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Dear Mrs.


it was a pleasure for me to receive your letter of February 6th 2017, in which you present a detailed
report of your association’s activities in 2016. I am delighted to know that so many boys and girls
from the different European countries adhere with verve to the scout ideals and find in your
activities a precious occasion for human and spiritual growth. I am particularly pleased about the
clear adhesion of your leaders to the Christian faith and the fact that you present without hesitating
the following of Christ and the Christian anthropology as true fundament of the personal existence
and as sure base for all the educational proposals of the Scouts of Europe. The young persons can
build their future, without fearing to get lost, on this true rock. This is also the base of an authentic
community and brotherhood between the European people, which is one of the principles and
highest ideals of your association.

As Prefect of the new Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, I allow myself to suggest you as leaders and
educators to give priority to an affective education to authentic love and to the matrimonial vocation
of the youth entrusted to you. This is an aspect which is dear to our Holy Father, and which is of
crucial importance for the creation of solid Christian families – only they can grant a true future of
spiritual prosperity and brotherhood in Europe.

I wish you rich fruit for all the educative activities of the Scouts of Europe and I ensure you of my
spiritual proximity in prayer and of my benediction.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Kevin Card. Farrell


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