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International Conference on Global Education V

“Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”



Malda Sari1 And Erna Tutantri Br Tarigan2

Graduate Program Of Public University Of Medan
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This research was conducted with the aim to improve the outcomes learning
student in subject of social sciences used model Numbered Heads Together in class IV
SD. Kind of research used is the class action research as done by using two cycle and
four stages namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subject is
entire grade IV SDN 026609 Binjai Selatan as many as 1 class is 35 students consisting
of 22 men and 13 women. Instruments used in this research was the result of tests and
observation sheet. From the findings of the initial test results, students still have a
mastery level below 65 (<65), students who completed as many as 10 people with a
percentage of 28.57% and the 25 students who have not completed with the percentage
of 71.43%, the average class of 43, so that both individually and classically initial
ability of students that are not yet completed. From the acquisition of the pretest results,
researchers follow up and proceed to the Post test cycle I. In the first cycle there are 20
students who have completed by percentage (57.14%) and 15 students who have not
completed the percentage (42.86%) , the average grade 65.43. It is known that the
ability of students to understand the material development of communication and
transportation technologies based on the level of success in the classical style that are
not yet managed. Second cycle of 32 students who have completed the study with a
percentage (91.43%) and there are 3 students who have not completed the study with a
percentage (8.57%). The findings concluded that using the model Numbered Heads
Together can improve student outcomes learning in social studies subject matter of
development of communication technology and transportation on grade IV SDN 026609
Binjai Selatan.

Key words: Numbered Head Together (NHT), Outcomes Learning, Social Sciences

Related to the quality of education at primary school level until now is still far
from what we expected, especially on the quality of learning. Education can not be
separated from learning. By learning, each person will change and can develop better
than other creatures, and can sustain life in the middle of the development of more
advanced age and the competition is very tight as it is today. The main indicators used
to assess the quality of learning and graduation of students of an educational institution,
often based on the learning outcomes of students listed on the value of learning

1816 Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017

International Conference on Global Education V
“Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

In learning of Social Sciences, the existence of learning media is desperately

needed, but in reality in the field, teachers do not use the media. For basically the media
is indispensable in the process of delivering the subject matter so that students can better
understand the material being taught by teachers. The lack of variety of learning models
used by teachers has led to students being passive during the ongoing learning of Social
Sciences. This is evident from the number of students who were noisy in the classroom
and chatting with your seatmate. So when the teacher teaches, the classroom atmosphere
becomes conducive and materials presented teachers are poorly understood by students.
Based on the results of observations made by researcher in the Social Sciences
learning in the fourth grade of Public Primary School 026609 of South Binjai, methods
of learning undertaken by teachers in teaching Social Sciences is the lecture method.
Low interest student can be known at the time the student to follow the learning, the
interaction between teachers and students, and the interaction among fellow students.
After the delivery of material to the students finished, the teacher gives assignments to
the students, which is working on the problems contained in their textbooks of Social
Sciences. This has an impact on the learning outcomes of students, in which the learning
outcomes achieved by students are still low. Whereas Social Sciences is learning that
requires direct interaction of the students with what they learned so that they better
understand and interpret the learning that takes place.
Then, the learning outcomes of students of Public Primary School 026609 of
South Binjai on the subjects of Social Sciences, especially in the fourth grade is still
low. This is evident from the test scores of students who have not reached the MCC.
The MCC is determined by the school is 65, but among the 35 students there are only
12 who reached the MCC, while the other 23 is said to have not completed in receiving
With the problems in the discussion related to poor performance of student
learning, it is expected that teachers choose the right model of learning so that students
are more active and eager to do their tasks at the time of the ongoing learning process.
One model of learning that is expected to improve the learning outcomes of students is
to use the model Numbered Heads Together.
Based on the description of the above problems, the researcher are interested in
doing this research by taking the title: "Improving the learning outcomes of students
in Social Sciences subjects by using a model of Numbered Heads Together On

Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017 1817

International Conference on Global Education V
“Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

Grade IV in SDN 026609 of South Binjai". By using a model of Numbered Heads

Together, the learning outcomes of students is expected to increase.

