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(Branch of Naba International)

P.O. Box 10005 Jubail Indl. City 31961
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Project : MH- 60R Facilities & Infrastructure.

Sub-Contractor : Naba Internatioal Contract No. : W912ER18C0015.
Client : AYUNI / US ARMY CORP JO No. :




Rev. No.: Date Submitted: Document Status: Prepared by: Discipline Code:

00 Sept. 30 2019 Issued for Approval Naba International Civil


1 | 10 Doc. No.: NI-AYUS-MS-CIV-13 rev.00 Method Statement

Method Statement for Road / Earth works

5.1 Construction Team
5.2 Quality Control Team
5.3 Safety Team
6.1 Manpower
6.2 Tool’s and Equipment
6.3 Materials
10.1 AHA
10.2 IFC Drawing


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Method Statement for Road / Earth works

This scope of road / earth works (main road and parking/drive road) covers the grading,
cutting, backfilling of structure fill material/ stabilized soil and base course with
compaction of MH- 60R Facilities & Infrastructure at Jubail Naval Air Base Project, as
specified in section 32 11 23, 31 00 00, 32 11 16 . 13 and safety manual EM 385-1-1,
Including Testing and inspection and protection of existing services

The section 32 11 23, 31 00 00, 32 11 16 . 13 and EM 385-1-1 requirements are
applicable to all government and contractor work force when the emmployees are
performing road / earth work activities of MH- 60R Facilities & Infrastructure at Jubail
Naval Air Base Project. This is applicable for main access road and parking/drive road.

Owner - US Army Corps of Engineers
Contractor - Al Ayuni Contracting
Sub-Contractor - Naba Internation Commercial Ent. Ltd


CRSI 10MSP - Manual of Standard Practice

ASTM C136 - Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse
ASTM D1556 - Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by
Sand-Cone Method

ASTM D1557 - Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction of modified proctor
32 11 23, - Graded-Crushed Aggregate Base Course
31 00 00 - Earth Work
32 11 16 . 13 - Stabilized Soil
EM 385-1-1 - Safety Manual


5.1 Construction Team

The subcontractor construction team are responsibility for the supply and execute the
road works, including but not limited to prepare and submit the contractor for
material approval, grading , cutting of existing land, backfilling, compaction,
transportion, handling, storage, testing and inspection and all other associated works
headed by the Sub-Contractor Project Manager as well as to his Construction
Manager, Site Civil Engineers, Supervisors, Foreman and Surveyor. Site Civil
Engineers assigned for road works should ensure the compliance for all related works

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Method Statement for Road / Earth works

in accordance with Project Specifications and ASTM and this Method Statement.
The Contractor is to coordinate, supervise, verify, test and carryout in process and
final inspection in compliance with the scope of work and all applicable
specifications, standards and documents.

5.2 Quality Control Team

The QA/QC Manager will have fully functional control and ensure all QA/QC
activities are in compliance with project specifications, ASTM standards and project
quality system requirements. QC Engineer/Inspector will carry out surveillance in
process inspection and coordinate for final inspection with the Contractor Ayuni
/Client Representatives as per project specifications.

5.3 Safety Team

All the activity shall be monitored by Sub-contractor Safety Supervisor and Officers.
The Safety personnel’s will conduct regular safety inspection before and after
activities to ensure that all necessary safety precaution are being taken to avoid
incident/accident. All personnel’s must wear PPE. Before starting the activity the
Subcontractor Safety Supervisor and Officers will address to all work personnel as
well as concern Construction Supervisor regarding potential hazards and risk
involvement during the operation of road work activities. Safety Team
responsibilities and procedure is attached in AHA (Activit Hazard Analysis). All the
equipment shall be approved from client prior to use

6.1 Manpower
Unskilled workers, General Helpers, operators, Safety Crew, Surveyor, QC personnel,
and Light duty drivers etc.
6.2 Tool’s and Equipment
Dozer, Grader, Dump Trucker, Dump trailer, 10 ton drum Roller, Water, tanker and
6.3 Material
A. Structure fill / Stabilized Soil Material.
B. Base Course.
C. Water


7.1 Survey Work

- All the survey activities shall be carried out by an experienced Surveyor and with the
calibrated instruments. Before starting the work surveyor shall perform the pre-survey of
horizontal and vertical lines as per IFC drawing and sub-contractor QC will IR request to

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Method Statement for Road / Earth works

contractor in prior 24hrs. to confirm the Co-ordinate and IR shall be signed off prior to start the
- Sub-contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of all survey work.
- Corner survey and TBM offset shall be set up to site cleaning and disposal of top soil.
The temporary bench mark shall be set up at different location with reference of existing PBM.
These TBM shall be protected from other activities to avoid any problem in survey work.

