Foster+Partners Manigua Fee Proposal 171109

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Foster + Partners

Grupo Eco Developers

Manigua Club Twin Tower Development
Shell + Core Fee Proposal
9th November 2017


Grupo Eco Developers

Project Description
Design for two new residential towers with a total sellable area of approximately 750,000 sqft as part of a
larger hospitality devolvement at Manigua Club in the affluent Interlomas District of Mexico City.

Grupo Eco are currently developing the first two towers and are looking to Foster + Partners to design the
3rd and 4th towers within the development.

Foster + Partners will be appointed design architect, and all other consultants, will be appointed directly by
the Client. It is understood that Grupo Eco’s in-house architectural team will take on the role of Architect of

The Client will commission input from all consultants, as required and provide all necessary information and
surveys regarding the site. The Fee Proposal is based on the outline schedule and assumed scope of
services included within this documentation. Cost advice and formal measurement of areas are not included
within Foster + Partners scope of services.

For the purposes of this proposal it has been assumed that the design and construction for both towers will
occur concurrently.

Should the scope, area or construction value change significantly, Foster + Partners reserves the right to
revisit the fee and associated project schedule.

Collaborating Local Architect

The principle of collaboration with local architects is that Foster + Partners produces the detailed design
and lead details and retains aesthetic design control throughout, while the local architect is the “Architect of
Record”, responsible for the detailed co-ordination of architectural and specialist consultant work,
production of the construction drawings and administration of the contract in the construction phases.

The work split between the practices is to be clearly defined within our scope of services for each stage
indicating which architect is to take the lead on each item. The following diagram illustrates a typical split in
the services, although each project varies. This is more fully described in the scope of services document.
The proposed schedule for the project on which our fees are based is summarised below:

Workstages Duration Remarks

US 1 Concept & Schematic 6 months Following Notice to Proceed, Concept

Design - 2 months and Schematic Design -
4 months
US 2 Design Development 5 months
US 3 Construction Documentation 5 months
US 4 Bidding 2-4 months Included in the CD/Construction phase
US 5 Construction 36 months

TOTAL 52 months *excludes Bidding Phase

Non-refundable mobilisation payment

We propose a payment of $490,000 USD in addition to our fee in consideration of the costs we will
necessarily incur during mobilisation. This payment is unencumbered, and non-refundable under any

We propose a further fee of $4,410,000 USD, excluding VAT and any local withholding taxes, plus lump
sum expenses based on the services being provided in collaboration with a local architect separately
appointed by the Client.

The stage payments as a percentage of Foster + Partners fee will be as follows (excluding mobilisation):

Workstages Stage Payment Remarks

US 1 Concept & Schematic 35%

US 2 Design Development 30% Work will transition to the LCA over the
US 3 Construction Documentation 25% course of the Design Development.
US 5 Construction (Phase 1) 10% Assumes simultaneous construction of the
two towers

Expenses are to be an additional lump sum of 15% of the overall fee.

We have allowed for travel, models (as outlined below), printing of drawings and reports for our own use
and for distribution to other consultants, colour reports for the Client at the end of Concept Design,
Schematic Design and Design Development stages, communication and translation costs.

Expenses include for all sketch/working models as well as a site presentation model at 1:500 scale (or a
similar and agreed upon scale) and visualisations within the Concept and Schematic Design Stages.
Expenses exclude DVD/Video visualisations and special marketing materials.

Allowance has been included for 26 person trips from either London and/or New York to Mexico. These
are based on an assumed 7 during US1: Concept and Schematic Design; 4 during US2: Design
Development; 3 during US3: Construction Documentation and 12 during US5: Construction. Should more
trips be required the cost of these will be reimbursable.
Terms of Payment
On appointment, payment of the non-refundable mobilisation fee, prior to commencement of services to
enable mobilisation, will be required.

Monthly payments plus expenses, on-account of each stage are to be calculated as the proportion of the
fee for each stage divided by the number of programmed months. Payments are to be received within 28
days of date of invoice by Telegraphic Transfer.

