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The Babda

Description: The Babda are a humanoid race with the ability to shapeshift into a
crow form. They are descendants of the great Morrigan, the battle crow and
guide for those fallen in war to Tuatha De’dannan. They have pale skin and dark
black hair, often strewn with feathers. For males their facial hair is also made out
of feathers. They have talon like claws on their hands and their feet as well.
Average height is 6 ft. Their crow form is 4 ft in size.

Ability Increase: Babda with their crow like heritage, receive +1 to Dexterity and

Age: The Babda typically live 125 years, with normal human maturity. After the
age of 85 they lose the ability of flight but gain +1 to intelligence.

Speed: Walking: 30 ft
Flight: 90 ft, but must rest for 1 min. in human form after 90 ft has been used.

Alignment: Typically, a neutral race, they observe the wares and woes of other
civilizations, curious.

The Babda often have crow companions, and are friends of crows.

With the curious nature of a crow engrained into the Banda, they are excellent
tinkers, and have proficiency with Tinker's tools.

Their crow like appearance can be frightening, can cast Fear on a single target
once per long rest.

Being offspring of the Morrigan, they have the ability to shape shift into a
battlecrow. Crow Form: Turns into a 4 ft sized crow. Attacks become unarmed 2d4
+ strength modifier. Must be in a semi-open environment. Interchangeable shifts,
take 1 action in combat. Natural AC rating.

Languages: Common and Sylvan

The Machi: Sovereign people, strategists.
The Nemian: War fiends.

Machai, the watchers:

Ability Increase: +1 to Wisdom.

Natures Attendant: Proficiency in 1 of the following: Nature, arcana, medicine, or

animal handling.

Battle Strategists: Add Proficiency bonus to initiative.

Sense of Danger: Add two Proficiency bonuses to Passive Perception.

Nemian, the fighters:

Ability Increase: +1 to Strength.

Morrigan’s Attendants: Proficiency in 1 of the following: Athletics, Acrobatics,

Intimidation, or religion.

Battle Spirit: Whenever a Nemian lands a killing blow on a creature, they gain +1
to damage until the end of combat and their iris's start to turn red.

Combat Maneuver: Gain an extra 10 ft of movement.

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