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© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 www.ijrar.

org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Dr.R.Arumugam, 2R.Rakesh, 3M.Rajathi
Asst. Professor, 2Asst. Professor, 3Asst. Professor
Department of Mathematics, 2Dept. of ECE, 3Dept. of Education
Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology, Thanjavur, India

Abstract: Sensors are the device which can read the parameters from physical environment. These parameters of environment are fed
as input to the controller for further action. There are various types of industrial sensors like inductive sensor, capacitibve sensor,
photoelectric sensor, ultrasonic sensor aqnd magnetic sensor. The performance of the automeated control system is pureley based on the
reliability and of input data read by the sensor which inturn is purely depend on the switching frequency of the sensors. As the priority
of the switching frequency plays a vital role to determining the performance of the system, there is a need to study the switching
frequency of each sensors with respect to target. This paper revealed that a statistical approach for the novel method has been followed
to capture this switcing frequency using PLC based on the SPSS tool.

Index Terms - Switching frequency, PLC, Inductive Sensor.

Inductive sensor in particular in the form of inductive proximity switches also known as initiators are widely used in automation and
the process industry.they work without any physical contact and feedback, they are due to their enclosed design very resist to
environmental influences and they distinguish themselves by high reliability. Inductive proximity switches are contact less and thus
allow for high switching frequency with high life cycle. In any industry the induction sensor plays an important role due to its low cost
and simplicity. The circuit for controlling the motor on and off is drawn using PLC which has the logical functionality with timer &
counter to read the switching foperation of sensor with tin the time period which has been set by the timer.With this initial setup, the
speed of the motor is alo varied with respect and its recorded in three different stages called low,medium,high.Thus the sensor will give
three set of reading for each position with respect to the speed of the motor which is found to be the target.
Inductive nearness sensor [1,2] identifies metallic articles and is appropriate for modern applications. This sort of sensors delivers an
attractive field in the region of a wavering curl. At the point when a conductive item gets close to the loop, the vortex current on the
article initiated by the attractive field responds with the curl to change the wavering recurrence. Despite the fact that the inductive
sensor is straightforward, delicate and appropriate for modern applications, it can't recognize nonmetallic items. Nearness sensors have
been broadly utilized for mechatronics frameworks in assembling conditions, and a considerable lot of them are economically
accessible [3]. In robot applications, vicinity sensors have been utilized for impact evasion, exactness gathering, or getting a handle on.
A few location techniques have been utilized, for example, ultrasonic, optical, inductive and capacitive estimation. These days,
closeness sensors are generally utilized for the recognizable proof in a portable robot [4]. For static execution estimation of sensor, 6
sorts of metals are tried. The exploratory outcomes demonstrate that the sign of ferrous, non-ferrous and combination metal tape have
monster contrasts [5]. Be that as it may, the effect of each situation of the closeness sensor will be distinctive in every material. The
state of the yield signal unquestionably changes with the good ways from 0.5mm to 0.7mm of the external edge target [6]. The greater
part of the innovation utilizes straightforward HFoscillation guideline as an inductive closeness sensor with a diminishing in the nature
of the oscillator circuits electromagnetic to discover the tape. The impedance is utilized as a parameter [8]. By applying this method, the
outside variables may make negative impacts framework execution. In paper [7] has been dissected the impact of the block sheet
thickness and unsettling influence tape to the commotion in got signals. By utilizing obscure tape of the diverse thickness of plastic,
keep the unsettling influence from obscure tape under
10%. Applications of mobile learning in the higher educational institution through statistical approach focused the applications and
importance of ANOVA [9]. Finally after taking the reading,the datas are tested with ANOVA method inorder to determine the datas
collected under various trials have significant variations or not based on which the characteristic switching frequency of the sensor is
studies with respect to its position.

This paper examine the to capture this switcing frequency of inductive sensor using PLC at the various levels especially low,
medium and high. Comparision of various frequencies at the various levels were made using ANOVA test and descriptive statistics.
These tools are statistically important the quality measure of varition of the particular test To check the several level statistical software
SPSS used.


Control engineering has evolved over time. In the past humans was the main Method for controlling a system. More recently,
electricity has been used for control and early electrical control was based on relays. These relays allow power to be switched on and
off without a mechanical switch. It is common to use relays to make simple logical control decisions. The development of low cost
computer has brought the most recent revolution, the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). advantages of PLC include Cost effective
for controlling complex systems; Flexible and can be applied to control other systems quickly and easily; Computational abilities allow
IJRAR19K5538 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 469
© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
control that is more sophisticated; Troubleshooting aids make programming easier and reduce downtime; Reliable components make
these likely to operate for years before failure. [10].Here we use the software named “Indra Logic “ developed by Bosch Rexroth and
the logical circuit to control the on and off of the motor is done by written in ladder language.
The active elements of the inductive sensor are the coil and ferrite core .an alternating current is passed through the coil producing the
magnetic field which passes through the core in such a way that the field only leaves the coree on one side this is the active phase of the
proximity switches. When the matellic or magnetic object is near to the active phase. The magnetic field is exact picture of
the magnetic field can be obtained from the simulation. The effect on the magnetic field of conducting material can be seen, in this case
a steel plate. The change in the magnetic field due to the steel plate also produce a change in the coil so that impedence change. The
change in the impedance is evaluated by the integral sensor electronic and converted into switch signal. Eddy current are induced in
electrically conducting material present in alternating magnetic field. The damping plate may be consider as short circuited winding.
The arrangements of damping material and sensor coil can then be consider as a transformer.

