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Biological Database (BIT2002)


J – Component Project: Review 1






Submitted To: Prof. SUDANDIRA DOSS C

School: SBST

Flow shop scheduling problems, are a class of scheduling problems with a workshop in which
the flow control shall enable an appropriate sequencing for each job and for processing on a set
of machines or with other resources 1, 2..., m in compliance with given processing orders. We
will implement a genetic algorithm (meta-heuristic) to solve this problem.


Many applied and experimental situations exist in our day-to-day working in factories and
industrial production concerns, and so forth, in which different jobs are processed on various
machines in a fixed order. Job scheduling is a process executed by a job scheduler where jobs
can be scheduled not only on single systems, but also on multiple systems, like scheduling the
different manufacturing components in an automobile manufacturing plant. It can be necessarily
complex. In a flow shop, the work in a job is broken down into separate tasks called operations,
and each of these operations are performed in a different machine of the designated flow shop.In
this context, a job is a collection of operations with a special precedence that must be carried out
by it to be declared as complete. With reference to our work, the flow of work is assumed to be
unidirectional, and has been represented as a flow shop having static job allocation such that
each job passes through each machine for a constant time-slice. The problem of scheduling n
jobs on M machines in a flowshop has received considerable research attention over the last
twenty-five years. As a result, several optimization and heuristic solution procedures are
available to solve a variety of flowshop scheduling problems. This project reviews the flowshop
scheduling problem formulation, solution approaches, and analyzes the contributions of each
approach to solve practicalproblems.

The flowshop scheduling problem is a production problem where a set of n jobs have to be
processed with identical flow pattern on m machines. When the sequence of job processing on all
machines is the same, we have the permutation flowshop sequencing production environment.
Since there is no job passing, the number of possible schedules for n jobs is n!.In scheduling
problems we must determine the order or sequence for processing a set of jobs through several
machines in an optimal manner. We study the flow shop problems considering the following
(i) The operation processing times on the machines are known, fixed and some of them may
be zero if some job is not processed on amachine.
(ii) (Set-up times are included in the processing times and they are independent of the job
position in the sequence ofjobs.
(iii) At a time, every job is processed on only one machine, and every machine processes
only one job.
(iv) The job operations on the machines may not be preempted. Initial research concerning
flowshop scheduling problem was done by Johnson . Johnson described an exact
algorithm to minimize makespan for the n-jobs two-machine flowshop scheduling
problem. Later, algorithms, such as branch-and bound and beam search, that yield the
exact solution for this problem were proposed. The flow shop scheduling problemthat
includes many jobs and machines is a combinatorial optimization problem for the NP-
hard problem category. Therefore, near optimum solution techniques are preferred.
Several heuristic approaches for the flow shop scheduling problem are developed. In
recent years, metaheuristic approaches, such as simulated annealing, tabu search, and
genetic algorithms, have become very desirable in solving combinatorial optimization
problems because of their computationalperformance.

Proposed work


Now, we are describes GA-based heuristic for the flowshop problems.
Step 1: Determine the initial population S(0) as described in an
earlier section. The size of the population is 60. t = 0, NG=0
Step 2: Calculate the fitness value, f(S:(t)), of each string for
population. (See Equation (1.1))
Step 3: Calculate the selection probability, P(S(t),of each
string for population (See Equation 1.2)
Step 4: Select a pair of strings (parents) according to selection
probabilities of the members of S(t) (using random numbers).
Step 5: Constitute the new strings (children) by applying the
LOX operator to the parents
Step 6: Apply the shift mutation to the children with probability 0.05 (P = 0.05).
Step 7: Put the new strings in S(t+1). If the size of population
S(t + 1) 60 then NG NG + 1 and go to Step 8, else go to Step 4
Step 8: If NG 20 then stop, else go to Step 2

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