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Around 2037 B.S A group of villagers in Gokarna(A
community of Newars and Brahmins back then) starts
noticing a headless figure at multiple locations. After
people start panicking about the situation the town head
decides to do something about it.

During cold winter nights of Mangshir, the villagers in
Gokarna are going on with their usual farming and trade
routine. One day early in the morning two women head
down to the local water pipeline (Dhunge Dhara) and
while they were loading their buckets one of the women
(Laxmi) screams, the other women (Ganga) tries to find
out why her friend is screaming, when she turns around
she sees a headless figure in full white clothes carrying a
bucket swinging his armless white dress. Both the
women throw away their bucket and run up towards the
hill desperately. Similarly, at night time Prem (a teenage
boy) spots a tall headless figure while returning from his
work late in his bicycle. He flees the spot immediately
without thinking about anything and once he reaches his
house he cries and tells his family about it. No one knew
why these headless figure were being sighted one after
another. The village elder (Tika Narayan) decides to hire
a local Dhami to perform a spiritual cleansing in the
places where the headless figure was spotted. The
cleansing ritual puts people at ease for a few days but
once again a figure was spotted by Prem and his sister
when they went to the fields (At around 4 am) to water
the plants, beyond the river bank was a forest where
Prem saw a white figure walking with a small lantern,
After seeing the figure Prem carries his little sister and
runs home to inform his parents, Prem was so terrified
that he did not want to leave his house. The village elder
talks to Prem and decides to hold a small meeting near
the Chautari. Does the appearances stop? Do the
villagers find peace again? What does the village elder do
to prevent spirits from scaring his villagers?

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