Interest on late payments will be charged at 4% over Bank of England base rate. If payments are not
received on the due dates, Foster + Partners cannot guarantee to continue to provide the services.

Terms of Appointment
The terms of appointment will be Foster + Partners standard Memorandum of Agreement. We will retain
the copyright in all the designs.

All rights in respect of Lord Foster's name and personal image are reserved under this Agreement.

We confirm that the foregoing is acceptable to us and accept Foster + Partners proposal.

Signature: Date:


Duly authorised to sign on behalf of

Foster + Partners
Grupo Eco Developers
Manigua Club Twin Tower Development
Shell + Core Scope of Services
9th November 2017


The following summary describes the Architectural Scope of Services produced for each work stage
anticipated by Foster + Partners, for this commission. Each section includes a table showing which
Firm Foster + Partners (“F+P”), or the Local Architect (“LCA”), takes primary responsibility for an activity.

Accepting that Grupo Eco will also take on the role of LCA the matrix below still separates the role of the
AoR from the Client.

The Architectural Team will not prepare cost estimates, but agrees to design with close regard for the
client’s budget. The proposal assumes that the owner will retain third parties to provide cost estimates.

US 1 – Concept and Schematic Design

During this stage Foster + Partners will develop the design, in collaboration with the LCA and the
consultant team. At this stage, the client should establish their project team and approval procedures and
work collaboratively with Foster + Partners to develop an overall strategy for design, programming, and
project costs.

During this phase Foster + Partners will take prime design responsibility in preparing schematic design
documents for the client’s approval. These shall consist of, but not be limited to, drawings and other
documents including the building plans, sections and elevations and will include study models or 3D

Proposed Split of Responsibilities + Deliverables

This phase would consist of architectural documents sufficient to communicate design proposals
including preparation of:

• Location/site plans
• General arrangement plans
• Building sections
• building elevations
• Core studies
• Material studies
• Cladding studies
• 3D CAD studies

(Please note that the Proposed Deliverables are intended as a guide, and may be further refined with the
full design team at an appropriate time).
US1 Schematic Design Phase F+P LCA Specialist
t (incl.

1 Architectural Team Management P P R

2 Project Management P P P R
3 Production and Distribution of Meeting Minutes C R C
4 Site Survey R
5 Establish Program Requirements R P
6 Architectural Design R P C
7 Schematic Design Documentation R P
8 Proactive Informal Review of Scheme for conformance P R
/non-conformance to Local Authority Guidelines
9 Schedule of Initial Finishes R P
10 Site Plan R P
11 Basement Plans (if required) R P
12 Ground Floor Main Lobby Plan R P
13 Residential Floor Plans (typical layouts) Towers 1 + 2 R P
14 Tower Amenity Level Plans R P
15 Roof Plan R P
16 Building Core Layouts R P
17 Building Sections R P
18 Elevations and Sections (typical) R P
19 Exterior envelope (typical conditions) R P
20 Consideration of Major Building Materials R P
21 Co-ordination with other consultants (Structural, R P P
Mechanical, Electrical, Code etc)
22 Integration of Major Structural Engineering and R P P
Specialist Consultant elements
23 Area Calculations P P R
24 Zoning Analysis P R P
Co-ordination, Submission and Presentation of
25 Schematic Design Report and associated materials R P P C
for the Client’s review (incl. Renders, Models etc)
26 Presentations to the Client R P P C
27 Review of QS Area Schedule and Budget estimates R P P C
(to be prepared by 3rd party)
28 Preparation of Submissions to Statutory Authorities P R P
29 Submissions to Statutory Authorities P R
30 Presentations to Statutory Authorities S S
31 Client sign-off of Schematic Design R P P C

R Primary Responsibility S Shared Responsibility P Participation
C Review and Comment F+P Foster + Partners LCA Local Architect

US 2 – Design Development

Upon receipt of the Client’s direction to proceed, Foster + Partners will develop the design incorporating
further comments and requirements from the Client and input from the LCA and the consultant team, to
document an integrated consultant design. Foster + Partners’ documents shall illustrate and describe the
further development of the approved SD documents. These shall consist of drawings and other
documents that fix and describe the project including architectural design and the coordination of
structural, mechanical and electrical engineering elements of the project. It is envisaged that the curtain
wall will be a design-assist element.

