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Instructional Cycle 1

Multiple Subject and Single Subject

Sample Lesson Plan Template

Step 1: Plan
Sample Lesson Plan Template
Directions: If you do not have access to a school or district lesson plan format, consider using the sample lesson
plan template to establish content-specific learning goal(s) and develop one lesson plan.

Lesson Overview

Title of Lesson [ You’re the Planner]

Subject [ Mathematics Geometry]

Grade Level [ 6th Grade]

Time Frame [ 1 Day ]

California Content Standard(s) [ 6.G.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special
quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and
different shapes; apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical

California ELD Standard(s) [ SL.6.1, Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions

(one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on sixth-grade topics, texts, and
issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly;
L.6.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or
listening. ]

Learning Goal(s) [ Students will be able to plan, design, and develop a floor plan of at least
1600 sq. Ft. It must consist of at least three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Students will be able
to work collaboratively in groups to design their own separate floor plans.]

Content of Lesson

Based on student assets, what do you expect students to understand deeply about the lesson?
What do you expect students to retain after the lesson and use it in future learning?
[ I expect the students to understand what the area of their floor plan is as a whole house and
the area of each room separately. I expect students to know that they can use the equations for
area to solve real-world problems. I expect students to see the purpose of this lesson is to meet
the 6.G.1 standard so that they will be able to continue to use this strategy in real-life
applications. I expect students to deeply understand how to find the area of each room
separately so that they can go home and find out what the area of their house or their room is. I

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1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811 No page maximum
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Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Sample Lesson Plan Template

also expect my students to retain this content to aid them in other real-world applications that
they may see on future assessments. The students will continue to build upon this standard so
lastly, I expect this lesson to build a solid foundation for students so that we can continue to add
to this standard.]

What misunderstandings or misconceptions do you expect students might have from the
[ I expect that students may have never seen a floor plan and may not understand how to
calculate the entire area of the many different shapes.
I also expect that students will all have different ideas for their design. I expect that students will
misunderstand the standard sizes of rooms.
I expect that students will make unproportionate rooms and make their rooms either too small or
too large, so they may not make sense for real-world applications.
Finally, another misconception that I think students might have from the lesson is how to ensure
that they have the minimum requirement of a 1600 square foot floor plan.]

What knowledge, skills, and abilities (higher-order thinking and academic language
development) do you expect students to have after engaging in the lesson?
[ I expect students to
 Students will learn what a basic floorplan is, visualize it, and design and illustrate their
floor plan on paper.
 I expect students to fluently solve the area of the multiple rooms (shapes and sizes)
they design.
 I expect that students will evaluate to find the area of a variety of shapes when given the
required dimensions.
 I expect the students will develop the ability to plan and design a floor plan.
 I expect students will develop a deeper understanding by connecting the learning with a
real-world situation.
 I expect that students will use academic vocabulary such as area, square feet, and
dimensions to describe a room.
 I expect that students will be able to use the knowledge and determine the square
footage of their own room as well as the dimensions.]

Assessment/Checking for Understanding

What essential questions will you ask to determine if students are not meeting, meeting, or
exceeding the learning goal(s) of the lesson?
[These are the essential questions that I will ask to determine if students have or have not met
the learning goal for this lesson:
1. Did the students design a floorplan of at least 1600 square feet?
2. Did students solve the area of each room separately as well as the entire house they

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All rights reserved. V02.1
Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Sample Lesson Plan Template

3. I will ask students if it is possible to have different floor plans that equal the same square
4. I will ask students if it is important to have a hallway to go to and from different rooms or
if you can go from one room to another without using a hallway.]

