English Exercises 1

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English Exercises

A. Tenses
1. Although the police ______ every precaution, the robber managed to escape.
  (A) take  
(B) takes
  (C) has taken  
  (D) had taken  
2. The boys ______ television every night unless they have homework.
  (A) watch  
(B) watches
  (C) watched  
  (D) watching  
3. Maria ______ an appointment to see the doctor. It is at 10.00 am. tomorrow.
  (A) make  
(B) makes
  (C) made  
  (D) has made  
4. They ______ when they are ready.
  (A) come  
(B) came
  (C) will come  
  (D) have come  
5. Judy ______ watching horror films although she has nightmares afterwards.
  (A) like  
(B) likes
  (C) liked  
  (D) will like  
6. It ______ every afternoon for the past week. The weather forecast predicts rain
for next week too.
  (A) is raining  
(B) was raining
  (C) has been raining  
  (D) had been raining  
7. I ______ the door before I realized that the keys were inside the house.
  (A) lock  
(B) locked
  (C) has locked  
  (D) had locked  
8. When Sally ______ her first pay, she bought presents for her parents.
  (A) receive  
  (B) received  
  (C) has received  
  (D) had received  
9. It's lovely to wake up in the morning and ______ birds singing.
  (A) hear  
  (B) hears  
  (C) heard  
  (D) hearing  
10. Aaron ______ RM80.00 for that bag.
  (A) pay  
  (B) paid  
  (C) pays  
  (D) paying

11.  The members ______ for a new committee in the coming meeting.
   (A) were voting  
(B) are voting
   (C) had voted  
   (D) have noted  
12.  They ______ ready for his moment for weeks.
   (A) get  
(B) get getting
   (C) will get  
   (D) have been getting  
13.  ______ Pam and Bobby ______ the rules?
   (A) Were, knowing  
(B) Does, knows
   (C) Are, knowing  
   (D) Do, know  
14.  Shareen ______ her driving test on the first attempt.
   (A) is passing  
(B) passed
   (C) was passing  
   (D) has been passing  
15.  The old lady ______ for a long time before she ______ away.
   (A) had been suffering, passed  
(B) was suffering, had passed
   (C) is suffering, passed  
   (D) has suffered, was passing  
16.  I ______ an appointment with the dentist soon.
   (A) make  
   (B) made
   (C) will make  
   (D) have made  
17.  The people next door ______ a lot of noise until past midnight.
   (A) was making  
   (B) has made
   (C) are making  
   (D) were making  
18.  A journalist ______ to interview you later today.
   (A) came  
   (B) will be coming  
   (C) had come  
   (D) has been coming  
19.  The clerk ______ the money from the bank by one o-clock.
   (A) is withdrawing  
   (B) had been withdrawing  
   (C) has withdrawn  
(D) will have withdrawn
20.  Charles ______ his father in the shop until school ______ .  
   (A) was helping, will start  
   (B) helped, was starting  
   (C) is helping, starts  
   (D) has helped, is starting  
B. Cloze Passage- Fill in the suitable word.

1. It was a Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Adam were window shopping at a
shopping centre. As they stood outside a boutique, Mr. Adam spotted a shiny new
_________ machine.

"Look ! It's _________ of those modern computerized machines that tells your
weight and gives you your fortune at the _________ time. I think I shall try it," he told his

Mrs Adam, however, was not too keen __________ the idea.

"Let's _________ bother. I don't __________ in fortune telling," she said.

Mr. Adam, however, insisted __________ trying the machine. He was very curious
to __________ out his 'fortune'. He __________ on the machine and inserted a fifty cent
coin. There was a soft buzzing _________ from the machine. A few seconds _________ ,
a slip of paper emerged. Mrs. Adam took the slip and _________ it out to her husband :

"Your fortune : You are a clever and talented person. If you are working, you will
become an employee that every boss would be proud __________. You will become a
good leader _________ men. Everyone will listen to you _________ you speak.
_________ you lead, everyone will __________."

Mr Adam listened to that and pondered __________ his fortune.


"I will never forgive her," Anne muttered as she walked away __________ the class.
Panting and running __________ her, Lilian came up __________ her and apologised
profusely ___________ accidentally spilling chocolate milk all __________ Anne's new bag.
Anne ___________ to listen to Lilian. She cupped her hands over her __________, glared at
Lilian ___________ screamed.

"I'll never talk to you ___________ !" Then she ran away.

Anne was ___________ angry when she reached ___________. She banged the door
hard ___________ her and woke Granny from her afternoon __________ . She was rude to
Mother when Mother asked her what she ___________ for dinner. She pinched little Tony
when she found that he had messed ___________ her room again. Tony ran howling
___________ Mother. His poor arm was red __________ Anne's pinching.

"What's the matter ___________ you today, Anne ?" Mother came into the room and
asked. "You've made everybody upset __________ you stepped into the house. Did
something __________ in school ?"

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