Learning is an activity for everyone. Learning is often defined as a process of
change that could be the development of knowledge, attitudes, skills and thus the
student should be able to solve the problems or the demands of life in the future.
Therefore a person is said to be learning when in him there is a process that results in a
change in behavior. The activities and efforts to achieve a change in behavior is a
learning process.
According Sardiman, (2011: 20), "Learning is a change in behavior or appearance
by a series of activities, for example by reading, watching, listening and imitating.
People who previously did not know after learning would be know”.
Then according to Hamdani (2011: 20), "a person is said to be learning when
there is a change in him due to the existence of training and experience through
interaction with the environment".
As according to Winkel (in Purwanto, 2011: 39) "learning is the mental / psychic
activities that take place in an active interaction with the environment that result in
changes in the knowledge, skills and attitudes".
Based on the opinion of several experts on the definition of learning mentioned
above, the research argues that learning is an attempt by a person that is done
consciously, and produces a change in him, as a result of his own experience in
interacting to him environment, and presence of learning outcomes in himself is marked
with changes in him behavior towards the better.
Purwanto (2011: 34) says that "The learning result is a change in the behavior of
students as a result of learning". While Sudjana (2009: 22) argues that "learning
outcomes are the abilities of the students after receiving their learning experience".
Bloom in Suprijono (2010: 81) states that "learning outcomes include knowledge
abilities (cognitive), attitudes (affective) and skills (psychomotor)".
Based on some opinions about the learning outcomes above the researcher can
conclude that the learning outcomes are an ability acquired by the child through
learning activities which basically learning outcomes was formed from the interaction
of various factors that affect the overall learning process.

1818 Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017

International Conference on Global Education V
“Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

According to Muhibbinsyah (2010: 129), the factors that affect student learning
can be divided into three types, namely:
1) internal factors (factors from within students), the physical and spiritual state
/ condition of students. 2) external factors (factors outside students), the
environmental conditions around students. 3) factor learning approach
(approach to learning), which is the type of learning effort that includes
strategies and methods used by students to perform learning activities on
lesson materials.

According Istarani (2012: 1) "The learning model is a whole series of

representation of teaching materials covering all aspects before, while and after learning
undertaken by teachers as well as all associated facilities that is used directly or
indirectly in the learning process".
According to Joyce (in Trianto, 2009: 22) understanding of the learning model
A plan or a pattern that is used as a guide for planning a learning process in the
classroom or learning in tutorials and to determine learning tools including
books, movies, computers, curriculum and others. Joyce also said that any
learning model leads us to design learning to help learners such that the learning
objectives can be achieved.

Based on the understanding of learning model, according to some experts, the

researcher can conclude that the learning model is a guideline for teachers in
implementing the learning and teaching process to achieve educational goals.
Learning model of Numbered Heads Together is one type of cooperative learning
that encourages students to be active and work together to master the subject matter to
improve their low learning outcomes and improve their activeness when learning takes
According Istarani (2012: 12), "Numbered Heads Together is a series of delivery
of materials by using the group as a forum to unite the perception / thought of students
about the questions asked or posed by the teacher, and then will be accounted for by
students according to the number of requests by the teacher from each group".
According Miftahul Huda (2011: 138), "Numbered Heads Together which gives
an opportunity for students to share ideas and consider the most appropriate response
and to improve the students' spirit of cooperation"
From the opinion of the above, it can be concluded that the learning model of
Numbered Heads Together is a learning model with numbered games, where learning

Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017 1819

International Conference on Global Education V
“Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

refers to the various models of teaching in which students work together to master the
subject matter within the group.
The steps that teachers do to run the learning model of Numbered Heads Together
are (Istarani, 2012: 12):
1) Learners are divided into groups where each learner in each group is given a
number. 2) The teacher gives the task and each group to do it. 3) The group
discusses the correct answers and ensure that each member of the group can do /
know the answer. 4) The teacher call one of the numbers learner and the learner
whose number was called must report the results of the cooperation discussions
of the group. 5) The response from another friend, then the teacher pointed to
another number, and so on.

Then according Trianto (2011: 82), the execution procedures in Numbered

Heads Together uses four phases, namely:
a) Phase 1: Numbering, in this phase, the teacher divides the students into groups
of 3-5 people and each member of the group are numbered from 1 to 5. b) Phase
2: asking questions, the teacher asked a few questions to the students. c) Phase 3:
Thinking together, students unite their opinions to answer questions and
convince each member of the team has to know the answer by the team. d) Phase
4: Answering, the teacher call a specific number, and then the students whose
number was called to be raised a hand and try to answer the question.

