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Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang

1.1 Background

Government of Nepal (GoN) has been allocating substantial amount of annual budget for
the development of Irrigation infrastructure through Department of Irrigation. GoN has
been emphasizing irrigation development in each of its plans and programs. Department
of irrigation, which is a leading agency in irrigation development and management, is
exploring the potential area for irrigation development as per the irrigation policy.

Almost 68% (, 2015) of the people in Nepal depend in agriculture for their
livelihood. About two third of the area of Nepal consists of hills and mountains. In
general, most of the areas in hills and mountains are food deficit areas. It has been said
that irrigation alone contributes about one third in the agriculture productivity. The
demand of food has been growing day by day with increasing number of population and
limited land available for cultivation. Nepal, therefore, need to develop hill irrigation
system in order to cope with increasing demand of food for increasing population and
change food deficit hilly region to food surplus region. The indigenous irrigation
technology adopted in the hills has not been able to produce substantial agriculture
benefit and the consequence of which is the food deficit regions in hills.

Irrigation developments in the hills and mountains have been in high priority of the
Government. Agricultural Prospective Plan has given high investment priority in hills and
mountains. According to the APP document the area of the year round irrigation in the
hill and mountains will be increased by 80%, while the un-irrigated area will decline by
16%. It is planned to bring all the economically irrigable land under irrigation within the
APP period. In order to full fill the national perspective plan of agriculture, appropriate
approaches and the technology are essential to be implemented to meet the challenges of
year round irrigation needs.

In this regards, Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology Project (NITP) was established

on 2060 B.S. to promote other than conventional irrigation technologies and techniques.
Its aim is to provide irrigation facilities both to the under irrigated areas as well as areas
designated as non-irrigable due to various reasons ranging from high development cost to
non-availability of sufficient quantity of water for conventional irrigation schemes. Apart
from basic objective of providing irrigation to otherwise dry lands it aims to lessen social
discrimination between 'have's" and "have not's". Rescuing poor from vicious cycle of
poverty and uplifting women, disadvantaged and marginalized groups of people
economically are the ultimate goal of this project.

This study has been done after the recommendation of identification study report which was
conducted based on demand for study from the farmers. The study showed that the
agricultural land lacks sufficient surface water resources for conventional gravity fed

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang

irrigation practices. Therefore, it proposed to introduce lifting systems with non-conventional

irrigation technologies. The proposed possible non-conventional irrigation technologies were
Drip Irrigation, Sprinkle Irrigation and small scale lift Irrigation.

In this context the Non- Conventional Irrigation Technology Project (NITP) has now
commissioned K and S ConsultancyPvt. Ltdto carry out the detail feasibility study of the

The Report is organized into 5 chapters starting with this first chapter, Introduction. This
chapter gives the background; objectives of the study and scope of work; approach &
methodology adopted, study area, description on climate, topography and soil and present
socio- economic background of the project area. The second chapter deals with, technical
assessment and design has been presented. Issues and areas analyzed and dealt in this chapter
are: agricultural development plan including present and future cropping practices and the
support services required; crop water requirements; engineering design of the proposed
infrastructure. Chapter third gives an overview of socio- institution and organization. Cost
and financial analysis of the project is shown in chapter four. Finally in chapter five
conclusions and recommendations has been provided.

1.2 Objectives and Scope of the Project

1.2.1 Objectives

The main objective of the consulting service is to prepare Detail Feasibility Study of
Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, in order to irrigate the agriculture land of net 35 Ha in
Ja.Na.Pa - 3 of Kavrepalanchowkdistrict.

1.2.2 Scope of the Project

The scope of works is, but not limited, to cover the following:
1. Carry out detail feasibility study of lifting water from Sunkoshi River and using it
for irrigation in Tars and Phaths of Sunkoshi River in Ja.Na.Pa 3of
Kavrepalanchowkdistrict for non-conventional irrigation.

2. Identify the best source of energy required for lifting water, such as existing
power sources, solar energy, wind energy, micro hydro, etc.

3. Detail engineering survey, planning, layout and design of irrigation system.

4. Detail engineering design of lifting mechanism such as pump and motor, suction
and delivery details, etc. for lifting water fromSunkoshi River.