What will students do to demonstrate the achievement of content during the lesson?
[ Students will demonstrate the achievement of content during the lesson in multiple ways.
Students will be working in small groups and will collaborate to develop a floorplan and calculate
the area of each room of their design. The students will create a custom floorplan with a given
minimum required square footage. The students will demonstrate understanding by listing all the
dimensions and area of each room. The students will also demonstrate their understanding by
turning in their final floor plan with each room broken down separately for size and the total area
of their house. Since we have been working on finding the area of different shapes, this is a
real-world application to help develop much deeper critical thinking skills for students. This real-
world application is crucial to help students understand and make connections as to not only
why they are learning this information but when and why they will use it in everyday life. Due to
the readily available information from computers and the internet the students no longer
required to memorize facts, but they do need to understand the world and how it works.]

How will you know students understand the content?

[ I will know if students understand the content by circulating the classroom and observing each
group as they are working on their project. While I am walking around the class, I will work with
the small groups and pull them back to a small table as needed. I will take notes of which
students need more instruction or more modeling and work with them in a small group. I will ask
the group-specific questions based on what I see while observing. I will be looking at the
student's process of designing their floorplan and give students specific feedback on the spot to
aid them in reaching their end goal. I will be using a summative assessment to determine
students an overall understanding of the content by grading each student’s final floorplan and
ensuring it met all the requirements and that they found their areas correctly.]

Structured Student Learning Activities

Based on student assets, what activities will the students be involved in during the lesson to
support, engage, and challenge their achievement of the learning goal(s)?
[Students will begin by participating in a whole-class discussion and model of a floor plan. I will
show students an example of a floor plan as well as give them each a copy so that they will
have something to reference. I will show them how to find the area on their floor plan of a
specific room. Students will then be asked to solve the area of another room on the example
handout to check for understanding. Students will work with through the example floorplans with
their shoulder partners so that I can check for understanding. Students will share out with the
class as they work through the examples so that I can do an informal assessment of how the
class is feeling with the assignment. Students will then work with their partners to develop their
individual floor plans. Partner work will be a self-paced activity that will allow them to use their
creativity as well as their ingenuity to plan, design, and develop their floor plans. Students will
have their partner to collaborate with and consult with any ideas or questions that they might
have. I will ask students to include at least three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and ensure that the
floor plan is 1600 square feet. Students will be able to show their creativity when they design

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1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811 No page maximum
All rights reserved. V02.1
Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Sample Lesson Plan Template

their room which will give them a sense of ownership and pride in their plan. Every student will
be required to draw their own floor plan so that I may assess them individually. Students will use
partners to collaborate and develop their ideas; however, each student needs their own floor

How will you group students and manage group work to support student learning?
[ Students will be grouped in ways to ensure the most success for each student as possible.
Students will be grouped based on their level to ensure there is a productive conversation and
that there isn’t too much of a gap between partners levels that there isn’t any collaboration.
Each student has a partner, except for one. This student will join another partner group to create
a group of three. I am aware of students who need to be working away from each other and I
will monitor each student’s location to ensure they are with a partner that will allow them to be
engaged, focused, and actively participating in the assignment. I will be monitoring the partner's
work by walking around the classroom to listen and to observe the students interact with each
other and with the problem. I will manage the partner work by encouraging Accountable Talk,
which is the skill of academic conversations and encouraging students to be active listeners. I
will step in if needed to help a pair of students or to mediate a conflict. I am aware of students
who are not as outgoing and might need to be grouped with students who are not going to be
overly active for those individuals. I am aware of students levels and know there are student that
will already be ready for the project and some that will not quite be ready, so I will work to pair
these students in a way that they will balance out each other’s assets and need and encourage
and help one another. I will suggest partners to talk with another group of partners if I see that
they need more assistance so that they can hear that group's ideas and have another viewpoint
and explanation of the material.]

