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Welcome To Graphs Knowledge Welcome to movement like not other

market Movement

Written by Jay Dee RSA

Twitter @JayDeeRsa1
Instagram @Jay_dee_rsa
Facebook @Forex Trader FX

➢ What is Forex?
➢ How does it works?
➢ Instructions
➢ Instruments
➢ Brokers
➢ How to open trade
➢ How to open orders
➢ What moves the market
➢ When to trade or not
➢ Strategies
➢ Strategies execution
➢ Dealing with loss
➢ Avoiding loss
➢ Master one strategy

Please make sure that you have read and understand the manual, don’t skip
any section so that you can understand it clearly.
This is the first version guide which also going to cover almost everything or
we can say up to 70% of what you should know before opening your MT4 or
MT5 Trading account.
Please be advised that your capital is at risk as you join this online
Although they are precautions that you can follow to avoid major loss on your
capital or being wiped out of the market.
Please when you make your deposit make a small amount of deposit or the
minimum amount you are willing to lose.
Forex is not easy to get it but if you focus on what you want to achieve you
can benefit more than you think.
First of all you seek knowledge if you want to stay in the Forex world.

The foreign exchange market (Forex, FX, or currency market) is a

global decentralized or over-the-counter (OTC) market for the trading
of currencies. This market determines foreign exchange rates for every
currency. It includes all aspects of buying, selling and exchanging
currencies at current or determined prices. In terms of trading volume, it is
by far the largest market in the world, followed by the credit market.[1]
The main participants in this market are the larger international
banks. Financial centers around the world function as anchors of trading
between a wide range of multiple types of buyers and sellers around the
clock, with the exception of weekends. Since currencies are always traded
in pairs, the foreign exchange market does not set a currency's absolute
value but rather determines its relative value by setting the market price of
one currency if paid for with another. Ex: US$1 is worth X CAD, or CHF, or
JPY, etc.
The foreign exchange market works through financial institutions and
operates on several levels. Behind the scenes, banks turn to a smaller
number of financial firms known as "dealers", who are involved in large
quantities of foreign exchange trading. Most foreign exchange dealers are
banks, so this behind-the-scenes market is sometimes called the
"interbank market" (although a few insurance companies and other kinds of
financial firms are involved). Trades between foreign exchange dealers can
be very large, involving hundreds of millions of dollars. Because of the
sovereignty issue when involving two currencies, Forex has little (if any)
supervisory entity regulating its actions.
The foreign exchange market assists international trade and investments
by enabling currency conversion. For example, it permits a business in
the United States to import goods from European Union member states,
especially Eurozone members, and pay Euros, even though its income is
in United States dollars. It also supports direct speculation and evaluation
relative to the value of currencies and the carry trade speculation, based on
the differential interest rate between two currencies.[2]
In a typical foreign exchange transaction, a party purchases some quantity
of one currency by paying with some quantity of another currency.
The modern foreign exchange market began forming during the 1970s.
This followed three decades of government restrictions on foreign
exchange transactions under the Bretton Woods system of monetary
management, which set out the rules for commercial and financial relations
among the world's major industrial states after World War II. Countries
gradually switched to floating exchange rates from the previous exchange
rate regime, which remained fixed per the Bretton Woods system.
The foreign exchange market is unique because of the following

• its huge trading volume, representing the largest asset class in the world
leading to high liquidity;
• its geographical dispersion;
• its continuous operation: 24 hours a day except for weekends, i.e., trading
from 22:00 GMT on Sunday (Sydney) until 22:00 GMT Friday (New York);
• the variety of factors that affect exchange rates;
• the low margins of relative profit compared with other markets of fixed
income; and
• the use of leverage to enhance profit and loss margins and with respect to
account size.

As such, it has been referred to as the market closest to the ideal of perfect
competition, notwithstanding currency intervention by central banks.
According to the Bank for International Settlements, the preliminary global
results from the 2019 Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange
and OTC Derivatives Markets Activity show that trading in foreign
exchange markets averaged $6.6 trillion per day in April 2019. This is up
from $5.1 trillion in April 2016. Measured by value, foreign exchange swaps
were traded more than any other instrument in April 2019, at $3.2 trillion
per day, followed by spot trading at $2 trillion.[3]
The $6.6 trillion break-down is as follows:

• $2 trillion in spot transactions

• $1 trillion in outright forwards
• $3.2 trillion in foreign exchange swaps
• $108 billion currency swaps
• $294 billion in options and other products

Unlike shares or commodities, forex trading does not take place on

exchanges but directly between two parties, in an over-the-counter (OTC)
market. The forex market is run by a global network of banks, spread across
four major forex trading centres in different time zones: London, New York,
Sydney and Tokyo. Because there is no central location, you can trade forex
24 hours a day.