5. Recommend pumps and motors and other energy systems with specification for

6. Detail engineering design of pump house, with their specific location and their
layout when applicable.

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang

7. Design of sump well for relatively silt free water for suction.

8. Propose cropping calendar, crop yield, cropping intensity, crop water budget, farm
water management details, etc. in consultation with local stake holders.

9. Design water lifting schedule taking into consideration economy, pump and
motors maintenance etc.

10. The proposed feasibility study shall provide conclusive recommendation for the
implementation of the system based on aspects such as technical, financial, social,
environmental, and institutional, sustainability, etc.

11. Any adverse impact due to environmental vulnerability needs to be considered in

detail during the study. Possible Hazard zones should be identified and the best
mitigation measure to be adopted should be specified.

12. The consultant is expected to produce innovative approaches so as to support

modernization of irrigation system with round the year irrigation services to the
water user farmer community.

13. Propose operation and maintenance schedule for pumps.

14. Detail cost estimate for the implementation of the project.

1.3 Approach and Methodology

To achieve above mentioned objectives and scope of the project, required information
and data were collected and the desk study was done. Based on the study, the following
two phases were adopted.

1.3.1 Field Work Phase

The approach and methodology during field visit includes;

 To conduct survey of headwork, canal alignment, reservoir pond and command area.
 Field visit of the site and physically verify the situations.
 Interviews and discussion with beneficiary farmers, farmers group and other
stakeholders. Interview will be held with individual farmers and with farmers in
group. Groups can be made with respect to location (i.e. head reach/middle reach/tail
reach) land holding size (farmers with small land/moderate land/big land) and ethnic
groups. Special attention will be given to identify the problems, needs and attitude of
female farmers.
 To collect sufficient primary data.

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang

1.3.2 Report Preparation Phase

Report Preparation phase focuses on;

 Compilation, verification and sorting of primary data
 Synthesizing and analyzing of primary and secondary data
 List out the findings and make suggestions/recommendations

1.4 Study Area

1.4.1 Location and accessibility

The project area lies in Jayprithvi - 3 of Kavrepalanchowk district. Geographically, it is

confined between 290 32' 27" N - 290 32' 46" N latitude and 810 12' 09" E - 810 12' 16" E
longitude. The average elevation is 1408 m above mean sea level. This project area has
direct link with metalled road. The nearest airstrip from the project site is
Kavrepalanchowk Airport. The district headquarter Chainpur is about 2km from the
project area.

1.4.2 Command area

The gross command area of the project is 23 ha measured from 1:2500Topo map. To
measure the actual command area, GIS software has been used. Net command area is
computed after deduction of drains, uncultivable slope etc. Net command of the project is
measured to be 22 ha.

1.5 Climate, Topography and Soil

The climate of the project area is sub-tropical and sub-humid. The climate is tropical
during the summer and subtropical during the winter. The seasons can be divided into
three distinct parts. The spring season is warm and dry, summers are warm, wet and
humid and winters are cool and normally dry. In the same way, the months of November
to February are cool and dry, March to June is hot and dry, July to August is warm and
humid and September to October is pleasant.
Geographically, this project area lies within the hilly region of Nepal. Most of the land is
mild slope terraces with slope 15 to 20 degree.

Soil of the command area of is mainly sandy, silty loam and GMS texture soil indicating
moderately coarse structure with good drainage and aeration. The soil depth is estimated
to be about 40 cm to 50 cm. So, a wide range of agronomic crops as well as horticultural
crops can be grown, if adequate irrigation facility is made available.

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang

1.6 Present Socio-Economic Background

1.6.1 Demography and Ethnic Composition

The ethnic composition of the project area is heterogeneous. However, Brahmin is the
dominating ethnic group. About 95 percent of population is Tamang followed by Chettri
and Dalit, which is about 3 and 2 percent respectively. Total population of the area is
about 700 with 120 household`s. Thus, average family size is 6.

1.6.2 Living Standard

The main occupation of the people in this project area is agriculture. During the survey it
was found that only 2% of the Population are engaged in business

1.6.3 Land Holding and Tenancy

Table 1: land size and percentage of land holder

S.N. Land holding Farm size(Ropani) % of land holder
1 Landless -
2 Small <2 5
3 Medium 2-10 50
4 Large >10 40

1.6.4 Livestock

An important sub-component of the farming system of the area is livestock. Farmers use
farm manure and the main source of manure is livestock. Due to scarcity of feeds and
lack of market for the livestock products, livestock in the area is limited to fulfilling
household requirements.

