11 - High Lift Pump

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Design of High lift Pump

Examlple 1 :

For a city with Population 180 000 capita, and average water
consumption 250 lit/cap/day. – working period = 15 hr/day .design :

The high lift pump .

 Ground level in the city =14.00 m
 Ground level at ground tank = 8.00 m
 L pipe = 4500 m


Qavg = Pop. * avg.w.c. =

Qmax daily=1.8 * Qavg. = 45 000*1.8=81 000

Qmin.=0.70 * Qavg. = 45 000*0.70=31 500

Qmax daily

1w  580 2s  580
1w  1500-580=920 2s  920

 Check:
- W + S = 2 + 4 = 6 < 10
- unsafe (50 : 150 )

1w  580 2s  580
2w  920/2= 460 2s  460

 Check:
- W + S = 3 + 4 = 7 < 10 safe
- safe (50 : 150 )
Ht= H static + H dynamic

- H static = Ground level in the city + 25.00 – Ground level at ground tank
= 14 +25.00 - 8.00 = 31.00 m

- H dynamic = S * L = (0.001:0.003) * L = 0.002 * 4500 = 9.00 m

1w  580 lit/sec 2s  580  515 Hp

2w  460 lit/sec 2s  460  408 Hp

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