There are three different types of forex market:

• Spot forex market: the physical exchange of a currency pair, which takes
place at the exact point the trade is settled – ie ‘on the spot’ – or within a short
period of time
• Forward forex market: a contract is agreed to buy or sell a set amount of a
currency at a specified price, to be settled at a set date in the future or within a
range of future dates
• Future forex market: a contract is agreed to buy or sell a set amount of a
given currency at a set price and date in the future. Unlike forwards, a futures
contract is legally binding
Most traders speculating on forex prices will not plan to take delivery of the
currency itself; instead they make exchange rate predictions to take
advantage of price movements in the market.

FX Trading steps. Choose a currency pair. Decide which currency pair you
wish to trade. Decide on the type of FX trade. There are three ways to
trade forex with City Index Spread Betting, CFD or Forex Trading. Decide
to buy or sell. Adding orders. Monitor and close your trade. Closing your
The main trading instruments of Foreign Exchange market are
the currencies of various countries. Currency rates, that is to say their
relation to the U.S. dollar (or to other currencies) are formed by the supply
and demand of the market and also by various fundamental factors.
What is a base and quote currency?
A base currency is the first currency listed in a forex pair, while the
second currency is called the quote currency. Forex trading always
involves selling one currency in order to buy another, which is why it
is quoted in pairs – the price of a forex pair is how much one unit of
the base currency is worth in the quote currency.

Each currency in the pair is listed as a three-letter code, which

tends to be formed of two letters that stand for the region, and one
standing for the currency itself. For example, GBP/USD is a
currency pair that involves buying the Great British pound and
selling the US dollar.
To keep things ordered, most providers split pairs into the following

• Major pairs. Seven currencies that make up 80% of global forex

trading. Includes EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD and USD/CHF
• Minor pairs. Less frequently traded, these often feature major
currencies against each other instead of the US dollar. Includes:
• Exotics. A major currency against one from a small or emerging
economy. Includes: USD/PLN, GBP/MXN, EUR/CZK
• Regional pairs. Pairs classified by region – such as Scandinavia or
Australasia. Includes: EUR/NOK, AUD/NZD, AUD/SGD

Forex brokers are firms that provide traders with access to a

platform that allows them to buy and sell foreign currencies.
Transactions in this market are always between a pair of two
different currencies, so forex traders either buy or sell the particular
pair they want to trade.

Forex brokers may also known be as a retail forex broker, or

currency trading brokers. Most forex broker firms handle only a very
small portion of the volume of the overall foreign exchange market.
Retail currency traders use these brokers to gain access to the 24-
hour currency market for purposes of speculation. Forex broker
services are also provided for institutional clients by larger firms
such as investment banks.


• Forex brokers allow traders access to the foreign exchange

market for currencies.
• Most brokers service retail clients, though larger banking firms
service institutional clients as well.
• Forex brokers allow clients to trade with very substantial
• Forex brokers make money primarily on the bid-ask spread,
but may have other ways to do so as well.
Understanding the Role of a Forex Broker
Forex brokers provide access to trading on all major currency pairs;
EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, and USD/CHF as well as the
remaining g10 currencies and all the exchange rates between them.
Additionally, most brokers will allow customers to trade emerging
market currencies.

A forex broker makes it possible for a trader to open a trade by

buying a currency pair, and close the trade by selling that same
pair. For example, if traders want to exchange Euros for U.S.
dollars, they buy the EUR/USD pair. This amounts to buying Euros
using U.S. Dollars for the purchase. When they close the trade they
would sell the pair, which would be equivalent to buying U.S. Dollars
and using Euros for the purchase. If the exchange rates were higher
when the traders closed the trade, the traders would keep the profit,
otherwise the traders would realize a loss.

Forex brokers have improved their client services over the years.
Opening a forex trading account is usually quite simple and can be
done online. Before trading, a forex broker will require customers to
deposit money into their account as collateral. However, the broker
also provides leverage to customers so they can trade larger
amounts than what is deposited in their account. Depending on the
country the traders are trading from, that leverage can be 30 to 400
times the amount available in the trading account. High leverage
makes forex trading very risky and most traders lose money
attempting to trade in this way.

