ABE Level 6 Business Ethics and Sustainability December 2017

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RQF Question Paper


Business Ethics and Sustainability

Wednesday 6 December 2017, Morning

1. Examination duration: 2 hours

2. The marks for each question are shown in brackets; use this as a guide on how much time to spend on each

3. Read the instructions at the top of each section.

4. No books, dictionaries, notes or any other written materials are allowed in this examination.

5. Calculators, including scientific calculators, are allowed, provided they are not programmable and cannot
store or recall information. All other electronic devices, including mobile phones and smart watches, are not

6. Candidates who break ABE Examination Regulations will be disqualified from the examinations.

7. Question papers must not be removed from the examination room.

1 × 5 marks
Section A 25 marks
2× 10 marks

Section B 3 (of 4) × 25 marks 75 marks

Total: 100 marks

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Section A – 25 marks
(1 × 5 marks + 2 × 10 marks each = 25 marks total)

Answer all questions

1 (5 marks)
Discuss one deontological framework that influences western approaches to business ethics.

2 (10 marks)
Assess the five factors that organisations must consider when developing a sustainability strategy.

3 (10 marks)
Analyse the core principles of the economic model of corporate social responsibility (CSR), based on
recognised economic theory, such as Milton Friedman.

Section B – 75 marks
(3 of 4 × 25 marks each = 75 marks total)

Answer THREE questions only

4 (25 marks)
Critically discuss the key characteristics of an effective ethical leader. Make reference to relevant theory to
support your answer.

5 (25 marks)
‘The only smart long-term move for an organisation in a society increasingly faced with income inequality,
conflict and environmental challenges is to demonstrate a tangible commitment to the larger good by
assessing and communicating the impact its activities have on social, environmental and ethical issues.’
Critically discuss the validity of this statement explaining the reasons as to why organisations should engage
in effective corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting.

6 (25 marks)
Critically evaluate how understanding national culture (Hofstede) helps organisations’ approaches to ethical
decision-making. Support your answer with examples of an organisation of your choice.

7 (25 marks)
Critically analyse the ethical questions that arise with regard to an organisation’s duty of care to ensure their
products and services are safe for use and fit for purpose. Support your answer with examples of an
organisation of your choice.

End of question paper

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