How will you engage students in higher-order thinking (i.e., analysis, synthesis, evaluation,
interpretation, and transfer) activities?
[ I will engage students in higher-order thinking because they will be required to develop their
plan, and then they will find the area of each room as well as the entire house. Students will also
be required to think about the dimensions of a given room to decide if it makes sense or if it is
too large or too small. For example, a bathroom that is 20 feet by 20 feet would not be realistic
for this application. This is a multistep process in which students will need to not only think of
what they are designing but the overall dimensions and area of each room specifically and all
together. Students also need to make sure that they are evaluating their plan as well as their
peers since they are working with their partners. Students will need to analyze the different
sizes of their rooms to ensure the dimensions can be used for the application they are intending.
Students will be required to interpret what they are thinking onto a visual floor plan so that they
can convey their idea.]

Instruction to Support Learning

What instructional strategies will support student learning through multiple modalities?
[ One instructional strategy that I will incorporate to support student learning through different
modalities is presentation using the interactive smartboard. Visual learners will benefit from the
presentation because they will see a demonstration of the floor plan and how to use the
measurement to solve the area for that specific room. Auditory learners will benefit from this
presentation because I will explain the lesson and they will be able to hear what they are going
to be expected to do and how they are going to go about this activity. Kinesthetic learners will
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1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811 No page maximum
All rights reserved. V02.1
Instructional Cycle 1
Multiple Subject and Single Subject
Sample Lesson Plan Template

benefit from this activity because I have brought in a sample of the flooring and a measuring
tape so that they can walk off the different sizes of their rooms to see if it would make sense.
Another instructional strategy that I will use is thinking out loud or modeling. I will think out loud
to explain my approach and I will ask students to assist me when I get stuck. Thinking out loud
will help auditory learners as well as kinesthetic learners because they can focus on
participating and answering my questions. The auditory learners are also able to listen to my
thinking and understand my strategies.
Another instructional strategy I will use is partner work. Partner work will allow the auditory
learners to hear their partner's approach and to think. Partner work will enable visual learners to
take what they saw me do or their partners do and apply it to their learning. Partner work will
also be a time where I allow the kinesthetic learners to stand or move around the classroom as
they work with their partners.
Another instructional strategy that I will use is real-world examples. These examples will aid the
visual learners and kinesthetic learners because I will be showing students multiple floor plans
so that they will get some ideas for their floor plan. I will bring in different samples of flooring for
the students so that they can see different types of flooring. The students will be able to move
around in their groups so that they are comfortable in their learning setting.]

What resources, materials, and/or educational technology will you or your students use during
the lesson?
[ As the teacher, I will use the internet, my presentation, the Promethean Board, the whiteboard,
and whiteboard markers. The students will use pencils, their math notebook, their Chromebooks
graph paper, white paper, construction paper, rulers, and their brains.]

What adaptations and accommodations, including, as appropriate, assistive technologies, will

support focus students and other individual student learning needs beyond the UDL supports
built into the lesson?
[ I will provide a student copy of the material I will be presenting to my students. If students
finish the task early, I will ask them to help in another group which might need some assistance
or exchange with another student who has completed theirs as well to check each other’s work
and talk through their design rationale with one another. I will be aware of every group’s choice
of location so that every student will have the ability to focus and remain engaged through the
lesson and activity. I plan on checking in with my focus students to ensure they understand the
vocabulary of the area before beginning the activity. I will be working with the partners as well
as the focus students giving them a smaller model and asking guiding and deep-thinking
questions to ensure they are thinking beyond the surface level. I will provide the class with
different floor plan layouts as guides or ideas, but I will not include the dimension on the
additional examples. FS1 will be supported with sentence starters as well as a small group
support to assist in language development as well as any questions regarding the content. The
class will have the material presented in multiple ways including the document camera, a paper
hand out, myself walking them through it, working with a partner, and having a list on the board
of the steps. UDL strategies say that providing many different forms of the information is
important in order to reach as many students as possible since not all people learn the same.
FS2 and FS3 are both outgoing and energetic individuals so I have given not only them but the
rest of the class the choice of sitting at their desk, finding a spot on the floor or even standing to
do their work. Allowing students to choose their learning environment can help with their
attention and their responsiveness to the content.]

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