This study is classroom action research using a model of Numbered Heads
Together as the main target. This study seeks to explain the use of the model of
Numbered Heads Together in an attempt to improve the learning outcomes of the
development of communications technology and transportation in the fourth grade of
Public Primary School 026609 of South Binjai. Subjects in this classroom action
research is class student in Public Primary School 026609 of South Binjai as many as 35
consisting of 22 men and 13 women. The object of this study is action to improve
student learning outcomes in learning of Social Sciences with the subject matter of
economic activities in exploiting the potential of nature through a model of Numbered
Heads Together.
This research procedure has several stages of the implementation of the actions
described in 2 cycles. In Cycle I, the learning requirements is carried out for 2 meetings
and in Cycle II only held one meetings. The results of Cycle I is used as a reference in
determining the corrective actions in Cycle II. While the results of Cycle II will be used
as a reference for follow-up plan for further learning. Stages in the procedure of this

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International Conference on Global Education V
“Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

study were (1) Planning (2) Implementation of the action (3) Observation (4)

1. Planning
In this planning phase, the researcher is holding consultations with the class
teacher concerning the implementation of classroom action research will be conducted
by researcher, so that teacher can work with researcher in conducting this research. At
this stage the activities carried out are:
a. Develop a plan of implementation of the learning for each meeting.
b. Preparing materials and instructional media.
c. Preparing the numbered card provided by the teacher.
d. Designing division of groups of study.
e. Teacher prepare questions that will be given to students based on student
competencies that will be studied.
f. Develop observation sheet that will be used to see the development of students
during activities of learning and teaching.
2. Implementation
Activities undertaken at this stage is to carry out learning by action scenarios
that had been developed. Activities undertaken at this stage, among others, are:
a. The teacher deliver the learning objectives to be achieved to students.
b. The teacher presents the material in accordance with the competence to be
c. The teacher divides the students into groups of 3-5 people and the groups are
numbered 1 to 5.
d. The teacher provides questions and each group to do it.
e. Students unite their opinion on the answers to these questions and to make sure
each member knows the answer.
f. The teacher call one of the numbers, the student with the number dialed must
report the results of their teamwork.
g. The other group was given the opportunity to respond to the answers by group
who have presented the results of the discussion.
h. Summing up the teaching materials together with the students.

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“Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

i. Distributing sheet of questions to students to measure the extent of student

3. Observation
This phase is to observe the activities of the student during the learning activities
take place. This observation aims to determine the suitability of actions to produce
changes in accordance with what is desired. After the implementation of actions, test is
conducted to see the extent of the success of the implementation of the learning model.
4. Reflection
Reflection activities are made to consider the guidance of teaching that is done,
as well as see the suitability of what has been achieved with what is desired in learning.
The results of actions of this phase and the observation phase are collected and then
analyzed for deficiencies. The result of this reflection is then used for improvements in
the next cycle.

1. Planning
Based on the results of the evaluation and reflection from cycle I, the researcher
will conduct cycle II to correct things that happen in cycle I.
The improvements made in cycle II are as follows:
a. Develop a plan of implementation of the learning for each meeting.
b. Setting up the paper to be used as a place to write questions and answers.
c. Prepare teaching materials that will be taught, namely the development of
communication and transportation technologies.
d. Make learning scenarios in accordance with the model used and test questions
that will be given to each student based on the competencies learned.
e. Researcher develop indicators to measure learning outcomes.
f. Develop observation sheet that will be used to determine student progress during
aktivities of learning and teaching.
2. Implementation
At this stage the activities carried out are:
a. The teacher delivers the learning objectives to be achieved to students.
b. The teacher presents to students the material in accordance with the competence
to be achieved.

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International Conference on Global Education V
“Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

c. The teacher explains to students how learning steps by Numbered Heads

Together to be implemented in the activities of learning and teaching.
d. The teacher divides the students into groups of 3-5 people and the groups are
numbered 1 to 5.
e. The teacher provides questions and each group to do it.
f. Students unite their opinion on the answers to these questions and to make sure
each member knows the answer.
g. The teacher call one of the numbers, the student with the number dialed must
report the results of their teamwork.
h. The other group was given the opportunity to respond to the answers by group
who have presented the results of the discussion.
i. Summing up the teaching materials together with the students.
j. Distributing sheet of questions to students to measure the extent of student
3. Observation
This phase is to observe the activities of the student during the learning activities
take place. This observation aims to determine the suitability of actions to produce
changes in accordance with what is desired. After the implementation of actions, test is
conducted to see the extent of the success of the implementation of the learning model.
4. Reflection
The reflection is done in drawing conclusions from across the learning outcomes
of students during the learning process takes place. If the cycle stage I still found
students with low learning outcomes then the next cycle will be implemented, but if it
meets the desired goal then the action on the next cycle does not need, in other words,
learning was considered complete.