As the design is refined key processes will be developed to ensure efficient monitoring and co-ordination
of on going cost plans to achieve the Client’s budget with continuous consultation with the Construction
Manager. During this stage Foster + Partners will take a shared responsibility with the LCA for on-going
constructability review.

Areas of the design are studied and developed to establish lead or typical details within the residential
apartments and podium, with a number of "Design Freezes" which will allow information to be released to
the LCA, who will begin production of Construction Drawings.

Foster + Partners will also participate in the review of the Design Development documents for
conformance to technical requirement which will be led by the LCA. Foster + Partners will then complete
this stage with presentations to the Client in line with the agreed schedule. The LCA will share Foster +
Partners responsibility to achieve a sign off prior to tender award and construction.

As with the Schematic Design this will require Consultant workshops and Client presentations.

Indicative Design Development Deliverables

Foster + Partners will provide an Outline Specification and the LCA will be responsible for the production
of the Full Specification (at a later stage) to meet all local standards and requirements for the
performance of specified items.

Foster + Partners will be responsible for the architectural design intent; however, presentations to the
planning authorities would be in conjunction with the LCA.

Cost control would be reviewed by the LCA but Foster + Partners would have decision making authority
in any aspects of Value Engineering to ensure the overall design intent is maintained.

Foster + Partners and the LCA will be responsible for management and administration of their respective
design teams, and the LCA would need to respond to Foster + Partners in respect of architectural design
directives. The Construction Manager is required to provide advice regarding local methods of

This phase would consist of architectural documents sufficient to communicate design proposals
including preparation of:

• Schedule of Principal Finishes

• Outline Architectural Specification
• General Arrangement Plans
• Building Elevations + Sections with Lead Details
• External Cladding Systems Lead Details
• Principle Building Lobbies Lead Details
• Lift Lobbies and Lift Details Lead Details
• Public Areas Lead Details
• Door Lead Details
• Floor Lead Details
• Core Lead Details
• Façade Cleaning and Maintenance Lead Details

(Please note that the Proposed Deliverables are intended as a guide, and may be further refined with the
full design team at an appropriate time).
Proposed Split of Responsibilities + Deliverables

US2 Design Development Phase F+P LCA Specialist

(incl. CM)

1 Architectural Team Management P P R

2 Project Management P P P R
3 Production and Distribution of Meeting Minutes C R C
4 Architectural Design R P C
5 Design Development Documentation R P
6 Attend and document Project Meetings and Working R P
7 Program Monitoring P P R
8 Proactive Informal Review of Scheme for conformance P R
/non-conformance to Local Authority Guidelines
9 Integration of local Code Requirements into the Design R P
10 Outline Specification R P
11 Site Plans R P
12 Basement Plans (if required) R P
13 Ground Floor Main Lobby Plans R P
14 Main Lobby Elevations + Details R P
15 Residential Floor Plans (develop typical layouts for all R P
apartment types) Towers 1 + 2
16 Test fits to typical Residential Plans R P
17 Indicative layouts to all Tower Amenity Spaces R P
18 Lead Details to apartment common areas (elevator R P
lobbies etc)
19 Roof Plan R P
20 Detailed Building Core Layouts including (but not R P
limited to) stair and elevator cabs/lobbies
21 Elevator Cabs R P
22 Detailed Building Sections R P
23 Detailed Elevations and Wall Sections R P
24 Curtain Wall Details R P
25 Material Selection R P
26 Co-ordination with other consultants (Structural, R P P
Mechanical, Electrical, Code etc)
27 Integration of Major Structural Engineering and R P P
Specialist Consultant elements
28 Area Calculations P P R
29 Review Design in context of Planning + Zoning Design P R P
Co-ordination, Submission and Presentation of Design
30 Development Report and associated materials for the R P P
Client’s review (incl. Renders, Models etc)
31 Presentations to the Client R P P C
32 Review of Cost and Budget R P P C
33 Value Engineering R P
34 Preparation of All Submissions to Statutory Authorities P R P
35 Submission to Statutory Authorities P R
36 Presentation to Statutory Authorities S S
37 Client sign-off of Design Development R P P C
R Primary Responsibility S Shared Responsibility P Participation
C Review and Comment F+P Foster + Partners LCA Local Architect