7.2 Site Cleaning, Grubbing, Grading and Disposal of soil.

-Prior to start the survey work the all area shall be cleaned to remove garbage and vegetarian
From site using grader. Than the area shall be leveling using grade
-Grubbing / cutting of existing ground up to the design elevation recommended by IFC drawing.
- Stock piling or disposal of excess / waste material shall be done as per contractor

7.3 Preparation of Sub-Grade

1. After grading and cutting the existing ground and reached to required elevation of subgrade,
the subgrade shall be tested the satisfactory material. If subgrade soil material is satisfactory
will go 300 mm depth scarify accompanied by compaction and testing.
If we are unable to get 95% relative density as per ASTMD1557 than 150mm depth soil shall
be removed.
2. The 150 mm existing shall be replaced by stabilized soil.

Stabilized Soil-

- Stabilized subgrade shall consist of existing on-site soils stabilized with selected marl.
Stabilized Stabilized subgrade that has been processed for stablized shall be uniform and
homogeneous throughout, free from deleterious materials, vegetation, roots, trash, and
organic matter.
- 100 percent shall pass a 25 mm sieve, and 80 to 100 percent shall pass a 3.75 mm sieve.
- The stabilizer material shall be selected by Contractor. Portland cement shall not be used as
the stabilizer material. During design, a stabilized soil mixture was produced using the
existing project site sands and 25 percent by weight of dry soil marl mixture.
- Material passing the 425 micrometers sieve shall have a liquid limit of 25 or less and a
plasticity index of 6 or less as determined by ASTM D4318.
- The stabilized subgrade mixer shall be developed for each type of soil encountered. For
each mixture, the blended material of three specimens shall each have a California Bearing
Ratio of not less than 10 at optimum moisture content and 100 percent of maximum
laboratory density as determined by ASTM D1883 and ASTM D1557, respectively, fter 96
hour soaking period and using a 2.27 kg annular weight. The minimum amount of stabilizer
is 10 percent by weight of dry soil.
- Compaction of stabilized soil shall be meet 95% of MDD as per ASTM D1557.

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Method Statement for Road / Earth works

7.4 Placement and process of Stabilized Soil SECTION 32 11 16.13 para 3.2
Place materials (sand and marl mix) without damaging underlying material. Moisture content of the
course shall be increased or decreased to facilitate mixing. Mixing of sand and marl material shall
be done at site by 3:1 volume ratio because this filling in place of structural fill. Satisfactory
Materials as defined in Section 31 00 00 may either be excavated from the site and mixed with
stabilizer, or obtained by the contractor from off-site sources and mixed with stabilizer. During
placement of site mixed material, do not channelize traffic and protect the underlying layer from
damage. During compaction, maintain moisture content uniform and as near optimum as is
necessary to obtain the specified density. Before commencing compaction, ensure that materials are
uniform and homogeneous throughout and meet specified requirements. The layer shall be placed in
300mm lift.

7.4.1 Compaction and Finishing Stabilized Soil

Compact each layer of 300mm thick of stabilized subgrade through full depth to at least
95 percent of the maximum laboratory density obtained in accordance with ASTM D1557,
Surface shall be smooth, free from waves, and shall not deviate by more than 6 mm when tested
with a 3m straightedge. Correct non complying areas before applying the next course. Place next
layer or other approved materials, along the exposed edges of each course to the same height
and at least 300 mm and compact with each course as per SECTION 32 11 16.13 para 3.3

7.5 Satisfactory Material

Satisfactory materials comprise any materials classified by ASTM D2487. Satisfactory materials for
grading comprise stones less than 200 mm, except for fill material for pavements which comprise
stones less than 75 mm in any dimension.

7.6 Unsatisfactory Material

Materials which do not comply with the requirements classified by ASTM D2487 for satisfactory
materials are unsatisfactory. Unsatisfactory materials also include man-made fills; trash; refuse;
backfills from previous construction; and material classified as unsatisfactory which contains root
and other organicmatter or frozen material. Unsatisfactory material shall not be used for filling and
backfilling materials are unsatisfactory.

7.7 Earth / Road Embankments (If Applicable)

Construct earth / road embankments from satisfactory materials free of organic or frozen material
and rocks with any dimension greater than 75 mm. Place the material in successive horizontal layers
of loose material not more than 300 mm in depth. Spread each layer uniformly on a soil surface that
has been moistened or aerated as necessary, and scarified or otherwise broken up so that the fill will
bond with the surface on which it is placed. After spreading, plow, disk, or otherwise brake up each
layer; moisten or aerate as necessary; thoroughly mix; and compact to at least 90 percent laboratory
maximum density for cohesive materials or 95 percent laboratory maximum density for
cohesionless materials. Compaction requirements for the upper portion of earth embankments
forming subgrade

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Method Statement for Road / Earth works

for pavements are identical with those requirements specified in paragraph SUBGRADE
PREPARATION. Finish compaction by sheepsfoot rollers, pneumatic-tired rollers, steel-wheeled
rollers, vibratory compactors, or other approved equipment as per section 31 00 00 para 3.11.1.
If applicable.

