Citizenship Articles 1

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A company can't remove an employee without giving him opportunity to prove till 5 years completion

Every citizen is competent, one has to know SWOT of the person

The best way to groom up the individual is giving him opportunity of 5 years

The salary during the 5 years time to prove his mettle ship is performance based

Percentages based he earns his income

If his income earning increases or higher than previous month or year he should be promoted

Performance based hence company never loses money on him except time element

Regular interaction with the candidate automatically gives information about success or failure

Present generation should always be selected when in doubt on performance report card

Potential appraisal is best method to groom up an individual report as it is one to one boss

360-degree appraisals are usually done to those individuals who are asset to the company

Those who are weak and need guidance at every level are put under performance check

A company which gives employees opportunity of 5 years would also have plenty of knowledge

When students become huge and recruitment is made mandatory this strategy comes handy

Performance based with percentage sharing is pulse of futuristic vision of nation which can't produce

entrepreneurs at will
Thought of the day

Performance based selection of candidate on strength of percentages sharing with company is future


Citizenship should learn art of financial savings from day 1 of job to settle down with compounding

Job means to earn and save

Expenditure is luxury

Savings is survival beyond 75 till death

Earning is ever green project of economic man

Compounding is done from day 1 to increase interest by the time he comes to 40 he is crorepati

Day 1 is knowledge of finance and how to budget the days income

Finance is knowledge of how to balance being crorepati and billionaire

Learning is nothing but art of being rich without taking pay check

Citizenship is nothing but how many can cross the retirement age of 45+ without returning back to job

Art of implementing savings of previous month is lesser than next month added up to increased finance

Job is nothing but gaining experience certificate to determine that future jobs are secure once removed

Settling down in job is nothing but becoming rich every month through books selected by peers and self

Thought of the day

Every month finance increases and not decreasing means you are rich and soon to be wealthy

Experience certificate is mandatory to be given by the company for seeing welfare of the citizen

List of books reference to be read during job

List of knowledgeable nonfiction works to be taken up to gain experience in life

Amount of work taken up of friends to gain their insight through chat method within office premises

Number of labor hours done to complete the projects to gain bonus money from CEO

Creation of websites and their input into it to know the job in and out through ethics

List of wisdom gained in the job to be of use to others through which mistakes are avoided in job work

Amount of literature drafted to design jobs in the company to be of use to human capital

Number of articles drafted in the company magazines for people to gain access to your knowledge

Multiple source jobs done on behalf of company in the form of job enlargement to see company

through in difficult times

Why candidates are recruited and why they have to be self-motivated to design their own experience

Thought of the day

Who are you and why you are needed by companies for you to be well and company to be prosperous

Salary of the citizens should be fixed by the company in articles of association prior to enrollment

Articles of association is nothing but rules and regulations governing internal management of Company

When you are enrolling an employee, company has prior knowledge of who he is

It is right of company to intimate to the candidate the articles of association rules and regulations

Right to information is company should intimate the salary package of candidate well in Advance

Before enrollment of the candidate, the candidate has every right to know the salary package

Company duty is to intimate the candidate well in advance what articles of association is

Articles of association should intimate the candidate how much he is earning well in advance

If candidate doesn’t like the pay package, he can leave the company

Litigation if at all happens with the candidate by company, company can easily state articles of

association and get away informing the candidate and court about how much they are willing to lose

Knowledge to candidate prior to enrollment of the job with contract law is always ethical to country

Contract should be enforceable by law and salary fixed in articles of association should not be changed

A industry is called as industry only when corporate social responsibility is followed

Corporate social responsibility should not change with change in person

It should be same for everyone

Business which runs on volatile money should be closed down as it affects the families who are working

Salaries in industry should be fixed and knowledge regarding positions to be clear cut to employees

Outsiders to industry should have guts to enter the industry and should know the industry in and out

No two individual's salary for the same job should be different, it would allow outsiders to discard the

industry and shut it down once the candidates expire and others not able to charge the same amount

Object clause of industry should be clear cut and never differentiate citizens in democratic nation like

Thought of the day

Those who change the salary package of people on whims and fancies do not come under contract


An employee can be removed by the company and he possess knowledge of company secrets

No knowledge of company should be permanent

Differentiation is birthright of company to survive

Differentiation should not be constrained to new company but allowed to existing company