Ladder Diagram for Determining The Switching Frequency of Inductive

Figure 1: Low level Figure 2: Medium level Figure 3: High level

2.2 Target
Black board


6cm 2cm


Figure 4 Showing the Target arrangement (metal and non metal slots arranged cascade manner on circle)
Distance between disc and sensor; - 1mm
Disc diameter; - 6cm
Number of metal pcs in disc; - 6pcs


This test was conducted at the Centre for training and research in Industrial Automation started with an MoU between M/s Bosch
Rexroth and Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Deemed to be university in Tamilnadu, India`

Table -1 Reading of Switching Frequency for 5 Trials

S. No Trial Set RPM T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

1 low 1 3400 254 223 297 192 202
2 3700 274 221 205 182 205
3 3600 249 218 194 185 206
4 3800 216 229 197 190 210
5 3700 213 204 192 189 206

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© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
254 274
300 249
223 221205 205 218 216229197 210 213204192 206
192202 182 194185206 190 189
Switching 200
of 100
Sensor 0
3400 3700 3600 3800 3900

Figure 5 Reading of switching freq. in trial level 5

Table 2-The Reading of Switching Frequency for 5 Trials

S. No Trial Set RPM T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

2 med 1 19,100 273 274 252 257 247
2 19,200 243 250 275 251 246
3 16,000 234 263 255 249 249
4 16,100 239 273 238 254 250
5 19,000 229 255 237 247 263

98 96
273 274
263 273 275
300 263
249 254
249 239 238 250 255 247 257
252 250 251
247 243 246 100 8182 84 87 85
Switching 234 229 237 78
frequency 250 80
of 200 45 47 4645 49
Switching 60 4247 4039 43
Inductinve 150 frequency 33 36 35
Sensor 40
100 of Inductinve
Sensor 20
16000 16100 19000 19100 19200 40300 40400 40500 40600 40700


Fig. 6 the Switching frequency in trial level 2; Fig.7 the Switching frequency in trial level 3

Figure.8 tachometer showing the reading Figure.9 L20DP PLC kit- Figure.10 sensor wiring

Table -3 Reading of Switching Frequency for 5 Trials


3 High 1 40,600 96 85 62 62 43
2 40,500 98 70 42 47 36
3 40,500 84 78 46 45 35
4 40,600 87 73 40 39 49
5 40,300 81 82 45 33 47

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© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
Table -4 Reading of Switching Frequency Overall (1 to 5 Trials)
S. No Level Set RPM Switch freq. Trial 1 Trail 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5
1 Low 1 3400 254 223 297 192 202
2 3700 274 221 205 182 205
3 3600 249 218 194 185 206
4 3800 216 229 197 190 210
5 3700 213 204 192 189 206

2 Medium 1 19,100 273 274 252 257 247

2 19,200 243 250 275 251 246
3 16,000 234 263 255 249 249
4 16,100 239 273 238 254 250
5 19,000 229 255 237 247 263

3 High 1 40,600 96 85 62 62 43
2 40,500 98 70 42 47 36
3 40,500 84 78 46 45 35
4 40,600 87 73 40 39 49
5 40,300 81 82 45 33 47

Table -5 One way ANOVA - Low

Sum of Squares df Mean Square
Between (Combined) 51633662.171 27 1912357.858
Groups Linear Weighted 4198448.693 1 4198448.693
Term Deviation 47435213.478 26 1824431.288
Within Groups 1522.000 7 217.429
Total 51635184.171 34

F Sig.
Between Groups (Combined) 8795.338 .000
Linear Term Weighted 19309.554 .000
Deviation 8390.945 .000
Within Groups

Table -6 One way ANOVA - Medium

Sum of Squares df Mean Square
Between (Combined) 7292007792.643 31 235226057.827
Groups Linear Weighted 184873396.852 1 184873396.852
Term Deviation 7107134395.791 30 236904479.860
Within Groups 156.500 3 52.167
Total 7292007949.143 34

F Sig.
Between Groups (Combined) 4509125.709 .000
Linear Term Weighted 3543898.981 .000
Deviation 4541299.933 .000
Within Groups

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© 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
Table -7 One way ANOVA – High
Sum of Squares df Mean Square
Between (Combined) 51629359.171 31 1665463.199
Groups Linear Term Weighted 17756051.301 1 17756051.301
Deviation 33873307.870 30 1129110.262
Within Groups 5825.000 3 1941.667
Total 51635184.171 34

F Sig.
Between Groups (Combined) 857.749 .000
Linear Term Weighted 9144.747 .000
Deviation 581.516 .000
Within Groups


The goal of this paper was motivated to measure the frequency levels with various stages using PLC . The frequency
measurement and adjust the parameters of PI control to determine the speed in PLC programming as shown in the results of the above
figures 1, 2, 3 and 4.
From the comparison of the experimental bar diagram (Figure 5, 6 and 7) in Fig.6 and 7, it is obvious that they are very
similar. This means theoretical model can successfully represents the real behavior of switching frequency of inductive sensor system
with PLC and frequency control.
Table 5 shows that the variations of switching frequencies of (27,7) degrees of freedom at the 5% level, it is significant. Table
6 demonstrate that the variations of switching frequencies of the comparison of the medium and high level of (37, 3) degrees of freedom
at the 5% level, it is significant. In the comparison of low and high level it is also significant, because table 7 illustrates the quality
variation of the switching frequency using PLC of (31, 3) degrees of freedom at the 5% (p=.05) level, it is significant.


PLC and frequency control of switching frequency can be used in cases of dynamic conditions, for example starting breaking
and changing from one operating condition to another. In this paper, frequency control for the switching frequency at the various levels
viz., low, medium and high using PLC and enhances of the quality changes are studied. From the ANOVA table of the above, we are
focusing that the significant level of changes the reading of switching frequencies of 5 trials with various levels. The proposed
mathematical model of the system successfully represents the real behavior of SWICHING FREQUENCY OF INDUCTIVE
SENSOR using PLC system and frequency control based on the SPSS.

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