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Accredited to the University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom


Student Name: Dana Said Alzadjali

Student MCUC NO: 19901361
Class group: F21
Date of submission: 14/5/2020
Topic: Early reading habits among children help to become successful learners in school
and how important reading skills are to a child's academic success.

I am a foundation student at Majan college. As part of my course study, I am

doing some research on the Early reading habits among children help to
become successful learners in school and how important reading skills are to a
child's academic success. I 'd like to see you spare a few minutes of your
precious time answering a few questions. Your identity will be kept private and
your answers to this research project will be used only. We would be grateful
for your time to answer questions.

Demographic Information

Gender Age Nationality

Male Female 18 - 20 21 - 23 24 - 26 Omani Expat Arab Expat Asian

Please answer the questions by choosing Yes or No

1. Do you like reading? Yes/No

2. Do you think that you are good at solving problems? Yes/No
3. Do you have a good memory? Yes/No

Please answer the question by choosing the appropriate option

4. What time do you read every day?

morning Evening afternoon During the break I don’t read every day

5. What do you prefer to read in the break?

(i) Stories (ii) Novels (iii) Educational books (iv) other (please specify)…..

6. How do you prefer to read?

(i) alone (ii) with friends (iii) with family (iv) not particular

7. Do you consider it OK to read novels every day?

(i) Yes (ii) No (iii) don’t know (iv) depends on circumstances

8. Reading a good books prepares you for the day ahead.

Completely agree agree neutral disagree Completely disagree

9. How do you rate the book quality in the library?

(i) very good (ii) Good (iii) poor (iv) very poor

10. Do you prefer the oriental books compared to foreign books?

11. If yes, why? If no, why not?

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