Table 2: Livestock Distribution

S.N. Type of Animal Per Household
1 Cow 0-1
2 Goat 2-4
3 Buffalo 0-1
4 Hen 1-5
5 Ox 0-2

The main source of local fodder in the project area is grass, straw and tree leaves. As for
the grass, people take cattle to the forest, grazing land and the fields having no crops.

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang

1.6.5 Economic Activities / Credit Facilities

The project area can be accessed by roads, suspension bridge and foot trails. There are no
such places of economic activity in the command area itself. One has to go to the nearest
market that is Chainpur.

1.6.6 labor Availability

Labours like porter, Mason, Blacksmith, general labour etc. are available in the project

1.6.7 Major Crops and Crop Yields

Major crops that are grown in the project area is Rice, Potato, Wheat, Millet, Maize,
Lentils, Peas, Barley, Buckwheat, Soybean and vegetables. Rice is the principal crop that
is cultivated in lowland whether the land is irrigated or rain fed.

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang


2.1 Water Resource Assessment

2.1.1 Water Source

The source of water for this project isSunkoshi River. The discharge of this Sunkoshi
River has not been measured during field trip. The discharge measured in Banga (Station
no. 260) of Sunkoshi River as obtained from DHM shows that the source has sufficient
amount of water available throughout the year.

2.1.2 Scheme Water Balance Computation and Interpretation

Water balance for entire basin considering the existing water use has been calculated and
is presented in water balance sheets. The water requirement for irrigation has been
assessed by estimating the crop water requirements for different months and is also
presented herewith. Detail of calculation and relevant data are presented in Appendix.
2.2 Crop Water Requirements
2.2.1 Air Temperature, Rainfall, ET and Humidity

The climate of the project area is sub-tropical and sub-humid. The climate is tropical
during the summer and subtropical during the winter. The seasons can be divided into
three distinct parts. The spring season is warm and dry, summers are warm, wet and
humid and winters are cool and normally dry. In the same way, the months of November
to February are cool and dry, March to June is hot and dry, July to August is warm and
humid and September to October is pleasant. Rainfall

From PDSP manual, it was found that Dhulikhel (1024)is the nearest Rainfall station
from the project area. The rainfall data of this station has been taken for design proposes.
The 80% reliable rainfall has been computed for assessing the effective rainfall in order to
calculate the crop water requirements.
Station : Dhulikhel (1024)
Month 80% exceedence rainfall P80
january 9.20
february 10.50
march 26.00
april 61.00
may 76.70
june 259.40
july 240.00
august 331.40
r 135.90
october 41.60
november 0.00
december 0.10

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang Evapo-Transpiration (ETo)

The ETo has been obtained from PDSP manual, the table below presents the
Evapotranspiration at each month.
Table 3Evaporation (Eo ) &Evapo-Transpiration (ETo)
Station : Kathmandu Airport (1030)
Month E0 ET0
january 2.39 1.80
february 3.35 2.67
march 4.95 4.10
april 5.91 4.96
may 6.46 5.51
june 5.77 4.84
july 5.27 4.38
august 4.98 4.11
september 4.64 3.80
october 4.13 3.32
november 2.97 2.28
december 2.25 1.68
Mean 4.42 3.62 Crop Water Requirement Computation

For the calculation of crop water requirement, ET crop is calculated using crop coefficient
and evapo-transpiration data. As per the proposed cropping pattern, the total intake water
requirement has been calculated.

2.2.2 Crop Water Coefficient and Irrigation Efficiency

The designed cropping pattern for this project after the development of irrigation facility
includes vegetables in three seasons in a year. Crop co-efficient (Kc) for these crops have
been adopted as per FAO paper, PDSP manual for this geographic region in order to
calculate Et crop in various months.
For estimating irrigation water requirement for the proposed crops, various irrigation
efficiencies has been adopted, which are as follows:

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang

Irrigation Efficiency in Percentage

Crop Main canal
Field Efficiency Distributary Canal Efficiency Efficiency
Potatoes 90 95 95
Winter Vegetables 90 95 95
Summer Vegetables 90 95 95
Spring Vegetables 90 95 95
Pulse 90 95 95
Oilseed 90 95 95

2.2.3 Diversion Requirement Computation

For the calculation of crop water requirements, ETo has been calculated according to the
penman’s method using Cropwat tool. These calculations are based on relevant available
data in from New loc clim tool. As per the proposed cropping pattern, the total crop water
requirement has been calculated and listed in relevant tables of Appendix.