7.8 Ground Surface preparartion (If Applicable)

a. Remove and replace unsatisfactory material with satisfactory materials, as directed by the
Contracting Officer, in surfaces to receive fill or in excavated areas or where soil cannot support
load bearing requirements. Scarify the surface to a depth of 150 mm before the fill is started. Plow,
step, bench, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal so that the fill
material will bond with the existing material. When subgrades are less than the specified density,
break up the ground surface to a minimum depth of 150 mm, pulverizing, and compacting to the
specified density. When the subgrade is part fill and part excavation or natural ground, scarify the
excavated or natural ground portion to a depth of 300 mm and compact it as specified for the
adjacent fill.

b. Prior to Start any backfilling, ground surface on which backfill is to be placed shall be prepare
levelled at required elevation and provide compaction requirements for backfill materials in
conformance with the applicable portions of paragraphs ground surface preparation as per
specification 31 00 00 para 3.6. The bulldozer, grader and backhoe shall be used for ground surface
prpeparation work.

c. When subgrades are less than the specified density, break up the ground surface to a minimum
depth of 150 mm and compacting to the specified density 95 percent laboratory maximum density.

7.9 Placement of Crushed Aggregate Base Course.

The following activities shall be carried out for the placement of base course

7.9.1 Below the basecourse the 300 mm machine mixed stabilized soil shall be placed and
Stabilized Soil shall consist of existing on-site soils stabilized with selected marl.
Stabilized, Stabilized subgrade that has been processed for stablized shall be uniform and
homogeneous throughout, free from deleterious materials, vegetation, roots, trash, and organic
1. 100 percent shall pass a 25 mm sieve, and 80 to 100 percent shall pass a 3.75 mm sieve.
2. The stabilizer material shall be selected by Contractor. Portland cement shall not be used as the
stabilizer material. During design, a stabilized soil mixture was produced using the existing project
site sands and 25 percent by weight of dry soil marl mixture.
3. Material passing the 425 micrometers sieve shall have a liquid limit of 25 or less and a plasticity
index of 6 or less as determined by ASTM D4318.
4. The stabilized subgrade mixer shall be developed for each type of soil encountered. For each
mixture, the blended material of three specimens shall each have a California Bearing Ratio of not
less than 10 at optimum moisture content and 100 percent of maximum laboratory density as
determined by ASTM D1883 and ASTM D1557, respectively, fter 96 hour soaking period and
using a 2.27 kg annular weight. The minimum amount of stabilizer is 10 percent by weight of dry

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Method Statement for Road / Earth works

5. Mixing is to be with either a rotary pulvamixer capable of mixing to a depth of 400 mm (even
though a maximum 300 mm layer is mixed), or a stationary
central plant mixer that will homogenously mix materials in the correct proportions. For central
plant mixing, Satisfactory Materials as defined in Section 31 00 00 may either be excavated from
the site and mixed with stabilizer, or obtained by the contractor from off-site sources and mixed
with stabilizer. During placement of central mixed material, do not channelize traffic and protect the
underlying layer from damage. During compaction, maintain moisture content uniform and as near
optimum as is necessary to obtain the specified density. Before commencing compaction,
ensure that materials are uniform and homogeneous throughout and meet specified requirements.
6. When the specified compacted thickness of the course is greater than 300 mm, construct the
course in two layers. as per SECTION 32 11 16.13 para 3.3.1.

7.9.2 Sampling of Crushed Aggregate Base Course

The samples of base course shall be taken for laboratory testing in conformance with ASTM
D75/D75M. The sampling will be taken in presence of client witness.

7.9.3 Test of Crushed Aggregate Base Course

The crushed agggate base course shall be tested in approved third party laboratory as per section 32
11 23 to comply all test parameter.

7.9.4 Stock Pile of Base Course

The site shall be Clear, clear and level storage prior to stockpiling of base course material.
Stockpile all materials, including approved material available from excavation and grading, in the
manner and at the locations designated. Materials obtained from different sources shall be tockpiled

7.9.5 Preparation of Ungerlying Course

Prior to constructing the base course(s), the underlying course or subgrade shall be cleaned of all
foreign substances. The underlying course shall contain no frozen material. The surface of the
underlying course shall meet specified compaction and surface tolerances. The underlying course
shall conform to 32 11 16.13 stabilized subgrade. The finished underlying course shall not be
disturbed by traffic or other operations and shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition until the
base course is placed.

