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Set place around 2000 B.S. SANGHARSHA is about the
life story of Fullmaya. At an early age she becomes a
victim of child marriage and from then on she faces a lot
of problems which eventually leads her to decide to take
her own life.
Born the first out of two children of parents Maya
Devi and Krishna lal in the village of Gokarna, Fullmaya
grows up in the family of a community of Newars.
Fullmaya grows up in an agricultural community, it is
here that she learns how to smoke local cigarettes (Bidi)
at the age of 6, she learns the way of the land and starts
helping her parents in the fields. At the age of 14
Fullmaya gets married to a local friend of her father,
Drunk on Chyang (A local Newari alchohol) Krishna lal
makes a drunk commitment to Hari(His friend) to marry
his daughter to his 16 year old son Prabal. At a very early
age Fullmaya becomes a victim of a common tradition at
that period of time. After a few years she conceives her
first child Pawan lal. Bounded by social and economic
obligations Fullmaya dedicates herself to helping the
family with farming activities. In 2022 B.S, Fullmaya
conceives her second child (A girl) but due to severe
pneumonia in early stage of birth the child does not
make it, Shortly after this Prabal marries another women
and leaves Fullmaya with her only son, Unable to handle
her loss she starts drinking more alchohol and becomes
aggressive towards her family, the loss of her child and
husband makes her go through a hard time. Prabal
maintains his relation with both his wives and takes
Pawan lal to his restaurant in the capital to work, after
two years in 2024 B.S Fullmaya conceives her third child
HeeraMaya. While Prabal starts his family with his
second wife Fullmaya needs to take care of his old
parents and her new born child. Fullmaya takes on the
challenge of taking care of Prabal’s parents as well as
raising two kids by her own with just a small amount of
financial help from Prabal. One day Out of depression of
all the pain and hardship, Fullmaya decides to jump over
a cliff into the Baghmati River.
Does she do what she decides to do? Or will she decide
to live for the better future of her children?

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