US 3 – Production Information

Upon the client’s approval of the design development stage and client’s authorization of any adjustments
to the project requirements and budget for the cost of the works, the LCA shall begin preparation of the
production information stage.

Production information documents shall illustrate and describe the further development of the design
development documents and shall consist of drawings and specifications setting forth to detail the quality
levels of material and systems as well as other requirements for the construction of the work.

The LCA will take responsibility for developing the aspects of the design that would then ultimately lead
into full construction documentation. This development would occur at each design freeze, and as
information is released. The LCA would be responsible for reviewing the developed design in conjunction
with the Authorities to ensure compliance. They would also be responsible for integrating the design
development of the local engineering consultants that would be responsible for the structural design
development and the MEP Design Development.

During this phase Foster + Partners will continue to work with the LCA to ensure that the construction
documentation is developed in line with the original design intent.

Proposed Split of Responsibilities + Deliverables

US3 Production Information Phase F+P LCA Specialist

(incl. CM)

1 Architectural Team Management and Administration P R P P

2 Project Management P P P R
3 Production and Distribution of Meeting Minutes C R C
4 Documentation of the Production Information to directly P R
reflect the Design Development material
5 Attend and document Project Meetings and Working P R
6 Program Monitoring P P R
7 Site Plan P R
8 Floor and Ceiling Plans (All Floors) P R
9 Core Plans P R
10 Building Elevations P R
11 Building Sections P R
12 Stairs (Plans, Sections + Details) P R
13 Elevator Lobby Plans + Sections P R
14 Elevator Cab (Plans, Sections + Details) P R
15 Amenity Floors (Plans, Sections + Details) P R
16 Wall Sections P R
17 Curtain Wall Details P R
18 Elevations to Exterior Storefronts P R
19 Residential S+C Details (excluding fit-out) P R
20 Main Lobby, Amenity Floors and Public Areas to P R
Towers - Flooring Plans
21 Main Lobby, Amenity Floors and Public Areas to P R
Towers - Reflected Ceiling Plans
22 Main Lobby, Amenity Floors and Public Areas to P R
Towers - Wall Sections
23 Room Finish Schedule P R
24 Colour Schedule P R
25 Full Architectural Specification P R
Technical Refinement of Exterior and Public Space
26 Elevations, Details for Building Enclosure, Curtain Wall, P R
Lobby Finishes, Elevator Cabs for Incorporation into
Construction Documents
27 Co-ordination with other consultants (Structural, P R P
Mechanical, Electrical, Code etc)
28 Integration of remaining Major Structural Engineering P R P
and Specialist Consultant elements
29 Co-ordination of Statutory Signage P R
30 Area Calculations P P R
Co-ordination, Submission and Presentation of
31 Production Information and associated materials for the P R P
Client’s review (incl. Renders, Models etc)
32 Submission of Production Information to the Client P R
33 Presentations to the Client S S P C
34 Review of Cost and Budget P R R R
35 Value Engineering P R
36 Preparation of All Submissions to Statutory Authorities P R P
37 Submissions to Statutory Authorities P R
38 Presentation to Statutory Authorities S S
39 Client Sign Off of Production Information P R P C

R Primary Responsibility S Shared Responsibility P Participation
C Review and Comment F+P Foster + Partners LCA Local Architect

US 4 – Tender & Negotiation

Foster + Partners place great emphasis on the role of the Architectural Team at the tender and
procurement phase of the project where what is bought from Contractors must align with the Project
objectives of design quality, build quality, cost effectiveness, value for money and schedule.