The results of the test before the cycle, and the test at the end of each cycle
showed an increase in learning outcomes of students. In brief improvement in learning
outcomes of students can be seen in the following table:

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“Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

Recapitulation of the value of learning outcomes of students in the Pre-Test, Cycle

I and Cycle II

Number of
1 01 40 55 60 Increased / Non Completed
2 02 65 75 90 Increased / Completed
3 03 25 65 85 Increased / Completed
4 04 20 50 60 Increased / Non Completed
5 05 40 60 85 Increased / Completed
6 06 40 65 80 Increased / Completed
7 07 25 75 85 Increased / Completed
8 08 40 55 85 Increased / Completed
9 09 35 65 90 Increased / Completed
10 10 65 65 80 Increased / Completed
11 11 70 70 85 Increased / Completed
12 12 70 70 95 Increased / Completed
13 13 25 60 85 Increased / Completed
14 14 40 75 80 Increased / Completed
15 15 40 55 85 Increased / Completed
16 16 30 85 95 Increased / Completed
17 17 20 60 90 Increased / Completed
18 18 35 50 85 Increased / Completed
19 19 70 70 85 Increased / Completed
20 20 30 55 90 Increased / Completed
21 21 35 70 90 Increased / Completed
22 22 35 55 60 Increased / Non Completed
23 23 35 85 90 Increased / Completed
24 24 25 60 95 Increased / Completed
25 25 65 65 95 Increased / Completed
26 26 35 60 80 Increased / Completed
27 27 65 70 85 Increased / Completed
28 28 20 55 90 Increased / Completed
29 29 40 75 85 Increased / Completed
30 30 40 60 90 Increased / Completed
31 31 65 75 90 Increased / Completed
32 32 70 75 80 Increased / Completed
33 33 40 75 85 Increased / Completed
34 34 80 85 90 Increased / Completed
35 35 40 80 95 Increased / Completed
Total 1515 2290 2970
Average 43,29 65,43 85 Increased
% Completeness 28,57% 57,14% 91,43%
Based on the data in the table above it can be seen that from the pre-test there
were 10 (28.57%) students who reach the level of classical completeness with an
average value of 43.29. In cycle I, there were 20 (57.14%) students who reach the level

1824 Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017

International Conference on Global Education V
“Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

of classical completeness with an average value of 65.43, and in Cycle II, there are 32
(91.43%) students who reach the level of classical completeness with average value
average of 85. Thus we can conclude that there is an improvement in learning outcomes
of students after learning by use of model of Numbered Heads Together in Social
Sciences subjects in the fourth grade of Public Primary School 0266009 of South Binjai.

Based on the results of the data analysis can be drawn some conclusions as
1. The results of the observations of learning and teaching activities show that teacher
use the model of Numbered Heads Together in the fourth grade in the first cycle
that scored 62.5 which fall into the category of pretty good. Then the teacher enters
the reflection, and in cycle 2, the observation on activities of learning and teaching
by teacher in the use of the model of Numbered Heads Together there was an
increase into 81.9 that fall into the category of extremely high.
2. Learning outcomes of students on cognitive aspects in cycle I there are as many as
20 (57.14%) students who receive score of completed and as many as 15 (42.86%)
students who receive score of not completed with an average value of 65.43. In the
affective and psychomotor aspects in cycle 1 score of 2170 is obtained by the
average value of 62 who fall into the category of pretty good. Because the results of
cycle 1 is low, then proceed to Cycle II. On cognitive aspects in Cycle II, based on
the criteria of classical completeness level ot note that as many as 32 (91.43%)
students get the score of completed, and 3 (8.57%) students get the score of not
completed with the average value of 85. While in affective and psychomotor
aspects, students showed improvement, which is to get a score in 2795 with an
average value of 79.86 which fall into the category of good.
3. Based on the findings variable learning outcomes of the students and variable use
of model of Numbered Heads Together by the teacher, then the hypothesis that "By
using model of of Numbered Heads Together student learning outcomes are to be
improved in the subjects of Social Sciences with the subject matter of Development
of Communication Technology and Transport in the fourth grade of Public Primary
School 026609 of South Binjai" is verifiable.

Universitas Ekasakti, Padang, 10 – 11 April 2017 1825

International Conference on Global Education V
“Global Education, Common Wealth, and Cultural Diversity”

1. It is recommended that schools provide the learning media needed by students so
that the learning process becomes fun.
2. We recommend that teachers use learning model of Numbered Heads Together
to improve the learning outcomes of students.
3. The students are expected to be more active in the learning process in order to
obtain the better learning outcomes.
4. The results of this study can be used as a comparison in assessing the more wide
range of variables on the learning model of Numbered Heads Together.


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