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NPM : 18IGS12353

1. Introduction

2. Discussion
2.1 Impact of Education sector
2.2 Factor of Education sector
2.2.1 Limited facilities and infrastructure
2.2.2 Internet network
2.2.3 Cost
2.3 The Effect of Education sector
2.4 The Impact of Decentralization of Education sector

3. Conclussion
1. Introduction
The purpose of this report is to find out how the development of education sector in
Indonesia after covid 19. First we are explained about covid 19, coronavirus disease
(COVID-19) is an infectious desease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Second,
most people infected with he COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate
respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and
those with underlying medical problems like cardiovasculardesease, diabetes, chronic
respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Third , the best
way to prevent and slow down transmissionis be well informed about the COVID-19
virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection
by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your
face ( The findings from this
report that while there are impact of educational sector. Factor of educational sector, due
to limited facilities and infrastructure, internet network and cost. These disadvantages of
educational sector pertains to our parents and students.
2. Discussion
2.1 Impact of Education Sector
The impact of the corona virus outbreak (Covid-19) has now also been felt by
the world of education. This has been recognized by the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), that the corona virus outbreak has
had an impact on the education sector. Nearly 400 million students are disrupted by
their school activities throughout the world and are threatened with their educational
rights in the future. (
pendidikan-di-indonesia-362deb1d77b4) In Indonesia, the world of education also
feels the impact. Various kinds of comparative study program activities abroad
(overseas) had to be canceled. Our own school, Tazkia IIBS Malang, has to cancel a
number of important activities abroad, such as the Arabic debate competition in
Singapore which was supposed to be held in mid-February - canceled by local
authorities. This was done after the level of corona virus spread in Singapore rose
from the yellow level to the orange level. Another activity is a comparative study
overseas to Japan which should have departed in early March to be canceled.
If this condition continues to improve, it is certain that the impact on the
education sector will also increase. The most feared impact is the long term effect.
Because students and students will automatically feel the delay in the educational
process that they go through. This can result in impeded development of their
maturity in the future. Especially if Covid-19 is not over soon. With the policy of
delaying schools in countries affected by the virus can automatically interfere with
the rights of every citizen to get proper education services. The closure of these
schools and campuses can certainly hamper and slow down the achievement of
targets set by the government and or each school. Certainly, this condition will
interfere with the achievement of students' maturity in achieving their learning goals,
both academically and psychologically. Even more worrying is the psychological
impact. Students who have to postpone their learning process due to school closure
are very likely to experience psychological trauma that makes them demotivated in
learning. Likewise, the cancellation of several important programs and programs for
students abroad, such as competitions and overseas studies, made them disappointed
because they felt they had prepared in advance. Moreover, students' insights about the
corona virus are still minimal which can make them have a higher level of concern.

2.2 Factor of Education sector

The transition to this way of learning forces various parties to follow the path that can
be taken so that learning can take place and the choice is to use technology as a
medium of online learning. The use of this technology is actually not without
problems, there are many factors that hinder the effectiveness of online learning

2.2.1 Limited facilities and infrastructure

Ownership of technology support devices is also a problem. it is not a public
secret that the welfare of teachers is still very low, so never mind to meet
these things, to meet the basic needs of their families, there are still many
teachers who are struggling. the same thing happens to students, because not
all of their parents are able to provide technological facilities to their children.
even if they have facilities but they are not used for learning support media,
because of parents ignorance in guiding their children to use technology in
learning. (