Decisions made by board of directors is not permanent and can change in next meeting

Employee who possess knowledge of the company is allowed to leave for his family sake

Employee takes the risk of implementing the strategies of company and asked to fight in court

Employee can find out court rules as to implementation of the company knowledge and take risk

Court is final authority to decided fate of employee employer relationship to secret knowledges

Strategies pertaining to the company should keep on changing seeing newer generation coming up

Because decisions are not permanent and are changeable tension with employees is minimum

Thought of the day

Research laboratories knowledge of company products is to be made compulsory permanent jobs

A citizen can be controlled through law and law cases should be solved within one sitting

Court cases are usually solved on time element

Police already investigates and come to conclusion about crime or civil case

Court charges a court fees for taking time into consideration to complete the tasks

Conclusion drawn prior to completion of case known well in advance is to be practiced

If you take more than one sitting, you have to pay court fees

Every witness who comes to the court should specify his verdict in the stamp duty beforehand

As the number of times the case goes beyond two to three sittings case should be solved outside

Only 3 to 4 sittings minimum is allowed or should be allowed for case to be called authentic

Without developments happening to predict, the candidate should never be put behind bars

Only when the candidate is found out to be criminal, he should be put behind bars

All the candidates who are witness to be called criminals should be given bail without fail

To complete the prosecution within 3 sittings the court fees charged should go on increasing

with each sitting court fees is increased drastically for next sitting to take place with results

When appeal is made to the court, it should result in verdict else

case pending is given verdict outside the court settlement or through mobile court if case keeps pending

Thought of the day

Mobile courts and verdict solved outside the court through retired judges

A citizen who is stuck up in another country and is prosecuted his case should be shifted to INDIA

Indians in another country are citizens of our nation also

If at all they are being attacked, future citizens of our land going abroad are affected

So all cases which pertain to Indian citizens abroad must be forwarded to supreme court

All decision which have been made abroad against the Indian citizens must be known to supreme court

Futuristic cases which are filed against Indians must be sorted out together courts of nations together

Meaning supreme court representative must be stationed in 198 nations tackling decisions of India

It means supreme court must appoint representative of proxy court official in nations to check decisions

These representatives on behalf of supreme court must share information with each other

Every year or quarterly cases on Indians stationed in foreign cases are to be circulated in internet

for reference to the supreme court membership is to be paid by the courts of nations to check decisions

Supreme court cases and their view point on the Indians decisions are to be checked up regularly

Decisions against the supreme court or for the supreme court are to be discussed internationally

Media can highlight cases which are crucial for the citizens to know should be purchases copyright

Knowledge is shared and all nations must act like global village protecting citizen through supreme court

Thought of the day

Citizens are ours and protect them from unethical people through observation of decision is court

Citizens should initiate whether war is needed or not and not politicians

Politicians are representative of public and specify what the citizens desire for

Wars destroy education and retard the growth of knowledge of marriage destroying hope

These wars that’s why has to be decided by public and not by public representative

It is the duty of the knowledge of media to show what decisions are being made by politicians

Based upon the quality of secondary data given to the public , public decides whether to wage wars

Prices of utility are getting destroyed with inflation , with wars coming up people would die

Most of the agenda of the politicians is to decrease population by hook or by crook

Families are made to become poverty stricken and intellectuals never become rich and broke down

Citizens that’s why should come forward on the roads and show their displeasure to wars

I averted 3 wars to be waged by the nation and need support to stop wars and build families in India

It is haves and have knots difference which is fought out and difference not kept would lead to hatred

Politicians should never be a war monger and those politicians who avert wars should be at the helm

Public should select those people who are bold and do wars as last resort

Knowledge of postponement of wars is knowledge of being or acting as politician

Politicians in olden days were called diplomats who show displeasure and have patience under their belt

Wars according to me is a going concern concept, once waged, stands as famine for the nation

World is a global village and global finance village, wars only destroy finances of each other

Thought of the day

Politicians who avert wars and postpone it for the nation are called true politicians

Politicians are public servants whose decisions are taken as temporary and not permanent

Decisions in this world are temporary

No decision be it any one is not permanent

What today's decision is right, the same decision opposite decision would by right

