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2017 ORS 56.

Authority of Secretary of State to refuse to file
(1) The Secretary of State may ref use to f ile a document delivered f or f iling under ORS
chapter 58, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67, 70, 79, 87, 194, 305, 465, 466, 475, 554, 596, 634,
647, 648, 657 or 713 or under ORS 30.630 (Filing copy of judgment w ith Secretary
of State), 80.115 (Requirements f or ef f ective f inancing statement), 80.118 (Master
list of f arm products) or 128.595 (Annual report) if the document contains a Social
Security number, a state identif ication number, a driver license number, a credit or
debit card number or an account number that is not redacted.

(2) For purposes of this section, “redacted” means altered or truncated so that not
more than the last f our digits of a number are accessible. [2007 c.186 §2]

1 Legislative Counsel Committee, CHAPTER 56—Duties of Secretary of State, https://-

w w w s/ors/ors056.html (2017) (last accessed Mar. 30,

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