How Forex Brokers Make Money

Forex brokers are compensated two ways; firstly through the bid-
ask spread of a currency pair. For example, when the Euro-U.S.
Dollar pair is priced as 1.20010 bid and 1.20022 ask, the spread
between these two prices is .00012, or 1.2 pips. When a retail client
opens a position at the ask price, and then later closes the position
at the bid price, the forex broker will have collected that spread
amount. Secondly, brokers may charge additional fees. Some may
charge a fee per transaction or a monthly fee for access to a
particular software interface, or fees for access to special trading
products such as exotic options. However, competition among forex
brokers is very intense and the majority of firms servicing retail
clients find they must attract customers by eliminating as many fees
as possible. This has led many to offer free or very small transaction
costs beyond the spread.

Some forex brokers also make money through their own trading
operations. This can be problematic if their trading creates a conflict
of interest with their customers, but regulation in this area has
helped to significantly reduce this practice.

Regulation Among Forex Brokers

Two entities serve regulation functions among forex brokers in an
attempt to discourage and eliminate fraudulent practices:
the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and
the National Futures Association (NFA). These
organizations publicize lawsuits they may pursue against any whose
practices are deemed fraudulent or intentionally harmful to their

It is valuable to do some research to find out whether a broker has

an excellent reputation and has the functionality that you are looking
for in a broker. This research can be conducted by checking out the
NFA's homepage, and looking over Investopedia's broker reviews.

Most major forex brokers will allow prospective clients to use a

practice account so that they can get a good understanding of what
the system is like. It is a wise idea to test out as many platforms as
possible before deciding on which broker to use.

Furthermore, because the forex market is a 24-hour market, most

quality forex brokers will provide 24-hour customer service.


How to Use MetaTrader 4 with Android

Visit the Google Play Store to download MetaTrader 4 for Android or

alternatively, download it via Admiral Markets.

How to Use MetaTrader 4 on iPhone

You can download a special Admiral Markets version of the MT4 iPhone App to
work on iOS devices. To install MT4 on your iPhone, simply go to the Apple
App Store, search for Admiral Markets MT4, select the app, and tap 'Install'.

How to Sign in on MetaTrader 4

When you first run MT4, it should prompt you to enter your account details, but
if not, you can just click on the 'File' tab at the top left of the platform, and then
select 'Login to Trade Account'. You can then enter either yourdemo trading
account or full trading account details.

How to Logout of MetaTrader 4

There is no specific function for logging out of MT4. If you do not want MT4 to
save your login details, ensure that 'Save Account Information' is not checked
when you first login. Then, when you close MT4, you will automatically be
logged out.

To start trading with MetaTrader right now, click the banner below!

Trading With MetaTrader 4

How to Trade A Currency Pair Using MetaTrader 4

The simplest way to open a trade in MetaTrader 4 is to use the 'Order' window
and then place an instant order on the market. Select the currency pair of your
choice by clicking on the 'Window' tab at the top of the MT4 platform, and then
select 'New Window'. You can then click 'New Order' on the MT4 toolbar or
press F9 to open an 'Order' window.

The screenshot below displays an 'Order' window for the EUR/USD currency
pair. From this, you should be able to see how easy it is to buy and sell with
MetaTrader 4. To trade at the market bid/offer, you would need to enter your
desired trade size (in lots) in the 'Volume' box and then click 'Sell or Buy', with
'Market Execution' selected as the order type.

It is the 'Market Execution' setting that allows an instant order within

MetaTrader 4. Of course, dealing at the market is not the only answer to the
question of how to make a trade within MetaTrader 4. You can also choose to
buy or sell using a limit or a stop order, by selecting your choice from the 'Type'
dropdown. This is how to buy and sell on MetaTrader 4 at specific, desired
levels away from the current market price, as opposed to executing
immediately at the prevailing price.
Source: MetaTrader 4 platform - EUR/USD order screen

How to Enter a Short Position on MetaTrader 4

Going short (or short selling) on a market is simply selling when you do not
have a long position. To do so, you would simply need to place a sell trade to
open (as demonstrated in the screenshot image above).

How to Close a Trade in MetaTrader 4

How to place a trade with MetaTrader 4 is only part of the information that a
trader needs, of course. Once you've opened a trade, there will eventually
come a point when you want to close the trade. So how do I exit a trade in
MetaTrader 4? Select the 'Trade' tab from the 'Terminal' window (press
CTRL+T to summon or dismiss the 'Terminal' window). You will see any open
trades you have displayed in the 'Trade' section of the 'Terminal' window. Right-
click on the order you wish to close and select 'Close Order'.