2.2.2 Internet network

Online learning cannot be separated from the use of the internet network. not
all schools have been connected to the internet so even the teachers are not
used to using it on a daily basis. Even if there are those who use cellular
networks sometimes the network is unstable because of the geographical
location which is still far from the reach of cellular signals. (https://kabar-
2.2.3 Cost
Internet network which is very needed in online learning is a problem for
teachers and students. Kouta purchased for internet needs has jumped and
many teachers and parents are also not ready to increase the budget for
providing internet networks. This online learning method is actually not new,
because in some countries, especially in developed countries, this activity is
used. The process of learning in tertiary institutions especially, not only
abroad but in Indonesia has also been accustomed to be carried out, but for
learning at the level of elementary and secondary education units is not yet so
popular that it takes real preparation to run well. The times will require
changes in civilization, and this will have an impact on the way or methods of
learning that are commonly done. in an age of technology such as today, it is
possible for the next teaching and learning process to be carried out online,
bearing in mind the effectiveness in the transfer of knowledge that is very
good, fast, easy and inexpensive. (
2.3 The Effect of Education Sector
Indonesia education world is facing a serious threat due to the impact of the corona
virus pandemic (Covid-19). At the very least, the shadow of dropping out of school to
the potential for rolling up a number of schools will occur amid the current
conditions. There should be a guide and curriculum for learning in emergencies. If
this situation is left unchecked, mass depression will occur and the body becomes
more vulnerable to viruses. To that end, the government is asked to dare to provide
stimulus to save the education sector. One of the stimulus source options is proposed
from the education endowment fund managed by the Education Fund Management
Institute . This APBN has limitations. But we have an endowment fund for education,
that is what we hope can be used temporarily to save the education sector. The
education sector must be a concern of the government. Because education is a long-
term investment that if left unchecked will have a large impact.

2.4 The Impact of Decentralization of Education sector

This study contributes to our knowledge on the impact of decentralization of the
education sector in Indonesia. We extend existing research by examining the
influence of both municipal factors and other explanatory variables on educational
attainment in Indonesia. We focus on mean years of schooling as an indicator of
educational attainment. We hypothesize that after decentralization, (1) educational
attainment is higher compared to the pre-decentralization era, (2) regional variations
in educational attainment will have increased, and (3) the fiscal capacity, degree of
urbanization, and development will be higher, the higher the municipality’s mean
year of schooling. The latter is also expected for the newly created municipalities of
the past years. We test the hypotheses with panel data on 5,541,983 respondents
aggregated to 3880 observations nested in 491 districts/cities nested in 32 provinces
for the pre- and post-decentralization era. The results reveal the following. First, after
decentralization, the length of schooling slightly increased, but progress in the length
of schooling has slowed down a bit. Second, educational attainment variation
between provinces slightly decreased, but the variation among municipalities
increased. Third, the degree of municipalities’ development and urbanization has a
significantly positive impact on improving educational attainment, while the fiscal
capacity and the status of being a new municipality do not have a significant effect on
extending the length of schooling. Our findings suggest that especially rural areas and
less developed municipalities have lagged behind in the attempt to improve
Indonesia’s educational attainment. (
3. Conclussion
The purpose of this report is to find out how the development of education sector in
Indonesia after covid 19. Nearly 300 million students are disrupted by their school
activities throughout the world and are threatened with their educational rights in the
future. If this condition continues to improve, it is certain that the impact on the education
sector will also increase. The transition to this way of learning forces various parties to
follow the path that can be taken so that learning can take place and the choice is to use
technology as a medium of online learning. The use of this technology is actually not
without problems, there are many factors that hinder the effectiveness of online learning
including:. it is not a public secret that the welfare of teachers is still very low, so never
mind to meet these things, to meet the basic needs of their families, there are still many
teachers who are struggling. the same thing happens to students, because not all of their
parents are able to provide technological facilities to their children. Online learning
cannot be separated from the use of the internet network. Not all schools have been
connected to the internet so even the teachers are not used to using it on a daily basis.
Kouta purchased for internet needs has jumped and many teachers and parents are also
not ready to increase the budget for providing internet networks. This online learning
method is actually not new, because in some countries, especially in developed countries,
this activity is used. Indonesia education world is facing a serious threat due to the impact
of the corona virus pandemic (Covid-19). If this situation is left unchecked, mass
depression will occur and the body becomes more vulnerable to viruses. We extend
existing research by examining the influence of both municipal factors and other
explanatory variables on educational attainment in Indonesia. After decentralization, the
length of schooling slightly increased, but progress in the length of schooling has slowed
down a bit.

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