97% Scientific Consensus: Not Just A Lie But Calculated Deception A Commentary

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Bernadeth B.

MA- Filipino

97% Scientific Consensus: Not just a Lie but Calculated Deception

A Commentary

I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be

questioned, this phrases are according to Richard Feynman. It is better to have questions that has

no corresponding answer than to have an answer without asking a question. Second was

confusing because it just tells a lie or an opinion (opinionated) about something significant, and

there’s impossible to have an answer without a question. This phrases exactly related on issue

about the 97% consensus on climate change.

The author argue about the 97% consensus because there is no existing survey of

scientists that establishes as fact that alleged consensus of 97 percent on the truth of climate

change. There’s no data that tackles the study regarding climate change. This idea proved by Mr.

Robson when he said on his video…

“But there are millions of scientists in the world. How many exactly were surveyed?

When were they surveyed? Who did it? And what exactly did they agree on? …

A research or study that doesn’t have data to show is hard to believe in. This is the reason

why many authors debate on this ‘man-made’ climate change. Author believes that the idea of

‘97% consensus’ was the influence of other studies on getting the statistical percentage of the
respondents’ response like how the author enumerates those studies. In relation to Feynman said,

this has an answer and yet there’s no a question to be discussed with.

Author said that there’s so many scientist all over the world that can be a subject on the

said study. Those scientist will be the population but researcher can pick from that population

that will serve as sample. This study will never be debated when there’s a clear and accurate

information on how they get the 97% consensus. Even there’s have a thousand scientist,

researcher can get a valid respondents when they use proper sampling. However, readers believe

the 97% consensus on climate change because of the confidence level of the study. Confidence

level tells the accurateness of the result of study using statistical treatment. Since there is 97%,

the level of error is 5% or 0.5 which interpret as moderately high confidence level.

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