Proposed Split of Responsibilities + Deliverables

US4 Tender & Negotiation F+P LCA Specialist

(incl. CM)

1 Design Team Management and Administration P R P P

2 Project Management P P P R
3 Production and Distribution of Meeting Minutes C C R C
4 Preparation of Bid Documents C R P
5 Reproduction and Distribution of Drawings + P R
6 Preparation of Addenda R P
7 Processing of Contractor’s Request for Information C R P
(RFI’s) during Bidding
8 Review of Contractor’s Submittal for Design Compliance C C C
9 Respond to suggested edits to Design + Specification P R
US 5 – Construction Administration and Aesthetic Supervision of Construction

During this stage Foster + Partners staff will visit the site at agreed intervals and meet with contractors
and consultants to generally see that the project is being built according to the design intent. Foster +
Partners staff would review submissions by sub-contractors and the contractors. Typical submissions
would be samples and drawings at the time of tender, mock-ups and prototypes during their design
periods and benchmark installations on site.

The LCA will collaborate at this stage with the Construction Manager to establish a Shop Drawing Review
Process for all Consultants. The LCA will also be responsible for periodic site reviews throughout the
course of the construction.

Proposed Split of Responsibilities + Deliverables

US5 Construction Administration and Aesthetic F+P LCA Specialist

Supervision of Construction (incl. CM)

1 Architectural Team Management and Administration P R P P

2 Project Management P P P R
3 Production and Distribution of Meeting Minutes C C R C
4 Administration of the Construction Contract P R P
5 On-going Presentation to Authorities, if necessary P R
6 Architectural co-ordination, clarification Sketches P R
7 Co-ordination with other consultants (Structural, P R P
Mechanical, Electrical, Code etc)
8 Site Reviews + Reports C R P
General Review/Approval Shop Drawings for all
9 Common Areas, Facades, Main Lobby, Office Floor Shell C R C
+ Core spaces, Elevators etc.
10 Mock up, Sample, Benchmark, First-off reviews S S P C
11 Final Colour and Material selections R P C
12 Drawings + Clarifications P R P
13 Aesthetic response to requests for Architectural P R
substitutions and Engineering solutions
14 Review Change Orders S S R
15 Process Payment Certificates P R P
16 Substantial Completion Inspection P R P
17 Final Completion Inspection P R P
18 Final Certifications, acceptance and close out P R P

R Primary Responsibility S Shared Responsibility P Participation
C Review and Comment F+P Foster + Partners LCA Local Architect

1. Design Architect to obtain all requisite Design Approvals from the Client.
2. Special City Approvals (e.g. Zoning Regulations) may be required and will be the responsibility of
the Specialist Consultant unless stated otherwise in the Matrix above.
3. Design Architect to be available for presentations to City Planning and Local Community Boards,
if required.
4. Design Architect to review all items of aesthetic interest during Construction Documents, Shop
Drawing Review and Field Review.
5. Architect of Record to collaborate with the Construction Manager to establish a Shop Drawing
Review process for all consultants.
6. Each engineering and specialist consultant to review Shop Drawings for which they are the prime
responsible as listed above (each prime consultant i.e. the consultant the writes their respective
specification section is the prime reviewer of the corresponding shop drawings and other
7. Design Architect to review mock-ups for aesthetic intent.
8. Architect of Record to provide field observation for services they are prime responsible as listed
9. Bid packages and performance specifications (e.g. design assist) for certain items of the work
may be required out of sequence and prior to completion of DD or CD phases.

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