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Corpuz,Kyle Renan Isiah M.


AMA Computer College Malolos is a private educational institution affiliated with

AMA Computer College the pioneer of computer studies in the Philippines. Its objective is to
provide relevant and high quality of IT based education.

I had an interview with Adrian Joseph C. Gutierrez (IT Specialist of AMA Computer
College Malolos) regarding the institutions culture of communication. In order for me to know
and determine how communication plays a role in this Institution. Observation is a thing that I
need to work on. I have observed an upward way of communication because the Admission
personnel did not hand my letter directly to the School Director. Upon observing the company, I
have heard a jargon word that they use which is OED meaning Online Education. Upon asking
about what values and behavior he thinks this institution possesses that contributes in order for
them to have an effective Organizational Culture, He responded that firstly they have a friendly
environment which you are comfortable to deal with. He also stated that it's a non-toxic
community wherein everyone was cooperative with each other. Being a team-oriented individual
plus a productive school director are the elements they have. Respect everyone's opinion and to
listen first in order for you to know the next move you need to do. I have observed that they are
communicating with informal communication maybe because they are comfortable with one
another but of course addressing the higher ranks with respect but I can see that they don't have
much pressure from their boss. When it comes to the 7 c’s they are communicating clearly in
both coworkers and in clients. They also provide complete and concrete details of their

I have saw on how communication really was important in their company. In order for
him to monitor all the maintenance of different software communication was needed, by asking
each personnel the conditioning of the network. Also, when a system failure occurred, he was the
one being called, by the time he comes to the personnel who asks for assistance communication
will occur Communicating upon issues in the field of technology. By having lack of
communication will result in poor working progress.

Based on my Observation and on my interview a Shannon-Weaver Model of

Communication was present on the AMA Computer College Malolos. The IT specialist was the
one in charge of handling the internet for every person on the institution. I have observed that
students are heading to his office for the reason that they need to connect their mobile phones to
the internet. So the IT Specialist will just ask for the students to write for their phone’s Mac
Address then it’s the IT Specialist who will do the work. Then after the students will have
feedback if the connection was successful or not. My basis upon saying that was because of this
example, wherein the sender would have be the students would start a conversation and the
message would be them asking for internet connection, then the barrier associated on the
conversation maybe a mistakes on the phones settings reason for the phone failure to connect and
lastly when the IT Specialist manage to do the work a feedback from the students will occur
whether they received the internet connection they were asking for or maybe not. I have also
discovered that one more barrier present within the company was because of the resignation of
some former employees wherein the former person in a specific position has arranged the files
based on his/her preference maybe because he/she was comfortable and will easily send the file
that was requested. In this situation consuming a long period of time can lead to a
communication breakdown because on the work you need to be time oriented. On the written
task that he was responsible with he make sure to take down the special details with a complete
and concise manner. He make sure to clarify the words so the top management can easily know
about the some system issues.

When it comes to the principles of communication they applied I can tell that they
are clear with their purpose upon sending knowledge’s in the field of Technology. The institution
shows a moral uprightness for every inquiries they are having. They are natural in talking in a
way that they can send the message with a complete and concise manner. Upon going on their
ethics I can say that truthfulness and sincerity are present because I can saw that the answers I
have attain upon the values and behavior they have, was clearly observable and true.

Technology really gives a huge help on their Institution because if you were looking
for someone or you need to say something it is just one click away upon contacting that person.
With the help also of the internet in their work sending files and doing tasks more quickly is not
impossible.Upon the interview and observation that I have conducted on AMA Computer
College Malolos, Communication gives a big impact not only in their job but also in their social
Corpuz,Kyle Renan Isiah M. PCM

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