This opens an 'Order' window. Click the yellow 'Close' button to close your
trade. So if you have two positions or more open in MetaTrader 4, and are
wondering how to close one, this manual method is the way to do it, as you are
specifying which individual trade you wish to exit. This manual method is not
the only answer for how to exit a trade in MetaTrader 4 though. You can also
close using a stop or limit order.
How to Set a Stop-Loss in MetaTrader 4

As you can see from the 'Order' window (shown in the screenshot still below),
there are fields provided for you to enter a ' Stop Loss' level and a 'Take Profit'
level. If you click on either the up or down arrow in the 'Stop Loss' field, the box
will automatically populate with the current market price (the platform uses the
bid price). On the tick chart on the left you can see how your proposed stop
level relates to the current bid and offer prices.

Source: MetaTrader 4 platform - EUR/USD order window

How to Place a Limit Order in MetaTrader 4

To place a limit order to close a position, you simply enter a target price level in
the 'Take Profit' field shown in the 'Order' window (as demonstrated above).
You can also use a limit order to open a position. To do this, you need to
change the 'Type' field from 'Market Execution' to 'Pending Order'. You can
then choose 'Buy Limit' or 'Sell Limit' from the 'Pending Order Type' dropdown
menu as required.

How to Set Orders by Pips as Default in MetaTrader 4

If you add a stop-loss or a take-profit order when you open a trade, the default
functionality is for the order levels to be expressed in absolute market levels.
Once you have added a stop or a limit order in this way, you can then go to the
'Trade' tab in the 'Terminal' window (CTRL+T to open or close this window) and
right-click on the trade you are interested in and choose 'Modify' or 'Delete

This opens an 'Order' window that will now allow you to amend your order
levels in terms of point (not pips) away from the current market price. In order to
modify the behaviour in MT4 to allow you to specify stop and limit orders as
pips as a default, you would need to run a script or an EA (Expert Advisor) to
modify the platform's functionality.

How to Change the Volume of a Trade in MetaTrader 4

In MetaTrader 4, the volume of a trade refers to the size of the trade in terms of
the number of lots. As we discussed above, when you open a trade, you need
to specify a value in the 'Volume' field of the 'Order' window. Once you have
opened a trade in a certain market, you can add to the volume (or the position
size) by opening a further position in the same direction on the same market
(obviously at a new price), or you can reduce the volume by part-closing your

Source: MetaTrader 4 - Changing the volume of a trade

How to Trade Company Stocks in MetaTrader 4

Trading CFDs on shares with MT4 is little different to trading Forex. An easy
way to see a list of share CFD prices in MT4 is to open the 'Market Watch'
window (CTRL+M to open and close). From that list, if you want to open a price
chart, simply right-click on the 'Symbol' that you're interested in and select
'Chart Window'.

Alternatively, you can click on 'Window' at the top of the MT4 platform and
select 'New Window' and then Share CFDs. This will give you a list of shares
that you can trade. When you have the share of your choice in a chart window,
just click on 'New Order' on the toolbar in order to open an 'Order' window.
From there, it's just a matter of simply choosing your trade size and choosing
whether to deal at market or work a limit or stop order.

If you do not see the share that you are interested in displayed within the
'Market Watch' window, then you need to know how to add stocks to
MetaTrader 4. This is simple – just use the shortcut CTRL+U and look for the
Share CFDs folders in the navigation tree. Let's suppose that you want to add
the German company Allianz. You would expand Share CFDs (EU) and then
select #ALV (Allianz SE).

To add to the list displayed in 'Market Watch', you would just have to click
'Show' and then 'Close'. The desired price would now appear as the last listed
item in the 'Market Watch' window, and that is how to add CFDs to MetaTrader

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How to Add Indices to MetaTrader 4

Open the 'Market Watch' window (shortcut CTRL+M). Right-click within the
window and select 'Symbols' (you can also jump directly to this using the
shortcut CTRL+U). Look for the folders in the navigation tree called 'Cash
Indices'. Expand them to reveal the available stock index CFDs.

If you would like to add one to your 'Market Watch' window, simply select it and
then click 'Show'. Click 'Close' when you have finished with the 'Symbols'
window, and your new instrument should appear at the bottom of the 'Market
Watch' window.