2.2.4 Water Balance

The water balance for entire basin considering the existing water use and 80% reliable
flow has been calculated and presented in Table. The water requirement for irrigation has
been assessed by estimating the crop water requirement in different months and presented
in Table. Detail calculation and relevant data are presented in Appendix.

2.2.5 Project Components

The main components of this project development are (i) Institutional development (ii)
design and construction of physical infrastructure.
Pumping irrigation system being the new technology, the construction of the project
infrastructure is recommended to be constructed by DOI and WUA. Pumping system and
micro irrigation system being new to WUA is recommended to be done by DOI though
tender process. This component covers the mobilization of user farmers in forming a
Water Users Association thereby mobilizing the user farmers to render active
participation in all stages of the project development and thereby build the sense of
ownership of the project. The other main objective of this component is to mobilize
resources for the construction work. In these activities WUA needs various trainings.

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang

2.3 Engineering System Design

2.3.1 Basic Design Concept

The Tars on the right bank of Sunkoshi River in the Kavrepalanchowkdistrict are
deprived from the irrigation facilities as there is no reliable source for surface irrigation.
This region falls in the rainfall shadow area and the reliability on the rain fall cannot be
assessed due to the spatial distribution. The only possible reliable source could be the
flow in the river. It is obvious that the river flows in the deeper gorge and the fertile
agriculture land lies at higher elevation.
It is conceptualized that the water from the river is pumped to a higher elevation and
collected in the reservoir. This reservoir is further connected with the sub-mains,
distributors and laterals to convey water to the different part of the command area. The
laterals are the pipes those end to the outlet valves with regulating accessories. These
valves can thus be connected to the desired Sprinkler or drip irrigation kit pipes to deliver
water to the crops on the field.

The involvement of power to lift the water will be little expensive, therefore it will be
wise to cultivate cash crops (Vegetables in all the three cropping season) by adopting
micro-irrigation technology.

For this site, a Sump-well has been proposed from where clean water is pumped. In order
to ensure water availability on the Sump well, an extra pipe hose is also connected to the
Sump well through which water from the Sunkoshi River can be diverted to the well.
Also necessary pump housing is proposed to be build.

2.3.2 Structure
Necessary structures like reservoir, control chamber with gate valve has been designed as
per departmental norms from non-conventional irrigation project of DOI.

2.3.3 Reservoir
Because of the low flow in the source, the irrigation system is not feasible in this project
area. So it is proposed to make a RCC pond to distribute water at all direction
approximately equally and regularly. RCC pond of 10 x 10 x 2 m and 7*7*1.75 m size
are proposed to distribute water for the whole command area. The bed and walls will be
lined by RCC lining with nominal reinforcement laid inside the slope and bed of tank,
with PCC and stone boulder soling on the tank bed. To avoid the encroachment and tank
disruption by cattle, barbed wire fencing with R.C.C post at the distance of 2 m. far from
tank area has been proposed. This water pond will be equipped by necessary valves,
filters and other fittings.

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang

2.3.4 Design pipe

Main pipe alignment 50 mm dia. (6kg/cm²) passes through higher elevation area with
gravel mixed soil and ordinary soil. The main pipe system has design discharge of 5 lps.
Total length of main pipe line is 630 m up to the reservoir and thereafter distribution line
and laterals run to the command area. Distribution line of diameter 140 mm (6kg/cm²)
from reservoir to command area has total length of about 742 m and the lateral pipes of
diameter 32 mm (6 kg/cm²) has the total length of about 3498 m.

2.3.5 Project Overview

Since, the project area is located at higher elevation than the water source so it’s not
possiblefor gravitational flow. Hence, the pump is used to distribute the water of
Sunkoshi River to the command area. The sump well is build near to the river source and
the water from the Sump-well is pumped to the distribution chamber or reservoir tank
from which the water is distributed to these Tars. The reservoir is placed little away from
the upper command area in order to get head for sprinkle or drip operation.