7.9.6 Placement
Place the base course material pre-mixed with water on the prepared subgrade in layers of uniform
thickness with grader / aggregate base spreader. When a compacted layer 150 mm in thickness is
required, place the material in a single layer. When a compacted layer in excess of 150 mm is
required, place the material in layers of equal thickness. No layer shall be thicker than 150 mm or
thinner than 75 mm when compacted. The layers shall be so placed that when compacted they will
be true to the grades or levels required with the least possible surface disturbance. Where the base
course is placed in more than one layer, the previously constructed layers shall be cleaned of loose

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Method Statement for Road / Earth works

and foreign matter by sweeping with power sweepers, power brooms, or hand brooms, as directed.
Such adjustments in placing procedures or equipment shall be made as may be directed to obtain
true grades, to minimize segregation and degradation, to adjust the water content, and to insure an
acceptable base course.
7.9.7 Grade Control
The finished and completed base course shall conform to the lines, grades, and cross sections shown
in IFC drawing so that the finished base course and the subsequent surface course will meet the
designated grades.
7.9.8 Edges of Base Course
The base course(s) shall be placed will be wider, on all sides, than the next layer that will be placed
above it as shown on the plans.The base course material along the outer edges of the base course in
sufficient quantities to compact to the thickness of the course being constructed. In each layer at
least a 600 mm width of this material to be rolled and compacted imultaneously with rolling and
compacting of each layer of base course.

7.9.9 Thickness Layer

No individual layer shall be thicker than 150 mm nor be thinner than 75 mm in compacted
thickness. The total compacted thickness of the base course shall be within 13 mm of the thickness
of tolerance.
7.9.10 Smoothness

The surface of the top layer shall show no deviations in excess of 10 mm when tested with a 3.66
meter straightedge. Take measurements in successive positions parallel to the centerline of the area
to be paved. Measurements shall also be taken perpendicular to the centerline at 15 meterintervals.
Deviations exceeding this amount shall be corrected by removing material and replacing with new
material, or by reworking existing material and compacting it to meet these specifications.
7.9.11 Testing
a.The test shall be conduct by a Corps validated commercial testing laboratory or the Contractor's
testing facility as per section 31 00 00 para 3.16.
b. One test per 3000 cubic meters stockpiled or in-place source material.Determine gradation of fill
and backfill material in accordance with ASTM C136, ASTM D422, and ASTM D1140 as
c. Each backfilling lift shall be compacted to atleast 100% of modified proctor maximum dry
density as per ASTM D 1557 & +_ 2% of OMC specified for the material.
The compaction shall be continue until each layer has a degree of compaction that is at least100
percent of laboratory maximum density through the full depth of the layer.
7.9.12 In-Place Densities Test
a. test per 100 square meters, or fraction thereof, of each lift of fill or backfill areas compacted
by other than hand-operated machines. as per 31 00 00 para 3.16.
b. One test per 60 linear meters, or fraction thereof, of each lift of embankment or backfill for

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Method Statement for Road / Earth works

roads. as per 31 00 00 para 3.16.2

If ASTM D6938 is used, check in-place densities by ASTM D1556 as follows:
a.One check test per lift for each 2000 square meters, or fraction thereof, of each lift of fill or
backfill compacted by other than hand-operated machines as per 31 00 00 para 3.16.3.
b. One check test per lift for each 2000 square meters, of fill or backfill areas compacted by hand-
operated machines. as per 31 00 00 para 3.16.3.
c. One check test per lift for each 1200 linear meters, or fraction thereof, of embankment or backfill
for roads.


8.1 Acquire the services of an independent commercial laboratory to perform acceptance testing.
Acceptance of the plant produced mix and in-place requirements will be on a lot to lot basis. A
standard lot for all requirements will be equal to 2000 metric tons.Based on in-place density,
laboratory air voids, grade and smoothness in accordance with the following paragraphs. Grade and
surface smoothness determinations will be made on the lot as a whole. Exceptions or adjustments to
this will be made in situations where the mix within one lot is placed as part of both the
intermediate and surface courses, thus grade and smoothness measurements for the entire lot cannot
be made. In order to evaluate laboratory air voids and in-place (field) density, each lot will be
divided into four equal sublots.
8.2 Inspection

Joint Surveillance Inspection will be carried out during the excavation work and final inspection
shall be carried out as per approved ITP to reflect the requirements of field inspection and testing,
will be submitted to contractor in compliance to US Army corp engineering for review and

A. Request for Inspection (RFI)
B. Material Approval
C. Third Party Test Report
9.1 AHA
9.2 IFC Drawing

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