Afforestation v/s deforestation

Any decision today may be right would automatically for some period of time later would be false

So being proud in making decisions is actually swimming in fool's paradise

Amravati project today be correct decision but later on after 30 years may prove to be false decision

Political decisions today may no result in deaths but later on may prove to be death bed for many

Decision making is nothing but putting people in peril, some are dead, many are benefitted

Ultimately some die in decisions being taken, politicians are those who make the deaths count less

Ultimately whose decisions counted less deaths is winner, the other whose death count was more

Is loser in the biography drafted in his regime

Never be proud of anything, scrape through decisions and being alive to die naturally is considered to

be successful lifespan with deaths under his name plate mandatory

Wise people never cry for the dead nor laugh at the living

World is paradox of pandoras box where you always end up getting surprises in your life span

You have to make decisions in life and face the repercussions, feel proud and feel sad

Criticism in life is mandatory because every day you are forced to make decisions

Thought of the day

Politicians make lesser decisions and count the dead less who want to live to the fullest

Citizens can remove pension of any citizen who initiates war and not peace under guidance of court

Citizens prefer peace and tranquility in their lives

Wars destroy nations and should be preferred as last resort to save the country

Citizens that’s why should be given the right to judge whether war is required or not

If citizens decide that war was fruitless and wisdom was to negotiate citizens can remove the person

The person may be anyone from prime minister to president of India

Citizens have right to safety and can have the say to represent themselves with anyone of their choice

If the representative of the person doesn’t work satisfactorily citizens can file a case against him

The person has to give explanation and submit a report why he lead the nation to war

If the explanation is not satisfactory, he might lose pension and have to live on house arrest

Wars that’s why are dangerous and should be adopted only as last resort whoever may be opposition be

Courts during the times of war must be active and act as guiding force to the president

Citizen representative must keep updating the information through media

After the war citizens would evaluate the war destruction cost and least damage to country

If not happy citizens can initiate against the candidate to remove pension

The candidate has to face the court and put candidate to middle class Lifestyle

Thought of the day

Wars are postponed because nobody knows what is right for the citizens and have to take risk

Citizens have the right to comment and pass on remarks on anyone under democracy rights

World is full of villains and heroes

Information that’s why passed on is both good and bad

If citizens aren't given the baton to judge and comment openly bad elemental forces may rise

That’s why sensible government organization doesn’t discard democracy right to make comments

Dictatorship only reduces a human being to a small speck with nothing to live for in country

Democracy is alive only when people show active life instead of passive life

Making comments on people and public representatives is a way to express goodness

Nobody should be above law and nobody should be allowed to become gods

Everyone should express their hatred and worries to each other through social networking

Right to information is to be extended to making people express displeasure over things

Through this open society way of life corrections and better standard of life can be shared

Laws which make certain segment of people untouchable has to be removed

People should voice their opinion and knowledge of law is to be informed

Best way to keep public safe is give protection without stick of putting them away from jails

Society should punish people in such a manner that their families should learn but not hate society

Mistakes are integral part of life but should not become a habit

Citizens if given baton to express can remove bad people from the society as seen in Egypt

Thought of the day

Citizens' rights is to keep evil away and make the people know them through sharing information

Citizens of nation have the right to protect themselves from superior force through collaboration

Every country should be built on foundation of strength of collaboration

Citizens should be able to trust each other and able to guide each other

Outside country people don’t like progress of country due to various factors

Inside country also many don’t like progress because they have unnecessary fears

That’s why to help each other from unforeseen contingencies collaboration becomes crucial

Citizens who collaborate with each other and keep each other closer to friends are always safe

Citizens who help each other can easily promote gadgets of information and share knowledge

Collaboration within the country can bring in solidarity and brotherhood through networking

When foreign element tries to dislodge a citizen , friends can come handy and give insight

Such type of helping nature within the country can keep foreign evil away from nation

To destroy a nation usually foreigners involve till todays date is divide and rule concept

Those countries which adopt brotherhood of keeping employees intact is always a feared nation

A nation of friends and contribution to mankind huge is always a safest heaven in the world

Those who take up jobs are always wise gaining insight into survival

When a country is giving knowledge to other nations usually country is protected

Thought of the day

Divide and rule concept is feared to be implemented by nation on other nation because of trade

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