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Sl Natural Regions Location Climatic Type Rainfall Veg Human adaptation

1 Equatorial region (Hot wet (10°-10°)N and S Uniform high temp ;sunrays Conventional rain all day Equatorial rain forests;dense Wet rice, tapioca, mangoes-forests cleared in
evergreen Region) vertically 12noon to 3pm,150-350 evergreen forest cover called asia to grow these; sugarcane rubber tea
overhead;12hr/day,25-30 or more;2 months of max tropical rainforest or Selvas in coffee coconut spices teak; 6% of earth but
deg;annual range<3deg rainfall during Amazon basin. 50% of plant species; trees 40-50m tall with
Equinox(Mar-Sept) damp ground,broadwood-hardwood
type;mahagony ebony rosewood rubber
2. Tropical Grasslands(Semi (10°-20°)N and S, As Sudan is a typical NH:Cloudy skies/rainfall Seasonal scanty rainfall grows 15% of earth; cattle rearing in grasslands with
arid) Savanna or the Tropical Lies inland from coast like example, its called Sudan in summer;hottest grasses 8-10ft; trees withstand primitive agriculture in South America- Cotton
Sudan Climate Sudan; Tranisitional region Type of climate.Hot wet month April-May drought; Campos in Brazil;Lianos sugarcane
from equatorial and Tropical Summer/Dry cool SH: Oct-Nov hottest Venezuela; Savanna in Africa; Africa-Groundnut and millet.
desserts ; tropical zone winters;temp summer 30 month; 25-150cm; Deciduous trees; broad leaved and umbrella
between cancer and capcricorn deg;winter temp 15 decrease with increase of shaped to withstand wind; acaia baobab;
distance from equator. Savanna scrub are mallee, mulga spinfex
3. Hot desserts or Tropical (15°-30°)N and S, Daily range temp>annual Annual rainfall<25cms; Too scanty rainfall to support Irrigation can transform the desserts; Aswan
Dessert (Hot) (Dry zone) Along western margins of the range of temp; Summers are sudden violent vegetal cover. Xerophytic plants; dam in Africa-cotton/wheat/maize/sugarcane
continent; lies in the offshore hot/dry with very little rain. thunderstorms due to thorny/leathery,long root plants Sukkur dam of Indus-
region of trade winds; Winters are cool;hottest conventional rise of air. conserver water to survive; cotton/rice/wheat/oilseeds
month 30-35;coldest 20 Rainfall too scanty cacti, prickly pear, acacia, short The Inland drainage system of Mexico-
deg;low humidity with grasses, scrub; date palm near cotton/rice/wheat/maize
cloudy skies; oasis-the oldest cultivated fruit
4. Tropical Monsoon region (10°-30°)N and S, Differential rate of heating of SW monsoon Winds Deciduous trees,shed leaves Most densely populated; Rice sugarcane jute
Along eastern margins of the land and sea; Summers are cause rain in summer.25- during dry season; forests open in wet lands; wheat millets pulses tobacco in
continent hot/dry Winters are cool 250cms;cloudy skies but with fewer species than dry land; tea is the main plantation crop; other
during rainy season equatorial region;hardwood commercial crops like coffee, oilseeds, rubber
causes temp to fall; NE trees with broad leaves ; teak sal and coconut
Monsoon winds dry, acacia, sandalwood, bamboo
some rain in SE
5. Mediterranean region (30°-45°)N and S, Summers are hot/dry 35 to 75 cms of rain; Trees+shrubs+grass=marquis The Orchard of the world;densely
(Subtropical Western Along Mediterranean sea and Winters are cool/wet,temp; hot/dry wind from vegetation,xerophytes, populated;intensive agriculture;
Margins) along the west coast of hot temp 20-25 deg;coldest Sahara Sirocco;Cold wind evergreen plants;Vine with long vineolive+cereals;rearing of sheep,goat,cattle.
continents temp 5-15 deg from alpine Mistral; mild roots,cork, oak,olive(waxy leaf) Oranges,lemon,apricot,pomegranates,cherries
wet winter rainfall. Eucalyptus,giant sequoia or ,vegetable,alfalfa
6. Temperate Grasslands (40°-55°)N and S, Continental-Short&warm Moderate and Variable; Scanty rainfall,drought and cold Sparsely populated; not attractive for
(Temperate Continental Interior of the summers, long winters; annual rainfall 25cm to winters hence treeless; grasses agriculture; has now transformed as the
Region/Prairies-Pampas- continents;extensive in NH extreme temperature more 60cms;Conventional light withstand low rain and seasonal Granaries of the world as it exports wheat. In
Velds-Steppes-Downs) south of Taiga;Narrow in SH; in NH than in SH;hottest is rain,snow fall in winters; variation;short trees like willows North America, wheat+oat+ corn cotton; In
Desserts lie south of 15-25; clear sky so diurnal alders and poplars seen along Steppes of Europe/Asia- wheat+rye+sugar+
Temperate Grass Lands temp rnge high; annual temp water courses; scrubs and beet+barley+potatoes
20-25;coldest temp below 0 thorny plants in drier areas.
7 Central (55°-70°)N Between Tundra in Cool temperate zone;Long 25-100cm;cyclonic in Coniferous(Taiga); Evergreen Farming not well practiced;growing period
Continental/Siberia/Tiga North to Temperate grassland cold winters,6 summer+snow in with softwood;Xerophytes short due to snow; in lowlands barley,oats,
in south months;temp10;summer3-4; winters; cold blizzards vegetation; pine,fir, potatoes,beetroot,turnips
(canada) buran(europe) cedar,larch,spruce hemlock
8 Tundra/Arctic (65°-90°)N Northern Polar Long Severly cold winters. Scanty <25cm rainfall in Tundra-flat treeless plain which Too cold for cultivation;hunting& fishing for
(Cold Desert) region beyond Arctic Circle -35 to -40 deg C; Summers summers; cyclonic type; is boggy;mosses& grasses food-clothing-shelter; new wheat introduced
for 2-3 months; snow fall in lichens, poppies lilies ; scrubs- in tundra region
winters birches willows junipers alders in
south; berry bushes called bush

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