How to Add Commodities to MetaTrader 4

Adding commodities to MT4 is very similar to the process described above for
CFDs on shares and indices. Let's say that you want to know how to
add Gold and Silver to MetaTrader 4. Use the shortcut CTRL+U to open the
'Symbols' window. Look for the 'Spot Metals' folders. Expanding the 'Spot
Metals 1' folder reveals 'GOLD' and 'SILVER'.

Select whichever one you want to add and then click 'Show' and 'Close'. The
specified instrument will now appear at the bottom of the price list in the 'Market
Watch' window (press CTRL+M to open and close the 'Market Watch' window).
If in doubt, right-click on the 'Market Watch' window and select 'Show All', which
will display all available instruments.

How to Add Currency Pairs in MetaTrader 4

Just as described above, if there is a particular currency pair that you want to
trade, but cannot see in 'Market Watch', you can use the shortcut 'CTRL+U' to
open the 'Symbols' window and look through the navigation tree for any
currency pairs that you would like to add. To add a pair, simply click on the
symbol and click 'Show'. Alternatively, to display all instruments available for
trading, right-click in the 'Market Watch' window and select 'Show All'.

Trade Forex With Admiral Markets

Did you know that with Admiral Markets you can trade over 40 CFDs on
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Admiral Markets is an award-winning, regulated broker that offers traders the
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your live trading account!
How to Navigate In MetaTrader 4
How to Show Terminal in MetaTrader 4

You can open or close the 'Terminal' window using the shortcut 'CTRL+T'.

How to Show Trade History in MetaTrader 4

You can view trade history in MT4 via the 'Terminal' window, which you can
open and close using the shortcut 'CTRL+T'. In the 'Terminal' window, click on
the 'Account History' tab. Right-click anywhere in this window and you will see a
menu providing you with a choice of options, including 'All History', 'Last 3
Months', and 'Last Month'. You can also choose to save a 'Detailed Report'.

This includes all the trading information you might need, such as prize, size,
MetaTrader 4 trade execution time, and profit/loss. If you want to know how to
print your account history within MetaTrader 4, simply choose 'Save as Report'
or 'Save as Detailed Report'. This will save the report as a 'HTML' file. If you
open the file, it will open in your web browser. In your web browser, click the
'Edit' tab and choose 'Select All' (or use the shortcut CTRL+A).

Once you have selected all, right-click and choose 'Copy'. Now, open a word
processing application, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs, and paste the
copied data. You can then format the account balance data as you desire, and
you can then print using the application's print function.

How to Show Trading History on a Chart in MetaTrader 4

It's simple to display a trade from your account history directly on a chart in
MT4. Open the 'Terminal' window (CTRL+T to open and close) and select the
'Account History' tab. Click on a trade in the window and drag it to a chart
window. The chart will now display the instrument of the trade, and the opening
and closing levels will be marked on the chart with small arrows, joined by a
dashed line. If you hold the cursor over the arrows, the trade information will
appear as hover text.

How to View Open Trades in MetaTrader 4

As with above, you can view open trades by using the 'Terminal' window. You
can see your open trades by clicking on the 'Trade' tab.

How to Check How Much Money I Have with MetaTrader 4

To check the balance of your trading account, open the 'Terminal' window
(CTRL+T to open and close) and select the 'Trade' tab. You will be able to see
your 'Balance' displayed along with 'Equity' and your amount of 'Free Margin'.

Source: MetaTrader 4 - Checking your balance

How to Withdraw Money from MetaTrader 4

Withdrawing money from MT4 is simple, and takes just a few easy steps, using
Trader's Room:

• Log in to your Trader's Room

• Go to 'Money Operation' and click 'Withdraw Funds'
• Select the withdrawal option and then fill in your details
How to Change the Colour of Trade Levels in MetaTrader 4

As a default setting, MT4 will display levels on a price chart for any open trades
you have in a position. The defaults are a green dotted line for entry level, and
a red dotted line for both a stop-loss level and a limit (take-profit) level.
Changing the colour of trade levels is the same process as customising any
other colours in MT4 – in other words, it is completed by accessing 'Properties'.

