Online Learning or Face To Face Learning

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Online Learning or Face to Face Learning

Online learning and face to face learning are the methods of learning process. Both of
them is useful in learning process. Both of them applied in learning process and give many
benefit. People can choose the option between online learning or face to face according their
condition and situation. Some people prefer to choose online learning and the other choose face
to face learning. Online and face to face has many similarities and difference. Here are some of
the similarities and differences between online learning or face to face learning

Both of them has same function in learning method and process that’s why they has many
similarities. Both of them are using curriculum and education standard to do the lesson. They
also require student to manage their time properly. When the learning process finish the lesson
online and face to face learning always receiving and giving feedback for knowing the quality of
lesson. That the similarities form both of them, and they both very useful in learning process.

From some of the similarities from both of them there also some differences between
them. Online learning has flexible duration and time when doing learning activity, but face to
face learning has fixed time and duration for learning process. When we do online learning
activity we should prepare some electronic device such smart phone or PC and also internet
connection however face to face learning doesn’t use that things as main part of the lesson they
only use as supporting part of learning. In face to face learning student and teacher has live
interaction student can ask directly when they confuse or not understand about the theory, while
online doesn’t have it teacher here only provide theory and explain the theory once only. And
online learning doesn’t give clarification immediately from teacher when student find something
wrong they only share and get the clarification next meeting, however face to face teacher can
immediately give student when student asking about something wrong or they difficult to

In conclusion both of this learning method are useful and give many benefits. Although
there are both similarities and differences when it come to Face to face and online learning it
depends upon the students and how they perefer to learn

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