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Host (Mary): Hello Tarlac and hello World! Welcome to “The Blossoms”.
Mary: As we all know, flowers have long been admired and used by us, humans, to bring beauty to our environment, and
also as objects of romance, ritual, religion, medicine and of course as a source of food. To give us more information about
flowers, may we call on our guests for today, let us give a round of applause to the representatives of Tarlac Botanist
Association, Ms. Jennifer, Ms. Gladys and Mr. Kim (crowd applause and cheer)
Mary: Welcome to “The Blossoms”. Thank you for being with us today. It is a pleasure to meet you all.
Ate Gladys: The pleasure is ours Mary
Jen: Thank you for having us here.
Monica: That’s right (smile)
Mary: I am excited to start this interview because of our topic today is quite interesting. (Smile) to begin with, will you
please define flower to us.
Ate Gladys: Well, it is the specialized part of an angiospermous plant that occurs singly or in clusters, possesses whorls
of often colorful petals or sepals, and bears the reproductive structures such as stamens and pistils which are involved in
the development of seeds and fruit.
Jen: That’s correct, flower is a stem of a plant that has one or more flowers on it and has been picked, usually with others,
for example to give as a present or to put in a vase.
Mary: Can you show or introduce to us some examples of it?
Ate Gladys: yes of course! Smile (Show and introduce the pictures)
Mary: What about the proper care for the flower? Can you share to us some tips? (laugh)
Monica: Actually, it all starts with soil. If you’ve amended and tilled your soil until it’s as fluffy as pancake mix, you’ve
gotten your flowers off to a good start. Next, water it wisely. There’s much to consider about watering your flowers. If,
when, how, and how much. Too much water brings on rot, too little makes flowers wither and die. A few deep watering
sessions will benefit your flowers more than daily sprinkles. And of course, the application of flower food for nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium which are all needed for the holistic growth and development of a plant or flower.
Jen: In addition to what Monique said, flowers play an important role in making the life of a human being more cheerful
and happy. Many people share a similar appreciation for the beauty of flowers, but the less obvious benefits of flowers
may not be widely known.
Ate Gladys: People love to decorate their houses with several attractive flower arrangements. Flower plays an important
role in our love life. Flower also create the atmosphere of relaxation and calm feeling all around. Flower is a symbol of
beauty and happiness, it is also used for medical purposes.
Monica: Flowers always make people happier, better and more helpful. They are sunshine, food and medicine for the
soul. (Smile)
Mary: Wow! What an eye opener for everyone who are watching us today. Thank you for our lovely guests from Tarlac
Botanist Association for joining us today. Thought of the day: “Like wildflowers, you must allow yourself to grow in all
the places people thought you never would.” Join us again tomorrow on “The Blossoms ”. I’m your host, Mary Rose,
good day everyone!

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