To do this, right-click on your price chart and select 'Properties' (or use F8 as a
shortcut). From here, you can customise the colour of the stop levels. You can
also choose to turn these order level lines off entirely. To do this, choose 'Tools'
from the menu bar at the top of the platform and then select 'Options'. In the
'Options' window, uncheck 'Show' trade levels if you wish to switch this function

How to Change Chart Background in MetaTrader 4

Once again, this is controlled from the 'Properties' section in MT4. Press F8 to
open 'Properties' and ensure you have the 'Colors' tab selected. The first item
on the list is the background colour. Just click on the dropdown menu and make
your choice.

How to Install MetaTrader 4 Indicators

MT4 comes bundled with a large number of core trading indicators. You can
see these listed in the 'Indicators' folder in the 'Navigator' window. You can
expand the number of indicators available in your trading platform by installing
custom indicators.

The easiest way to expand your list of indicators is by installing MetaTrader

Supreme Edition. MTSE is a custom plugin for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5,
developed by industry professionals, with a handpicked selection of additional
indicators and trading tools that boosts the capabilities of your MetaTrader
trading platform. You can also download individual custom indicators that other
developers have coded within this platform. To download MetaTrader 4
Supreme Edition for FREE, click the banner below!

How to add a downloaded indicator in MetaTrader 4

Find the MT4 file that you have downloaded and copy it to your clipboard.
Then, in MT4, go to 'File' and select 'Open Data Folder'. From the resulting
window, open the 'MQL4' folder and then the 'Indicators' folder. Paste your
copied indicator into this folder. Then, restart MT4. The new custom indicator
should now appear in your list of indicators in the 'Navigator'.

How to Turn Off an Indicator in MetaTrader 4

To turn an indicator off, use the shortcut 'CTRL+I' to display your list of
indicators. Select the indicator you want to turn off by clicking on it and then
click on the 'Delete' button.

How to Find WMA in MetaTrader 4

A weighted moving average (or WMA) is a type of moving average and

therefore can be found as part of the Moving Average Indicator in MT4. First,
add the MA indicator to your chart by double-clicking on 'Moving Average' in the
'Indicators' folder of your 'Navigator'. This opens a dialogue window in which
you set the indicator's parameters. 'MA Method' dictates which type of moving
average you'll be using. Selecting 'Linear Weighted' gives you a 'Linear
Weighted Moving Average' (LWMA).

How to Add Templates to MetaTrader 4

It is very easy to customise the look of a chart in MT4. To do this, right-click on

your chart, select 'Properties', and then click on the 'Colors' tab. From there,
you can choose to customise the colours of the background, the foreground,
your up and down candles, and so on. Having done so, you might like to save
that look and feel for future use.

You do this by saving it as a template. Right-click on your chart again and this
time, choose 'Template' and then 'Save Template'. Once you have saved a
template, it is very easy to add it to a new chart. To do so, simply right-click on
your chart and choose 'Template' and then 'Load Template'. You can read
more about 'Templates' and 'Profiles' on the MQL4 Website.
Source: MetaTrader 4 - Adding templates to MetaTrader 4

How to Draw a Short Line in MetaTrader 4

Adding trendlines to charts can be a very useful tool. The default behaviour
when you use the 'Draw' trendline tool (the button with the diagonal line on the
toolbar) is to draw a line that extends all the way to the far right of the screen.
There may be times, however, when you just want a shorter line instead. To do
this you need to:

• Turn off your line's ray behaviour

• Double-click on your trendline
• This puts the line into edit mode. Now that you have it in edit mode, right-click on the line
and choose 'Trendline' properties.
• In the 'Trendline' window, select the 'Parameters' tab and uncheck 'Ray'. Now, you will
have short trendlines.
How to Make Trend Lines Permanent in MetaTrader 4

If you want a trendline on a certain currency pair pair to re-appear the next time
you look at that pair, you'll have to save your work as a template.

To do this, either click on 'Chart' from the menu bar at the top of the platform
and then 'Template' and then 'Save Template', or right-click on your chart and
from there choose 'Template' and then 'Save Template'. If you close MT4 and
find that you want your analysis lines again, all you have to do is go to
'Template' and this time, click on 'Load Template'. Then, select whichever
filename you saved your work under, and all your saved trendlines will re-

How to Copy a Trade on MetaTrader 4

If you're wondering how to trade on MetaTrader 4 on more than one account at

the same time, replicating trades exactly on all of them, here is the answer.
First of all, we need to look at how to use multiple accounts in MetaTrader 4. To
do this, you need to install more than one version of the MT4 platform on your
computer, assigning a different destination folder for each one.