2.4 Agriculture

The main objective of irrigation development is to intensify vegetables farming by

providing soil moisture needed by the crops. After the development of the project, the
existing cropping pattern has to be diversified with the vegetables.

2.5 Present Agriculture Practice

The existing agriculture practice within command area is almost traditional. Due to the
lack of irrigation facility in most of the proposed command area, crops are dependent on
rain only. Present cropping pattern along with intensity has been shown in the Appendix.

2.6 Present Agriculture Inputs

2.6.1 Manures and Fertilizers

Organic manures along with chemical fertilizer like Urea, DAP etc. is applied in the field.
Compost making is not practiced effectively by the farmers. The quantity of manure
added is not adequate to meet the requirement of individual crops so for the better
production, required quantity of chemical fertilizer along with organic manure has to be

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang

2.6.2 Agro – Chemical Seeds

Agro-chemicals in the form of insecticides, pesticides and herbicides are very useful to
protect crops from harmful pest, insects and weeds. Farmers in this area are familiar with
the agro-chemical and seeds so they are using in the crops for better production.

2.7 Future Cropping Pattern and Yields

2.7.1 Required Inputs

Agriculture inputs in the form of seed, manure and fertilizers, agro-chemicals are of most
importance to increase crop production. Beside this, there is a need of providing a well
coordinated support services to the farmers by integrating those inputs with credit
facilities and extension work. It is necessary to make available the inputs to the farmers
on a regular basis to increase the production of crops after irrigation.

2.7.2 Cropping Intensities and yield

The proposed irrigation project seeks to intensify vegetables farming with an application
of integrated inputs along with the use of irrigation water. Farmers will be encouraged to
use agriculture extension services that are available in the nearby market at Chainpur. The
detail of future crops has been shown in the Appendix.

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang


3.1 Introduction

The success of an irrigation project will often depend on various socio-economic factors.
The idea behind the active participation and cost sharing by the users in the development
of irrigation system is to develop a sense of ownership among users and subsequent
efficient operation and maintenance by them so as to make the project sustainable and

3.2 Beneficiaries Demand for the Project

The proposed project is a demand driven project. Almost all beneficiaries’ farmers have
signed the project request form. Leading farmer beneficiaries arranged a mass meeting of
all the beneficiaries in the proposed command area. In the mass meeting they proposed
the idea of seeking help for the proposed project under non-conventional irrigation
system. Almost all beneficiaries were made aware about the rules and regulation of
present irrigation policy. It was decided in that meeting that the beneficiaries promised for
15 % contribution

3.3 Level of Cooperation / Enthusiasm among Beneficiaries

Beneficiaries’ cooperation was available to survey team in walk – through of the system,
gathering relevant sociological, agricultural, economical and also technical data. From the
observation, it can be said that the beneficiaries are willing to contribute their share of
contribution for the development of the proposed project and they are also very
enthusiastic for the implementation of the system.

3.4 Conflict and Management at Beneficiaries level

There is no loud cry for sharing water for monsoon crop. But during water distribution for
winter crops, minor conflicts may occur, which is tackled by the association without any
difficulties. After the construction of the system, there will be adequate water as well as
increased system efficiency and hence there will be less chances of such disputes

3.5 Needs for Training

Being new technology, people of this project area need strong awareness programs like
training, workshop, seminar etc. from the DIO related to non- conventional irrigation
system. Beneficiaries do not have experience in the construction and operation activities,
so they need exposures to construction activities. Beside these technical training, they
also need training on the management aspect of the irrigation system.

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang


The costs and benefits of the project have been estimated under the following

 The project life is 20 years, with replacement of pump on 11th year.

 The maintenance cost is taken to be 1% of total investment cost and it will occur
from 2nd year.

4.1 Cost
The costs considered for the analysis of the project are:

4.1.1 Investment Cost

This refers to all costs incurred during the construction period. The main items involved
in this category are construction costs, capital goods cost, labor costs, terminal costs etc.
The rates found out after completing the rate analysis based on the approved engineering
norms and district rates of Kavrepalanchowk and Kailali district, are placed in Appendix.
The investment cost is calculated on the basis of computed quantities and rates. The
quantity calculation of the proposed works is presented in Appendix.

