990, Gol A soil pH of water is allowed is equal to 6,5- 8,5.

This suggests that the well water samples can be said to be contaminated and not suitable for


Analysis of the levels of iron (Fe) in the test sample the water quality, the content of

0.0011 to 0.00022 mg / L. According to the government regulations of the Republic of

Indonesia No.20 of 1990, the metal content of iron (Fe) in a goal allowed is 0.3 mg / L.Hal

shows the value that is very far from the exposure limit of 0.3, so that the water samples wells

can be said to contain no metal iron (Fe).

Analysis of the level of turbidity in the sample water quality testing shows the range of

19.02 to 54.16. According to the government regulations of the Republic of Indonesia No.20

of 1990, the maximum turbidity levels in Gol A is allowed is 5 NTU. This demonstrates the

value that is very far from the exposure limit is 5 NTU, so that the well water samples can be

said to have a very high turbidity levels. Turbidity can be caused by solids such as sand, silt,

clay and organic content.

Ground water level measurement data with geoelectric method after being processed to

obtain resistivity value, then the softwere RES2DINV. The results of data processing in the

form of actual resistivity distribution on the cross section below the soil surface. Based on

this geoelectric cross-section can be seen the depth and structure of the soil layers are

visualized by specific color.

On the first track on the data processing is shown as Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Layers of ground water on the track 1

Based on the first image looks still spreading the soil water potential, soil water

resistivity are shown by the blue color that ranges between 0.002150.206 Ωm with an

average depth of 1,967m.

In track 2 on the data processing is shown as Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. Layers of ground water on the track 2

Based on Figure 2 also looks still spreading the soil water potential, soil water resistivity

are shown by the blue color that ranges between 0.1284.38 Ωm with an average depth of


In track 3 the data processing is shown as Figure 3 below.

Figure 3. Layers of ground water on the track 4

Based on Figure 3 also looks still spreading the soil water potential, soil water resistivity

are shown by the blue color that ranges between 0.744 6.93 Ωm with an average depth of


In track 4 on the data processing is shown as Figure 4 below.

Figure 4. Layer groundwater on track 4

Based on Figure 4 also looks still spreading the soil water potential, soil water resistivity

is indicated by a blue color in the range of 0.120 to 3.21 Ωm with an average depth of 2,679

m. Fourth trajectory measurements were obtained that the depth of the ground water level

varies for each track.

Hypothesis test water quality in the relationship with the depth of the ground water level

is done by using the product moment correlation indicates that there is no tendency of the

relationship between pH and the levels of iron (Fe) with the groundwater.

However, there is a tendency inverse relationship between turbidity in the groundwater.

This inverse relationship is defined that the near / short distance of the groundwater from the

soil surface, the higher the turbidity level / great. This is in line with research Carlson, et al,

from Stanford University and the University of Minnesota (2013) who conducted research on

the southern coast of Ketapang in West Kalimantan Province, revealed that the water quality

is significantly eroded and the risks associated with oil palm plantations. Impacts that occur,

ranging from declining water quality with a marked turbidity occurs between 40-713 NTU.


Based on research that has been done, it can be concluded that:

1. Four wells to water quality in terms of pH indicates that the water is acidic range between

5.76, the content of iron (Fe) ranged between 0.00110.0022 mg / L indicate that the

well water contains no metal iron (Fe), and turbidity ranged from 19.0254.16 NTU,

which means that the well water turbidity is very high discount.

2. The depth of the ground water level is done with Wenner configuration geoelectric

measurements showed that the average trajectory 1 ground water depth of 1,967 meters,

track 2 average depth of 2,935 m, the track 3 average depth of 2,240 m, and the mean

trajectory 3 average depth of 2,679m.

3. The relationship between water quality in terms of turbidity with a depth of groundwater

table enjoyed a "strong", so that it can be said there are tendencies to an inverse

relationship between the quality of ground water and surface water in terms of turbidity.


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