You can then log into each individual account, using a differently located
version of MT4 for each account. For copying trades, each account needs to be
configured to allow automated trading and to allow linking to dynamic libraries.
To do this, click on 'Tools' at the top of the platform and then select 'Options'.

From the 'Options' window, choose the 'Expert Advisors' tab and check the
boxes for 'Allow Automated Trading' and 'Allow DLL imports'. The final stage is
to install a trade-copying program for MT4. You will find many examples of
MetaTrader 4 trade copy programs if you perform a search on the MQL5
Website. Using a copying Expert Advisor is therefore a method for how to link
your existing account to another computer.

How to Make a Screen Larger on MetaTrader 4

There is only so much real-estate available on your screen to display the

various windows you have open in MT4. Closing certain windows, therefore,
will cause the remaining windows to enlarge. Closing the 'Navigator' window,
for example, will cause a price chart to increase in size and take up the newly-
available space. Press 'CTRL+N' in order to toggle the 'Navigator' window on
and off. Similarly, you can use 'CTRL+T' to toggle the 'Terminal' window on and

How to Scale in on MetaTrader 4

You can zoom in and out on a chart using the + and - keys.

How to Scroll in MetaTrader 4

You can use the cursor keys to scroll left and right on a chart in MT4. The
'Page Up' and 'Page Down' keys will fast scroll to the left and right, respectively.

How to show pips in MetaTrader 4

You can monitor your running profit for your open trades by looking in the
'Trade' tab in the 'Terminal' window (CTRL+T to open and close the Terminal
window). Profit is displayed in your deposit currency by default, but it is easy to
switch this to display as pips instead. To do so, right-click in the 'Trade' window
and select 'Profit'. Then choose 'Points' instead of 'Deposit' currency. 10 points
are equal to one pip with fractional pricing.

Source: MetaTrader 4 - How to show pips in MetaTrader 4

How to Set Alerts on MetaTrader 4

Choose the 'Alerts' tab from the 'Terminal' window (CTRL+T to open and
close). Right-click anywhere in the 'Alerts' window and choose 'Create'. You
then need to fill in the criteria for the alert, such as, which market you wish to
place the alert on, what 'Value' (that is, price); which 'Condition' to apply (such
as if the Bid is less than a certain price, or if the Ask is less than a certain price,
etc.) and when you wish the alert to expire.

How to Enable Email Alerts in MetaTrader 4

Use the 'CTRL+O' shortcut to open the 'Options' window and click on the
'Email' tab. You then need to fill in the fields to configure which email server
and address is being used for relaying the email alerts to you and also to which
email address you want to ultimately receive the alerts.

First, click 'Enable' and then fill in the various fields. You may find for the
'SMTP' (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) configuration fields that it is worth
creating a Gmail account for the sole purpose of relaying this messages on to
your existing email account. Make sure to click 'Test' in order to check that it
works before clicking OK.

Source: MetaTrader 4 platform - Enabling email alerts in MetaTrader 4

How to Update MetaTrader 4

MT4 should automatically update itself to the latest version whenever a new
update is released by MetaQuotes, the software company behind the
MetaTrader family of platforms. You can see which version of MetaTrader 4
you are running by clicking 'Help' at the top of the MT4 platform and then
selecting 'About'.
Source: MetaTrader 4 - Updating MetaTrader 4

How to Change Timezone in MetaTrader 4

The timezone used in MT4 is driven by the broker that you use. You cannot
change it locally on your device. So the only real answer for how to change the
time on MetaTrader 4 is to use a broker that uses a different timezone.

How to Select Your Server in MetaTrader 4

Select 'File' from the menu bar at the top of the MT4 platform and then 'Login to
Trade Account'. The resulting popup offers you a 'Server' option, from which
you can specify a different server.

How to Mark the Days in MetaTrader 4

Using the hotkey combination 'CTRL+Y' to show (or hide) separators allows
you to mark days clearly on your hourly MT4 charts. On a daily chart, the
separators will mark the beginning of the month.

How to Restore MetaTrader 4 to Default

To restore a chart to its default settings, simply right-click on a chart and select
'Properties'. From the 'Properties' window, choose the 'Common' tab and then
click on the 'Reset' button at the bottom. If you wish to restore your whole
platform to default condition, the 'nuclear' option is to re-install MT4 on your

How to Refresh MetaTrader 4

If you have MT4 open for a long time, sometimes, you may see gaps start to
appear in chart data. You may be able to rectify this with a simple refresh –
right-click on the chart and select 'Refresh' from the menu. Sometimes, you
may have to go further and do a full manual reset of the chart data.