4.1.2 Operation and maintenance cost

This refers to all costs apart from the investment incurred, in the maintenance throughout
the life of the project. Main costs involved in this group are: intermediate material cost,
transportation cost, labor cost etc. The maintenance cost used in the analysis is calculated
on the basis of investment cost. It has been taken to be 1 % of the investment cost as
pumping system need little maintenance however the investment cost is high. The
calculation of maintenance costs are presented in Appendixalong with investment cost
and year wise in cash flow tables.

4.2 Economic Analysis

Economic analysis of a project aims at determining whether the project is consistent with
the overall national and sectoral objectives. Furthermore, it tells whether the investment
proposed is the best means of achieving the intended objectives. The analysis assesses a
project in the context of national economy and hence differs from financial analysis both
in terms of identification and evaluation of inputs and outputs, and therefore in the
composition of costs and benefits. Though the financial analysis and economic analysis
are closely related and both are conducted in monetary terms, they have following
important distinctions:
 The financial analysis evaluates the commercial viability of the project from the
view point of the project entity whereas economic analysis evaluates from the
view point of the society.

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang

 In financial analysis market prices are normally used whereas in economic

analysis “shadow” prices which reflect social or economic values are used.
 In economic analysis, interest on capital is never separated and deducted from the
gross return whereas in financial analysis interest paid to the external suppliers of
money may be deducted to derive the benefit available to the owners of the
 In economic analysis, taxes and subsidies are treated as transfer payments whereas
in financial analysis, taxes are treated as cost and subsidies as return.
Economic analysis of projects must be based on incremental benefits and costs. This
requires comparison of the situation that would prevail “without” the project and the
situation “with” the project. In order to be acceptable for investment, a project must yield
benefits in excess of costs over its life and the net benefit must be larger than or at least as
large as that resulting from the next best alternative project. There tools namely Net
Present Worth(NPW),Internal Rate of Return(IRR) and Benefit Cost Ratio(B/C) are
commonly used for comparing cost and benefit streams in arriving at investment

4.2.1 Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR)

Economic Internal Rate of Return is the rate of discount at which the cost and benefit
streams over the life of the project are equalized. It is the maximum interest rate that a
project could pay for the resources used if the project is to recover its investment and
operating costs. It is that discount rate which will make the net present worth of the
incremental net benefit stream equal to zero.
Internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate, r, such that
 Bt  Ct 

t 1  1  r 

Where, Bt = benefit in each year

Ct = cost in each year
r = internal rate of return (IRR)
t = 1,2,3…..N, years
N = life of the project
Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) of this project is computed to be 24.18%. Its
computation is presented in Appendix.

4.2.2 Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C)

Benefit cost ratio is the ratio obtained when the present worth of the benefit stream is
divided by the present worth of the cost stream, both the streams being discounted at the
opportunity cost of the capital. It is less commonly used because of its high degree of
sensitivity to the way costs and benefits are classified.
This is expressed as:

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang

B (1  i )t
C t 1 Ct
(1  i )t
Where, Bt = benefit in each year
Ct = cost in each year
i = discount rate
t = 1,2,3…..N, years
N = life of the project
All projects with B/C ratio equal to or greater than one are acceptable. Benefit cost ratio
(B/C) of the project at 10% and 12% discount rate are computed to be 2.10 and
1.85respectively, which are greater than one and hence the project is implemental from
view point of economy. Its computation is presented in Appendix.

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)
Detail Feasibility of Pandes Lift Irrigation Project, Jayprithvi NP 3, Bajhang


With the implementation of this project, the proposed command area is expected to be
provided with irrigation facility round the year. Consequently, the agriculture yield will
be increased substantially and eventually and the living standard of the people living
within the command area will be raised.
This project can be a model to other projects and motivate other farmers to use water
more concisely using modern irrigation technologies (drip, sprinkler etc) using renewable

 Farmers are very enthusiastic about the project and are prepared to mobilize and
contribute resources for the construction work according to the prevailing
Irrigation Policy.
 The proposed project has an EIRR of 20.19%
 The project does not have land acquisition problem.
 The project is technically feasible, economically viable, environmentally sound
and socially acceptable.
Therefore, the project is recommended for implementation.

Non-Conventional Irrigation Technology project (NITP)

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