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Republic ofthe Philippines CITY OF SAN FERNANDO Province of La Union REGULAR SESSION OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD OF THE CITY OF ‘SAN FERNANDO ON THE 29™ DAY OF NOVEMBER 2011. PRESENT: Hon. Vice Mayor Hermenegiido A. Gualberto Hon. Councilor Atfredo Pablo R, Ortega Hon. Councilor Jonathan Juste A. Orros Hon. Councilor Joseph Bernard D. Valero Hon. Councilor Joseph M. de Guzman Hon. Councilor Andre H. Dacanay Hon. Councilor Florentino G. Flores, Jr. Hon. Councilor Marylin R. Jucar Hon, Councilor Lolita G. Dyquiangco Hon. Councilor Ramon F. Laudencia Hon. Councilor Wilfredo P, Ordofio Hon. Member Ramon C, Ortega ABSENT: Hon. Councilor Francisco Paolo P. Ortega V Hon. Councilor Rodolfo M. Abat — On sick leave Hon. Member Ramon Guio A. Ortega, Jr CITY ORDINANCE NO. 2011-07 nk IRDINANCE, ORDAINING THE CONSOLIDATION OF /ALL S AND ORDINANCES IN THE USE, OPERATION, MAIN] “Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Panlungsod in session duly assembled that: ARTICLE I General Provisions Section 1.01. Title. This Ordinance shall be referred to as the Tricycle Ordinance of 2012 of the City of San Fernando, La Union. Section 1.02. Scope. This Ordinance shall apply to all motorized tricycles whether for hire or for private use and shall pertain to their use, operation, maintenance and the grant of Franchise to operate within the territorial jurisdiction of the City Section 1,03. Declaration of Policy. Section 458 (a) (3) (vi) of the Local Government Code mandates the Sangguniang Panlungsod to regulate the ‘operation of tricycles and grant franchise for the operation thereof. City Ord. No. 2011-07, series of 2011, page two of 12 pages It is therefore the policy of the City Government to ensure the comfort, ‘safety and wellbeing of the general public using tricycles as mode of transportation ‘and shall seek the highest transport safety standards that are reasonably practicable to ‘A, improve the safety of tricycles as a mode of public transport B. ensure, in collaboration with tricycle transport bodies and the riding public, that tricycle transport operates as part of an integrated transport system in the City which seeks to meet the needs of all public transport system users C. manage tricycle transport in a manner which supports sustainabilty by seeking to provide its share of public transport trips in proportion to all transport trips in the City D. improve the environmental performance of tricycle transport including ‘minimization ofits adverse environmental impacts, E. promote economic prosperity through efficient and reliable movement of tricycle transport users ‘Section 1.04 General Requirements to operate a Motorized Tricycle ‘A. Must be a bonafide resident who is a registered voter of the City B. Must be in possession of a motorized tricycle unit with valid registration Papers evidencing ownership by the Land Transportation Officer (LTO) ‘and supported by a common carrier insurance policy for the protection of Passengers and third partes in case of accident ©. Must be a duly licensed driver or in possession of a driver's license to drive a motorized tricycle issued by the LTO in the case of a driver. applicant, ARTICLE Il Definition of Terms Section 1.01. For purposes of this Ordinance, the following words andior Phrases shall be construed and defined as follows: ‘A. Motorized Tricycle (MTC) for Hire shall mean any motorcycle fitted or attached with a single-wheeled side-car or any three-wheeled motorized vehicle used to convey or transport passengers at a fixed rate or fare to their places of destination, All other conveyances powered by motoreycles shall be deemed private motorized tricycles. 8. Tricycle Driver shall refer to any person duly licensed by the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to drive and operate a motorcycle or a tricycle and who actually drives and controls a motorized tricycle while in operation in public streets and highways and duly accredited by the Office of the Mayor, ©. Tricycle Operator shall refer to the registered owner of a motorized tticyele as appearing in the Certificate of Registration issued by the Land ‘Transportation Offic. City Ord. No, 2011-07, series of 2011, page three of 12 pages D. Tricycle Driver/Operator shall refer to the driver who takes charge of

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