How to Reset MetaTrader 4

Press F2 to open the 'History Center' and then look through the directory for the
instrument and time frame you wish to refresh. Double-click on the time frame
and it will populate the window with data values. Select all the values by
clicking in the first cell, holding the shift key, scrolling all the way to the bottom,
and clicking on the final cell.

Click 'Delete' and all the values will disappear apart from one row. Click 'Delete'
again to remove this final row. Your chart will now say 'Waiting to Update'. If it it
does not fully re-populate, try going to a different time frame and then back
again. You may also have to right-click and choose 'Refresh'. When the chart
repopulates, it should remedy any gaps in your data.
Source: MetaTrader 4 - Refreshing MetaTrader 4

How to Find Your MetaTrader 4 Account Number

You can see the account number that you are logged in with by going to the
'Navigator' (CTRL+N to open and close). There should be an 'Accounts' folder
in the 'Navigator', above the 'Indicators' folder. You can see the account
number listed there


What moves the forex market?
The forex market is made up of currencies from all over the world,
which can make exchange rate predictions difficult as there are
many factors that could contribute to price movements. However,
like most financial markets, forex is primarily driven by the forces of
supply and demand, and it is important to gain an understanding of
the influences that drives price fluctuations here.

Central banks
Supply is controlled by central banks, who can announce measures
that will have a significant effect on their currency’s price.
Quantitative easing, for instance, involves injecting more money into
an economy, and can cause its currency’s price to drop.

News reports
Commercial banks and other investors tend to want to put their
capital into economies that have a strong outlook. So, if a positive
piece of news hits the markets about a certain region, it will
encourage investment and increase demand for that region’s

Unless there is a parallel increase in supply for the currency, the

disparity between supply and demand will cause its price to
increase. Similarly, a piece of negative news can cause investment
to decrease and lower a currency’s price. This is why currencies
tend to reflect the reported economic health of the region they

Market sentiment
Market sentiment, which is often in reaction to the news, can also
play a major role in driving currency prices. If traders believe that a
currency is headed in a certain direction, they will trade accordingly
and may convince others to follow suit, increasing or decreasing

What is the spread in forex trading?

The spread is the difference between the buy and sell prices
quoted for a forex pair. Like many financial markets, when you
open a forex position you’ll be presented with two prices. If you
want to open a long position, you trade at the buy price, which
is slightly above the market price. If you want to open a short
position, you trade at the sell price – slightly below the market

What is a lot in forex?

Currencies are traded in lots – batches of currency used to
standardise forex trades. As forex tends to move in small
amounts, lots tend to be very large: a standard lot is 100,000
units of the base currency. So, because individual traders won’t
necessarily have 100,000 pounds (or whichever currency
they’re trading) to place on every trade, almost all forex trading
is leveraged.

What is leverage in forex?

Leverage is the means of gaining exposure to large amounts of
currency without having to pay the full value of your trade
upfront. Instead, you put down a small deposit, known
as margin. When you close a leveraged position, your profit or
loss is based on the full size of the trade.

Learn more about how leverage works

While that does magnify your profits, it also brings the risk of
amplified losses – including losses that can exceed your
margin . Leveraged trading therefore makes it extremely
important to learn how to manage your risk.
Learn how to manage your risk

What is margin in forex?

Margin is a key part of leveraged trading. It is the term used to
describe the initial deposit you put up to open and maintain a
leveraged position. When you are trading forex with margin,
remember that your margin requirement will change depending
on your broker, and how large your trade size is.

Margin is usually expressed as a percentage of the full

position. So, a trade on EUR/GBP, for instance, might only
require 3.33% of the total value of the position to be paid in
order for it to be opened. So instead of depositing £100,000,
you’d only need to deposit £3300.

What is a pip in forex?

Pips are the units used to measure movement in a forex pair. A
forex pip is usually equivalent to a one-digit movement in the
fourth decimal place of a currency pair. So, if GBP/USD moves
from $1.35361 to $1.35371, then it has moved a single pip.
The decimal places shown after the pip are called fractional
pips, or sometimes pipettes.
The exception to this rule is when the quote currency is listed in
much smaller denominations, with the most notable example
being the Japanese yen. Here, a movement in the second
decimal place constitutes a single pip. So, if EUR/JPY moves
from ¥106.452 to ¥106.462, again it has moved a single pip.
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